The Unorthodox Therapist

The Unorthodox Therapist Session 8: "George Floyd, I Never Met You, But I Love You"

Dante Duval Season 1 Episode 8

The unjust murder of George Floyd is a shared collective trauma for the black community. His murder is highlighting countless of years of systemic oppression, racism, and police brutality. 

In this episode I do my best to highlight how George Floyd's murder by the knee cap of a white on duty police officer is impacting our nation. There are two sides this episode. The black side, and the white side.

Race and identity intersect through all walks of life. Identity is how I see mental health. To stop end of pathology for the life experiences of black people, one must first understand the difference between anxiety, and managing how your identity intersects within you life and social connections.

Are you nervous because your identity could get you killed today? 

It brings me joy to see people of color come in diagnosed with generalied anxiety, and leave being proud to be black and the "anxiety" symptoms related to being black, become a part of yourself. You learn how to not only be aware of your identity, but how to navigate difficult nd traumatic moments where your identity, and another person's interaction and perception of your identity, becomes the reason you could die.

George Floyd will forever be a beacon of hope for my mission to defeat the stigma of mental health. Grieving his loss with millions has brought me joy, being invalidated by people I love, haas brought me pain. Let me share with you all my personal and unorthodox perspective of why George Floyd is my brother, not by blood, but by breathe.

Disclaimer: This is a raw, very raw episode. I have been emotionally incapacitated since his loss and I do what I tell my clients. Be your true self. So don't mind the crying, lack of edits, and possible lack of structure. My grief at a this moment has no structure.