Ryan Elson: No Humble Opinions

Bootleg: Mens Mental Health Presentation

Ryan Elson

Bootleg episode: Christmas can be a lonely time for some people so if that is you....... up and at em!!!!    Here is a Men's Mental Health presentation I did just over a year ago. It seemed to help a few lads on the day so if you are feeling a bit low, have a listen.  

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0 (0s):
Hi there. Ryno here from the podcast. No humble opinions, but we talk about things that other people don't talk about and do something a little different for you today. And it's not an interview as per normal. It is a presentation I gave about a year ago about men's mental health. My thoughts on dealing with adversity after having a couple and how to get through your darkest times. So the recording is pretty average. It's off a phone, so apologies for any quality issues there, but thought it might be worth a listen for a few people. So I'm throwing it out there. Hope it helps you a bit guys, and look, have a great Christmas. If I don't chat to you before

1 (41s):

2 (57s):
<inaudible> well, I'm not the Chinese medical person. I'm not a counselor. I am. None of those things were MPS have been a little bit unlucky and I'm still fucking here. So I just sort kick out and stuff. So I just want you to know that, like what, how do you ask me? <inaudible> I've never done a mental with one before, but obviously with wall. And if we can all get something out of this and so of might move a little bit further eight with wherever you are in a lot of the men or we started, right? So let's say we can do firstly, broken golf, only think of one thing.

2 (1m 37s):
I have a question for you. If you need to draw them off, can you control anyone else? Remember that sheet is that as advices of what all I think my can mean go better and my life fees. Okay. <inaudible> and he told us that the difference between faults and responsibility I had, I'll get into that a little bit later on, but it's really interesting and I've stolen it off, but I dig it. It's freaking cool. All right. So I, to tell you that that might for, I mean, found some, so you've got someone you're reward the hell up.

2 (2m 18s):
You speak into your story. No, very different than the others sitting in the woods. Okay. Boy, at 70 years old, my mum find dead. That's cheating the shit out of his fees, drinking everything, all dating game bicycle. It was just that goal. I fucked it up. Just wasn't easy to work. They couldn't do it. She was seeking mom, which many people have had. And I get that. Unfortunately, she thought I wasn't on parenting. So therefore I went very quickly from seeing what she dad seeing mom to guardians and foster parents and things about that. What guardians signed on a bit of hype that from my mom, that, that she golf prosecuting happened is not <inaudible>.

2 (3m 5s):
I had one year up here, like didn't once flooded. I was 10 or minute distinctly spinning with an argument between my grandmother and my aunt, who was my guardian about who had to have <inaudible> <inaudible> that you don't give him like, Hey, a lot of that sort of stuff that I'm about too much. I got sent to boarding. And you said, which is funny because all these five kilometers from school plus resigned Italians, <inaudible> the next teacher. And I just didn't want can't sign it all with your <inaudible>. Who's not sure. I mean, I was screwing up a lot at school.

2 (3m 46s):
I was in trouble <inaudible> then <inaudible> but you're friends with this girl. And I went to a house a few times and hung out there alone. And I noticed that we had some of the wrong, not as when something went wrong, that they would talk to each other and had a chat. And I sat down at a table where I draw <inaudible> why did behave in this? This is what we expect from people. Number three, anything no know <inaudible> it's funny. They got in trouble for abusing me. And that was the big thing. And <inaudible> got from the dead, but we sit in there and started to realize that there was a different opportunity off of this.

2 (4m 34s):
Doesn't have to be wait and see. She's so awesome. Started taking on some of the stuff from the lost and sort of still on foster periods. Now in 46, that next week they had still thought about family, but I started taking on some new stuff and then subsequently nine, nine to point guidance on where you can just avoid school. I always speak to them one, you movies. This doesn't have to be the way that <inaudible>. And they hated me for it. But worse eating comes along and my guy sat me down and he said, we're going to go to school. You're not going on a trip. Cause you don't know <inaudible> library in Western the last fall. Okay. And I'm just going to up because as you can tell, I'm a foster parents who are my friend's parents say no to give those teachers some guidance, those dive in the back of the money and the guardians.

