ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E44) "God and Guns (redux) + various other rabbit-holes (LOL)"

April 20, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 44
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E44) "God and Guns (redux) + various other rabbit-holes (LOL)"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Pre-Segment 1 setup
Segment 1 - God and Guns (redux)
Lenard - The Man, The Myth, The Legend - tongue in cheek shirt poking fun
Hello to CLUELESS NATION podcast crew
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society quote examined
NAACP (Natl Assoc. for Advancement of Communist Peoples)
Getting back on-track to GOD/GUNS after a brief dive down other rabbit-holes
How The Left by their Actions, not there BS rhetoric, clearly demonstrate they are for MORE mass-shooting deaths (w/ Gun Free Slaughter Zone Laws)
The FBI "Mass-Shooting" Event stats (and, of course, depends on "what definition of Mass-Shooting is" as Left tries to PAD THE STATS w/ Gang drive by, Murder/Suicides, etc., vs actual "Mass-Shootings" they play up in #ENEMEdia to call for more Gun-Control
Quoting again Robert A Heinlein (mispronounced, due to bad note made for show, during the Show, as Heinkein)
The Leftist idiocy notions of the Old "Wild West" often mis-portrayed in movies
What about "The Duel" concept?!?!
Another aside and rabbit-hole - Thou Shalt Not Murder Innocents (far different than "Kill" as there are separate distinctions between the two in The Bible)
Also, the continued mis-quoting (actually, partial quoting, read past the first 7 words of) Matthew 7
The Old West reality (Saloon example)
The Death Penalty as Biblical Judgement and Righteous on/for Earthly Law and Sentencing/Execution (yes, meaning "execution" in multiple senses)
Guns and Self-Defense in The Bible
Are Leftists Mind-Readers? They sure like to pretend to know our intent?
30 rounds
The "You don't need 30 Bullets to Kill a Deer" strawman Leftist talking-point dismissed
The Left already ignores Gun Laws currently on books when it comes to real/actual Criminals (plea the charges away) but you/I they would not
Just like all Tyrants before, The Left wants a disarmed populace - easier to control and enslave
Ruby Ridge, WACO, The Bundy Ranch...
Queue the Jeopardy Show theme
See this Show's corresponding piece (same title) to see a very important image/meme
How about we STOP most Rapes before they happen?!?!
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Show outro
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E44) "God and Guns (redux) + various other rabbit-holes (LOL)"
Apr 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 44
Joseph M. Lenard

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CTP S1E44 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 20 2024 and thereafter) 
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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E44) "God and Guns (redux) + various other rabbit-holes (LOL)"
As will be in my "Quotations" chapter of my upcoming (June 1st 2024) CTP2 book: “Well, in the first place an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life” - Robert A Heinlein (which you will hear me mis-pronounce during the Show, my apologies) as part of "God and Guns (redux)" and indeed, yes, some various other rabbit-holes we will venture down in this episode.

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CTP S1E44 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 20 2024 and thereafter) 
at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E44) "God and Guns (redux) + various other rabbit-holes (LOL)"
As will be in my "Quotations" chapter of my upcoming (June 1st 2024) CTP2 book: “Well, in the first place an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life” - Robert A Heinlein (which you will hear me mis-pronounce during the Show, my apologies) as part of "God and Guns (redux)" and indeed, yes, some various other rabbit-holes we will venture down in this episode.

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Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

CTP S1E44 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 20 2024 and thereafter) 
at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E44) "God and Guns (redux) + various other rabbit-holes (LOL)"
As will be in my "Quotations" chapter of my upcoming (June 1st 2024) CTP2 book: “Well, in the first place an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life” - Robert A Heinlein (which you will hear me mis-pronounce during the Show, my apologies) as part of "God and Guns (redux)" and indeed, yes, some various other rabbit-holes we will venture down in this episode.  
NOTE: yes, aware something "wrong" w/ part of Video playback (Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, and YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels); to go w/ known "name mangling" in both audio/video deliveries - apologies. It almost as if "somebody" is trying to prevent this Show from getting out, but NO not re-recorded (which might risk some content being missed during a 2nd attempt to record) and airing as is ("issues" and all, editing software operator (me) error/hiccup) as the main thing is the audio content not seeing my lovely (LOL) face) and this is exactly why I do not mess with video edit inserts normally - just not my forte using the video edit software I have.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: "God and Guns" the original TLB piece  

