Ryan Elson: No Humble Opinions

Ep 45: Drag Queens

Ryan Elson

What is it about Drag Queens? Throughout Australia's homophobic history Drag Queens have always been a beloved form of entertainment that transcended prejudice. So why do they do it and why do people love it?

And how does tucking work?? 

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0 (1s):
Hey there it's Ryno here from the podcast. No humble opinions where we talk to interesting people about interesting things. And we have three very glamorous interesting people here today, and they are drag Queens.

1 (15s):

2 (30s):
You're good. Thanks. Good. Good, good. Thanks. Well, Hey, thank you, darling.

0 (35s):
Excellent. Okay. So we have I screams Tilly screen.

2 (40s):
Hi darlings. Aren't Tilly and delicious. Diamante good afternoon.

0 (45s):
You're looking gorgeous. We'll have photos everywhere later on and we'll do the whole shebang and you can then start your stuff in the streets of regularly for Joe. I'm really looking forward to seeing a bit of actually, which would be fine. So, Hey, you doing gang

2 (57s):
Really? Really good. Actually,

0 (59s):
Megan, remember to come towards that marker. Right? And so that people can actually hear you, which is a big bonus on the podcasting. It just makes it easier. If people can hear what you're saying, which is cool.

2 (1m 8s):
We're doing okay this evening. It's a bit warm, but we are doing fine.

0 (1m 11s):
Lovely. Lovely. All right. Let's start question times. What got you lot into being drag Queens? Tell me your stories.

2 (1m 19s):
Okay. Darlings. We started roughly two years ago in June. We moved down from Cairns down to Brisbane and Ms. Tilley's never done drag before and we wanted to have our own little group down here. So she decided to get a peer Queens together and just see how it went. And two years later, but bigger and better than ever before.

0 (1m 41s):
What made you decide what, like did Tilly decide to join us? Like what was the, the thing that he did, something you'd always wanted to do.

2 (1m 48s):
Tilly's never done a bore and she just wanted to put her cup zone and see how far she could go. Really? It is till he loves being the drag queen, that she is most people that come to our club know Tilly as the skanky queen and they love it. They love Tilly, Shaun, a bit of flesh without flesh. It's just not Tilly.

0 (2m 6s):
Well, fair sounds fine to me. I asked, tell me about your situation. What got you into things

2 (2m 10s):
I've been a drag queen for about six, seven years. First started in good old Ipswich.

0 (2m 19s):
The perfect spot to start off as a drag queen. I'd imagine. Yeah,

2 (2m 25s):
No I'm yeah. I started with another track, you know, another best mate of mine. M Hodjat which your chase? My about drag Queens. Yeah. Started there. I refused at the start. I'm like, no, not on that dressing up. And then yeah. Started off as a raffle chick and then worked my way up. Got my confidence. And yeah. Went to Cannes. Performed in about front of 600 people.

0 (2m 49s):
Was that your first shot edit in front of 600 or

2 (2m 52s):
Sporties Ipswich USA. And then we moved back down here to the Bay and then we thought, well, let's open up the LGB T

3 (3m 1s):
In M D Bay and Redcliffe. And we got a lot of people saying that, you know, there's no LGBT events around here. So we started off small and now we big cool.

4 (3m 11s):
Especially on the North side, there's not much on the North side plus LGBT community. You ladies a change.

3 (3m 19s):
My name ice-creams is because I scream pretty loud. Good to know. Yeah. And I'm the real flirty one on the night. My hands go wandering. I'm the real touchy feely queen. So we know that. So yeah, so we perform every two months at deception Bay balls clubs. So

0 (3m 44s):
Yeah, no, that's cool. So delicious. Tell me your story.

4 (3m 49s):
Well, I am actually been doing it about 10 years ago was the last time I'd done it. So I really enjoyed it working in the Valley in Brisbane doing that. And I've only just recently come back from Adelaide. So I'm going to be a new, special guests on the next up and coming night that we have at deception Bay. So it's going to be fun. It's like a bicycle. You never forget to learn how to walk on high heel shoes again, which has been challenging, but it's all worked out good. So I've got a good backup team with Tilly and ice. So working with them, I feel much more comfortable and looking forward to the future.

