Brand Notes & Coffee

20. Why NOT to build a Website yourself

Guna Meldere Season 2 Episode 20

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In this podcast episode, Guna talks about why DIY-ing your website might not be the smartest move, even though it seems like a money-saver. Beyond tech skills, it discusses the importance of solid foundations, branding, and knowing your business goals. It points out common mistakes and how they can impact a business's long-term vision.  Check out "Advanced Membership," a program that sorts out the tech stuff while letting you focus on what you're good at:

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Why not to build a website yourself. 

 In this episode I will share Why we don’t recommend building your website by yourself - and not the reasons you think 

I totally get it, the business has many expenses already and it's totally normal to want to save money. 

I don't blame you. Getting a great quality website with functionality, that has your goals in mind, can add up. It can become expensive. 
 For example, Our premium "done for you" websites start at 5k. And you might add rebrand experience or more complex systems than in the base package. Think course platform, podcast, membership, funnels. Then it's even more. 

Getting a new website is a luxury. It is an investment. 

So, why not build one yourself? After all, you might be pretty tech-savvy, and with all the AI tools - how hard it can be?

And here is the thing. Creating a great website is NOT about technical skills. Well, it is 

But it's so much more. 

There are many experienced IT and web agencies that have terrible websites. Skills alone won't deliver a profitable solution. 

Over the years, there have been multiple situations, where clients have come to us to save them, because of inexperienced service providers who premises the world. 
 Please if you decide to work with someone, ask for portfolio, as for client reviews, the best, if you can talk to previous clients and measure the results.

We can dive deeper in another epos about all things you should be asking or considering, but
 Today, I want to bring awareness about the importance of quality foundations, Branding and your business goals. 

There are so many tools these days, so many options to choose from - none of them are bad (ok, maybe not entirely true, some are quite bad ), but overall most of them can do the job. 

Platforms like Kajabi, Mighty Networks, Kartra or drag and drop websites like Six, Weekly or Squarespace, you name it! 

Same goes with WordPress - it is not just ending there. WordPress is an open-source software and possibilities are endless, also the tools that can be used there. 
 When someone says: I have WordPress website - it can mean million things, not always all good. 

Also if you are new to terms and tools, the real WordPress is the Wordpress org, not the WordPress com. And with real I mean - fully customisable and fully yours. 

But let’s back off with tech terms and tools. There is something more important that you need to think of before you go there. 

The questions always come down to what is your business goals, what is your future vision and how you want to be perceived. 

Choosing the right tools for You and Your business in the beginning is important. You are not building a house on sand, right? 

You need solid foundations. 

Then knowing how your website will look, how it will feel, what journey your dreamy clients will take, what will be the user experience and the message you want to say to to the world. 

Without knowing that and without working on your Internal Branding - don't build a website yourself. 

We have seen it many times. All that is not considered, tools are chosen and then after a year all needs to be remade, just because the chosen tools actually doesn’t support all vision. 

The design itself also is not something you can pick up overnight, if that were the truth, I would not have a job and everyone would have epic visuals. And I wouldn't need to cover my eyes half of the time. Ok, ok, Joking.. or Am I?

But for real - we have talked about First Impression so much, if you haven’t listened that episode, please go do it after. Building your website, functionality is important for sure, but above all, design is for building trust and building that connection. 

Without a solid understanding of design, you’ll almost certainly get it wrong. Your competitors on the other hand, might choose to hire a professional web designer and avoid any mistakes.

If you do decide on building yourself and your design skills are limited, stick with templates and do ask for professional feedback or audit. 

The next thing why not to do it yourself is your

Precious Time. 

Learning how to build a website from scratch can take a long time, especially if you aren't very technical. Even using all the drag-and-drop tools, you will need to do a lot of tweaking to get it right. 

Not even talking about knowing which tools work smoothly together, which isn't, the price of said tools, SEO and so much more. 

So, you might think - "ok, where does it leave me then?" 

Of course you could hire us for bespoke solution and have outstanding solution.

But if you are just starting out - it’s not what we would recommend. 

For our premium packages we only take clients that come for Rebrand Experience, so what it means - it means that you have validated your offers for some time, you have client base, your signature offer works and your messaging is on point.
 We pride ourselves on helping our clients get their stuff together after they’ve grown out of the brand that they’ve duct-taped together during the years.

But since you are here, listening this episode, chances are that the premium bespoke web is not in the cards right now

And building it yourself will actually cost you more in the long run

Don’t worry, I will not you leave without the solution. 

We do have one. Especially if you are after offering membership or subscription, courses, digital or physical products. 

And It's called “Advanced Membership"

Where all the complex stuff like the right tech tools, linking everything, setting up backend and so on, is taken care of by our team

And the more fun part: the copy, content and visuals are integrated in a group setting guided and done together with you.

This way you get the best from both worlds: stable foundations, systems and website that can hold strong not only when you launch, but all the way through growth and scaling. Even if you want to change things up, because you will. Website that you actually know how to use, but just the parts that is important for you. 
 And of course inside the program there is support for design, strategy and all the other choices that otherwise would take forever to research and learn on your own. 

It's a 1 month long program to get your website up and running and then 12 months of weekly support for any of your business tech needs. 

We have been doing this for a long time, all that knowledge is now packed inside this opportunity. 
 let us help you to bring your vision to life, while you are shining in your zone of genius. 

Our members feel safe, supported and confident. They don’t need to worry about things that usually are the most stressful while launching. 
 They can do what they do best - serve their clients and create the magic.

Will you be the next success story of Advanced Membership program? I hope so. Couldn’t be more excited to support you in your journey.