2 (5m 30s):
I mean, it's more smooth. It's this is wrong. Something is wrong with you. And the school was, <inaudible> like mid eighties, late eighties. So yeah, but when know will Trump or what can we do about it? They hadn't gone time. That's my guy. I, the deal between himself and one guy, he said, he's coming to your 11 and he's going to do a little bit free. Cause I don't even, I don't know what that is. Hearings <inaudible> and then the, you talk a more and we should barely go up. And <inaudible> you guys just put into the study and that's passed down and filed and whatever let's say he can do a little afraid <inaudible> he can go to 12 and then allow him to do small <inaudible>.

2 (6m 15s):
So well, Charles biology, because I freaking love cutting up frogs. And she thought that that was just dig it. And I happened to Gates. <inaudible> where one wants you to do well. Sign you've made changes to pretty freedom that you wanted to prove to them like you're doing this is I ended up, you had turned one counts. I've busted my ass for the term and I'm filing. These are going <inaudible>. So <inaudible> would be the cost in you smack kind of soulmate. And she said, we don't know how to stop it.

2 (6m 56s):
I must not. <inaudible> my house. It's four hours of her Saturday, teaching me how to scout. How do you use different pains? How to haul up different things. What things were important in the paragraph from all those other things in places, at least one of the things I'll say seems to be quite good at is taking the opportunity. <inaudible> now <inaudible> critic. Let's not be wrong, but I passed. And then this year I went on a bit <inaudible> to go on social. So I was talking about thing.

2 (7m 39s):
I had opportunity. I was at a friend's place in November. And then, Hey, <inaudible> what are you gonna do? What happens then? I'm like, <inaudible> on them. He's not kidding us. I'm 46. I'm super emotional. And you see cops and we all had a laugh. He was a superintendent. And plus he said, do it. You be cool. I do. So we did it. We did the taste and the fiscal. So they did all the interviews and all the stuff. He might've felt a bit of facilitation if I can get it for anybody. So I know <inaudible> I <inaudible> the detainees and the job fricking love the facility.

2 (8m 25s):
And then I'll try to get ranked and try and get our harnesses half. And then we'll pretend politics and hierarchy bullshit. Don't even need to find the creams anymore. Drove fast cars. That's a new story. I figure out when it's just not the stuff afterwards. You guys like associate more with that. But if he keeps stuff, I sit here in calls and <inaudible> keep babies. He's getting circumstances and just fucking listening. So what was I saying? What was on, on the dope, you things, all chilling, taking opportunity and noticing the people I me chance and made, wanting to do better.

2 (9m 13s):
How's that mental exercise here? Why? Just say now where I'm at a little bit, the last one, please make sure it comes from and I'll explain more about it later if that's okay. All I went suddenly got separated from a wife of seven years. Wasn't ready for it. Probably <inaudible>. You want to talk to me about it? Feel free. That's suddenly separated suddenly out of my family, Vive 10 boys and a daughter and self worth. And it's all gone. And now I'm living in a flat on self gone <inaudible> anyway, I'll show that I had a dice in Teeter that she's that seriously.

2 (9m 57s):
But anyway, <inaudible> I've had been walking. Wasn't fine. And they are they, I mean <inaudible> well, and then unfortunately my son, Jake started getting a sore neck, which would be suspicious. She was there now it's gone on <inaudible> in January. I have a 48 months, peak week when <inaudible> happened to make right. There's a lot this stuff here that we're gonna talk about today. And if you make some changes, you get, or like most stuff that happens.

2 (10m 37s):
You can get your way differently. You cheat on cancer, you can't and all that family, spirit and nutrition, the experiences and new sounds. We decided put at ease. It's like standing in front of a freight train, and then we can see why we'd done it powerful. Well, you know, it's going to be eight, 12 <inaudible>. He needs to catch that kind of thing. So it's doing all this talking and stuff and some HIV here. So what did you <inaudible>? So that's where that comes from. I think that Josh, Dave who's immersively <inaudible> we hold tight, weak when tell, telling me, be in a wheelchair and be unable to speak <inaudible> and my son looking at me unable to tell me what was wrong too.

2 (11m 33s):
And I didn't get that. What I, and think she drinks better. And they just pop that quite suddenly a night. I think morphine, which is a pretty regular thing for anyone that doesn't have. And it went as well as striking. No, we what'd. You call it different for your dog. Will you see if you having caught seats? I don't know where that is. I've had a lot of panic attacks, which you find to they come up, but that's an interesting model that is controlled how today's kind of different way of thinking. That's probably what, why he asked me to come here and talk to you. Okay. I think presuming it's a bit of fuck you or me giving up.