0 (4m 31s):
So you said you'd been Oh, 10 years ago. Was the last time, how long were you been a drag queen?

4 (4m 36s):
It's probably about 18 months. I was doing that. So I'm working in the Valley with all the old, true blue drag Queens, Trixie and everyone else. And they taught me a lot and taught me in my makeup. And it's good to get back in it's, you know, nervous at first. But once I get back in the swing of it, I'm more the sultry one, the group, I suppose. And these two girls all live in me up. I'm sure when they get me on stage, that's get your motor running. Oh yeah, definitely.

0 (5m 11s):
So one, okay. Ladies, what, what do you, what do you get out of doing this? Like, okay. There's a, there's some, there's a reason that you wanted to have an alter-ego that that was female and you wanted to do to sing. So what is it that you get out of doing your show? Is it just, is that the only time you dress up is for your show or?

4 (5m 32s):
Yeah, the only time I really dress up is yes, for our shows. However, for us equites and glam, it's more about bringing entertainment to the local community and a lot of venues, people that show up at our venue like, wow, thank you for having me tonight. I feel so much better because there's many people out there that suffer depression, anxiety. I ask putting on these shows daily, that night building 110 better. And that's

2 (5m 58s):
What it's about. It's about giving back to the community and making everyone feel loved and welcomed on the night.

0 (6m 5s):
Well, it's just, just been occurring to us. Something to me in how history Australia has got a history of homophobia to a large degree. It was particularly prevalent in my family when I was a kid. And I've got some people that taught me good lessons about that, which was great, but I've always found it really interesting that no one got shitty at a drag queen. Like it was, it was, it was like a different part of the community. Like, Oh no, you know, we don't like homosexuals, but drag Queens are awesome. And I remember everyone when I was a kid sitting there and everyone's laughing at day midnight and a few other, you know, you know, characters like that. And that was great and totally acceptable. But if you're an openly gay man, it wasn't acceptable. But then what, what, why do you think it's so acceptable to be dreaded?

2 (6m 49s):
Patients will have back all the adrenaline and the excitement for people because rarely it is. Yeah. I know we're coming with the LGBT side of things, being a gay guy in the community. No one really wants to know your kind of day. The minute you slip into rock, put your makeup on, you're totally different person, your whole new persona. So to me, I think it's more about people accepting it in the fact of knowing that it's okay to be who you want to be. That's how I like to look at the community, how they look at me, like if I can set myself for being the drag queen, I think of makes it easy for other people to come to terms with it at the same time.

0 (7m 28s):
Oh, look, I agree with that. I just I've always found it a really strange thing that like I was at a pub strikingly, familiar at a pub up in Darwin Isaac, and it was a rough crowd. Like it was good, fun and play. And then all these drag Queens came in selling raffle tickets and do only bits and places. And everyone just loved them. And he's only, he's really blokey, blokes getting photos with, with the coins and, and having a laugh and getting a snuggle and all that stuff. And it's just, but if you were just a gay man sit near and your jeans and t-shirt, there's no freaking way that they would consider doing that. And you know, <inaudible>

3 (8m 4s):
Yeah. We get a lot more respect. It's funny. We had a lot more respect when we're in, as you said, we're in a frock and we're in, got a week on because they don't know us. Like I get a lot when I'm in drag, I get a lot of guys come up to me thinking I'm a female. Like, they're like, Oh, you know, okay. Whistles, cheers, blah, blah, blah. Because they don't know what's underneath. Yeah. If they only knew what was underneath, but yeah, it's funny. We get a lot of respect in drag and what we do when we're not in drag. Yeah.

0 (8m 30s):
Is that, is that part of the appeal? Like, is there something in that, is there a bit of a power move about being a drag queen?

2 (8m 37s):
I think that would be, yeah. That's my honest opinion. I think so.

3 (8m 40s):
No, no. Who we are, we're totally different. And it makes me feel good. Like I've been doing it for years, but when I'm, and I start putting my face on my wig, everything other, my totally different person, it makes me feel good. And when I get out of it, I'm like, ah, I've got to go back to the boring or normal life. So, but it just, yeah, it's good. Like, we got a lot of feedback after our shows and people like coming to see us because we entertain and you know, we get everyone involved. We have kids calm, you know, we don't, it's not none of this 18 plus only we invite who we want. If someone comes up and says, Hey, I'm gonna learn how to do drag. Sure. Come along and talk to us. We'll help you out. You know, drag Kings, we have, we're all open to all everything.

