Beyond the Launch

The Synergy Launch Method Phase 2: Calibrating Your Personal Energy to Your Launch Funnel

Chelsea Wallace Season 1 Episode 21

In this episode, we continue our miniseries on my signature system for creating profitable launches that don't burn you out: The Synergy Launch Method.

We're looking at Phase 2: how to align your launch funnel with your persona energy so you don't set yourself up for burn-out, overwhelm, and frustration.

Way too often we end up in situations where we run launches that either (1) don't hit our goals and leave us depleted and disappointed or (2) profitable but leave us completely burned out (and sometimes even sick).

The Synergy Launch Method has the power to do for you and one of the key phases that this happens in is Phase 2, so let's break this down.

DM me on Instagram @ thelaunchcopycoach to let me know what you think about this episode!

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