Episode related pieces...
- corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat drop TBD  
- (+ Sports)  
- CTP S1E44 BTS/SP video image (preventing Rape by being Armed) meme embed source:   

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(CTP S1E44 Audio: 33m 36s, Sat Apr 20 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Show setup segment] 

we interrupt this broadcast I haven't
even started right but yes I'm actually interrupting my broadcast before you hear any of it starting
I'm actually recording this intro segment after recording the Megs at main segment that you'll
be hearing next but I need to interrupt and mention as I've said before you know I'm not
perfect I make mistakes and indeed this episode I make mistakes but it's part of the show
as I said raw uncut complete with blemishes I could record rerecord I mean the whole thing
but I'm not going to do that again raw uncut I make mistakes it's part of my honesty with
you the audience there's mistakes in the show what is the mistake well despite growing up
one of my favorite books I was a sci-fi lover well still am I read the moon is a harsh mistress
by Robert a Heinlein now say it's pronounced haing lane like a I and like rain but it's
spelled H E I N L E I N but in my notes for recording the show I made a typo and I put
the K in there so through the main segment you'll hear me mispronouncing his name as Heinlein
a K instead of an L in there and again I'm still not even sure if Heinlein is right or
if it's a lane so my apologies and please check out the Heinlein or a Heinlein H E I N L E
I N society org that will be in the show notes I am a fan of his even though I got his name
wrong again I apologize you may know him for being the author of Starship troopers which
there was a big deal I said moon is a harsh mistress was one of my favorite books growing
up and frankly I wish they would make that a movie I don't know why they happen if I
had any say I would make that a movie but my apologies upfront for the mistakes you're
going to hear in the main segment coming up now and if you're looking on bit shoot bright
beyond rumble YouTube normally I give you the behind the scenes sneak peek video completely
raw and uncut there are some cuts I did cut it up to cut it down a bit knowing that I
need to now record this intro to segue in and let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

