Discovery to Recovery

29. Prospecting Pathways to Discovery with Shawn Ryan and the Bjorkman Sisters

December 12, 2022 Society of Economic Geologists Season 3 Episode 29

Across Canada prospectors are at the forefront of discovery.  Shawn Ryan leads using innovative and comprehensive exploration programs resulting in multiple discoveries of gold.  Jessica and Katarina Bjorkman grew up with prospecting and continue to follow their passion and explore all the career has to offer, balancing consulting and work on their own claims.  

Shawn Ryan (Ryanwood Exploration) arguably the most famous prospector in Canada, tells the story of his career from mushroom picking to gold prospecting. He relates how technological advances and observational science helped his prospecting team, from using soil augurs to explore deep soil horizons in the Dawson Range, to advances in geochemical analyses, to drones and downhole televiewers. As Shawn speaks about his adventures from the Yukon to Newfoundland, he stresses the importance of understanding probability and conducting thorough research ahead of time.

Growing up in a family of prospectors, Jessica and Katarina Bjorkman (Bjorkman Prospecting), were well prepared to follow their passion and build careers as prospectors.  The sisters discuss their approaches to the job and views on the industry, as well as the differences between working as a prospector (Jessica) and working as a geologist (Katarina). For both the benefits of being an individual prospector, which inherently comes with more risk but also a higher chance of reward is worth the long hours and wet days.  They also discuss government incentives for individual prospectors across Canada, and the hurdles that “the little guy” often faces in the industry.  Jessica and Katarina are inspired by science, family, faith, their love of the outdoors, and the people they meet along the way. 

 Theme music is Confluence by Eastwinds

SEG 2024 will be in Windhoek, Namibia!  Come join us in a country known for its spectacular and diverse geology  27- 30 September, 2024.