Syracuse Startup

Ep. 3 - Susie Ippolito of Susie Ippolito Brands

James A. Long, Esq. Season 1 Episode 3

Syracuse Startup is a podcast hosted by Jim Long, managing attorney at The Long Law Firm. The podcast is a showcase for Syracuse-based startups and entrepreneurs. Each episode, we talk to a guest from the Syracuse business community about the interesting work they are doing, and we try to distill some of their wisdom and experience into a useful perspective for our listeners. Jim is a practicing attorney and former startup founder himself. His firm, The Long Law Firm,  is a small business and startup boutique law firm in downtown Syracuse with a heavy focus on business law, data privacy, cybersecurity law and commercial litigation.  

This episode:

In this episode, I interviewed Susie Ippolito. Susie is a brand strategist and marketing expert here in Syracuse. She works with several small and mid-sized businesses to develop their brand and take them through the process of building a mature and lasting brand.  This was a great episode, and every time I talk to Susie I learn something new. We talked about branding, marketing, having patience in the process, understanding your strengths, and baseball. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it.  If you have any suggestions for future podcasts, shoot me an email at If you enjoyed the podcast, please leave a rating wherever you download your podcasts.