greetings everyone
welcome to season one episode 44 God and guns redo or part two if you will before I get
into the show for those of you looking on behind the scenes sneak peek on the bit shoot
bright on rumble or YouTube channel you see I'm wearing my Leonard the man the myth the
legend shirt and yes I wear that tongue in cheek for the benefit of those reading the
transcript I am laughing out loud at myself no I don't think I'm all that it's a joke
shirt it's for fun used to wear it quite often on savage done filtered which I'm co-hosting
far less than I did but still co-hosting savage done filtered with Michael Gardner on occasion
and I used to wear the shirt because it would drive the fans of a competing hateful spiteful
envious cover this people you know that they don't want to work for anything they want
to steal everything from somebody else for them to have at any rate yes I know I did it
again I'm saying it again one of these days I got to try to get over that verbal crutch
but for now at any rate yes Leonard the man the myth the legend shirt a rival to savage
done filtered podcast that I'm also with we call them the coolest nation by cool was nation
if any of you are tuned into Christituchel's politics podcast we think that show probably
died off it doesn't seem to be around anymore they they were trying to get their fame by
attacking me and Michael it seemed so hence wearing the shirt my sister bought for me
as a gag gift one birthday or whatever it was to tweak that audience I would wear the
shirt so if you're looking on Christituchel's politics podcast bitch you brighty I'm rumble
you to BTSSP find the scene sneak peek video you can see I'm wearing that shirt hung in
cheek please don't get on the tweeter and all that well this letter guy thinks he's the
next stinger he thinks he's the second coming or something or because believe me yes some
react that stupidly to a joke shirt because they do take themselves far too seriously any
right now what is that I need an any rate count that's what we're up to four or five of those
now on the show and armed society is a polite society manners are good when one may have
to back up his axe with his life Robert a hanken as discussed on trigger talk show Saturdays
11 Eastern time to noon and then there's a part two or a continuance non-contiguous
from thirteen hundred one p.m. Eastern time to two p.m. fourteen hundred Eastern time
Saturdays you can go to Wham radio dot com listen live I also usually call into Richard
Clark Gatorin has retired so moment of clarity is gone that used to be Saturday from one
to two in the afternoon Dick cupkey of trigger talk is taking over that hour for now to be
a can non-continuous continuation of his show and I always listen to Ed Bond or rank as
your American heritage most of the Saturday shows like nine a.m. Eastern abolitionist
roundtable with black conservative host Phil Stargill and co-host psychic Bruce Flurry the
author of the Negro project all about Margaret Sanger that founded plant slaughterhood to
exterminate black children and still does a pretty good job of that today but the left
is all on board with that in fact the NAACP we at times protest out by the NAACP convention
at Cobo Hall here in Detroit when they have it because the NAACP you would think it stands
for national association for the advancement of colored people hmm used to be a very conservative
organization was founded by abolitionist Republican whites and blacks back when co-opted by the
left now but they funnel millions of NAACP funds to plant slaughterhood how does that
advance color people if you're killing colored people and for anyone who's upset oh my god
the white guy is saying colored people it's in the name national association for the advancement
of colored people if it's a problem change the name of the organization it should be the national
association for the advancement of communist people because that's exactly really what it is now and
arm of the fashek cracks gone way way way off track down a rabbit hole here I hope you're still tuned
in hoping to know thank you I'm gonna get back on track here now as I said I did speak with Dick
a cupkey of trigger talk and how the left really doesn't care and actually must seem to what about
a dozen on average more deaths per mass shooting incident yes I'm reading this from my TLB
associated corresponding correlating piece that's dropping also Saturday I'm looking at my calendar
April the 20th the show and the article will be dropping God and guns redo continuing to read
ignoring the stats and the reality for the unicorn fart fantasy of their delusion world where gun-free
slaughter zones which is what they are feel good but do nothing measures results we need to measure
results and those results are on average 14 these are old stats from a few years ago so I'm not
looked up the FBI got golf current exact decimal point but it's about the same on average 14.3 mass
casualties in a shooting waiting on police to intervene 2.3 a dozen left on average where there are
law abiding second amendment supporters cheering to be able to intervene to intercede and to stop
the slaughter while the police as the saying goes when seconds matter the police are minutes away if
not an hour just to take the report and clean up the mess so lawfully armed citizens save live
those are the facts facts matter facts don't care about your feeling as the saying goes so
gun-free slaughter zones are just that the criminals know they go to a gun-free zone because
they know they will be able to kill more people before they're confronted by someone else with a
gun to stop them all this was discussed with dick on trigger talk as well as of course I'm going to
repeat that quote at the top of the show and armed society is a polite society manners are good when
one may have to back up his axe with his life Robert a hankin that is from a hankin sci-fi book it
doesn't matter it is a valid statement it is the reality when everyone is armed people are on
their better manners I've also discussed on trigger talk in the past it's not like the old spaghetti
westerns on TV in the old west where everybody was strapping and there was a shootout every five
second that's not how it works except for in the movies yeah an occasional shootout at the okay
corral two people engaging to consenting adults battling their differences via a duel is that really
a problem I really don't get how that would really be a problem if two people want to have a shootout
against each other not shooting innocent people and as I just spoke with thai young in the special
DTP midweek drop where we talk about the need for more upbeat and positive entertainment and that was
one of the rabbit holes we went down was thou shalt not murder is the real proper context as is
Matthew seven condemn that lusty be condemned because there is a dozen other scriptures that tell you
exactly to judge biblically on one standard biblically not be a hypocrite hold yourself and others to the same
biblical set of standards the spaghetti western thing indeed you walk it to a saloon where everybody's
armed it is really stupid to draw on an innocent person thou shalt not murder innocence because a
whole room of other people are gonna draw down on you to stop you hence the hand can quote that's
proper and armed society is a polite society that's why the criminals go to the gun free slaughter
zone where they won't be confronted this is simple stuff just basic common sense but yet
some cannot get it and it is biblical the other thing I'm gonna flip through my pages so I get it
right because I know when I spoke with thai and we were talking thou shalt not murder innocence
it's different thou shalt not kill because in certain instances killing is okay in the Bible
for example the death penalty is biblical and I went talking to sigh I goofed I misquoted I said
look at Genesis due to rid of me and Leviticus well it's Genesis numbers and Leviticus Genesis 9 6
the important one who so shedith man's blood by man shall his blood be shed the death penalty
it's in there it's biblical killing innocent unborn children not biblical as also is self-defense
Exodus 22 2 if a thief is caught breaking in that night and of course you know night here in that
census metaphorical if it happens during the day in law we have today and I'm sure Jesus would agree
it doesn't matter if it's day or night and is struck I say the blow the intruder the would be
robber the would be potential murderer or rapist of your family is struck a thalemol the defender
is not guilty of bloodshed our American laws are based on biblical tenants our Judeo-Christian
