Beyond the Launch

Creating a 6-Figure Launch with a Lean Team

Chelsea Wallace

Let’s explore the question of creating a 6-figure launch with a lean team. What does it actually take to make a launch like this happen? What kinds of team members do you need? How do you handle the complexities of managing launch tasks while balancing personal life and business growth? Where should your energy vs your team’s energy be focused? Let’s talk about it – plus I’ll share examples from my clients.  

Let’s dive in.

02:03 The Importance of a Lean Team

03:27 How to Effectively Manage a Lean Team

04:46 Real-Life Client Examples

07:02 Finding the Right Partner for Your Launch

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode. Y'all. Today we are answering the question can you create a six-figure launch with a lean team? This is a question that you may have if you are in a position where you are trying to grow your launch revenue. But you're also in a place where you've been in business for a while, you've had an audience that has grown with you and now your audience kind of has different problems than what they started with more sophisticated problems, more advanced problems. You want to solve those problems as well as serving the people who are just now finding you. And in addition to all of that, you're also increasing visibility, increasing your thought leadership and really kind of owning your space in your industry and in your niche.

Speaker 1:

My clients are typically in those kinds of places where they're playing with and walking that tension between all of those three things like growing their launch revenue, trying to see what's possible here how can we create the biggest launch we've ever had? But also we want to solve more sophisticated problems. We want to do things like VIP days and retreats and like small group things in person and at the same time we're growing in visibility and we're increasing our thought leadership and really owning our space in our niche and in our industry. And while you're walking that tension, it becomes really obvious that you can't do all of it, especially if you're in a situation where you also want to do more things in your life. You want to, you know, maybe travel a bit more, you want to consider having a child or another child, you want to be there for your family, you want to be very present in your life, you want to start taking care of yourself and spending more time I don't know meal prepping, paying attention to your nutrition, your workout schedule, all of these things. You have so much outside of the launch. That needs to happen, not just in the business, but in life as well, and so it becomes really plainly obvious that you can't do all of it on your own, which means you need a team, you need help. Once we start to get into the question of help and hiring, it really becomes a situation of like can I actually create this, or is this going to be more drain and more demand on me? So I wanted to kind of give you some context to help you answer this question if this is a question that you are asking and also share with you what my clients have done that has worked really well for them, if that's you welcome. Thank you so much for joining me. If this is the first time you met me, meeting me, I am Chelsea, the Launch Copy Coach, and this is what I do. I support my clients with completely done-for-you launch support everything from the strategy all the way through to the debrief, running, the launch, copywriting everything so that the only thing on their launch to-do list is taking care of themselves and their communities. That's all they do. We do everything else so that they have the spaciousness to do everything we were just talking about Pursuing the things they want to do in their life. Pursuing really being more visible and sharing their thoughts in their industry and owning their space in their industry as a thought leader. Pursuing solving more sophisticated problems with VIP days and in-person retreats and all these things. So we open up the space in my clients' businesses for them to do those things.

Speaker 1:

The answer to this question of whether or not you can create a six-figure launch with a lean team is obviously yes. I wouldn't be kind of bringing that question up if the answer were not yes for you today. But the question is how? How do we make that happen? Because once you start to bring in team, you now start to bring in the question of managing said team, of communication among said team, managing said team of communication among said team and we all know, or maybe you are aware of this from stories from other people or maybe from your own experience but once you start to bring more people into the mixture, there is a demand and responsibility that's placed on you. It might be slightly different than if you were doing it all yourself, but it is still there and it's there in a way that's probably even more intensive than you would expect. And so you end up in a position and a situation where you're like I'm not really trying to hire nobody right now because I don't want to deal with managing a team right now, but if I want to create significant launch results, I kind of do need a bit of help. So how lean does this team need to be? How can you figure out how to have a team that does not depend on you as much to be the linchpin and lead the launch? That's the question I kind of want to help you think through today.

Speaker 1:

So first things first. My clients do this all the time. I have a client who it's just me and her who work on the launch time. I have a client who it's just me and her who work on the launch Super lean, team, super efficient. I write the copy, we co-create the strategy together. I do a lot of the tech execution, like me and my team, and she is the one who kind of runs in terms of thought leadership and that sort of thing, but she's present majorly for the launch event. So if we do a masterclass and stuff like that, if there's anything to troubleshoot or anything like that, she may or may not jump in, but because of the system we have going now, it's really simple and straightforward for both of us to just run the play. I kind of function as her right-hand woman and if you have a VA, usually your VA will function as that.

Speaker 1:

But if they're not used to launches sometimes they're not used to launches, sometimes they might not, and sometimes they may not have the rhythm that you've gotten into with your launch, and so you might still be the one managing them, in the sense that you're coming in and saying, hey, this needs to get done or hey, did this get done You're still the one checking in, leading, managing the person. And so the question here to ask is who can I get help from? Who can I get support from? Who will one get used to the rhythm of launching that I have created really quickly, like be able to pick up on that really easily, quickly and just slot themselves right in? And two, who will be the person who I don't have to manage as much? As a matter of fact, they're the ones who check in with me to let me know how everything is going and to check in to see how I'm doing. They're the ones who take initiative to take care of everything. If there are other team members that need to be coordinated with, they're the ones who lead that.

