Beyond the Launch

The Synergy Launch Method Phase 4: Executing Your Launch with Flexibility, Intention & Ownership

Chelsea Wallace Season 1 Episode 23

In this episode, we close out our miniseries on my signature system for creating profitable launches that don't burn you out: The Synergy Launch Method.

We're looking at the final phase, Phase 4: now that you have your launch GPS and you're clear on what actions you need to take and how to manage your energy, it's time to launch! But it's suuuper easy for everything we just worked on to fly out of our minds with the naturally intensive and overwhelming nature of a launch. So how do we cope? How do we ensure we don't get overwhelmed and burned-out and still create a profitable launch?

Phase 4 tackles and addresses all these questions, let's dive into it.

DM me on Instagram @ thelaunchcopycoach to let me know what you think about this episode!

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