Beyond the Launch

Evolving Your Business After Record-Breaking Launches: Exploring Growth Paths

Chelsea Wallace

In this episode, host Chelsea addresses business coaches and course creators who have recently had their most successful launches or months in business, emphasizing the importance of reassessing the business and growth goals after these achievements. 

She introduces two primary strategies: converting the offer to an evergreen program or continuing to live launch the program. Chelsea explains that the choice depends on the entrepreneur's lifestyle goals, their preferred business demands, and their relationship with the live launching process. 

She also brings up the risk of falling into a routine that could lead to eventual dissatisfaction with the business and highlights the need to ask meaningful questions about the direction of the business to avoid such a scenario. 

She invites listeners to consciously decide their next steps instead of having to radically pivot or tear their business apart later.

00:00 The Importance of Assessing Growth

03:40 The Consequences of Not Planning for Growth

07:15 Options for Growth: Going Evergreen

10:11 Options for Growth: Continuing to Live Launch

12:00 The Importance of Intentionality & The Role of Your Business in Your Life

Welcome back to another episode. Two of my clients are closing doors on their January 2024 launches today. And so I wanted to kind of tackle this question because both of these clients have just now had really big launches. Some of their biggest launches to date, right? Whether it's their biggest launch to date, their biggest month in their business to date. Or it's one of the top five ones, right? So I am looking at my clients. I'm looking at, um, the successes that we've had, and I am paying attention to the conversations that I'm having with them right now. And I wanted to make that kind of private, um, discussion a bit more public for those of you out there who are coaches and course creators who are winning. At your launches right now, you have had a successful Q1 launch, right? Your January launch went exceptionally well, or maybe there's a Q4 launch that you had that went really, really well. And maybe January started off a bit slower for you, whatever the case may be. Now you're at a point where you've had one of your best launches to date. What does growth look like now? What are your next steps? Lot of us don't actually stop to answer this question and For an entrepreneur for a CEO at this level it's really important to answer this question at the level of a six figure seven figure owner because you can lock yourself into cycles that you actually don't want to be in and kind of Kick the legs up from under your business. If you don't ask this question before you move to your next thing. So I wanted to have this conversation with us today. Hopefully this is helpful for some of you. If you are joining me for the first time, welcome. I am Chelsea, the launch copy coach, and I work with coaches and course creators at this level that we're talking about. My whole role is to make sure that your next launch to do list only has one thing on it, taking care of yourself and your people. That's it. And so when I work with my clients, that is our whole goal. I really work to help them to step back from the, like being in the weeds of the launch, you know, being in Zapier, being in Canva, like doing everything themselves. And really kind of allowing them to preserve their energy, stay in their creative zone of genius, stay flexible, have a lot more fun with their launches, show up for their community, have conversations, and really focus on taking care of them and their people. So this conversation today is really important because Especially, you know, as I think about my own clients and how well they're doing, um, we've had conversations around, okay, this was my biggest month in business ever. And I'm so, so honored and grateful to be able to have the opportunities to support this, my clients in this way. Right. Um, but they've had their biggest month in business to date. So what's next now? And it's really easy in this. scenario to try to find more work to do in the business, to just assume that you're going to launch again at some point to just keep going, keep your head down, focus on what's next, right? What's next is the delivery for your clients. So let's just focus on delivering for the clients who just enrolled, right? And then you're paying attention to, okay, let's now move into launching another program after that. And so. So, your head is down, you're in the business, you're doing the things, you're growing, you're making the money, you are serving the people, you're making the impact, but you haven't stopped to assess what growth actually looks like, what your next steps need to be. And as I said, the consequences of this are huge because what can end up happening is You set yourself up for a situation where you are now just in the routine of your business in the day to day, head down, doing the thing, not realizing this isn't necessarily what you want, this isn't necessarily what serves your interest or the interests of the business, and this isn't necessarily the. You know, what, what your day to day needs to look like for you to feel fulfilled for the business to continue to grow for you to hit the goals that you have the next goals that you have. And even stopping to think, Whoa, what are my next goals actually look like? Because a lot of the time, and again, this is a conversation that I've had with my clients. You're in this position where you're making really good revenue in your business. You're making really good profits. Things are growing. You are really seeing progress. Life is good. Right? Life is, life is good. You're in a really, really good place. And so then what happens? After you've checked all the boxes, after you've hit all the financial goals that you've wanted to hit, what's the next thing? Not enough of us actually stop to ask that question. And so we keep our heads down, we're in the business, we're doing the thing. And then we look up and we're like, wait, I don't actually want to be here. I don't want to keep running this program. I don't want to keep showing up on social media. I don't want to keep sending emails. I don't want to keep doing this. I want my business to look differently. And this is where a lot of creators, CEOs, business owners end up