Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία

Μάθε την "τέχνη" της αποτελεσματικής διαπραγμάτευσης

June 27, 2024 Konstantinos Charantiniotis
Μάθε την "τέχνη" της αποτελεσματικής διαπραγμάτευσης
Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία
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Mind your Mind - Mindfulness, Παρακίνηση, Αισιοδοξία
Μάθε την "τέχνη" της αποτελεσματικής διαπραγμάτευσης
Jun 27, 2024
Konstantinos Charantiniotis

Στο επεισόδιο αυτό θα σε βοηθήσω να αποφασίσεις τι έχεις ανάγκη να διαπραγματευτείς πιο αποτελεσματικά, αυτή την περίοδο της ζωής σου.
Κάνοντας εξάσκηση στις τεχνικές διαπραγμάτευσης που μοιράζομαι μαζί σου θα καταφέρεις να πετυχαίνεις ζητούμενα σημαντικά για εσένα, διατηρώντας λειτουργικές και ισορροπημένες σχέσεις.

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Mind your Mind-Mindfulness, Παρακινηση, Αισιοδοξια
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Show Notes Transcript

Στο επεισόδιο αυτό θα σε βοηθήσω να αποφασίσεις τι έχεις ανάγκη να διαπραγματευτείς πιο αποτελεσματικά, αυτή την περίοδο της ζωής σου.
Κάνοντας εξάσκηση στις τεχνικές διαπραγμάτευσης που μοιράζομαι μαζί σου θα καταφέρεις να πετυχαίνεις ζητούμενα σημαντικά για εσένα, διατηρώντας λειτουργικές και ισορροπημένες σχέσεις.

Θέλεις να βελτιώσεις τη ζωή σου και χρειάζεσαι υποστήριξη; Μπες εδώ: www.konstantinosc.com και δες πώς μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω.

Kυκλοφόρησε το πρώτο μου βιβλίο με τίτλο NOO|ΤΡΟΠΙΑ - εγχειρίδιο ευημερίας.  Μπες εδώ και μάθε περισσότερα.

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Speaker 1:

Mind. Your Mind means to pay attention, attention and interest in what is important to you. I am Konstantinos Harantiniotis and my podcast Mind your Mind will really help you become a master of your mind. Welcome. The ability to negotiate effectively is a vital quality that affects every aspect of life, from professional relationships to our personal friendships, but also family relationships. In every type of relationship, there is a element of negotiation, whether it is about going out for food with your friends, or about how you will share your work at home, or about how you will place priorities in a business project. The ability to express yourself with clarity of your needs and to find common ground with others is essential for the construction of harmonious and balanced relationships. The resultive negotiation is the structural material that helps you build and maintain functional and balanced relationships. Thank you, and confident about yourself. Also, the ability to deal with disagreements in a peaceful way reduces anxiety and increases the sense of kindness, thus improving the mood overall. Finally, the effective communication and the ability to find solutions that benefit everyone allows you to achieve your goals and move forward. Good negotiation is not a matter of dynamism or creativity. On the contrary, it is based on understanding. Thank you to acquire here the skills for effective negotiation, starting from the beginning, keep in mind the following Negotiation is a process of cooperation and not a battle.

Speaker 1:

Focus on finding solutions that benefit everyone and not only your personal benefit. Negotiation means expressing and claim with clarity what is important for you, creating space for the needs and requests of your interlocutor. Successful negotiation is when both sides feel satisfied. It is a process of communication and collaboration. Negotiation is useful in all relationships, both those we want to maintain and those we want to develop. It makes sense, then, to negotiate with people who want to find common ground with you.

Speaker 1:

Even in more harmonious relationships, difficulties can arise when people cannot negotiate effectively. For example, one may feel that he is constantly retreating while the other is staying in his place, or someone may feel that his needs are not recognized on the other side. We meet every day. So think if there is something you would like to claim with more clarity in a relationship that is important to you. Do you need more time for something you consider important? Thank you. Or to coordinate the timetables in a project at work, or, even more, to resolve disagreements with our loved ones? Think, then, what you need specifically to negotiate effectively. It is good to keep it in your mind as I develop the ideas and tools here the ideas and the tools To negotiate your wishes and your need for efficiency or your communication with the other side.

Speaker 1:

You must have four basic elements. I call them the four pillars of success for negotiation. These are the sensitivity, the consistency, the limitation and to find common ground with your partner. Let's look at them in detail. First of all, the feeling. Feeling means that you can understand the feelings and needs of the other. In negotiation, it is important to try to see things from the other side's perspective. Listening carefully and showing interest builds trust, and thus you can find solutions easier. To enter the other's place for a while, to understand his feelings, to see the world from his own eyes. When we actually show that we really understand each other, we build trust, and trust is the foundation on which every successful negotiation is based. When people feel that they understand each other, they are more willing to cooperate, to open their thoughts and to examine alternative solutions. This creates, in general terms, an atmosphere of cooperation and not of opposition. The ability to enter the other's place is crucial for the achievement of agreements, long-term, stable agreements. When decisions are made based on mutual understanding, relationships are strengthened and, obviously, the conflicts are reduced. So cohesion is not just a skill that strengthens our negotiating ability, but also a necessary element that strengthens personal negotiating skills, but also a necessary element that strengthens personal and professional relationships.