ethos foundations whether you like it or not atheist that's how it is that's the way it is
that's the way it should be because if someone breaks it to your home you don't know their intent
you can't be a mind reader if you make it known your presence and they don't skedaddle if you make
it known I am armed in some way I will defend myself my family and my property and they still
don't skedaddle then it's safe to make the assumption why would you not make the assumption
say are willing to kill for what they want and you would be the kill e to that killer as well as
potentially your spouse and your children so yes you can could and should defend yourself now
opening a 30 round clip into somebody yeah now that's uh would be deemed other than just self
defense in the law all right you need to stop the threat and that's it you don't want to be a murderer
yourself but if in defense of yourself you under Exodus 22-2 and most states laws if under self
defense you accidentally kill the person you're not guilty of murder that is an exception to the
murder laws I mentioned don't empty a 30 round clip so let's cover again I'll read this so I get
it right okay and lunch just very quickly dispel the hole you don't need 30 shots to kill a deer
war hunt crowd devoid of any concept why the USA Constitution second amendment was created nor do
you need 30 shots to stop a single intruder right duh however you don't know if there's one and
30 people knowing I'll bet your door breaking in you have to be prepared for the worst however
you do to stop for those roving criminal gangs that may come all potentially illegally armed because
you on the left criminals do not obey your dumb gun free slaughter zone laws and they may come in
the dozens since especially now you refuse on the left to lock away criminals they're right back
out on the street to commit ever more and higher escalating crimes the left loves to cry about guns
guns guns we need more gun laws well the fact of the matter is most of your d.a. your sorrows
prosecutors and d.a.s and uh the like bleed market away the gun charges that they could and should
be locked away for so you're not enforcing the gun laws we have but yet you're always crying
we need more gun laws because of course the real bottom line here is that you want to completely
disarm society so that the fashion craft can have their boot on the throat of everyone with no
no real potential pushback every tyrant in the history of time whether it be swords or knives
or guns disarms the citizens so they can lord over as a tyrant as a fascist as a socialist as a
communist as a whatever continuing ask those at ruby ridge and ask those at the bundies ranch more
recently whom luckily by having source of others with them who were armed avoided being ruby ridge
slaughtered by our own government when they were no real threat if there was a need to
arrest someone like weaver of ruby ridge his patterns were known he could have arrested them
off property they didn't do it david korash remember the wakeo janet rio slaughter of the
branch Davidians they could have arrested david crush i think it was like every
thursday he went to some record shop or something uh you know so there's no need for these
armed swat raids on these compounds who arrest one person if it's even a valid arrest which a lot
of the times it's not at any rate oh there's another one is that we up to six now
now since this is a part two there isn't really a huge need to go on and on and on
please go over to the liberty beacon dot com and indeed check out the corresponding correlating
god and guns redo peace over at the liberty beacon dot com in there you will find embedded
my discussion was saw young about entertainment but there's a bunch of rabbit holes we go down
that are well worth your listening to including the thou shalt not murder versus thou shalt not
kill as well as an embedded video of the original ctp i forget what season one but i forget exactly
off the top of my head let me look through my notes actually that'll be in my notes so
cue the jeopardy thing while i stall for time here here it is uh oh nope i don't have it in
there either yet i've got to look it up what episode it is so that it will be properly
uh noted over on the liberty beacon and also there's an embedded image that was in the original
god and guns piece to wrap things up tick cupkey of trigger talk wam radio dot com you can go there
listen live to any show any day of the week i usually participate in the saturday shows as a
caller and indeed we covered this ground which then made me think it was time to do a god and guns
redo and especially if nothing else to mention that quote and it's real bearing whether it was
a fictional quote a quote from a fictional book or not doesn't make it any less relevant to reality
and today's world so it was important in my mind that we did that and again if you're tuning in
late if you're seeing the behind the scenes video runner the man the myth the legend shirt
yes it's tongue and cheek please it's tongue and cheek it's laughing at myself poking front
of myself because there are so many people that are so darn consumed with themselves that's a whole
other show we could do on the hubris and pride but that image i can't state it's a meme on one part
of the image it's got a woman crying and the other contrast or the other side of the cone coin
the other part of the image it shows a woman pulling a gun from her purse clearly armed and
the caption reads democrats want to make sure you have the right to have an abortion if you get raped
republicans conservatives i dare say christitucianists i dare say want to make sure you can have a gun
to prevent the rape from happening wouldn't that be better how about we stop the rapes because i
had one idiot on dab one time gab social media wouldn't be we're talking about these issues and
i shared that meme but someone on gab said uh you know a gun doesn't stop all crimes well you know
we can't stop all rapes from happening does that mean we shouldn't try to stop as many rapes as we can
carjacking you're probably never going to get rid of all them but does that mean we just
don't bother to prosecute carjacking at all the the left and their devoid of any reason as logic
is just amazing so thank you for tuning in to god and guns redo season one episode 44 do i have
next week planned i don't have next week next week's show planned yet otherwise i was going to give you
a heads up as to what was coming next so guess what it's going to be a surprise to me too hahaha
i don't have next week's show planned yet sometimes these things are planned out weeks in advance
sometimes i'm flying by the seat of my pants i hope that can appeal to you in this audience
that you know i'm not some staged fake fraud phony scripted corporate podcaster who's handed
stuff each week here you're going to do this here no this show is ours so by all means go to joseph and again Leonard is without an o it looks like lonard it's not french joseph
mlantern no o and you can hit the contact tab reach out to me if you've got a
suggestion for the show or if you want to come on the show and provide to listen or feedback i'm
not perfect i've sent this over and over again i just said it with sai young i'm the special
that just dropped a few days ago uh wednesday the 17th as a matter of fact i'm actually recording
this on tuesday don't tell anybody i'm recording this tuesday the 17th the show with sai is dropping
on the 18th i'll actually be dropping it tomorrow but you can find it on the youtube behind the
seeds there today about too late you'll be hearing this on saturday now thank you for tuning in
please tell your friends about this show we need to create a christitou's
fullest movement 30 to 50 million supposed christians aren't even registered to vote
you shall be known by your fruits you've got to get off your butt and be involved
you've got to at least vote and voting is enough you need to be involved year round to really know
what's going on if you're complaining about candidates in november i know this is a completely different
rabbit hole but it's too late you've got to be involved in the winter to get good candidates
for the spring primaries so we have better candidates in the fall to be able to vote for
that's enough rabbit holes i should say for one episode here i've gone off track enough thank you
all take care god bless 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "God and Guns" the original TLB piece [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

