Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Running on empty? Repurpose your content to avoid burnout

January 02, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 25
Running on empty? Repurpose your content to avoid burnout
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Running on empty? Repurpose your content to avoid burnout
Jan 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 25
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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Bored of your own content? It's probably just because you've seen it so many time but other people haven't. 

We talk about how to repurpose your content around the holidays so you can avoid the burnout.

Also, sometimes setting up systems in your business can be boring and un-sexy but it's so essential to scaling and having a business that works for you, instead of you, for it. 

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

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Bored of your own content? It's probably just because you've seen it so many time but other people haven't. 

We talk about how to repurpose your content around the holidays so you can avoid the burnout.

Also, sometimes setting up systems in your business can be boring and un-sexy but it's so essential to scaling and having a business that works for you, instead of you, for it. 

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


sometimes we kind of get disconnected from our own content because we think we've seen it a hundred times. We think everybody else is bored of it, but in all likelihood, they've probably just seen it for a split second


I think it's not sexy to talk about systems and softwares and people just like kind of roll their eyes because I get it. You think that it doesn't bring in the revenue, but it really does at the end of the day


Hello everybody. And welcome to episode 25 of trusting the universe and shit. I'm here with Ane a as per usual.


Hello everyone.


Yeah. So, Merry Christmas. We're here at the end of the year. I don't know when you're listening to this, but we're at the end of December. And. We're here to talk about how you can potentially repurpose your content. So that you're not fully burning out. And so that you can reutilize some of the stuff that you have already without feeling like you have to create a whole bunch of new stuff. Because I think the end of year burnout is a very collective experience for a lot of people and we're getting tired and it's. A lot to work all the way through the year. And we're all trying to squeeze everything into the last couple of weeks. so. Yeah, we're going to be talking about that today.


Yes, yes. I'm really excited for today's episode. Because, Yeah, I think like. Stacey says there's the business and there's the work burnout. But there's also like the family and the socialization burnout, I think as well And then trying to then navigate or incorporate, you know, time to work on your business or trying to move the needle forward. Gosh. You just, like you're just like running on empty. The burnout is definitely real time of year and I love that Stacy brought it up because like I think you know, there's burnout in different areas too. So like not just the business and like, you know, really working really hard this year, but then also the socializing burnout and the family and friends burnout. Like I just think our social, just running on empty at this time of the year. And so how can we move the without, and being efficient without you know, working extra or longer or trying to just through is going conversation for us to have today. And yeah, repurposing, you know, I don't, I think, know when the evergreen sort of wording came out, but I think it was this year sometime, but at first, Yeah, If you don't know what evergreen is, it's, it's essentially another sort of marketing content essentially. And just you know, having that content that can give you new leads and also repurpose your services or your product that you already have.


Terms of like a blog post, I'd say that's an evergreen content. But then say on our Instagram, the lifecycle of a post or a Tik Tok video, isn't going to be. As ever evergreen, it's not, it's going to reach a certain peak. And then it's going to maybe take a little bit of a dip. So I feel like with Instagram, you can definitely archive your posts. Don't delete them. Just archive them and then re post them because you can just do this every year. If you want to and repost, you don't have to repost everything, but if it still resonates with you, you're still happy with your style. You can just repost those things. And I've done this a few times. And I've noticed that each time I do it, you get more and more traction every time. And I really mostly just do these for the most well performing posts. And then reposting stuff over on Tik TOK. Maybe I wouldn't do that so much. But maybe you could take down again, do the same thing, take it down. Maybe re-edit it slightly. And then repost it to see if you can get a slightly different. Response, because even if you're thinking that didn't really get any traction, it must not be good. It's not always that you you may need to just clip off a couple of seconds off your video for the first portion of it. Or you might need to just change the hook or change the caption info in a slightly different way and just redo what you've already created and see, because. It's not throw the baby out with the bath water type of situation, because you may just need to make these couple of tweaks to reutilize something you've already made. And you're thinking to yourself, Yeah, but it didn't do very well, but you don't know why it didn't do very well. So you kind of have to do these little changes and see if you can get it to. Take up again.


Yeah, it's funny when you were talking about like TikTok and Instagram and stuff, I actually heard this story about this spiritual guy who is really good at what he does. He does sound healings. He does many things and he grew his. TikTok profile rapidly. So I, I, I don't know the numbers now and really say it, but it was almost views is like a million, you know, like it's, it's a fair bit. And he just had these random like, funny, creative videos that were short and sweet and they just took off. And as a side hustle, side job, he like creates these TikTok profiles now and just like gets to a. And I was like, that is


Oh, he sells it.


yeah, because he just has all of this really funny, good, cool content. That's maybe like, you're right. He does probably tweak it a little bit every time or he edits the wording. So it's like more, but yeah, then he sells it. And what's interesting though, like he sells it, I don't think really to that, that particular Like, so let's say if he did like art, right. And it was like good art, whatever, or good content, he will then sell it to whoever wants to buy it. So it. could be to someone who's like, I don't know, like a, a mortgage broker or something. It'd be so random. But I think regardless, because of the following, because of the viewing. It will just again attract the right people to have that viewing and I'm, I'm assuming again, I'm not a marketing expert or anything, but so yeah, like bit of insight in like I don't know, like Clarity to know that it can be fun, like repurposing your content and playing around with content and stuff like try and cause this is something that I did. I definitely tried to be very serious like this is a job, right? Like, but have fun with your content, especially in during this time you're feeling a bit burnt out or you're a bit like about social batteries. You know, like your battery's out completely. It's just like, see what is doing well