in a position where they either rip the whole business apart and do a massive pivot, which nothing's wrong with that decision. Nothing's wrong with any of these decisions, right? Um, but I just want to point out what's at stake and what the outcome will be if you don't stop to Assess what growth looks like in this next season now that you've hit all the goals You're at the top tier of your success up until this point, right? So there's like a situation where business owners can get to this point where they just tear everything down They're just like wait, this is not what I wanted We're gonna just reposition this whole thing and they just do a massive pivot tear everything down again nothing wrong with that, but that's What you might be looking down the future if you don't make this decision to really stop and assess where you are and where you want to go. The next option is like completely just pausing the business, quitting the business, selling the business, taking a long term sabbatical that you don't even know when you're gonna come back from. Again, nothing wrong with that, right? But, If that's not what you want, and if you want to actually be intentional about your growth moving forward the question then becomes Okay, what do I want growth to look like now? You've achieved all the things you had the highest level of success What's next right and? Practically speaking Especially if you have just had your best launch in your business at best month in business. This can look like a few things This can look like an evergreen funnel, like taking that offer that you just had a successful launch with and turning it evergreen, right? And you might want to do that if you decide that growth for you looks more like taking either a higher level approach to business and serving at a different level than what you've been serving. So maybe you want to have Smaller experiences for clients. Maybe you want to have higher ticket experiences for clients. Maybe you want to do more in person events, right? so Creating an opportunity and creating space for yourself in your business to do those things Then requires that you're not live launching this particular offer So you could turn it evergreen still have still having some live components to it if you wanted You know, maybe doing a live Q& A once a week or once a month those things but the program itself is evergreen Right and that could free you up to do More higher level delivery in your business If that's what you want growth to look like. Yeah the other option Um, is as you're thinking, okay, I might want more space in my business is because you might want more space in your life, right? You might want to not be spending as many hours in your business. You might be at a place where maybe you want to do something really big in your life, like travel in a really big way. Or you want to maybe have another kid, right? Like that's going to take space and time in your business and you, you want to be intentional about planning for that. Maybe you just want to have more space to. Really just reconnect with yourself and reconnect with what you love about who you are, what you love about life and exploring your likes, dislikes, kind of finding a new zest for what you enjoy. Again, completely and totally legitimate. And so for those reasons. You might decide, okay, this program that I've been launching, let me turn it evergreen and give myself more space to do these things, to explore in this way and let the program continue to run as it is doing. Alright, so if you are in a position where you want more space in your business after you've had your biggest launch, if you are in a position where you're thinking, you know, I want to do higher level client delivery or I want to do some other things in my life and not work as much as in my business then going evergreen might be an option for you to consider But the important thing is that you actually stop to make the consideration Right, you actually stop to ask the question because again, you don't want to be in a position where you're head down in the business You're working, working, working and you look up and you're like, this is not what I want. I hate this. I don't want to be here. What do I do? Right, so that's one option practically speaking is going evergreen. The other option is continuing to live launch this program and this is perfect for you if You are the kind of CEO and business owner who loves the live launch energy. Who loves, like, being in the weeds in your business. You love all of the tech connections. You love creating the graphics. You love connecting with your people. Like, if that's who you are And if that's what you love in the business, if that's what feeds you, listen, keep it up, enjoy it, have fun with it, right? Maybe you might decide, you know, like one of my clients right now, she, what drives her in your, in her business right now is not necessarily revenue. It's not necessarily the dollars because again, she's achieved all the things. She's checked all the boxes, her, her, her, her bank account. It's set, right? But at this point, she really loves the feeling of momentum and growth and exploration and just testing things, trying things, having fun in her business. So if that's what you want to do, you might choose to continue to live launch this offer. You might, you know, launch something and then come back and launch this again and testing out new things, having a bit more fun, tossing in some extra bonuses just because you can. You know, really allowing yourself to let the vibe of a live launch just fill you up and be fully immersed in that energy. That might be something you choose to do. But again, you will not be able to intentionally make that choice if you don't stop right now and say, Hold up. I've just had my best month in business. I've just had my best launch ever. What does growth look like next for me? What does forward movement mean to me right now? And even further than that, how is, how is the way that my business is functioning now changing, right? Because at this point, maybe up until now, your business was functioning to give you a certain level of financial security, maybe a certain level of financial freedom, helping you hit certain financial goals. Right? And now you've hit that, you've done the thing. So the role of your business is now changing and you have to now stop and recognize, okay, what is it changing to? Do I want to lead