Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία

Η ευκαιρία είναι εκεί! Εσύ είσαι διαθέσιμος;

May 22, 2024 Konstantinos Charantiniotis
Η ευκαιρία είναι εκεί! Εσύ είσαι διαθέσιμος;
Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία
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Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία
Η ευκαιρία είναι εκεί! Εσύ είσαι διαθέσιμος;
May 22, 2024
Konstantinos Charantiniotis

Aξιοποιείς τις ευκαιρίες που σου παρουσιάζονται; Έχεις καλά ανοιχτά τα μάτια σου, για να «αρπάξεις» καλές ευκαιρίες;
Πολλές φορές οι ευκαιρίες για να πετύχουμε κάτι που επιθυμούμε είναι εκεί... Όμως εμείς  δεν είμαστε πάντα διαθέσιμοι....
Το επεισόδιο αυτό θα σας βοηθήσει να πετύχετε αλλαγή της οπτικής σας, ώστε να εντοπίζετε και να λέτε "ναι " σε ευκαιρίες που τώρα (ίσως) τις αφήνετε αναξιοποίητες.

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Kυκλοφόρησε το πρώτο μου βιβλίο με τίτλο NOO|ΤΡΟΠΙΑ - εγχειρίδιο ευημερίας.  Μπες εδώ και μάθε περισσότερα.

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Mind your Mind-Mindfulness, Παρακινηση, Αισιοδοξια
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Show Notes Transcript

Aξιοποιείς τις ευκαιρίες που σου παρουσιάζονται; Έχεις καλά ανοιχτά τα μάτια σου, για να «αρπάξεις» καλές ευκαιρίες;
Πολλές φορές οι ευκαιρίες για να πετύχουμε κάτι που επιθυμούμε είναι εκεί... Όμως εμείς  δεν είμαστε πάντα διαθέσιμοι....
Το επεισόδιο αυτό θα σας βοηθήσει να πετύχετε αλλαγή της οπτικής σας, ώστε να εντοπίζετε και να λέτε "ναι " σε ευκαιρίες που τώρα (ίσως) τις αφήνετε αναξιοποίητες.

Θέλεις να βελτιώσεις τη ζωή σου και χρειάζεσαι υποστήριξη; Μπες εδώ: www.konstantinosc.com και δες πώς μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω.

Kυκλοφόρησε το πρώτο μου βιβλίο με τίτλο NOO|ΤΡΟΠΙΑ - εγχειρίδιο ευημερίας.  Μπες εδώ και μάθε περισσότερα.

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Speaker 1:

Mind, your Mind. Have you ever wondered how well you maximize the opportunities that you are presented with? Do you have your eyes open and, above all, your mind open to seize good opportunities? What kind of opportunities? For example, the opportunity to take care of your health, to develop your skills, or the opportunity to solve a situation that concerns you? There are often opportunities to put your limits on a relationship, personal or professional, but do you do it? Do you do something or let the moment pass?

Speaker 1:

Opportunities don't always come with very big announcements and bright colors signs. Many times, it's the small everyday moments that can make the big difference in our lives. It's certain that at this moment, there are available opportunities for improvement in the issues that interest us. Opportunity is the good time to do something that will serve your needs and goals. That's what we call opportunity. Our life gives us such moments, such opportunities, and it is a very valuable gift. The question is what do you see? Are you there to accept it more than anything else? Thank you. And opportunities are presented in ways that we don't expect or don't recognize immediately. It is important to have an open mind and a heart, I could say, to see beyond the obvious. This episode that you hear will help you to open your eyes to opportunities that you may not notice, that exist, and I will share ways to also open your mind so that you can overcome your resistance and say yes at any opportunity to take a step closer to achieving your goals. Whoever he is, stay with me. Bring something to your mind that you want to achieve, to change, to create, which you have not yet achieved, maybe because you put it back, waiting for some other moment. The other moment is now, so don't let the flexibility determine your course. Keep in mind this issue as you listen to the episode. It will help you a lot to focus on what you will share in relation to this thing that interests you personally. Thank you for watching. The first reason is that you have created in your mind a very specific image of how the opportunity looks like. Is this true? You may have imagined it in certain conditions, parameters. If you expect to see something exactly as you imagined it, then it is possible, when opportunities appear that have other forms, that you do not recognize them. I will give you an example.