0 (9m 18s):
Yeah. I'll get onto that. A bit later on I look is, is drag. Queens is okay. The question is just for the gay community. I mean, is it, is that, is there any strike drag Queens out there

3 (9m 29s):
I've had, we've had a few Stripe drag Queens that want to go straight people that wanted to dress up and do drag and own and everything because they feel that while if we can do it, why can't they do it? And it makes them, they just wanna experience it just to see how it feels and when not against that, if someone wants to do it. Yeah, for sure.

0 (9m 48s):
Cause it's, I mean, it's always me. It seems to me and look, bear in mind. I don't know a lot about the drag queen scene. I'll be honest, but I mean, it has Saint to me to be a very LGBT sort of LGBTQ, whatever, also forgotten in that, that was sort of an area to, to explore at a checkout. And then it feels like a very safe place for, for that community that hasn't always had a safe place. So delicious. Tell me you're going to be caught over there. How do you feel when you, when you get dressed up,

4 (10m 19s):
It's like a step into another persona. And I think the original lay girls back in the sixties, open the eyes up for people that it's just an entertainment form as well. And things is like Priscilla queen of the desert. It wasn't that, that was, that was amazing.

0 (10m 37s):
Look how, sorry. I'll drag you back in a second drag you back. Oh, thanks. That was such an interesting thing for me that that was such a massive heat. And I thought it was really sort of demonstrative of how country towns feel about drag Queens. Because I mean, I was in Kalgoorlie at one point in time, so my brother was working out there and, and apart from all the skin PS, like the drag Queens were more popular than the skin piece half the time. And it was just that feeling of embracing that side of, of the community was just brilliant. I thought it was fantastic.

4 (11m 9s):
Yeah. I think Australia was, has always been pretty diverse in places like Sydney and with the lay girls, you know, they, it was the whole fun of going to see something out of the ordinary and expressing yourself and not being afraid to go and see something that was B classes for Boden or, or gangs people's ethics and that, and it's good to see that we have evolved like that and people can be themselves.

0 (11m 38s):
Well, I think it's a wonderful thing. Like it's, it's interesting. I think it's an interesting, you could look and give me some advice on this as well, but I'm really happy as a 47 year old guy that the world has changed so much in my lifetime to accepting of, of everyone in their different forms of life. I, I was very fortunate last night to have a friend of my bonus daughters around who is gender fluid, whatever does not identify. And I bought her up, probably not now it's constantly, but anyway, it just is what it is. But, but how lovely is that? I think that's such a wonderful thing that for my kids' generation, it's just no biggie. It's just like, whatever, it doesn't make any difference.

0 (12m 20s):
So, but tell me, okay. What's is there any rules around being a drag queen? Is there a certain 80 kitties there? Things you've got to sort of, you know, to be part of the scene that you've got a feel, you know, sort of jump into this mold or is anything good?

2 (12m 35s):
No, I don't think you really need any skill to do it. Like for myself, as I said earlier on in the pace, I've never done drag before. So to me it was more excitement to see if I could actually do it. And once I stood out on the stage and since so many people in the audience, most people are like, Oh, you're going to be nervous. Honestly, I'm an entertainer. And that's what I love. So I'd entertain it beforehand. No, I'd never done drag in all my life. Yeah.

0 (13m 3s):
Did you ever done anything else? Do you ever do any singing or acting or anything like that?

2 (13m 7s):
No. Trust me. We won't go down that road today. Very boring. Very boring.

0 (13m 14s):
Well, okay. So Tilly, are you boring outside of it?

2 (13m 17s):
I think so. Yes. And you're happily boring. I'm happily boring. Yeah. Like the minute I step into drag, the whole new me comes out and that's who I love. And that's why you love doing it. That's why I love doing it. Yeah. So when it comes back to the question, I don't think there is a right or wrong way to get into the drag industry. To be honest,

3 (13m 35s):
Just ask for respect. We disliked to be respectful. Not a lot, even whether we're in male or female, but yeah, when we're in drag, as just said about being respect,

0 (13m 44s):
Hey, it's an, it's an easy word to say in it, but it's can be difficult to come across sometimes. But I talk to him about this. I mean, look, we're apart from, you know, having three lovely drag Queens in front of me, I've also got three gay men in front of me. So what's tell me, I mean, how does, how is, how is society going? Has it all feeling in, in be honest? I mean, is it, are we evolving these things getting, are things getting better? Sorry.

