Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία

Ηχητική πρακτική 10 λεπτών για ενίσχυση της αυτοπεποίθησης

December 28, 2023 Konstantinos Charantiniotis
Ηχητική πρακτική 10 λεπτών για ενίσχυση της αυτοπεποίθησης
Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία
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Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία
Ηχητική πρακτική 10 λεπτών για ενίσχυση της αυτοπεποίθησης
Dec 28, 2023
Konstantinos Charantiniotis

Κάνε καθημερινά αυτή την εύκολη ηχητική πρακτική. Στηρίζεται στη δύναμη της γλώσσας να επαναπρογραμματίζει τον νου προς θετικές κατευθύνσεις μέσα από την επανάληψη υποστηρικτικών δηλώσεων. Με την συγκεκριμένη πρακτική θα  καταφέρεις να τονώσεις την αυτοπεποίθησή σου και να βελτιώσεις την αυτοεικόνα σου.


✨Ανακάλυψε εδώ: https://konstantinosc.com/nootropiabook/ το βιβλίο μου  NOO|ΤΡΟΠΙΑ - Εγχειρίδιο Ευημερίας, και εξασκήσου στην σωστή εφαρμογή της μετασχηματιστικής πρακτικής των θετικών δηλώσεων.

✨Θες να σκέφτεσαι πιο αποτελεσματικά; Θες να γίνεις ο coach του εαυτού σου; Κάνε μαζί μου μία μαγνητοσκοπημένη εκπαίδευση σε μία μοναδική ύλη για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα, και δώσε ώθηση στην επαγγελματική και προσωπική σου ανάπτυξη. Δες λεπτομέρειες εδώ: https://bit.ly/3X7awWS 

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Mind your Mind-Mindfulness, Παρακινηση, Αισιοδοξια
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Show Notes Transcript

Κάνε καθημερινά αυτή την εύκολη ηχητική πρακτική. Στηρίζεται στη δύναμη της γλώσσας να επαναπρογραμματίζει τον νου προς θετικές κατευθύνσεις μέσα από την επανάληψη υποστηρικτικών δηλώσεων. Με την συγκεκριμένη πρακτική θα  καταφέρεις να τονώσεις την αυτοπεποίθησή σου και να βελτιώσεις την αυτοεικόνα σου.


✨Ανακάλυψε εδώ: https://konstantinosc.com/nootropiabook/ το βιβλίο μου  NOO|ΤΡΟΠΙΑ - Εγχειρίδιο Ευημερίας, και εξασκήσου στην σωστή εφαρμογή της μετασχηματιστικής πρακτικής των θετικών δηλώσεων.

✨Θες να σκέφτεσαι πιο αποτελεσματικά; Θες να γίνεις ο coach του εαυτού σου; Κάνε μαζί μου μία μαγνητοσκοπημένη εκπαίδευση σε μία μοναδική ύλη για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα, και δώσε ώθηση στην επαγγελματική και προσωπική σου ανάπτυξη. Δες λεπτομέρειες εδώ: https://bit.ly/3X7awWS 

​✨ Ακολούθησέ με στο:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/konstantinos.charantiniotis
Instagram: https://instagram.com/konstantinos_charantiniotis
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXODTTtaWk-TVSgAocvre3g

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Speaker 1:

Mind your mind means to be careful, be careful and care about how important you are. I am Konstantinos Kharantinyotis and my podcast, mind your Mind, will really help you become a master of your mind. Welcome Mind your mind. This is a different episode. I am trying to give you a tool that you can use every day. I will explain. You will hear the expression it made you lose your mind. This is a word that we use when a person has heard many times the same thing again and again, and we can change the mind. We can change the way we think and what we believe in a situation. Our mind can accept the mind and, based on that, we can create our beliefs, our ideas, our thoughts, our lives. This is the main point of our mind. We can use it to make it more useful. We can use it to improve our thoughts, our self-image and our thoughts. This is what will be shared with you. Mind's mind is not necessary. We can choose to do it with awareness, showing our mind the way we want to help and strengthen the practical way I am presenting today is by combining two very strong tools of mind positive words and vision. As I said, a different podcast is a podcast of concentration and I encourage you to become a new everyday self-image. To use this tool correctly, you need to take a lot of effort, something that is worth it, something that is practical every day, without any effort, something that is for 10-15 days, and you will see really big changes. Do the practical practice, close your eyes and tell me where you are. It doesn't matter where you are, it matters. And something very important Listen to my voice and allow it to be your own voice. Don't just listen to me I am talking to you, but listen to the voice of the person who is listening to you. Use this tool and you are ready. Let's start.