2 (12m 16s):
I've got too much to do. And that's part of my, I guess what I think now I have, as I say, I'm not a mental healthcare and I could easily sit here to you guys. As you've got issues to pull off <inaudible> <inaudible> not going to let you guys go <inaudible> to do. And the differences that our charts might be. And if one of those conditions is it doesn't, I'm sorry, but it's more step for instance, that attorney point more off, about nine years ago, when I broke off for a year, I was in America, said maybe we work.

2 (13m 1s):
We had a year of pot. That was pretty gross. How was it going to shape something like shade on you? And you're just sharing this. Maybe I will see you on the football and my eyes couldn't understand where it happened. Who had this going wrong? Or was it all <inaudible> dark, dark, Tammy, can you say hi? There is so easy. She's a bitch. She's stupid. She <inaudible>. And what did you do at the start of this question? I asked, what is it that you know, where are you at? Who can you control? What can't control? What did you <inaudible>?

2 (13m 45s):
I had, I had not been a good hospitals. I had not been good fatherless. Okay. So you buy once this get into it, don't worry. So you think it is, it might difference to me. It was one I forgot to be nice. Well, I sort of had to be more like off the books. We not sped things. She always puts me to 30 chip has pissed me off. What case? What else? I think what typically last there's not a lot and cherished. How's she doing something else? Nothing like data waltz. What's that sweating? The small stuff.

2 (14m 27s):
Well, let something small needs to meet needs. You have huge whose duty that you and the philosophy, the three died was over some, a pop in the caramels. Awesome. How much do you damage yourselves? Well, I'll ask this question. If you were hating somebody, does it matter to me? Nah. If you're hiding someone and you're not, I can hate to opposite to love. And if you love someone, that's pretty <inaudible>. If you're hiking someone that maybe not, who are you hurting?

2 (15m 10s):
What does it matter? He says he calls it. Is it worth it? Thinking about the tool and discussing and trying to figure it out anymore. This has helped me when I sweat the small stuff anymore. Mommy says X and I'm obviously really fricking fine with it. But if we told him, we guarantee the car will have what's called and then they make last minute, her she's going to jump out the car. <inaudible> it's her tell you what? 13 years ago, all in an asshole at that Josh do often what's the toughest.

2 (15m 55s):
It's quiet, but it's like some of the logic, how much stress and how much to affect them or mental health has that site? How much Patriots? Here's my thoughts. We didn't have a fight, which is not the point. My eczema thought every night I'd be freaking out about something that's stupid. That's bullshit. Let's go and doing it. No, <inaudible> not. Teaching fixed will teach you things that you can listen and learn, but it's you who's doing, it's not.

2 (16m 38s):
Church is actually making someone get what they kept the brightest student athlete in the world. He doesn't listen to the coach. He doesn't train. He's eating, but he's learning. So you guys are going to do this. If you want Chinese, you always do. Which always done. You always get what you've always got there. So you need to fix it. And you aren't the only one that can miss the thoughts, response, and responsibility thing that was said about William Smith earlier. I think that's cool. How much time do you speed on <inaudible> this fucked up something went wrong.

2 (17m 22s):
It doesn't matter. It's false. And these responsibility, the question is who is responsible for fixing that? If you had a disaster, when you're a kid, whatever, it might wait for me in my head. <inaudible> he getting back in? You know, but I can see what those guys in the dark that are doing the meeting. I can sit there. It's like all these it wasn't there. It's not good. That's true.

2 (18m 2s):
It wasn't fake. And the sheet. And wasn't one thought that doesn't fucking matter. So that's your, if it's your fault, that is what is your responsibility to fix things or to move on with it. Sometimes you got to stick over giant. Steve, what do you mean? Nothing? You try to say when you go. So just turn into smart guy. Tell me <inaudible> never did anything wrong. So <inaudible> got this. Try their best, nothing. 19 words.

2 (18m 43s):
How'd that Mexico operation. He had titanium up his neck. So he had known vertebrae. <inaudible> is not a one to blame, just eats more than needs, but it is more of a responsibility too lane to Jake, to my friends, to my family to move home. That kind of truth. <inaudible> let me see a time when I feel that when she does I'll move on from that <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible>, it's not there.