2 (14m 11s):
In all honesty, I like to say yes, but I do find that the older generation that's where we run into problems. Like we were more, I thought shops going back a couple of years ago now and the amount of old people that were calling this gross and dirty and porters and all this, and I'm like, come on, like get with the society. This is what we are today. So in that aspect, yeah, I do think that we do have to be careful where we go and what we do, but I find even some of the younger generation at the same time thing, God look at that pool to go by at the same time. So we do a lot of plaque, but reality it is, we deal with it. We move on.

2 (14m 51s):

0 (14m 53s):
Yeah. Fuck the haters. Quite frankly, on so many things. So, you know, I mean, and I know each other outside of the drag persona, and John, we struggled with things, trying to get things going with Trive and a few other bits and pieces. So it's just like here entirely, but all right. So aside from drag Queens, we've got drag Kings. Now I got a little mate of mine, Jade, and I can't remember her drag.

2 (15m 18s):
I know her drag name will turn her. Yeah.

0 (15m 21s):
Yes. And she allows it. He loves it. What are you going to say? I don't know. And it's just, but it was really interesting cause I know Jay outside and to come up and go check out all these photos niches or beat it up and, and, you know, look in the good says, and I think she was being a out and I would categorize something at that point in time and also the, and it, and it was of, and she really enjoys it. And I think judge is still doing it. Isn't she?

3 (15m 49s):
She stowing it. Yeah. She come back to her. She had a bit of a rough patch when she last perform, but she's actually coming back on the 17th, but yeah, like she's the same. She does our everyday work then goes through all the crap. And then when she's dressed up as a guy, she's totally different person. And she does for entertainment too. She enjoys it. She really has a lot of fun. So yeah.

0 (16m 9s):
So right. How do people get involved if there's any listening to these podcasts and they sit in and go, look, I'd love to get involved. And this, I mean, as you say there, wasn't, there's not much of a scene on the North side or whatever the case might be. Well, how do you change it? What's the guy.

2 (16m 24s):
Well, I think if there's any listeners out there today that actually want to learn whether it's being the drag King or a drag queen, the best way around would be head to our Facebook page, which is glitz and glam 2020, join the group, send us a PM. We'll happy to answer any questions that you may have out there,

3 (16m 44s):
Or if not, come on the 17th of April to deception Bay bowls club. And that's where we will be having our first show

0 (16m 51s):
Gravy. Oh, I'll pull that up on, on the, on our side as well on our, you give me a hard time to like go to, I know that. So which I probably will. So I'm just going to have a quick sponsored bike guide. So hang on for a second. Cactus jacks, TexMex barn grew at one 65 Redcliffe parade in red cliff has the very best TexMex this side of the border go for Tilly Tuesday, for instance, 12 bucks, or you can eat chili here. Good Zack, the Margaret is, are amazing. The crone has a cold. And in addition to that, you have a fantastic view across to Morton Island and across directly of jetty check at cactus Jackson cliff. They are amazing.

0 (17m 32s):
Okay. Thanks for that. Right. Let's have a laugh now. So Tilly gives a few funny stories. Now look, first and foremost, I think you're taller than me actually. How tall

2 (17m 41s):
Are you? I'm about six foot seven sweetheart.

0 (17m 45s):
Just brilliant. So what's your shoe size? Oh, well

2 (17m 50s):
My shoe size can be anywhere from 11 to a 13, but you're not, they say about shoe size. Yes, that's correct. Ladies and gentlemen,

0 (17m 58s):
I'm a 32 and I know it's not true.

2 (17m 60s):
Well, I don't disagree with you on that line. It's true. But yeah, usually 11 or 13, depending on the brand, but most of my shoes, you know, I can't go any higher than really an eight inch because I can't get through any doorways. So I have to literally freaking crouch my way through and it's not good for my back. So I choose not to wear really high shoes unless I had flats on now, because I know we're doing some walking later, I've got to swipe my stuff in my plats. I don't want to break a heel out in public just yet.

