Outrageous Love the Podcast: Our Journeys to Responsiveness

Mayra Valtierrez's Journey To Responsiveness, The Educrats Series, Part 1 of 3

Dr, Hollie Season 2 Episode 10

Outrageous Love the Podcast opens up 2022 with a bang. New year, new series. For the next 3 episodes, we will go to the bureaucracy of state education departments, namely New Mexico's Public Education Department (or the PED), to have an internal peek on how advocating for cultural and linguistic responsiveness looks and feels. Mayra Valtierrez is  the  Director of Language and Culture and Hispanic Education Liaison for NMPED, but she is no educrat, as Dr. Hollie's call them, by any measure. Mayra is a true "soulja" in this work as you will hear as her journey takes us from the Borderlands of New Mexico to Santa Fe to the hallways of PED, where key education policies are initiated. Mayra is a proud, authentic Mexican American, which centers her culturally and linguistically, making for a fascinating listen. She also introduces VABB Nation to her CLR playlist on Spotify, linked here, which inspired Dr. Hollie to create his VABBLift playlist on Spotify. We want you do the same via social media @Clrplaylist. Lastly, check out Dr. Hollie's two cents around loving who you are just as you are and that goes for your students too in '22.

Learn more about CLR and Dr. Hollie at www.culturallyresponsive.org and Twitter @validateaffirm