RTO Superhero Podcast: Navigate Compliance Challenges and Soar towards RTO Success.

RTO Standard Series: Part 2 - Fostering Integrity and Cultural Safety in Education with Lauren Hollows and Katya Holker

April 26, 2024 Angela Connell-Richards Season 4 Episode 5
RTO Standard Series: Part 2 - Fostering Integrity and Cultural Safety in Education with Lauren Hollows and Katya Holker
RTO Superhero Podcast: Navigate Compliance Challenges and Soar towards RTO Success.
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RTO Superhero Podcast: Navigate Compliance Challenges and Soar towards RTO Success.
RTO Standard Series: Part 2 - Fostering Integrity and Cultural Safety in Education with Lauren Hollows and Katya Holker
Apr 26, 2024 Season 4 Episode 5
Angela Connell-Richards

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In this episode of the enlightening 2024 RTO Roundtable Series, Lauren Hollows from Aniwaya Education Services continues the insightful dialogue on Clause 4 with Angela Connell-Richards of Vivacity and Katya Holker from Hawkeye Consultancy. This discussion hones in on the critical aspects of ensuring integrity, fairness, and transparency in the delivery of RTO services, an imperative stride towards elevating the sector's standing and operational ethos.

Diving deeper than ever before, our experts examine the draft standards' call for RTOs to transcend traditional policy statements, urging a transformation in how services are delivered with unwavering integrity, fairness, and transparency. Katya initiates the conversation by reflecting on the alignment with existing marketing practices and the challenges of ethical decision-making within organisations. The discourse expands to explore mechanisms for resolving potential conflicts and supporting ethical practices at all organisational levels.

Angela enriches the conversation by emphasising the anticipated requirement for a comprehensive Code of Conduct and a Code of Ethics, delineating the ethical standards expected across the board. She sheds light on the necessity for access and equity policies that encapsulate equal opportunities, alongside training initiatives aimed at embedding these principles within the organisational fabric. The discussion highlights the anticipated procedural changes, including modifications to employment contracts and enrolment agreements to reflect these enhanced governance standards.

The trio navigates the practicalities of embedding integrity, fairness, and transparency into daily operations, challenging RTOs to engage in meaningful dialogues about what these values signify within their unique contexts. They advocate for transparent communication practices, sharing insights on the potential for such openness to foster improved business operations and a shared understanding of organisational goals among all team members.

Tune in to this must-listen episode for a deep dive into the nuances of implementing Clause 4's governance requirements within your RTO. Discover practical advice, innovative strategies, and thought-provoking insights aimed at guiding RTOs through the complex landscape of operationalising these foundational values. 

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In this episode of the enlightening 2024 RTO Roundtable Series, Lauren Hollows from Aniwaya Education Services continues the insightful dialogue on Clause 4 with Angela Connell-Richards of Vivacity and Katya Holker from Hawkeye Consultancy. This discussion hones in on the critical aspects of ensuring integrity, fairness, and transparency in the delivery of RTO services, an imperative stride towards elevating the sector's standing and operational ethos.

Diving deeper than ever before, our experts examine the draft standards' call for RTOs to transcend traditional policy statements, urging a transformation in how services are delivered with unwavering integrity, fairness, and transparency. Katya initiates the conversation by reflecting on the alignment with existing marketing practices and the challenges of ethical decision-making within organisations. The discourse expands to explore mechanisms for resolving potential conflicts and supporting ethical practices at all organisational levels.

Angela enriches the conversation by emphasising the anticipated requirement for a comprehensive Code of Conduct and a Code of Ethics, delineating the ethical standards expected across the board. She sheds light on the necessity for access and equity policies that encapsulate equal opportunities, alongside training initiatives aimed at embedding these principles within the organisational fabric. The discussion highlights the anticipated procedural changes, including modifications to employment contracts and enrolment agreements to reflect these enhanced governance standards.

The trio navigates the practicalities of embedding integrity, fairness, and transparency into daily operations, challenging RTOs to engage in meaningful dialogues about what these values signify within their unique contexts. They advocate for transparent communication practices, sharing insights on the potential for such openness to foster improved business operations and a shared understanding of organisational goals among all team members.

