Pelvic PT Rising

Getting Confident as First-Line Providers: An Interview with Michelle Lyons

Leading educator, thinking and pioneer in our field, Michelle is the first 3-time PelviCon speaker and you won't want to miss this wide-ranging conversation!

We take a deep dive into menopause, hormone replacement therapy and what we - as a pelvic rehab profession - are still getting wrong about menopause.

Michelle talks about how to have a more collegial relationship with physicians and own our own areas of expertise.  We need to have the knowledge and confidence if we want to truly be first-line providers!

You'll hear clinical pearls about cycle tracking, the importance of (o)estrogen throughout the body ("no system is not influenced by estrogren"), and more.

We also have a detailed conversation about vaginal estrogen and why it needs to be 'both-and' with pelvic floor therapy, not 'either-or.'

In this 'sode we announce Michelle's PelviCon topics (they are going to be incredible!) as well.

Michelle Lyons

Founder of Celebrate Muliebrity, you can find more about Michelle's courses and trainings.  She's the creator of the Celebrate Muliebrity podcast and make sure you're following her @michellelyons_muliebrity

PelviCon 2024 - Recording Tickets Now Open!

If you're joining us in-person, we can't wait to see you!  Make sure (if you're staying Sunday) you've registered for Michelle's post-con talk. 

If you couldn't make it in person this year, make sure you get the early bird discount on the recordings!  You'll get $50 off (only $347) on the talks from 8 world-class speakers, the PelviCon e-manual, and a Certificate of Completion for 14 contact hours!

Get it (starting today!) at! 

About Us

Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health.   PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016.  It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.

Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes.  Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 600+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!  

Get in Touch!

Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email (

Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!