The Jose Show

Revolutionizing Air Travel Accessibility and the Power of Everyday Kindness

July 30, 2023 Jose Roldan Jr
Revolutionizing Air Travel Accessibility and the Power of Everyday Kindness
The Jose Show
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The Jose Show
Revolutionizing Air Travel Accessibility and the Power of Everyday Kindness
Jul 30, 2023
Jose Roldan Jr

Ever been on a flight and experienced the hassle of cramped bathrooms? You're not alone! In our latest podcast episode, I, Jose Roldan Jr., explore a groundbreaking change in airplane accessibility rules that could turn the tables for people with disabilities - a new requirement for bathrooms on single-aisle planes to accommodate two people. I share how this could revolutionize air travel, get personal about my own experiences, and even throw in a mystery term from a recent movie for good measure.

How often do we underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness? The second half of our episode shifts to the subtler, but equally important, topic of everyday kindness. I recount a touching incident involving a stranger's unexpected act of kindness to a hardworking landscaper on a scorching day. Tune in as we explore how these small gestures, regardless of political views or affiliations, can resonate deeply and remind us of our shared humanity, especially in these challenging times. Tune in, get inspired, and let's spread some kindness together!

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever been on a flight and experienced the hassle of cramped bathrooms? You're not alone! In our latest podcast episode, I, Jose Roldan Jr., explore a groundbreaking change in airplane accessibility rules that could turn the tables for people with disabilities - a new requirement for bathrooms on single-aisle planes to accommodate two people. I share how this could revolutionize air travel, get personal about my own experiences, and even throw in a mystery term from a recent movie for good measure.

How often do we underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness? The second half of our episode shifts to the subtler, but equally important, topic of everyday kindness. I recount a touching incident involving a stranger's unexpected act of kindness to a hardworking landscaper on a scorching day. Tune in as we explore how these small gestures, regardless of political views or affiliations, can resonate deeply and remind us of our shared humanity, especially in these challenging times. Tune in, get inspired, and let's spread some kindness together!

To contact The Jose Show click on the link below and see all the social media sites I am on.
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Speaker 1:

This is the Jose Show, and welcome to another exciting episode of the Jose Show. I am your host, jose Roldan Jr. Hey folks, how's it going today? I'm doing pretty good.

Speaker 1:

It's Sunday afternoon and I live here in Florida and let me tell you the oh, my goodness, it is so hot, like when you walk outside. The heat mugs you. Yeah, it's like it mugs you, isn't that crazy? Anyway, I don't know where everybody is at that's listening to this podcast episode, but make sure you stay hydrated. If you feel like you're going to faint, get inside. Take care of yourself, because this heat is no joke. If you have dogs that are outside, please bring them in, or any type of animal that may be outside. Either get some kind of fan for them, heck, even your chickens. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's hot for your chickens outside. You know you got to keep them cool. Keep them with plenty of fresh water, drink plenty of water yourself, but don't drink too much to where you're sick. Definitely, we don't want nobody to get sick, so okay.

Speaker 1:

So we got a few things we're going to do today and I'm just going to kind of do them in segments a little bit. I don't know. It seems to be easier to do what I want to do in this episode in segments. So segment one I'm going to be reading from a news article. It's from ABC News. It says room for two.

Speaker 1:

Feds want small planes bathrooms to be big enough for two people. All right, so I don't know if you've been on a plane lately, but man, let me tell you, these bathrooms are like super tiny, especially if it's one of those planes that have like five seats, or like four seats, I think, two on one side, two on the other, or maybe two on one side and three on the other, and literally there is no room, hardly in the bathroom. Especially if you're a bigger person, and definitely if you're on the plane, you don't want to sit in the very back seat because, man, if somebody has major, a major mess, you're going to smell it for the remainder of the flight. So let me just read this. It says the Department of Transportation on Wednesday announced a rule that will require airlines to make laboratories on new single aisle planes large enough for two people to enter, in a move to make bathrooms more accessible.

Speaker 1:

Traveling can be stressful enough without worrying about being able to access a restroom. Hold on a second, I just lost that one. It just changed on me. Traveling can be stressful enough without worrying about being able to access a restroom, yet today, millions of wheelchair users are forced to choose between dehydrating themselves before boarding a plane or avoiding air travel altogether, said Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and a press release announcing the rule. The rule was authorized through the Air Carrier Access Act and it specifies that the laboratories will need to be large enough passengers with disabilities and their attendance to enter and maneuver within the space. In twin aisle aircraft, accessible laboratories have been required since 1990, yet as the range and fuel efficiency of single aisle aircraft have increased, these planes now take longer flights that can leave passengers with disabilities with no way to ease the bathroom for hours on end. John Morris, the founder of wheelchair travelorg, is a triple amputee who travels frequently. Next week he's flying from Boston to Los Angeles on a plane without any accessible laboratory.