Speaker 1:

A few months ago, in the context of a group of conferences, a girl, ioanna, mentioned something that she was deeply displeased with. The problem is that, due to many obligations, she did not have the opportunity to deal with her hobby, which was photography. To her own credit, however, photography is an activity that makes her feel good, that helps her find herself, and she misses it a lot in her life helps herself to find herself, and she misses her life a lot. As I was examining ways to dance and again photographs of her life, I suggested to her how to create time signed to the activity, to her beloved activity, and then the contradictions appeared. You know, I used to go for a photo another time and not the one you suggest, or just 45 minutes I had in. Thank you that she has the opportunity, from the next day and all, to catch her favorite camera, which she had left for about two and a half years. The next day, ioanna shared with me her first photos after so long, and her joy was unrivaled.

Speaker 1:

This example shows how important it is to be open to opportunities, even if they do not come in the form we expect them to. She had the opportunity to photograph, but not with the data she already had in her mind, so it wasn't logical for her to miss something that was so important for her mental balance due to these ideas and limitations she had set. I see this motive appearing very often in my meetings and in my conversations with people. Sometimes it may have to do with the fact that I don't have the opportunity to ask for the promotion I want, or I don't get the opportunity to show what I deserve. Are you sure, or are you waiting for a very specific scenario to appear? Food for thought Life is full of expected opportunities. Food for thought Life is full of expected opportunities. The key is to be ready to see them and to absorb them when they appear. Opportunities are not always obvious, but if we have an open mind and heart, we can recognize the ability in every situation and use it in the best way. Remember the opportunity is there. You are available.

Speaker 1:

The second very common way with which you might close the door to opportunities is by maintaining behaviors that do not coincide with your goals, with your desires. For whatever we want to achieve, there are some prerequisites. If we want to lose weight, for example, we have to change our dietary habits. You can't continue with the same habits and place the responsibilities on the lack of opportunities. Do you agree?

Speaker 1:

I remember, a few years ago, a good friend of mine complained that he hasn't slept well in a long time Because of his bad sleep. He felt constantly tired and exhausted. It's natural Because of his bad sleep. He felt constantly tired and exhausted. It's natural Because this situation affects health. In this particular case, this person was affected by his health, his performance at work, but also his relationships. So he expressed his desire to help him improve his sleep program. During the conversation he pointed out how important it was for him to achieve his goal. He said I will do what I need to do. His problem was that he would stay up either in front of the TV or on the computer to relax and work well, to help him, I designed and gave him a night routine program with practices that prepare the body for good sleep, for quiet sleep.

Speaker 1:

Seeing the program, my friend was excited and was waiting to do it and obviously to see the results, wanting to know how he would do with the application of the program I gave him. I took his phone after a week and he was repeating on the phone that he was waiting for his sleep to improve. But at the same time he informed me that unfortunately he had not been able to apply the program for any of the seven days. He had it in his hands. So I asked him to explain to me what was it that stopped him, what had occurred every day for the seven days, and he didn't do it. Some of the reasons he mentioned were that he wanted to see my team on TV. It was an important game and he played a lot at night. On the other hand, I had a conversation with my wife and the time time to go without understanding it, and she finally told me the following Because I didn't keep it for the first three days what we agreed on, I left it and decided to start again the next week on Monday. This Monday has been a relaxing factor for success in many cases, for many people. My friend had every day the opportunity to improve his sleep. Even if one day he couldn't do it, he always had the opportunity to try again the next day, but his behavior and attitude, the way he thought, hindered him.

Speaker 1:

Different situations happen to all of us for different things. They may not happen to us for seven days, but for months, for years. Thank you very much. Our lives better the next day, not the ideal day, so it is worth examining through the story I shared with my friend in what your behavior needs to be acknowledged. Is there something that you feel that you really want to achieve and your behavior is not aligned with this purpose, with your purpose? If so, I remind you that there are ways, tools and methods to build up the habits and mentalities that sabotage you. You can always decide to build up new habits and mentalities that will lead you forward in your life. Sometimes, in order to achieve this, you need training, and I offer such training, and you can find them on my website, wwwkostantinosicom. This will help you to do as I said training in order to improve your vision and manage your emotions and behavior more effectively. Go to my website and check it out.

Speaker 1:

We are made to change and evolve. It is our responsibility to change ourselves, giving it that form that makes us feel deeply satisfied and inner peace In life. We reach where our behavior and our stance towards things in situations go To conclude the story. I Keep that in mind. To conclude the story I was told in relation to my friend, I have to say that we finally worked on the recognition of self-sabotage and through this, we achieved not just improvement of sleep, but overall improvement in many different aspects of his life. This change gave him energy and will to be able to pursue, obviously, other goals which he had left behind. Remember, every day is a new opportunity. Don't let it pass unimpeded. Act now and watch the changes happen in your life in a beautiful, wonderful way.