Speaker 1:

Consistency is the second key element. A good negotiation includes all the participants. What do I mean? It is necessary to create space for all voices, to leave room for different opinions, to encourage participation and to be careful not to try to monopolize the discussion. How will you become a conservative negotiator? You must take into account some important strategies. First of all, take into account the concerns of the other. Do not focus only on your own needs. Ask your interlocutor what bothers him, what problems him, listen carefully to his answers and show him that you understand his worries. Attention and understanding one's worries is the first step towards building a strong base of trust. Find common points instead of focusing on your differences. On the contrary, think what are your common interests and your common goals. Focus on them and build on them. Recognizing the common challenges, it is easy to create a common work framework that will lead you to productive solutions. Consistency softens your interlocutor because you feel that you are not only looking after yourself.

Speaker 1:

The definition is the third basic element of a good negotiation. It is a fundamental rule. The boundaries are the red lines we set to protect our physical and mental health, so you have to clear your boundaries both to yourself and mental health. So you must clear your boundaries both to yourself and to others. Before you enter a negotiation, think very carefully what it is that you are not entitled to give, but where you need to be available. Take a piece of paper, then, and write your boundaries regarding the topic you want to discuss before the moment of the negotiation. Obviously, this will help you organize your thoughts and clearly define what you think is important. This process may seem simple, but it is necessary to be prepared and confident during the negotiation. When you have a clear picture of your goals, you can negotiate with greater self-confidence and achieve better results as you prepare for the negotiation. Thank you, we are talking about adaptation, and so you find solutions that will satisfy both sides. In this way, the orientation is not just a way to protect yourself, but it is a tool to show others that you are interested and you come into the conversation with thought.

Speaker 1:

Finally, the ability to find common ground is the fourth key element. The goal of a negotiation is to find a solution that benefits everyone. This requires you to recognize where your interests are connected with the other side. Focus on the things you both want to achieve, because, in order to be there, you both want something to succeed. Thus, you will be able to a deal that will benefit you. What does that mean? To create, with your stance, an environment that benefits harmonious participation and cooperation. To feel all comfortable To express their thoughts freely and to feel that their opinion is valuable this is the common ground and feel that their opinion is valuable. This is common ground. Sometimes our ground seems distant. Imagine it as if you were building a bridge. On the one hand, you are with your own opinions and needs. On the other, your interlocutor is with his own. The compatibility is the bricks that you will put together, the stones that you will put together, that you will build together in order to reach from one side to the other, in the middle, to join and to sign a deal In a deal that will give a solution that will benefit both. Focus on solving the problems and not on winning. Don't just think about who will win the negotiation. Think about how you can find a solution that satisfies both sides. This is what I mean by common ground. Focusing on solving the problems instead of on personal winning, which is often the mindset that people have when they negotiate, can turn the negotiation into a creative and cooperative process.

Speaker 1:

A very good way to prepare for the negotiation is to practice, and I will give you an exercise now to practice your competitiveness through this role-playing game that I will suggest. Imagine that you are going to negotiate something with a friend, a member of your family, a colleague. In order to do this, you find someone to play the role of your interlocutor and say loudly what you would say when you are in a meeting with the person you want to negotiate, listen carefully to what he will answer you and try to find a solution together. The role-playing game can offer you a very valuable inspiration and experience to help you practice the sensitivity and the sensitivity and the limits in a safe environment before you start the real negotiation, and through this exercise, you will be able to try different approaches and see what works best for you. Remember the following as you practice the continuity is the key to building a bridge and not a wall. With the open and accepting opinion of others, you create a positive and cooperative environment To show respect, understanding and honesty. These are the elements that are the foundations for the construction of trust, but also the achievement of unbeatable benefits. Focus on solving the problems and not on winning. Real success in negotiation comes when you find solutions that satisfy both sides. I said it earlier. Here, therefore, is where the role game becomes an excellent tool for you to improve. It will give you the opportunity to discover, in safe environments, as I said, other approaches and thus to strengthen your skills in negotiation. With understanding and practice on these four principles that I presented, these four pillars, negotiation can become a tool that will build strong relationships and through strong relationships because we are the animal of Agelis, you will reach your goals in a better way.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, however, you may need to withdraw from a better way. Sometimes, however, you may need to withdraw from what you want. It happens. So what happens if you need to withdraw? Don't worry as long as you have defined from the beginning the red lines. As I said about the definition, the limits that you are not destined to overcome. Don't be afraid to withdraw, as long as you do it with limits. Remember the red lines and be ready to propose solutions that will benefit both sides.

Speaker 1:

After all this, let's think about what happens if the negotiation fails. Do not be discouraged. There are two basic possible explanations. You need a better strategy. Maybe your approach was not the right one. Maybe you need to think differently, that is, to change your strategy. The second is that the other is perhaps not determined to negotiate. Sometimes people are not ready to discuss or to negotiate. Thank you, and give details about the Mastermind Group Coaching program or send a message to infokonstantinosiriliakom to get information about the individual sessions I offer. I hope you apply what you learned in this episode and start demanding things that are important for your happiness through good negotiation. Until next time, be well and take care of yourself. This was Mind your Mind, thank you. Be careful how you think your mind. It can go wherever you ask it. Bye.