2 (19m 28s):
She's not there, right? That would be known in <inaudible> guarantee you that. But I sit there and really open up and get <inaudible> feedback or maybe some day I wanted to have going to things and move forward is the biggest thing he has to do in life is keep moving forward. We see this quite well. PIP says Churchill is Umar. If you're going through hell, keep going installed as snow arises. No one wants to be pick up. Oh, that's it. About two months out Jake, I was talking to a call about the mentioned Jack and it was <inaudible> okay.

2 (20m 15s):
Just for me to go. I have had panic disorders is, was 21, but the kids know all the very sick <inaudible> sorry. My wife had postnatal where a two year old and it was just very difficult. You need to decide if you're going to be a detective, what are you going to be a dad? And so I chose dad and then it was Roy <inaudible> that the work I just volunteered there for days. <inaudible> what assault can I tell you have, have a failure.

2 (20m 58s):
So patients are adjusted wrong as a result of that, I just I'll get so pissed off. So secret that <inaudible>, <inaudible> what I'll do with tech. I've actually got them. So bring it Hispanics actual through your feet, which is, should he have said that, that if you move somebody, I think The one issue I have to, I don't understand Susan and sit here and say all don't do it.

2 (21m 41s):
It's selfish. Always with things that people cycling, everything I've done. I just, I haven't been thinking made it is don't give up, keep going tomorrow as well. And that's how I sort of do or don't understand too much, but a good friend of mine recently, it had to be, she used told me that it wasn't, that he was sad. It was just that he felt nothing. I'm sorry. I was talking about full, well, not really frustrating. Tell me what about, what, what, what, what, what, what come up with job seekers? So I talked to people that have gone for jobs, trying to George, and I think the mine on most important things about having a job is not mine.

2 (22m 29s):
I must say, I think a job first third is not going to do something because it makes you feel better. I wouldn't tell you if you're a Sikh. Almost did Skype was the better place. Or I remember consciously you made it <inaudible> work. Jason. And I would go to a cafe or some of that. And just also back then, and now I will do jobs just cause I had to get out of the house and I stay home. So those rules or any you he's driving and sense of purpose. What was he?

2 (23m 10s):
<inaudible> getting helped. People ask me that <inaudible>, you know, they didn't know what was here is a nice thing. And it's helping. First of all, once you, you, you connections. What do you know guys? Is it not? Do you agree with that? If you don't know, anyone we show up is all knowing thing, right? It's about community connections. It's about getting something for yourself. What do you need to do with other people do that here.

2 (23m 50s):
You can sit in. If you like animals, then we've got a great <inaudible> and we've got running on 73. Number one teams, although I've seen too, this sounds <inaudible>. Some of them are going to be on the radio eventually, but that's the work to get a sense of purpose and a sense of being, make sure you have that in your walls. You're sitting around looking at your toes all the time, but just what you need is less than that spot. So Adam reminded me this morning. You got a group might have always had really done that. He's really smart. He told us is he concentrate on the board.

2 (24m 32s):
If you sit there and concentrate on what's wrong in your life, is there anything not so fulfilling? You would be T to get that. Okay. <inaudible> pushing phone because I need a purpose on you. That's a bit of realist Punisher agent to for 15 years, Michael money in work. Do you mind? I know I worked for one that reach past <inaudible>.

2 (25m 14s):
So it's got a chocolate, chocolate and promotes chamber of commerce, president indirectly. And we used to have these things called meetings. You still do business things for your business. They come along with great <inaudible> people talking about it, but without the heart, as she was talking to me and I started to notice a few people coming to events that were retired or weren't working or didn't need to network and government jobs or well, is there a drink I can drink? Anyway. Snippet of warming.

2 (25m 55s):
Wouldn't be possible. What, how we do this without the bullshit in the business, every car would bring you so Southern to almost set basis all the way at this place. At this time, if you want to come along, it will be welcomed. We will introduce you to everyone and you'll be accepted. There's two rules to chart. Very simple. First of all, this, you must talk to people. You don't know, don't hang out your cliques or come along. <inaudible> I talked to him, do whatever second rule is, you have a strict, no dickhead policy or however it went to 10 because that's simple as that. There's no agenda. I think that our attorney general <inaudible> we, she said <inaudible> what's the agenda right there.