0 (18m 30s):
So where do you get heals for yourself or for bigger sizes? I mean, if you're killing me or wanted to get into drag, where would she kill get sized twenties,

2 (18m 38s):
Unless you want really big shoes, you're probably gonna be better off going to sex shops, the barn because that's where I had to get them. And they'll actually order them in boy. You may get some from the local op shops if you're lucky, but very rare. Will I find mine?

0 (18m 50s):
That would be a tough call or I can, to be honest and okay. Where do you get your, your frocks and your bits and pieces?

2 (18m 57s):
Well, some of my outfits, I will make other ones. I have a supplier in Melbourne that I'll just order from and hope to go when they get here that they're going to fit me. But, and then at the same time, the one that ice has got on today that was from the bridal shop in Caboolture. They wanted 400 bucks for it, but we got them down 100 bucks. We'll quite happy there. Yeah.

0 (19m 15s):
Yeah, no, that's cool. And that's you just go, go out and go shopping.

2 (19m 19s):
Yeah. And cell wise, we love ourselves by shopping as well.

0 (19m 23s):
Yeah. It's op shopping. We've got one wrong right down below it. She might been browsed before you leave. I don't know if you haven't already.

2 (19m 29s):
We've been there. Done that slow sweetheart back there, darling. No good. No it smell. Sorry.

0 (19m 37s):
Let's not mention any names on that then it's fine. So what, okay. You're up there performing and then when checking out delicious, what's the, what's the thing like, do you, is it song and dance? Is it, what, what jogs, what are you doing?

4 (19m 48s):
It's smelly songs and we do have a bit of humor involved in it too. The crowd likes to get involved, so they'll be up dancing. And I remember back in my days, I'd be down in the bait and then you'd have all the young girls and the trying to fix your hair up in the bathroom and end up making you with a big Afro by squishing your hair up or standing on the trial or your dress and tripping over. Awesome. Yeah. So it's always fun. People love getting photos and just like being involved and it's just something different for people to enjoy in that. So that's the fun part about it. You can, I usually have a big facial bed and it's gone now.

4 (20m 32s):
And so, you know, I'm good at working on cars. I had old collect old Holdens and I was younger on that. So, you know, there's no actual thing. They have to be it's. It can be anyone, it can be a Truckee, you could be a carpenter, you could be a ballet dancer and that, so it's, it's your personality wise. And it brings you out of your shell. You got to step out of your comfort zone for sure. Like, yeah. Usually, like I said, I've got to beat facial hair and that and having a shape wax roll-off yeah. So dresses as well. I'm a size 11 shoe too. So I'm lucky that miss Tillie here had some spare ones that I could borrow from her, trying to find them size in a short time, but

3 (21m 19s):
Jumping in my man shoes now

5 (21m 22s):
Big enough to take the boys. So yeah, a little bit of jealous rocketing here. Yeah.

4 (21m 28s):
Yeah. You know, it's, it's fun to see the married guys as well. And the family guys sorta getting involved in the shows and enjoying it and stepping out of their comfort zone as well. And you know, when they come to see us in that they can be who they want to be and not worried about getting heckled at, for joining in, on the show and, and stuff like that. And the wives love it too. You know, it's, everyone gets up and dances. That's the whole idea of it. It's just to come and have fun and something different, your hair down, let your head,

5 (21m 58s):
Let your hair down. So well, I mean, I remember I've got Lexie here at the moment where you went to was in Bali. You went to the lady, boys show there and everyone just had a bowl and it was really interesting and really fun. So I mean, the kids really enjoyed that and had a good time, which I thought was great too. So, so yeah. So we've got a stage set up and you show come up on the 17th. And so what, what, what, what songs you got going? What sort of things? What should we expect

3 (22m 27s):
Mixture? Like obviously I do a lot of young, like the young, the young like Darmian, Celine Dion, Schneider train.

5 (22m 40s):

3 (22m 41s):
Just all a mixture then we got, can

5 (22m 43s):
You sing us? Yeah.

3 (22m 47s):
Then we got Tilly that does all the old Dolly and sure. Tillys

5 (22m 53s):
I share bitch alive. Now people listeners out there I'm pretty much right now. Believe it or not. Is that right?

