Poetry For Now


Martin Strasmore Season 3 Episode 9

In April and May we traveled in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam.  3 1/2 weeks is really just enough time to get a taste for the major cities, countryside and cultures.  So rather than get into the detailed day to day activities I hope to communicate to you the experiences that touched us most.  This episode is about Thailand and Laos.

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Season 3 episode 9.  Our Asian Journey Part 1

In April and May we traveled in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam.  3 1/2 weeks is really just enough time to get a taste for the major cities, countryside and cultures.  So rather than get into the detailed day to day activities I hope to communicate to you the experiences that touched us most.


Early morning at Arun Wat,

The temple of the God of Dawn.

sparkling ladies pose in rented dazzling dresses

with spectacular multicolored ceramic towers rising above them

In the Grand Palace 

Oppressive heat and excessive tourists

Hindu past and Buddhist present

Ramayana walls and the Emerald Buddha.

The Choa Phraya river bus escape

passing riverside markets and monasteries,

shabby wooden houses with hanging laundry,

wedding parties dining in shady parks

The museum of many beautiful Buddhas

The brightly lit luxury shoppers’ paradise 

Big money capitalism and buddhism

Its all side by side, riverside

Ayutthaya’s many stupas,

honoring death

burial places for kings and families

More buddhas, some with silk shawls

Many headless.

At night the food markets explode

bright lights, crackling sounds of frying foods

Steam cookers carrying exciting smells

tropical fruits expertly sliced open

Smelly, tasty Duraans, delicious Mangosteens.

the hustle and bustle action never ends.


Families passing down

skills and traditions 

generation to generation.

Melting and drawing sugar

becoming angel hair candy 

then wrapped in crepes

Catching tarantulas,

Deep frying with spices,

crunchy treats


freshly pressed out

steaming rice noodles,

served in delicious broth

silk worms and lady bugs,

stir fried, for the daring ones

Mekong river weeds,

pressed, dried and flavored

sesame seeds and spices.

Laotian snacks.


Now more saffron robed ones

than grey skinned ones.

Early morning as the sun rises

We join the local ladies 

scooping sticky rice 

into lines of monks’ bowls,

the giving of alms,

the receiving of blessings.

We find ourselves in a temple

behind the chanting monks

sitting with a big furry dog

contentedly listening.

Harmonious echoes of scriptures

kept cool by whirring fans,

feeling the peace and love

Buddha brought here.

After visiting the cave of 1,000 Buddhas

We meet the great grey skins.

We ride on the elephants.

Through forests along streams.

Then we offer our elephant

fingers of green bananas,

each one gently held in his trunk

smoothly placed into his large mouth.

Kassandra connects head to head,

eyeball to eyeball;

Sweet Tears are shared.

Yes, dear one,

We will remember 

our duty to protect you

and your kind,

and to protect our shared planet

for all creatures.