Tune in to this must-listen episode for a deep dive into the nuances of implementing Clause 4's governance requirements within your RTO. Discover practical advice, innovative strategies, and thought-provoking insights aimed at guiding RTOs through the complex landscape of operationalising these foundational values. 

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Lauren Hollows:

Hey guys, this is Lauren Hollows Aniwaya Education Services, and I am back with the lovely Angela from Vivacity and Katya Hawke Eye Consultancy and we are continuing our talk on clause 4. 2.

Lauren Hollows:

We have already talked about fostering inclusive organisational cultures. I'd like to get into the next one with you guys, because I think this touches on a lot of different things, and that is ensuring integrity, fairness and transparency in the delivery of services. I think this talks to, obviously, to like all of standard too, which is like how we go about enrolling students, and I also think it talks very much to like the fit and proper personal requirements that have been brought on over the last couple of months and wanting to see more integrity broadly across our sector and raise up that profile of that. So I'm really interested to kind of hear your guys' thoughts on this, where you think RTOs can take this and again, moving past that policy statement, you know how do RTOs implement this and demonstrate this when it comes to like thinking about audits and thinking about, you know, you know, just really embedding a lot of this sort of stuff in our organization.

Katya Holker:

Yep, I think it's really important and it is quite similar, you know, to what we currently already have around the marketing practices making sure that it's ethical and appropriate and transparency in the course development.

Katya Holker:

So definitely still making sure that you know, once you've developed your training assessment strategy, that the marketing material is then developed off, that that there's current or regular reviews occurring and even just things around. Like when I read it I was quite into the kind of like ethical decision making powers within the organisation and how potential conflicts may arise. You know you might have um, a compliance manager who might have one view of something and then the CEO potentially might not be listening. So is there any arrangements or support and guidance mechanisms and to help that employee and what should they do? And I know that ask will have released their. They just released their um hotline, so there's different ways that they're trying to manage that and but I think, yeah, just even having those discussions internally with staff will be really important If they are seeing unethical practices, even with business development people or whatever that might be, just to be aware and really foster that inclusion and openness, to discuss it and not be afraid of it. I think will be important.

Angela Connell-Richards:

So some of the things that we identified, in particular when we did the pilot, is a code of conduct. So it will be like we already have a code of conduct. Because I've been around in the industry for such a long time and I used to work with the old framework, we had to have a code of conduct back with the old framework, so I just kept that within our policies and procedures old framework so I just kept that within our policies and procedures. But that I see is going to become a requirement is that every RTO will have to have a code of conduct and within that, a code of ethics that articulates the ethical standards expected by each team member within the organisation. Also an ethical integrity policy that ensures the decision-making aligns with these principles within the Code of Ethics.

Angela Connell-Richards:

Also an access and equity policy that addresses the access and equity issues, focusing on providing equal opportunities for all learners. And I think with that we'll be training with the team as well on what is the code of conduct and ethical integrity within the organisation. And then, of course, we're also going to need forms and declarations that those team members will need to sign to agree with that code of conduct and the code of ethics, as well as the students within the RTO as well. So there's going to be some changes to the Enrolment Agreement form and the employment contract that will be impacted from this as well, unless you've already got it in your policies and procedures and your documentation.

Lauren Hollows:

And I think I mean, I think this is it's kind of one of those standards. I guess that really does kind of flow through everything else in the way that you're addressing it. I mean, you know, I remember the old, you know TAE assessor was it TAA or was it TAE assessor code of conduct I can't remember which one it was in code of conduct and, um, you know the, the thought of kind of, I think, just having the discussion RTOs about , like, right guys, what does integrity mean to us? What is, what does fairness mean to us? And I love, I love the word transparency, because I feel like, uh, there are so many people in RTOs higher up that keep so much information and knowledge behind. You know, a shield, you know, and I see this a lot in compliance, probably more than anything else, is it's like I know what I know but like I'm not going to share it with you because you know, then you'll know what I know and maybe then you'll take my job.

