Beyond the Launch

The Synergy Launch Method Phase 3: Reverse-Engineer Your Launch Funnel to Build Out Your Calendar

Chelsea Wallace Season 1 Episode 22

In this episode, we continue our miniseries on my signature system for creating profitable launches that don't burn you out: The Synergy Launch Method.

We're looking at Phase 3: how we take everything we've learned about your energy and what we've decided on in terms of your launch funnel, and reverse-engineer that to build out an actionable launch calendar that becomes your launch GPS  for every action you take before and during your launch.

It's so easy for things to slip through the cracks and not get done while you're launching. It's also very easy to get overwhelmed and end up in procrastination if we don't account for your energy.

The Synergy Launch Method takes care of both of those problems in phase 3, so let's break this down.

DM me on Instagram @ thelaunchcopycoach to let me know what you think about this episode!

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