that conversation? Do I want to lead that process or do I want to just let it happen to me? Because granted, I mean, that's what you're doing. If you don't ask these questions, you're just letting it happen to you. And again, what's at stake is You keep your head down you keep working you look up and a few months from now a year from now You realize I want to burn this ish. I am not here for this Take me out. And again, nothing wrong with that decision, but that decision can feel overwhelming and really disruptive in your life. So to kind of head off that feeling and be really intentional about the way you run your business, about the way you want to show up in the world, about the role you want your business to function in. Just stop and ask now. Don't wait until you're overwhelmed with the way things are going in your business. Don't wait until. You're ready to take a match and gasoline and just blow this ish up. You don't have to wait that far. Okay. You do not have to wait that far. You have an opportunity right now because you have checked all the boxes of your achievement. You have created the success that you've ultimately desired. You've had the biggest launch. You've had the best month in business. Now it's time to ask what do you want growth to look like for you? What do you want momentum to look like for you? What's the role you want your business to function in? And another question that I want to encourage you to ask as well is How do you want the demand that your business places on you to change in this new season? Because that's what's happening y'all. You are walking into a brand new season of your business and that can feel kind of disorienting at first like wait What is? Happening. What am I doing right now? And so what you really another question that Can really help with that reorientation that can really help you to step confidently through this season, right? To move with intention and move with grace and ease and spaciousness and whatever your adjective is, right? If you want to move with like momentum and hustle. Do your thing, right? But another question that will help you to move in that way and will support you as you move forward is really, really thinking about what demands do I want my business to place on me in this season? Because if you want the demand to stay the same. Then you really have to think about how the business is functioning What you want the business to do what you want your team to look like what you want your operations to look like And in particular this offer that you just launched and just had your biggest launch to date with You also need to start thinking about what will this offer look like in the future? How will this offer serve? That demand Being the same, right? If, if I want the business to place the same level of demand on me, maybe I want the business to place a higher level of demand on me, maybe I'm ready to really kind of double down and give some more energy to this and really kind of explore. Tap in, feel like all of the, the, the adrenaline and like the, the rush of just growth and intention and kind of like pushing forward in your business, then great. You still have to answer the question, what role would the business play? What will my team look like? What will operations look like? How will my programs, including this one that I just launched and had my biggest launch to date with. How will my programs change and look different? Will they look the same? Will they look different? Do I need more space in the business to do this? Will I need to go evergreen? Will I need to live launch? These are questions that are necessary for you to ask After you've had your best launch date, after you've had your biggest month in your business, because you're stepping into a new season You're stepping into a new place Right? You have just checked all of the boxes of achievement that you've longed for To check for however long so now it's time to ask these questions And I like I said at the beginning of this I encourage I i'm encouraging you to ask these questions because these are the conversations That i'm having with my clients right now. These are the things we talk about and Maybe you are even wondering Okay, well now like you're feeling kind of Like I said, disoriented and what, what, what do I do now? And, and it's, again, it's easy to feel that way. If you've been head down working, kind of really intentional about creating and turning this goal into a reality. And now that it is a reality, you don't know what to do with yourself. You're lost. You are lost, right? Completely legitimate. My clients feel this all the time. And so these questions can help to reorient you and help you move forward in this season with intention, with aligning how you want to feel and how you want your business to operate with where you're actually going in this new, in this new phase of business. All right, y'all. So I hope this was helpful. I hope that this was useful for you to start to think about. I hope these questions get you kind of, get your brain rolling. Take some time to think about this too. Like you don't have to rush into your next thing in the business. Continue to serve your clients, but actually set aside a week, a couple weeks to really be intentional and think about what this looks like for you. Because if your next goal is taking over your industry, then things are going to look different. If your next goal is taking some time off and traveling, things are gonna need to look different, right? Depending on what your next goal is and even figuring out that process of what that goal is Then these questions can kind of help you align The way your business is whether you launch or not, whether you go evergreen or not with what that next goal is Like I said, hope this was helpful for you if you are having these conversations and You know you want another perspective if you want to talk about what like it could look like feel free to dm me I'm happy to talk more I'm happy to have these conversations. It's always fascinating to me to hear my clients talk through these things. And so I'd happy, I'd be absolutely joyful to help my community talk through these things as well, and to hold space for y'all as you really kind of reorient and think through your next big dream goal aspiration. Thanks so much for joining me. I really, really appreciate all of you. I will see you in the next one. Transcribed by https: otter. ai