Lauren Hollows:

You know, like there's a there's a real fear, um that operates, and I think that you know the understanding of transparency. Like I work with a lot RTOs where, like as the you know the manic, like the management in the organization, we actually sit with our trainers and go okay, guys, here's like, here's how the funding model breaks down for this course, here's what you get paid and here's what it costs for admin and here's what it costs for this. And you know we actually break out for trainers exactly what the costs are of the course. And when I tell other people that they're like you can't tell trainers what they were paying them of the course, I'm like, actually, once you actually break everything down for trainers and trainers can actually see where all the different money is going, they actually kind of go okay, that makes sense to me do you know what I mean.

Lauren Hollows:

Like you know all right, cool. So, and I understand. You know, as part of that process, where I need to do my bit and why progression is important, and you know why I can't open and close a unit in a day or why I can't open up eight units and then leave them open for, you know, four weeks and stuff like that. So I actually think transparency in an RTO really fosters good business practices. So I think that's a great word. But I like the fact that we're going to see RTOs having more conversations in and around this.

Angela Connell-Richards:

I think transparency in any business really it doesn't matter whether it's an RTO or not One of our values Vivacity is open and honest, and it's being open and honest with anything that's happening within the organisation and I know, since I implemented that as a value within our organisation, I'm a better leader because I have to also comply with the values that we have within the organisation. And being open and honest it relieves some of the pressure of the owner of the organisation as well, because you're being open and honest about what's happening and what your processes are and issues that may have occurred. Instead of having to deal with it on your own, you're dealing with it with your team and I think, yeah, transparency, I agree it is something that all businesses should have within their organisations.

Katya Holker:

And it encourages others to be like that, to act truthful to act truthful, and if it's coming from the top exactly, it's literally coming down through and it, you know, it meanders its way through the organisation and but if they're not seeing it from the top, or and if they're not even understanding why they're doing something that's so, something that's so big to me in business and RTO land, it's like why, why are we doing something? Or why are we doing's so big? To me in business and in RTO land, it's like why, why are we doing something? Or why are we doing what we do? I don't know if anyone's ever watched the Simon Sinek, why, like it's such a good video and we refresh it every year when we're doing our business planning, and but I think it's just a really good step to do your staff with. Why are we doing this? And Lauren, you mentioned it what does integrity mean, what does fairness mean to our organization, so that they're fully aware of that as well?

Lauren Hollows:

I think it's so important yeah I don't know if a lot of people do it. I think I think it's a good way to link back to um, to accountability as well. Um, I was, I was talking with dan hill earlier this morning and we were talking about you know, kind of learner support and everything like that. And he, you know, he turned around, he goes, he said, look, he said, you know, learner support's really important and it's really important that RTOs, you know, are following up with their students and they are doing this. And he said but it's also really important to have the discussion and go at some point. If you're choosing not to engage with me, then that's on you and so if you don't want to engage, then that's cool, you don't have to engage. But you know, at some point the support stops because the engagement stops. And so, you know, having transparent conversations is also about.

Lauren Hollows:

As a salesperson in an RTO, as a trainer in an RTO, as an admin person in an RTO, as a manager in an RTO, what does integrity in your role look like? What are your responsibilities? What are my responsibilities to you as management, but what are your responsibilities to me? What are your responsibilities? What are my responsibilities to you as management, but what are your responsibilities to me? What are your responsibilities to our students as part of your role in the organisation? So I think, Angela, what you were saying, that review of, like, what your position descriptions are, what your accountabilities are that's all part of that kind of how we're going to see RTOs evidencing, you know, integrity, fairness, transparency within their business operations. Yeah, totally.

Lauren Hollows:

All right, cool. Okay, guys, we are going to be back in about two minutes. Well, we're going to be back in two minutes. You guys are going to see us in three days. As you know, you can get all of the information on the lovely Katya from Hawkeye consultancy down below, as you can get all the information about Angela the vivacious Angela from Vivacity uh, that will be down below as well. Uh, we are going to continue with RTO 4.2 series and our next session is going to be all about cultural safety with first nations students and staff. If you guys have got any questions, by all means pop them in the comments below. Feel free to disagree, but do so respectfully. My name is Lauren Hollis for Aniwaya Education Services.

Fostering Integrity in Educational Organizations
Cultural Safety for First Nations Education