Speaker 1:

The third factor that might cut your access to the opportunities that exist out there is the fear of failure. The main difference between the previous two factors is that in this case, you recognize the opportunity you have in front of you, but because of the fear maybe something goes wrong, you start to build up the opportunity. You can say things like maybe now is not the right time, I'll wait, I'll do it, but not now. You start to understand yourself when you say such things or similar things, literally catch him in the green by asking the question what is it that you are afraid of? It is possible for him to answer. I am not afraid of to let this opportunity be taken advantage of to pass.

Speaker 1:

Such internal dialogues bring to light important truths, truths that are necessary to understand in order to leave behind situations that displease you, in order to transform your life for the better. The key is to demystify the fear that prevents you from taking steps forward. Such fears look like monsters of our childhood. They seem like something it is really so scary to take action and to fail. Will your health be affected? Your safety, what will happen? Will the future be destroyed if you fail? If nothing happens, then you will certainly grow in fear. Recognize it. Recognize the conditions you create in yourself. You create them. The question is to create favorable conditions. The fact that you have chosen to listen to me at this moment is an opportunity to start operating differently from here to the next.

Speaker 1:

The fear of failure often keeps us bound in a comfort zone that is not only comfort. It does not allow us to develop. Instead of seeing failure as something negative, enter it as a very good learning experience. Thank you, an exercise that will help you overcome the fear of failure. So go to YouTube, put my name, konstantinos Haradiniotis, and you will find my channel, if you haven't followed it yet and find the video titled Learn how to handle failure. I believe it will help you a lot. Life is a continuous process of learning and evolution. The fear of failure is just a barrier that can be overcome with the right mindset and the right energy. Thank you, and the recognition of failures as opportunities, and today I begin the journey towards the achievement of your dreams and the fulfillment of your desires.

Speaker 1:

At the beginning of the episode, I encouraged you to bring to your mind something you want to achieve, to change, to create which you have not yet achieved. If you brought something to your mind, then, listening to me up to this point, you have definitely found out what you need to work on in order to move forward with your quest. I will now share with you an exercise that can help you move towards your goal better. You can do it now, right now, or, if it's not the right time, return to this episode to do it later. The exercise is to aim and answer directly. This is important to the six questions. First question what motivates your behavior? To recognize how it prevents me at this moment from becoming available to opportunities and to move forward with my demand. Second question what do I really have the opportunity to do? Ευκαιρίες και να προχωρήσω με το ζητούμενό μου? Δεύτερη ερώτηση Τι έχω πραγματικά την ευκαιρία να κάνω άμεσα σε σχέση με το ζητούμενό μου? Τρίτη ερώτηση Τι θα λέω στον εαυτό μου για να τον ενεργοποιώ, να αναλάβει δράση?

Speaker 1:

A motto that has the power, like a torch, to bring your mind back to the right course. This phrase must indicate what you want to become, not what you don't want. It is an important component of having positive attitude to the language. For example, instead of saying I want to not stick, say I want to move on. Dedicate thought to how you will construct this phrase and write it everywhere. Stick it to your office, to your fridge, to your mirror. Repeat it to yourself every day, because in this way, your mind will start to receive a positive and beneficial response and through this, you will obviously be led to positive changes.

Speaker 1:

Think about how many things you say to yourself, and because you say them continuously, your life becomes your reality. You can create a better reality by saying the right things. My book also, non-tropeia, has this logic. It is made for this exact reason to help you to synthesize a positive word, a positive definition for some things that are worth, so that they become your life.

Speaker 1:

This exercise has been designed to help you to gain clarity and to create a strong motivation for action, recognize the motives of behavior that keep you back, decide the immediate actions you can do and set a positive message that will guide you. Remember change starts will guide you. Remember change starts from within and the words you use have great power. Work with this exercise and watch how these small changes can lead to great results. Daily reminding your goals through statements or to themselves, as I say, can reform the way you think and lead you to a course of continuous improvement and success. Don't put up with anything else. Every moment is a new opportunity to become a better version of yourself, so start. Today is the perfect day to start. Thank you. The best time to listen to me is when you want inspiration and peace. Follow me to get notified for the next episode. Until the next episode, be careful how you think your mind. It can go wherever you ask it. Bye.