[1,450-ish words, 1 image, 3 videos]

God and Guns... 
VIDEO (5m 47s): God & Guns (Lynyrd Skynyrd):
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Thank you, and others, for the posts re: Guns and 2A. As with many of my pieces, this one too inspired by all the commentary of others all across Social-Media platforms.
I did NOT cover any of such in my ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics book, but recognize I need to address such in ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics 2 book that is planned for Summer 2024 to lead-in and attempt to influence the 2024 Election!!! So, here goes…
First, and this may seem like an aside, but it is not and will make sense as you traverse this writing… The Commandment is “Thou Shalt Not MURDER” versus the improperly twisted/weakened “Thou Shalt Not KILL” as there is a big difference – as we will discuss here-in. Thou Shalt Not MURDER INNOCENTS, but there are times (Biblically, and in our USA Laws) where lethal-force is allowed and actually justified! Defense of one’s own life, life of others, to repel hordes of invaders, or other aggressing tyrants, looking to enslave by force.

This is long overdue for me to address (as too the discussion of “need repeal of 17th Amendment” in “Odds and Ends” TheLibertyBeacon piece of mine)! Should have always had death penalty for terrorists, and others (but Left seems to think it compassionate to allow Murderers back out on Streets to Murder more innocent people (not compassionate to/for victims, or their families)).

While I do not get into the punishment aspects (other than killing them on the battlefield) of terrorism in my Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You book; or very often in social-media discussions; something that has always troubled me is how some think nothing about murdering an innocent Child in the womb but get all squeamish about putting a murderer (even a Serial Killer, or other mass-murderers outside of terrorism crimes) to death.

