Wild Healers

Back to School Part 3: Camp School

Dr. Megan Galaske, MD, Sara Rosser, CPM Season 1 Episode 12

Dr. Galaske makes a personal announcement on this special episode of Wild Healers.

Dr. Megan Galaske and her husband Nathan are excited to announce their new online community for busy parents adjusting to schooling from home this year- Camp School. http://www.thecampschool.com They provide an interactive daily schedule, community, and enrichment courses in everything from axe wielding to ballet lessons. They have a passion for leading families from overwhelm to survival. They are ready to guide others, just as they have worked so hard this year to keep their own family afloat. 

From Dr. Galaske: 
I'm not going anywhere-not away from Wild Healers. Sara and I still have so much to say about the current state of healing, and we are so grateful for the opportunity to share our musings here with you. 

Leaving clinical practice was a difficult decision-one that's been a year in the making. I've been waiting for the right time to tell you all, and that time is now. 
I may not be leaving forever, but for now, this is what my family-and I- need. I've been keeping this close to my heart since I resigned in February of 2020-3 weeks before COVID-19 hit. I felt my duty as a doctor during this trying time continue to call me to the practice of medicine for all these months. But now it's finally time to leave.

I believe in my intuitive Knowing that I am on this earth to help families and children. My path has led me down a very windy road-one that I honestly have not understood at multiple times during my life. But I know it has led me to just where I'm supposed to be. I'm honored you all have let me into your lives and I will continue to serve you where you need me. I hope as we all learn what it truly is to die to ego and to self daily, and to resurrect the True Self, that I can continue to grow and change and learn from you all and that I can be a conduit of love in whatever way I am blessed to be able to. Thank you all truly, it is an honor to love you and feel your love back in return.