Driving B2B Sales Revenue

#59 How and Why Empathy and Vulnerability are Critical to your Sales Success

David Masover

ABOUT THE GUEST:  James Trezona, Author of Humanizing B2B and the Chief Punk and Founder at Rooster Punk

James co-founded Rooster Punk with the mission to become the world's most admired B2B storytelling agency. As James puts it, “with the purpose of HumanizingB2B driving us, we've grown quickly - working with amazing marketing visionaries as clients and talent as peers. The proof of the power of leading with empathy was that we doubled in team size during the pandemic - which we also used to create a distillation of what we have learned over the years - writing ‘Humanizing B2B’ - launched in 2021.”

You can find James on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-trezona/

And find his book Humanizing B2B here:


Vulnerability. Empathy. Psychological security.

We’re hearing terms like these more and more often in relation to professional selling, but what are they really, and how the heck is a salesperson supposed to incorporate these concepts into a job that has traditionally been about anything but these kinds of squishy concepts?

In this episode, James Trezona, Author of Humanizing B2B and the Chief Punk and Founder at business storytelling agency Rooster Punk goes deep into these concepts to help sellers and sales leaders not just understand what these concepts really mean in the context of professional sales, but why they matter so much and how to incorporate them into your work to help boost results where it counts - in relationships and results!