Discovery to Recovery

37. Geoscience Communication on Three Continents

March 07, 2023 Society of Economic Geologists Season 3 Episode 37

In many geoscience communities, the topic of declining enrollments globally across the discipline is very worrying.  How can we demonstrate to the public the critical role earth science plays in supporting well-being of both human society and ecological systems?  This episode highlights inspiring stories from three continents in the southern hemisphere – all early career scientists who are engaging with the public, running education programs for students, conducting interviews and more.  What do all three have in common?  They are passionate and curious, not afraid to ask questions or step out of their comfort zones, and willing to work on their own time.  Join us and get inspired!

Irene Del Real used her major international L’Oréal award as a springboard, building on opportunities given to her to extend her reach. She regularly gives interviews on CNN Chile and presents at public forums, including a recent major science conference in Santiago.  She is currently writing a book on the history of metals and human society and is an assistant professor at Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia.  We talked to her about what resonates with her audience and how she develops her messaging. 

After his village was hit by a devastating earthquake in 2016, George Rwegoshora, who was then a second-year university student, decided that he could help provide information and educate his community about earthquakes.  He since graduated, worked in coal mines for 3 years and then in 2021 founded the Afrikagera Geological Center in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. As the Executive Director, he works with a group of 18 scientists to develop educational programs for students.  These include classroom and field excursions, covering a range of topics, including mineral resources.

Combining her passion for geoscience and earth history with communication seems to come naturally for Holly Cooke, but her success really comes from the hours put in on her own time creating content and designing programs.  Holly is a student geologist with Oz Minerals and an outreach officer with the Nexus Program in South Australia. She is an articulate and excellent communicator.  She seized on an opportunity to bring high school students into the South Australia drill core library, giving them a hands on tour of the geological history of South Australia, and creating opportunities for informal challenging conversations.

Theme music is Confluence by Eastwinds

SEG 2024 will be in Windhoek, Namibia!  Come join us in a country known for its spectacular and diverse geology  27- 30 September, 2024.