And, actually, the latter is Biblical, the former is not....

Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

Numbers 35:30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.

Leviticus 24:17 And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death.

As too is Self-Defense… 
Exodus 22:2: “If a thief is caught breaking in at night & is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed.”
Which Ted Cruz does a great Job taking on idiot Leftist Alyssa Malano and her Feewings versus the Bible, the Law, etc..

I could go on and on, I could lay out so many other arguments, however if one is a fellow ChristiTutionalist TM then one should already understand and be supporting the Constitution. The whole Constitution, not just parts convenient one minute to the next. The 2nd Amendment is the force (threat there-of, anyway) that backs any and all of the main body and/or any Amendments against potential tyranny that would impose.

Every single tyrant, throughout all history has known the only way to assure complete power and control is to disarm the people – prevent any real ability to overthrow them (or resist their boot applied to the peoples’ throats). Anyone hasn’t learned this basic and easy to understand history deserves their shackles if they allow themselves to be disarmed. And, of course, large part why modern USA Left/FASCICRATS (other tyrants) also don’t want history taught or understood – both a dumb and unarmed populace is easier to Reign over. Just provide some degree of Bread and Circuses, as we’ve discussed in other TLB pieces – dumb, fat, lazy, basic minimal comforts, complacent.

VIDEO (5m 17s): Saturday Night Special (Live At Knebworth '76, Lynyrd Skynyrd):
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[Now, of course, if you pay attention to the other tune GOD & GUNS embedded here, you will understand their position and “tune” (pun intended) has changed on 2A since then, or maybe not and it was “just a song” with no intended political connotations intended back then like GOD & GUNS clearly intends.]

And let’s just very quickly dispel the whole “You don’t need 30 shots to Kill a Deer” moron crowd devoid of any concept why the USA Constitution 2nd Amendment was created. Nor do you need 30 shots to STOP A SINGLE INTRUDER – however YOU DO for those roving Criminal gangs that may come (all potentially ILLEGALLY Armed (cuz, you libtards, Criminals do not obey your dumb #GunFreeZone #SlaughterZone Laws)) in dozens (since especially now you refuse to lock away Criminals and they are free to rape, murder, and maim, again), you do for Leftist Mobs that come in waves, you do to protect against and deter a Tyrannical Government illegal Alphabet Agency over-stepping its authority (ask those at Ruby Ridge, ask the Bundy’s more recently (whom luckily by having force of others with them avoided being “Ruby Ridge’d”), more/etc.).

Again, obviously there is a whole lot more could be said. Plenty of historic reasoning behind why we have the 2nd Amendment here in USA. Could quote our Founders and their writings. Will, here, just make brief mention of how the #ENEMEdia never, ever, speaks on how many people are saved from being Murdered (or Raped (which will be addressed in future article in December titled “Can one ‘generalize’ about Women Voters”)) by a Law abiding legal-carrier of a Gun there to stop a “Bad Guy with a Gun” (no-one dies, or only the offending Criminal does; and we sadly know The Left prefers to coddle Criminals than actual victims of Crime) because it doesn’t suit the Gun-control desire/narrative – and how Gun-Free-Zones are just Slaughter-zones for those looking to Kill. While any loss of life is regrettable The Left can’t figure out 2A saves lives – as FBI/DOJ stats show (again, #ENEMEdia wants to hide) on average mass-shooting casualties are under 3 people where a CPL holder is carrying to nip the event/slaughter in the bud, versus waiting on Police and average deaths exceeds 14. Need I even remind how The Left Elites want you disarmed, #DefundThePolice, meanwhile they are always surrounded by lots of people with high-powered high-capacity Guns to keep them safe.

Further, how so many fail to learn from history of the loss of any and all Freedoms when tyrants ascend and first thing they do is disarm the populace so they cannot resist the coming tyranny. However, a Leftist will never learn no matter how many times we point out FACTS and REALITY over their Feewings. However too, since this is indeed titled “God and Guns” (and since I author “ChristiTutionalist TM Politics” the book (CTP2, slated to release Summer 2024), and the CTP podcast) we’ll stick with the Biblical applications and implications above.

