Nighttime Nostalgia

A Show of Support

Romell Barbes Season 1 Episode 2

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Episode two is the second show in a three part series where we address the overall need to view the world without society's bias or influence.  Success and support go hand in hand, so we used this show to emphasize the need to identify and reciprocate it.  

speaker 0:   0:00
Hey everyone welcome back to Nighttime Nostalgia. The last episode we were talking about recalibrating our way of thinking. When we move into the stage where we're defeating distractions and focusing on updated goals, we're definitely going to need support. The idea itself is sort of understated, probably because it's not flashy, or sexy, but I can't think of a more important ingredient for success and happiness.  

speaker 0:   0:34
I remember growing up hearing quotes like "No man is an island" and "It takes a village to raise a child". They didn't just say it because it sounded good. They repeated it because they knew that the right level of support would give us the power to change ourselves and the people around us. So what's your take on it? Do you think that it's as powerful as I'm making out to be? I personally believe that it comes from a place of love. Someone decides to give of their time to make your well being their priority. They don't mind being brutally honest with you because at the end of the day, their focus is gonna be on the breakthrough. You can float ideas and offload problems on these persons and typically you can learn to avoid familiar mistakes. This type of support system will warn you. They'll tell you about dangerous people and situations, and sometimes they can even save you from yourself. I don't know about you, but I needed saving often throughout the course of my  life. In my early teens, maybe to my twenties, I didn't realize how important support was. I got lost in my first taste of freedom, and, as usual, I wanted to outsmart the system. I painted this beautiful picture of myself and did whatever I wanted behind the scenes. It worked against me big time because I was always a loner. I didn't trust a lot of people and I lived an unnecessarily private life. I paid a high price for that level of an anonymity, and the only thing that it ever really got me was distance from positive influences, and people to call me out on my nonsense. I think about it often and looking back, I was smack in the middle of my self discovery. Early on in your life, you have your parents or parental figures to help guide you, and then as you mature, you start your own version of a family. But there's a stage in between where your transition in between support and it's there where you typically feel most invincible and, ironically, make the most mistakes. Steve Jobs had Woz. Oprah had Gayle and even Batman had Robin. The truth of the matter is, no one could do it on their own. We all need someone to hold us up so that later we can  hold it down. Who do you have in your circle? Always search for people to enhance you and make sure that you obviously return the favor. Keep in mind, however, there's absolutely no shortage of people that are ready to tear you down. We live in a world where people will crush your goals because of your gender or beliefs and even the color of your skin. While I believe that everyone deserves support, not everyone deserves your support. You don't believe me. Turn on your TV, Check your social feed. Everywhere you turn, you see toxic situations posing as friendships or relationships. One side benefits from the sacrifice of the other, and they receive it with no intention of giving back. The person doing this sacrificing believes that they will be the one person on the planet that can fix an entire personality. Do yourself a favor, break the cycle before it breaks you! The flip side to that coin is there are lots of people that will freely give of their support. They see potential or they're reminded of something that they once saw in themselves and they pour into you without agenda. They're not threatened by what you'll do with the knowledge, and in most instances,  truly hope that you use it to surpass them. Most of us are blessed to receive this level of support. But are most of us aware enough to benefit from it? Do we appreciate it? The average person has a combination of significant others, Kids, friends or all three. So how do you support the people that mean the most to you?  There's a common themes that work across the board, so no  matter which group you're addressing honesty is an important one. Early on, I thought that sugar coating my response was the best way to counsel a friend, and obviously I was wrong. There are words that you can use in sensitive situations, but the best way to support the people that you love is to, be honest and be direct. People need to trust that they'll get the full version. or, they may not feel comfortable returning to get more advice or help. Obviously, there are times in your life when you just can't be there for someone. But as long as it doesn't create an issue for you or your family, be there for the friends that need you. Your timing could make a major difference between a foolish decision or a faster recovery on their part. How do you support your significant other? Honestly, just make it a habit to communicate often. Find out how they prefer to deal with situations. Never be afraid to ask,  "How can I help? ' So a tragedy might call for a long hug and a moment of silence, Whereas recovery from a tough work week may call for dialogue and even some advice.  What makes you happy? If I get home one day and clean the entire house, Although there should be some level of appreciation, I can't get mad at My wife if she would have preferred a baby sitter and a quiet dinner. We get frustrated when people don't see things the way that we do because we forget that we have to support multiple points of views.   Take the time to talk things through, especially when issues arise. Men have a tendency to gravitate towards physical support and women to emotional. Obviously, there's nothing wrong with either, You just have to be open minded enough to understand each other styles and support accordingly. So when it comes to your Children, be mindful about how you argue in front of them. The plus is, They learn how to disagree in a positive manner. You know,  encourage them to be assertive instead of pushovers.  But over aggression can send, the wrong message about what behavior they should accept or how to treat others.  The opposite is true.  Children, see spouses supporting one another and they can learn the best way  to give and accept support. My parents live on an island ....literally, so they rarely asked for support when it came to help with us, as kids. As exhausted as I typically am, I do the same thing because I followed what I've seen. It's not always right, but support is learned. So support your kids by showing them the process of success. Make sure that they're in view when the Thought originates when the idea is manifested, right on through achieving the goal. Let them see the ups and downs of every process so that they they can become familiar with obstacles and with the mindset that they can overcome them. Listen up. God thought it was important enough to give Adam help in the form of Eve. If you want success, you need support. Like the old African proverb says. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.   So we'll, be wrapping up this series next week and parents,  I'm excited to remind you that we'll be doing our first episode of Pearls for Girls on May 27. So see you guys next week.