Speaker 1:

I am aware of every day of my life. I become more and more aware. I learn through every experience. I hold this position in my memory. I have strange opportunities. I am a pure fact100% to be honest. I always do the best I can. I am an open vision of changing our job. I am huntingickets and pick Upper rare charm. I am content. I am content to achieve my goals. I am aware that inside me there is a strong force of power. I have full confidence in myself. I am sure of my abilities. I have merits. I have will. I have wisdom. I am excited with talent. I am born with abilities. I am exited by this passion. I am the Lord of myself. I am successful. I am successful in every part of my life. I am capable of achieving every goal. I am determined to achieve every goal. I am confident. I am taking on new things. I am enthusiastic about my goals. I am excited. I am excited with courage. I have a strong will. I am going through every goal. I can find a solution.

Speaker 1:

I am the one who is asking for my opinion. It is easy for me to be creative. I am confident. I do what I say I will do. I am the creator of my thoughts. I am the one who is giving me ideas. I produce very good ideas. I am the one who is creating my thoughts. I can understand the thought. I can concentrate on the emotions I am experiencing. I am far away from the calmness of myself, from every toxic state. I am saying easily not where you need to be. I am saying easily yes, in whatever way I can.

Speaker 1:

I am confident in every success. I continue to achieve very important things. I know who I am. I know my value. I see the power of each and every one of my strengths. I am confident about everything I have achieved. I am important. I deserve the respect. I am confident about every success. I continue to carry out important things. I know who I am. I acknowledge my value. I see clearly the strengths of a person. I am a person who is outstanding for all I have achieved. I deserve the respect.

Speaker 1:

I accept myself exactly as I am. I love myself. I allow others to love me. I have a strong connection with others. I understand them and I understand them all. I have the ability to express my thoughts clearly. I help people with kindness. I am a positive person. I have patience. I am a born with no connection. I have a personality who is a positive person. I am full of energy. I have passion for life. I am happy and satisfied with what I do. I am always around me. I am well known for opportunities. I am a great person. I am excited about the beauty around me. I have everything I need to be well known. I am safe. I am free from any doubt. I allow myself to make mistakes. I have the knowledge of my actions. I learn to be free from any doubt. I choose to grow up. I am completely connected with my past and I allow myself to change for the better. I am ready to accept every gift that gives me life. I really need you to come to me at the right time. I know how to prove it. I know how to ask for it. Today, I choose to listen to the words that my body expresses. I choose to heal from every pain. I am completely capable of finding my needs. I am capable of making good decisions. I am sure that this future world will be known to me for the decisions I make today. I know who I am. I know my worth. I see clearly the strengths of a person. I am a person who is perfect for all I have achieved. I deserve the respect I accept myself exactly as I am. I love myself. I allow others to love me. I have a strong connection with others. I understand them all. I have the ability to express my thoughts clearly. I help people with goodwill. I am a positive person. I have patience. I am a born with no conscience. I have a personality who is very close to me. I am full of energy. I have passion for life. I am happy and satisfied with whatever I do. I am always around. I am well known for good opportunities. I am a great opportunity. I am excited about the beauty of my existence. I have everything I need to be well. I am safe. I am free from any doubt. I allow myself to make mistakes. I have the knowledge of my actions. I know who I am. I am aware of my value. I see clearly the power that I have as a human being. I am a person who is very clear about how much I have achieved. I deserve the respect. I am aware of my daily life. Every day I can make a new beginning. I become more and more clear every day. I become more and more powerful. Every day I learn through every experience. I am able to improve. I am a successful person. I am a born person. I am successful in every field. I am able to achieve every dream. I am determined to achieve every goal. I am successful. I am a creator of my thoughts. I am a believer in every day of my life. I am a believer in everything I have achieved. I am full of energy. I am excited about the beauty around me. I am free. I am the best release of myself, with every single breath I am today. I am the best release of myself. I believe in myself. I am the best release of myself. I am and I appear today. I am what I am. I am the best release of myself. I am. I am the best release of myself. The practice is over. How did it end? What did you think, did you notice? I am sure that something has changed regarding how it ended before the practice. This change is because you showed your mind that you are more capable, more capable and more ready to overcome all that you have experienced. These powers were in your mind, but now you can see them, feel them more clearly. Continue the practice to learn your mind to be your partner. Turn back and forth and do the practice, use them and make them a gift to yourself. May you be well, thank you.