3 (23m 2s):
A mixture. Like we've got an old couple that came along one night. They're in their sixties and seventies. They live in San gay and they perform, but they perform they're called the

5 (23m 14s):
Stiletto assist his eyes. Yes. Yeah.

3 (23m 19s):
They come along and perform, they dress up, they wear a head pieces. They wear all the old stuff, going back with Priscilla and they actually have a ball. They don't, and they do really old songs, but they get tired after one song and they say to Tilly and ice, how do you use do eight numbers of show stamina. And I'm deciding we

5 (23m 40s):
It's entertainment to the locals,

3 (23m 42s):
But yeah. So age isn't really a thing. Yeah. We just get, I've got a little seven year old girl that gets up and does our raffle tickets. And she says to her mum, mommy, I want Tilly. And I assume, you know, so she comes along to every show and yeah, she's really attached to us. And yeah.

5 (23m 58s):
So this is, you see you're based out of Dubai or deception Bay. Okay. So where, where do you perform a deception by balls club. Okay. How many have you done many shows there in the past or we've done every single show there. How many shows have you done since January?

2 (24m 15s):
You're probably looking around probably 16 all up because that's when we went into a lockdown that really stuffed a lot of things up. And the club now are only allowing us there once for a once every two months now. Whereas we were a monthly,

3 (24m 29s):
We are trying to expand. We want to try to caveat out a bit around Redcliffe, but get a better around, but,

5 (24m 33s):
Well, we won't be honest. So what comes out, we'll see what happens. Don't worry. I might be able to put you in the right direction on a few things there. So that's great. I mean, anything happened that shows that it was worth having a chat about or what, is there anything

2 (24m 45s):
Actually, probably the most controversial thing we have of a night would be always wardrobe malfunctions. We've had a few where I stepped out on the stage and she's either one busted her heels or she's busted a button and her outfits balling off her or the wig goes flying. So yeah, we always have a bit of excitement when it comes to actually entertaining.

3 (25m 6s):
What about the claims Veronica? She snapped her. She's not there. He'll like fall on and she's still dancing around now. And she continued until the end, but it was funny. And she was like,

5 (25m 17s):
Let's just stoic.

3 (25m 19s):
And she just kept continuing and it was great, but yeah, it was kind of funny. The show must go on the show must go on with it.

2 (25m 26s):
So yeah, it was so we cannot wait for delicious Diamante to get out on that stage though. She's going to rock that. <inaudible>

5 (25m 33s):

2 (25m 35s):
From the dad, look at her right. Spending like a stuff picked up.

4 (25m 41s):
Let's be warming up in the studio here today. So yeah, fresh blood from Adelaide. I think that's going to be interesting and it's always good to have different Queens drag Queens with their different personas and their different attitudes and different song choices. I like whole Patsy Cline songs and eighties disco songs and that, so he doesn't, he does. Yeah. So I think it's going to be interesting to have it. We've got a really good mix this time and I think everything's, everyone's got to really enjoy this next show. We're really excited about it. And we'd like to invite everyone along weekend and come along and just to say hi and see what we're all about.

4 (26m 21s):
How much time, how much those lashes, why to set your eyes more than the average

2 (26m 31s):
And three for our shows also we haven't mentioned is $25 per head. And we also have so many rappels on the night. We do lucky door. We do quite a bit of stuff on the nights. So if there's any listeners out there, seriously, get your ass into gear and come down to our next show because you will not be disappointed.

5 (26m 49s):
Well, we'll put it up on all our, our show space and Facebook page and all that sort of stuff and get as many people there where we can. So is there anything else you coins want to talk about?

2 (26m 58s):
Tell us about it. Okay. Speaking about funny things, I have another funny thing this afternoon here. I was thinking we packed everything for our interview. This evening, we got here and ISIS like Tilly, I might yell darling. She's like, where the hell are my tits? So the poor bitches here in the studio with no titties on, but I tell you what, she's still pulling it off pretty well. Thank God they got the inbuilt kitty. I don't know what you're calling it a padding there to make like a bit of, bit of boob there. So yeah, sure. I can borrow some of yours, right?

