Hello Church!
On the Hello Church! podcast, powered by Ministry Pass, Justin Trapp, Wade Bearden, David Crowson, and Mike Hernandez share the lessons they have learned, and are still learning, about sermon series, preaching, and how pastors can move their church forward while still maintaining a healthy ministry/life balance. Tune in every Wednesday for a new episode on Hello Church! Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Hello Church!
Inspiring Generosity and the Offering Talk
In this episode of Hello Church! we are talking about the Sunday morning offering.
The offering moment in our services has changed drastically in the last 20 or 30 years. No longer is it a time when everyone pulls out their checkbooks during service, hurrying to fill them out before the offering plate passes by. Now many opt to give electronically. Is that good or bad? Or is it just different?
With the shift in how we collect the offering, the offering talk is often diminished and devalued. But, when we hesitate to talk about generosity during the Sunday morning service, we rob people of an opportunity to learn what the Bible says about giving and offering and to provide a compelling moment where they are motivated or challenged to give.
Listen as we discuss the importance of casting vision and sharing stories every Sunday.
Offering Talks Resource Mentioned in This Episode: