Beyond the Launch

4 Suggestions if it Seems You Won't Hit Your Launch Goals

Chelsea Wallace Season 1 Episode 24

It's hard to face the possibility that you won't hit your launch goals. But it happens, right? Based on your projections, you run the numbers, and you realize, dang, I might not make this goal based on what I'm seeing...

So how do you address it? How can you think about this productively and in a way that can actually set you up to achieve your goals in the future?

In this episode, I have 4 suggestions for you that build on one another and allow you to move through the disappointment and other emotions you might be feeling, while still getting valuable lessons from the launch experience that can move you toward your goals.

Let's break this down.

DM me on Instagram @ thelaunchcopycoach to let me know what you think about this episode!