Speaker 1:

Denying someone the ability to go to the bathroom is certainly a form of torture that has been used by rogue individuals in human history. Morris said I just don't think that that should be the case on an airplane. So anyway, I don't need to read anymore. This is, like I said, an ABC News article. I'm sure if you just look up Room for Two ABC News, you should see this article. Anyway, you know, I've never thought about that, especially somebody that is in a wheelchair not being able to use these bathrooms. That that literally never crossed my mind. But they should be able to. And I do agree, I don't even think you can even get a wheelchair down some of these aisles of an airplane, but that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not being able to use the restroom, especially if you're flying, can be a torture. Trust me, I've been there many times, not just in airplanes, but, you know, even in my own travels, when I'm driving with somebody. Man, when you got to go, you got to go because if not, you're gonna go, if you know what I mean. I mean it's, it's, it's like one of those things dude, get me to the bathroom or something is gonna happen. Exactly, thank you, soundboard for that. But, um, yeah, so apparently, from what I read, it's gonna.

Speaker 1:

It could take up to a couple of years because these are Apparently on new airplanes that are being built. You know, you got lucky Martin, boeing, airbus and, I guess, a few other manufacturers around the world that actually makes planes. And, yeah, let's make it accessible for everybody, because it's these things are just so tiny. I mean, especially if you've been in the bathroom on the airplane man, there is so much turbulence, like you're like just running around and shaking and breaking, and he could almost get injured from being in a bathroom. So definitely when I go, I, if I fly, I try not to drink too much liquid Just because of that reason, and I'm not in a wheelchair. I just don't want to have to get up and try to use the bathroom. So I'm glad that they're actually finally doing something about this. You know, we live in a world where everybody is different and we need to kind of accommodate those that would love to travel but can't because of something like this. So kudos to the powers that be for doing this. All right.

Speaker 1:

So in our next segment we're gonna be talking about a term that I heard in a movie and I can't remember the name of the movie, but Basically it's random acts of kindness. So my definition of random acts of kindness is we just go out of our way to do something for somebody and it projects that the person that's doing this for somebody is nice, has a heart, they're caring and they're willing to help. That's my definition of a random act of kindness. I don't know what yours is, but it's probably similar to mine. So actually I have two Random acts of kindness that actually happened this week or this weekend.

Speaker 1:

So I was driving to my daughter's house because I had to cut her grass and she lives in this housing development. Now, it's not like one of these fancy to do housing developments, it's just a you know housing development that was built probably 40 years ago maybe, and so I decided, you know, as I'm heading over there, I seen my friend Mike, and he's also a land, not a land, he's a groundskeeper maintenance. He does kind of can't remember the term. Anyway, he cuts grass, pools, weeds, landscaper. Yeah, he's a landscaper, that's the term.

Speaker 1:

I keep forgetting that term and I was talking to him for a while and it was really hot and you know, cutting grass, especially in the heat, man, it is murder to your system. You got to drink plenty of fluids Gatorade, powerade, water. I suggest drinking water first and maybe, if you want Gatorade or Powerade, maybe you can throw that into the mix. And as we're talking, the lady on the other side of the street brings him a bottle of water. Now, the crazy thing is he wasn't cutting her grass, he was cutting her neighbors across the street.

Speaker 1:

So to me that's a random act of kindness. So she was talking to him and that's when I decided I would go ahead and go and and I'm pretty sure she was talking to him while he was drinking the bottle of water, so that way he cools down because, trust me, man, in this heat you do not want to pass out. Man, if you got your kids babies, please bring them in. Or if you're gonna be out in the heat, have some kind of portable fan on them that's battery operated, or cover them up. Just don't take this heat for granted. It will kill you if you're not careful.

Speaker 1:

So I thought that random act of kindness where the lady brings a bottle and gives it to the landscaper to drink was just pure random, and I like stuff like that because it just shows you there's still good people in the world, regardless of their political view. You know we live in this world now that, oh, you're a Trump or you're a Biden person and we hate you for that. Oh my goodness, people just need to grow the freak up and love people for who they are, not for who they like. I mean, if you like Biden, that's your business, if you like Trump, that's your business. Hating each other because of it is just pure stupid. You know, and to me and this is my opinion the government was the one that started all this hate toward everybody, and we have to overcome that. We don't need to hate, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

If you go to church, the Lord wants you to love your neighbor, even your enemy. Now that doesn't mean that you have to hang out and be chummy-chummy with your enemy. That's entirely up to you. But we're supposed to love our neighbor. We're supposed to be kind, friendly, gentle and just do random acts of kindness if possible. Trust me, god blesses those that are Christian and non-Christian. Yes, god blesses all of us in some way, shape or form. I mean, we may not have any problems with our vehicles. Somehow our gas lasts a little bit longer than it normally has, or our paycheck. Somehow we got a little extra time at work, so we got a little bit more money on our paycheck. You're not getting sick as much. So God blesses us in different ways. Now, whether you believe if God blesses you or not, that's totally up to you. That's just some of my experiences myself.