Speaker 1:

So I just have to focus on the community. I just have to focus on what I'm saying in my launch event when I show up for them. I just have to focus on having conversations in the end, answering questions, people who have questions about the program. I just have to focus on taking care of myself, living my life, all of the things that we talked about before, pursuing the things in the business you want to pursue, your thought leadership, getting more visible in that way, solving higher and more sophisticated problems, while the person whoever that person is really kind of leads the launch for you. The crux of the issue here is identifying who that person is going to be. It's finding someone who can do that for you, right? I kind of shared with you earlier. I am that person.

Speaker 1:

For the clients who I work with and I was sharing with you for one of my clients, it's just me and her. I lead everything and she kind of just comes in, approves stuff. When they're ready, I check in with her and she's good and we run the play. We've gotten into such a rhythm of launching by now that it's really straightforward and simple and easy to just hit the ground running. For another one of my clients, we have a small team where there's ads people and her VA and her husband who also works with her, and then me, but I am also the one leading the majority of those launch conversations. I'm stepping in, checking in with everyone. I'm making sure that everything is taken care of. If there's an issue, I'm leading the troubleshooting on that. Me and my team are taking care of things, making sure that essentially the only thing that my client really has to worry about is showing up, for the community side of things is having the conversations with the community.

Speaker 1:

So, being present for the launch event, being present for the questions event, being present for the questions in the DMs, for the questions in email that's the kind of spaciousness that you need when you start to think about and walk this tension between. I'm ready for more visibility. I'm ready for the best launch I've ever had. I'm ready for more thought leadership and really owning my space in my industry. I am ready to solve more sophisticated problems and do things like VIP days and retreats, but I don't want the launch pulling on me as much because I want to make space for all of these things.

Speaker 1:

If this is something that is on your brain, if you've been thinking about this, your question needs to be a who question and it needs to be somebody who will take the initiative to lead and who will co-lead with you, really support you in this. You don't want this to be all on you anymore. You don't want the leadership, the management of the team, the making of the decisions to be all on you anymore. You need somebody to come alongside you and really be your right-hand person here, and so you want someone who will help you make those decisions really quickly and easily, somebody who will slide right into the momentum of launching. You've created your system, your rhythm of launching and somebody who will take that initiative to lead. So how do you find this person is the question. Well, first things first. As I mentioned to you, this is who I am for my clients. So if this is something that you are thinking about, you can actually reach out. We can have a conversation about what that might look like for you. I only work within this done for you way with a specific kind of client, and so if you don't check all the boxes, I have people that I can refer you to.

Speaker 1:

But caveat here one of the tricky things about this is that if you work with an agency even an agency that's really good and that can help you create results a lot of the decision-making is still on you. A lot of the leadership is still on you. Whether you hire another VA, you work with an agency, you really have to kind of put on the lens of and get really inquisitive and probing with them about how they actually manage a launch. How often do they check in with you? What's the process for troubleshooting issues or decision-making? Can you depend on this agency or on this extra VA or this extra person that you hire, can you depend on them to work alongside you and support you instead of you leading and them kind of being like under you?

Speaker 1:

You want a partner. You don't want a leader, boss kind of team dynamic. You want a partner here so that you're a lot freer to do the other things you want to explore in your business and in your life. So the question can you create a six-figure launch with a lean team with just even one other person? 100% possible here, without a doubt. The question is, though who is that person going to be? And can you, as you search to try and find that person, get really inquisitive, probe really intentionally and ask the hard questions when you're looking to hire somebody, about the kind of initiative they take, the kind of leadership they take, how they come alongside someone and support them as a partner instead of just as a launch support team? Because they're two very different things, and, as you are walking this tension between all of the goals that you have, it's necessary to have a partner. You can't just have a support team. You really need somebody to feel your vibe, feel your energy and match it.

Speaker 1:

I hope this was helpful for you. I hope this was helpful for you to think about. I would really recommend that you actually start searching in your network. Ask people, ask me, I'm here for you. Ask the people in your network, see if they know someone and, when you're talking to those people, get a really good feel for how they work so that you can then decide oh yeah, this person will be a good partner for me. Oh, this person is not going to be a good partner for me. You want to assess that before you even start working together.

Speaker 1:

If you have any questions about this kind of thing, if you want to learn more about how I work with my clients, I do have one more spot for the entire year. One more spot for the whole year for a Done For you launch client. So if this is something you're interested in, please reach out, message me. We can have a conversation about whether you're a good fit and, like I said, if it's not me, I know somebody else who can help you and come alongside you as a partner in this way. So we can have a conversation, no pressure. I am really looking for a specific kind of person and I can help you find somebody if it's not me, but these questions are really important to ask. So I really hope you kind of take some time to dig into them, examine where you are and who can really fit into this vision of yours as a partner. All the best as you think about this and as you plan your launches. I look out for your DM if you've got questions and I'll see you in the next one.