Kansas City's Northeast Newscast
Welcome to the Northeast Newscast, presented by Kansas City's Northeast News! Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant community of Historic Northeast as our dedicated team takes you on a captivating journey. Join us for insightful interviews with community leaders, stay informed about the latest events in and around the neighborhood, and engage in thought-provoking discussions on the pressing issues shaping the Historic Northeast. Whether you're a resident or just curious about the neighborhood, the Northeast Newscast is your go-to source for all things Historic Northeast. Tune in and connect with the heartbeat of Kansas City!
Kansas City's Northeast Newscast
146: Independence Ave. CID Avenue Angels with Titan's Josh Leon
On this week's episode of the Northeast Newscast I sat down with Titan Director of Operations Josh Leon to discuss their security presence on Independence Avenue. The Independence Avenue Community Improvement District is patrolled by Titan’s Avenue Angels, who, among many other things, work to build relationships with business owners and deter crime. Check out the Northeast Newscast at northeastnews.net or wherever you listen to podcasts.