Speaker 1:

Now there is another random act of kindness that happened this week or this weekend, excuse me. So the lady that lives next door to my daughter, she rents and she had like a pile of branches next to her air conditioner and so I'm like, hey, is your landlord gonna like move those branches? Because it's like harboring, like snakes and rats and mice and all that stuff, because when it's built up like that, especially when the grass is high, it will attract things like that. And I have a granddaughter and she has three kids and you know I don't want to see neither one of them get bit, or my daughter or her for that fact. So she's like no, my landlord basically said I have to do it and I'm going. You know, that's just so crazy. This lady is a single mom of three and the kids are very young. And she said she was just gonna rent like a truck from Lowe's and then just dispose of it herself.

Speaker 1:

So I got to thinking you know what, I'm tired of looking at it because it's been there for probably about six months and the grass is kind of overgrown. So I called my friend and he does like yard debris removal and he ended up coming picking it up and then, as he was picking it up, I kind of cut the grass around it so that way he didn't have to walk in the tall grass. And then, when he finally got it up, I cut it, weeded it or trimmed it, whatever you want to call and then he came back behind me and picked up any loose branches that he couldn't see while he was picking it up the first time. And then the lady that lives in the other side of the duplex Asked him how much it was to cut the grass, and she paid to have the entire front yard and Both sides left side and right side cut. So that way, when that lady came home, she had no branches, she had a nice, well manicured lawn, and that's another random act of kindness that I was able to provide to help this lady. You know, and I'm not expecting any type of payment, if she wanted to, that's fine. You know, a thanks is good enough for me. I showed her the picture. She was tickled pink and, you know, sometimes if we do stuff we actually feel good about it. It's just amazing that People do stuff like this.

Speaker 1:

People do random acts of kindness. I used to have a former preacher's wife that the church I used to attend and she said Back in the day, when she would go through the drive-thru at McDonald's, she would also do a random act of kindness and what she would do is she would literally pay for the person behind her, pay for their meal. No, if it was $5, $10, $20, whatever, she would actually pay for that. That's a random act of kindness and that's pretty neat. So I I told her, I said, well, let me, let me know when you're gonna do it again so I can be behind you. And she laughed, you know, so that way she could pay for my meal. And so, oh, she was like, okay, okay, sure, I Know, it's just kind of funny. I don't think she thought it was funny, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

So, whether you're out and about, or you have a neighbor, or you see somebody that is just Desperately in need, perform a random act of kindness and help them out, because, trust me, you don't know what kind of day they're having. They could be really bad and they just need someone to help them and that's really the best thing that you can do. We're gonna go ahead and take a commercial break. You're listening to the Jose show. Hey folks, this is Jose for the Jose show. If you have a website, a podcast or you would like to support the show, just hit me up with an email to Z-Hills411 at gmailcom and in the subject line put support the show. Thank you and welcome back to the Jose show. I am your host, jose Roldan Jr. All right, folks.

Speaker 1:

So basically we were talking about random acts of kindness. Do you think you can do something like that this week, try, okay, folks. So, like we were talking about in the very beginning of the podcast, the heat is sweltering. So if you're taking your dog around and about your city, please don't leave them in the car unattended and forget about it. Definitely, if you have a child, do not leave them in the car unattended, with the car shut off, because chances are they will pass away and you don't want that because then you will be arrested. So, before you do anything, think, think, think. Don't leave a dog or your child in the car unattended. Now, if you have somebody in the car, obviously you can leave the car running and that's no problem because there is an adult old enough to take care of the dog or the baby or the young child. So let's stay out of the heat If you go to the beach where lots of suntan lotion and just be careful out there, folks. Man, it's just a really mean and terrible summer this year. I just I can't imagine. I don't even remember if it was this bad last year, but I know I hate being out in the heat because it's just stupid crazy. Alright, folks, I really appreciate everybody listening, everybody supporting the Jose show and you know school is going to be starting soon, so make sure you get the kiddies all their stuff that they need, their supplies for school and you have a great summer.

Speaker 1:

Enjoy time with your family, your friends, your relatives, because remember, man, we're only here on this earth for one day, not one day, excuse me, we're only here on this earth for one life. That's what I meant to say. And enjoy it. Take the time and just enjoy yourself, enjoy your company because, trust me, when it's gone, it's gone. And my friend, jack Vale, wants to say one word. Hey everybody, this is Jack Vale and you are listening to the Jose show, my favorite guy named Jose. Thank you, jack, and thank you everybody for listening to the Jose show. I am your host, jose Roldan Jr, and you folks. Have a beautiful and glorious day and, remember, be blessed. Thanks for listening to the Jose show. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode, and see you next time on the Jose show.

Airplane Accessibility and Random Acts
Kindness and Summer Safety