14.3 - average mass-casualties in shooting waiting on Police to intervene
2.3  - average mass-casualties in shooting when met with 2A carriers to STOP THEM
Lawfully Armed Citizens SAVE LIVES

All gave some, some gave all --- honoring fallen beyond one “Memorial” weekend (LEO’s, Military, others that faithfully PROTECT AND SERVE to preserve Freedom and Security under our Constitution (equally/equality) and remembering our Freedoms/Rights for all. They make it possible for me to be able to freely post this, and you to read it without threat of FASCICRATS beating in your door for (Orwell style) WRONG-THINK (at least, SO FAR, for many/most (some illegally, improperly, held as Political Prisoners on trumped up charges that is happening already) sadly many refuse to do even the bare-minimum to preserve our Freedoms/Republic so many fought and died for). Remember those Fighting, fought, or died in Service to our great Nation!

I had intended to make mentions of Brian Terry (RIP fellow former Michiganian), FastAndFurious #obaMAO/Holder gun-running mess, disarming Americans, arming our enemies (Cartels, Criminals, Taliban), etc… but I’ve gone “long” again and I KNOW YOU, THIS AUDIENCE, are informed and involved and therefore I can just invoke those to further evoke imagery and points you all know those would portend my words on. As for those reading who are not “knowledgeable” on, please DuckDuckGo, GIBIRU, or FreeSpoke, your own follow-up (yep, sorry, providing Homework, LOL) Research on those.

VIDEO (2m 49s): Agent Killed in 'Fast and Furious' Gun Operation (ABC News):  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[Can you believe ABC News gave an HONEST Report on it and the cover-up?]

Coming soon to a blog and podcast near you! See what I did there? For those who will get it. Grey Areas, Grey Areas 2, Odds and Ends 2, Year in Review, more…

FYI: also coming likely December 30th a kinda “follow-up” to this to be titled: “Can one ‘generalize’ about Women Voters.” Now, by that title will seem odd to call that part-2ish of this piece, so let me share sneak-peek of image that will appear there-in to add “clarification” and “tease” (LOL, to entice you to look forward to it) on how it does relate:
[image source:]

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "God and Guns" the original TLB piece [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

Show intro
Pre-Segment 1 setup
Segment 1 - God and Guns (redux)
Lenard - The Man, The Myth, The Legend - tongue in cheek shirt poking fun
Hello to CLUELESS NATION podcast crew
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society quote examined
NAACP (Natl Assoc. for Advancement of Communist Peoples)
Getting back on-track to GOD/GUNS after a brief dive down other rabbit-holes
How The Left by their Actions, not there BS rhetoric, clearly demonstrate they are for MORE mass-shooting deaths (w/ Gun Free Slaughter Zone Laws)
The FBI "Mass-Shooting" Event stats (and, of course, depends on "what definition of Mass-Shooting is" as Left tries to PAD THE STATS w/ Gang drive by, Murder/Suicides, etc., vs actual "Mass-Shootings" they play up in #ENEMEdia to call for more Gun-Control
Quoting again Robert A Heinlein (mispronounced, due to bad note made for show, during the Show, as Heinkein)
The Leftist idiocy notions of the Old "Wild West" often mis-portrayed in movies
What about "The Duel" concept?!?!
Another aside and rabbit-hole - Thou Shalt Not Murder Innocents (far different than "Kill" as there are separate distinctions between the two in The Bible)
Also, the continued mis-quoting (actually, partial quoting, read past the first 7 words of) Matthew 7
The Old West reality (Saloon example)
The Death Penalty as Biblical Judgement and Righteous on/for Earthly Law and Sentencing/Execution (yes, meaning "execution" in multiple senses)
Guns and Self-Defense in The Bible
Are Leftists Mind-Readers? They sure like to pretend to know our intent?
30 rounds
The "You don't need 30 Bullets to Kill a Deer" strawman Leftist talking-point dismissed
The Left already ignores Gun Laws currently on books when it comes to real/actual Criminals (plea the charges away) but you/I they would not
Just like all Tyrants before, The Left wants a disarmed populace - easier to control and enslave
Ruby Ridge, WACO, The Bundy Ranch...
Queue the Jeopardy Show theme
See this Show's corresponding piece (same title) to see a very important image/meme
How about we STOP most Rapes before they happen?!?!
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