Driving B2B Sales Revenue

#62 Relationship Sales at Scale

David Masover

ABOUT THE GUEST: Dan Englander, CEO of Sales Schema 

Dan Englander is a New York-based author and entrepreneur. As the first employee and Senior Account Manager, Dan helped launch IdeaRocket, the premier studio for high-quality animated explainer videos. He brought in business and managed productions for Fortune 500s and startups like Venmo. 

He’s the founder of Sales Schema, a site that helps companies win by melding sales and digital marketing. He’s the author of "Mastering Account Management" and other business books. In addition, he teaches high-level online courses on B2B sales and marketing. 

Previously, Dan was Account Coordinator at DXagency, where he increased digital exposure for clients like Monster Cable and Marc Ecko. 

You can find Dan on LinkedIn here:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/danenglander/


“Sales is all about relationships” - it’s an expression you hear all of the time from experienced salespeople, you know - those who seem to know better.  

“We need to scale” - it’s an expression you hear all of the time from business owners and other interested parties. If a business is growing fast, that’s a very good thing and working on making it happen is an awfully smart place to focus.  

But can the two ideas work together?  

Intuitively not, which is why it’s so intriguing to speak with Dan Englander about what he calls Relationship Sales at Scale. I’ll let him articulate the ideas in the episode which he does well. If the concept is intriguing to you, you should definitely check it out!