Everybody Hates Me: Let's Talk About Stigma

Lezlie Lowe on Sanitation Stigma: "We are taught that toilets are funny or toilets are gross"

Dr. Carmen Logie, Canada Research Chair

Lezlie Lowe began her freelance radio, newspaper, and magazine career in 1996. She has penned and produced pieces on urban rats, roadkill cemeteries and, prominently, public toilets. Lowe has been a finalist and multiple winner at the Radio Television Digital News Association Awards, the Atlantic Journalism Awards, and the Canadian Association of Journalists Awards, and has taught journalism at the University of King's College since 2003. Her first book, No Place To Go: How Public Toilets Fail Our Private Needs  was nominated for two Atlantic Book Awards. Lowe, a failed urban planner, has an abiding interest in equity in public spaces.

In this podcast episode, we talk about how stigma shapes the ways in which public toilets are designed (note: usually poorly or not at all), how sanitation needs are universal yet most impact marginalized communities, period poverty, and why there are always lines for women's toilets.

Episode hosted by Dr. Carmen Logie. Supported by funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and Canada Research Chairs program. Original music and podcast produced by Jupiter Productions, who have various production services available to support your podcast needs.