2 (26m 43s):
Isn't one. So did anyone <inaudible> shoving nothing. <inaudible> some commands. We've had 2,200 people turn up in the first year. Char child was a year old in 17. Okay. That is right. We've had so many things come out of that fund walnuts, which is another pop of state of the ambulance and other stuff we have had people find great friends in some of the ladies were on a cruise together to go, we'll be up. Just go on. That's wonderful. Am I some hot seat?

2 (27m 20s):
<inaudible> and we had had two people come and tell me that. Sorry, amongst yourselves. It's just a thing. If you turn up, something would happen. How much opportunity do you get to sit in your lap? You're not going to be <inaudible> family dies. Like that's more than what it used to be. <inaudible> having turnips whenever <inaudible> that's okay. Charlie is another part of that way. We are now going out to seasons at mango Hill and visiting aged care.

2 (28m 8s):
40% of those puppies don't get a visitor. She snacks. Can you say something about their volunteer? 10 out, hold on one of these tool, you don't even have to check the backups. It's all a <inaudible> <inaudible> young people should be better people in the community and why we're doing it, or frankly is letting them make good people. It's really hard to be in the Midland with third generation on the court right now, when your family's in the jail, what would you go on when you think of change culture?

2 (28m 52s):
That's the only way you can change the site and Oh, employment. Just break from that. How's working with job seekers and <inaudible> the desert. Yeah. And Greg status showed initiative that enthusiastic. Why haven't they got the job, but Gates <inaudible> they don't know anybody who, you know, if you think about it, most of my jobs <inaudible> the penalty there's is as a key because don't mind them down the road.

2 (29m 36s):
That one, some of the swept, the floors. When we did picture session this year, Nellie wanted some of do that at 12. Now <inaudible> post office, the <inaudible>. He said, he goes, do anything to help someone else help yourselves. If you're not, it's really good feeling. You're not getting money. All right. I'll tell you what be hearing that you guys shit. I'll tell you what you will struggle with <inaudible> and change their life. What Mrs. Mack did for me, when she came to my house and told me how to start it, that's pretty frequent value.

2 (30m 18s):
You get Hanuman sheet. No one takes it off. Would it? What I found with this was it was like I said, it's who, you know? So if you use your sheet, you put through a pie, <inaudible> all your compensating coffee. If you was job seekers, turn up. If you leave as employers or facilitators <inaudible> but facilitator, if you guys turn up, I'll give you, I'll give you a fleet and a coffee and you talk <inaudible> how long you don't ask people what they can do for the rest of their life. Cause like I said before, I'm 46 and I'm not really sure they're allowed not to know <inaudible> that's what, it's not that he's going to do something wrong.

2 (31m 5s):
So what we do is getting, and I haven't checked. So if I were to have 15 jobs at a dinner, but the four events I've had about 300 people, maybe a bit more turned up to them. It's cool because what's here. When you go to reporters, have their oil correctly from wrong. We employ them personality and enthusiasm. Go with that. Excuse <inaudible>. But if you're at an entry level, you don't know anything. Teacher, the great people that work. So human. So if you guys want to do anything to that guy, first, let's start wrapping up now. Cause you guys want that volume, but also questions.

2 (31m 48s):
If you want, if you want to ask to tell the question session, that's good, but the single cheer takeaway for these online feeling of main spiritual growth, which is what we need for, he said, it's up to you. No, one's going to, I think shit. No one can fish. If you continue to think why she is going to stay sheep, it's not shit. It's fucking awesome. Sunshine and Bootsy. Okay. It's the only time it's over his death when you delight. That's it? I mean, I'm sorry. I'm very icy. So whatever your beliefs are, but for me, that's the, that's the only time it means.

2 (32m 29s):
So firstly, you can check out, this is cool. Shit just there. And you just don't know that yet. Get up and you do something differently. You find that code sheet and you often we made it us not to die. Do something different today. If you want to feel up for a walk, this sudden change your way of doing things. Is there such change in your anymore? And you can feel bad for me. Easy to stay in. This chair got changing laws and it will be start small. Keep walking forward. If you're going through hell, keep going. <inaudible> next voice all wrapped up there. Any questions please do.

1 (33m 6s):