5 (27m 33s):
Yeah. Now I've got plane tickets. I've got to sort of keep them on me though. That's the only problem. But I think driving here is funny too. When you're driving with just your drag makeup on and people are looking at you in the car and sort of look at you and then double look back sort of, and or did enjoy rocking up here. I'm a scooter and seeing you three at the front and the only one wasn't mine. Well, Jake was with that point, not ice and saying UT they're just so interesting. Checking out, going on.

2 (28m 1s):
Yeah, I was, I think another thing too on the drag world is a lot of guys that are quite well endowed listeners. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean, my good cell. Some of us do have a few problems with the tucking situation. Please discuss tacking. Shall we? Yes. Yeah, because you've got to tap really tight to make sure your nuts don't fall out of home. I hope I'm allowed to say that. You know, like there's the odd time where I've been out on the stage and my little skanky slutty outfits that I wear and believe it or not. Yes. One of my nuts popped out the side, but you know what the show does have to go on. And honestly, my mother wears, I've seen my ass by now.

2 (28m 41s):
I'm sure they're seeing the rest of me too. Yes. I should've got to comment on that.

3 (28m 46s):
Yeah. I've had a lot of that happen during the Shania Twain song. Going back when I was in Ipswich doing man, I feel like a woman and I wasn't a woman. I dance no way. And the camera man kept looking at me and I'm like, and then at the end of the end of the song, I looked down and yeah, I fell out. I said, I had a period long <inaudible>

2 (29m 13s):
That's what most of us girls call it. We have little lumps down in that area. We call them pureed lumps. Because that way it sounds more appropriate. Then don't worry. Ladies and gentlemen, that's just my junk sticking out right now.

3 (29m 24s):
Unless we have crushed people out there guys go, Ooh. Hello. And yeah, but it's got, it must be.

5 (29m 30s):
Yeah. It's not the sort of thing you want just pop on out alone. Especially kind of, kind of defeats the whole, you know, <inaudible> one time

3 (29m 40s):
You don't drink when in drag. Cause he got to go

5 (29m 42s):
Toilet a lot and you accidentally walk into males and females and you go to pay and it's like, yep. Whoops. So when you've got your drag on, where do you get females? Toilets? Because obviously we have a lady. Yes. Yeah. One time I went in the males and just decided to stay in there and in the trough I go, oops, come on. That must have been pretty funny. If I walked in there and you were in drag having to pay at the thing that I just said. Yes it is. It's very,

2 (30m 11s):
It's a big clap. Clap for the handicapped in other words. Right?

5 (30m 14s):
So you'll try and get you junk at when you've got stockings on can be hard. I've been known to put a hole in my stockings up there. So it was easy to get it out. We call it a work around, talk it when you're half, sometimes when you're half drunk, we've had too many drinks can be a challenge. But yeah, definitely the female told us, cause that way you can actually sit down and readjust everything appropriately, no across look, thanks for the tip. So to speak for sharing that. So, so you've forgotten your Tito's and you're having junk trouble. Tilly. I'm always

2 (30m 48s):
Having junk trouble, darling. Yes. As you

5 (30m 50s):
Do so well, I mean, it just sounds like there's plenty to see and do on the 17th. So

2 (30m 55s):
That's see when Ms. Tilly's in the equation, I'm telling you now there's no holding her back a little bit. No, but I won't be performing on the 17th. That's correct. But the next show after that I will be, but however, still come along because Tilly, AKA, Pete has something up his sleeve. So you've got to come along to see it. If you want to see a bold that's the night to come. That's all I'm saying. Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot wait. I truly cannot wait.

5 (31m 22s):
All right. Well, if there's nothing else, gang, if you only have a chat about it, any other funny stories or funny things, just throw them out there. If not, we can wrap things up and you guys can go for a walk around.

2 (31m 33s):
I think Tilly wants to go for a walk.

5 (31m 35s):
He wants to go for, Oh, thank you very much. Two ice-creams Tilly screams and delicious. Diamante otherwise known as Jake, Peter and Robbie. Thank you very much for coming in. It's been awesome. We'll get a stack of stupid photos and we'll plug your show coming up on the same night.

2 (31m 50s):
That would be wonderful. And thank you for having us this evening. Yes.

5 (31m 54s):
Absolute pleasure. SI. Chiechi people out there next time on no humble opinions. Thanks very much.

1 (32m 1s):