Discovery to Recovery

39. Crystallizing your Communication - the Power of Words

November 20, 2023 Society of Economic Geologists Season 4 Episode 39

Effective geoscience outreach and scientific collaboration are enhanced by our choice of words and communication tools. Our guests Sam Illingworth and Chris Jackson offer fresh perspectives based on their own experience and work.  They focus on what we as individuals can do, from using poetry to solve scientific roadblocks, to ways in which we can better connect with audiences of all types – even those within our own work environments.  Both challenge us to be more professional in our geoscience communication and work on measuring our impact.

Sam Illingworth, an Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University discusses his work, specifically using poetry as a tool for dialogue and reimagining a problem.   Sam views poetry as being able to provide a space for dialogue.  It connects scientists and non-scientists, enabling the development of research and enabling knowledge dissemination.   He encourages us to do a better job of measuring the value of our geoscience outreach projects.  Sam produces a poetry podcast, is an editor of Consilience (science poetry journal) and the journal Geoscience Communication. 

Geoscience Communication journal


The Poetry of Science Podcast

Geologize Communication Course

Our second guest, Chris Jackson, is the Director of Sustainable Geosciences at Jacobs and Visiting Professor of Basin Analysis at Imperial College in London.  He brings all our themes together and emphasizes how important it is for geoscientists to be effective communicators. His participation in shows like ‘Expedition Volcano’ on the BBC has allowed him to bring geoscience to a broader audience and engage them in a different, more accessible manner.  Whoever is the audience, whether it be colleagues or school children, the key to success is making them feel smarter by the end of your presentation. This results also results in a more engaged and interested audience.  The key questions are -   How can we simplify without losing accuracy?  What are the benefits and challenges in diversifying voices?  Everyone can embrace geoscience communication at whatever level works for them.  

TedX – Chris Jackson 

Diversity UK Event

RI Lecture

SEG 2024 will be in Windhoek, Namibia!  Come join us in a country known for its spectacular and diverse geology  27- 30 September, 2024.