Yep. Absolutely. Because sometimes we kind of get disconnected from our own content because we think we've seen it a hundred times. We think everybody else is bored of it, but in all likelihood, they've probably just seen it for a split second, have completely forgotten about it. So you can keep reposting things. Every year. Nobody's really going to notice that you asked you posted that already. Maybe if they're a die hard fan on tick, talk about something. They might notice that you've read, posted a video from last year. So that part I would say, be mindful of, but on Instagram, say you have a carousel post. Nobody's going to know that you created that last year and re posted it because I did it with a particular post, a couple of. Years, and maybe I tweaked it a little bit. And then I improved a little bit. And every time I just repost it and then it feels so much better because then I haven't had to create something completely from scratch and it, you know, take making a Carousel. So can take. a few hours sometimes if you're putting a lot of thought into it and creating it and designing it and doing everything. It can take you a few hours, sir. If you don't have those couple of hours, it's a perfect way to repurpose it. Maybe what you could do as well is if you have a blog post, maybe you can clip that out and turn it into some short form. Maybe, if you have a podcast, you can clip that up and turn it into short form content. And so start with your longest form content. And clip that up into the shoulder stuff. That's the way that I would work it. So go from the longest. All the way down. So say you have a YouTube video, clip that up, turn it into short, the shorter content. If you have a podcast long form clipping into something smaller. So that should be kind of the strategy on. Reusing the stuff that you already have. So it's not as if you stop from the show phone content, and then you build it into a 30 minute YouTube video. I feel like it's E much easier to do the other way around.


yeah, fully. I think like it, same goes with like, you know, he was thinking about blog, like doing blogs, email marketing, right? Like you may have this huge things in your, all of your, you know, weekly email marketing. Processes. if you clip that up into reels or like just stagnant image with some text or whatever, like, yeah, it can go a long way. It really can. And I, I know from my, way of doing it, I tend to like overcomplicate it. Like I tend to be like, I have all of it. And I feel like you're probably similar. Like I have all of this information, like, let me pop it into this. It's seven slide carousel. It's like just too much. Like a mentor


Oh, yeah.


like, keep it simple. Keep talk about one topic and topic only. And I still struggle. I still struggle to do that. So




me, this, this silly season is really just like repurposing it, keeping it simple. Okay. This is really cool. let me on that or let me just have a real about this. So, play around with it. I think that's, that's another way of doing it. And you'll notice as well, like it's great to also the insight as well that comes from it. Like keep a little, you know, Google sheet or something and just see, okay. People, my viewers really like carousels or really like reels or whatever. And you could just like collect the data, but doesn't mean it's gospel and you should only do this or only do that. But it's just interesting. And you could probably just. Compare, last year was more year it's more carousels. And you can be like, okay, interesting information presented. But doesn't mean you need to always do that, of course. So be discerned about that as well, yeah.


Yep. When you said one topic per post or per email? I could not stress that more because yes, I think I did this when I first tried to create a course. And I put everything in there that I just wanted to put everything in there that I had learned up until that point. But. People can consume information in that way. So one topic per carousel, one topic per email, one topic per thing. That you're trying to put out. And yeah. If you have like a long form. Piece of content like a podcast. You'll probably have lots of few little topics in there and that's where you can pull specific ideas out of there into your other stuff. So. The other ways that you can start to repurpose your content. Is just too. Go through your notes app. If you haven't been doing this already. Go through your notes app. And because I've heard that this works really well for Facebook ads, for example. Which is the, the notes app screen shots. Reusing those for an ad. So turning your thoughts from a notes app. The little thoughts that you had into just a picture to use that for an ad. So if you're thinking, oh, I need to have an ad with the graphics and the text and it needs to be colorful, normally sings. Actually, I think what some people are finding is that if you do a notes app, add. Cause it seems native. It seems like familiar to people and everybody uses that app. So. If you, maybe you could post a piece of content of something that you had a thought about in your notes app. Maybe there are things in your computer that you've half sort of you utilize and thought it's not good enough. Maybe it is good enough. Maybe you can go and pluck some stuff in there. you're half written thoughts think, oh, that's not completely done yet. Just take a little piece of it. And post it and just post the little things that you can find that you have stored in your phone, or you have any, if you don't have that habit already to write down your ideas in your phone, then now would be the time to start doing that.


I love that you mentioned this because it's actually something that I'm like through right now is my notes, my gosh My like my notion planner that I have like I've got so many of random like thoughts that I'm like Let me type that up quickly because I know I'll forget and I've got like half carousels half like posts that are like just random and so for me because I'm trying to have a slower month, it's just like Curating all of these ideas and be like, okay what can I attach my services to right because that's another way of like just trying to get your Your, your service product or whatever you do as a as a business owner. And I, while you're speaking, I'm like, I know during the silly season, especially if you're with family or friends, like you, there's going to be conversations that's going to be had and you're going to have a thought or insight or whatever, like have your notes ready because just typing that up, gosh, it will make such great content because So many people are going to want to, there's definitely at least going to be one person that's going to resonate with whatever you say, happened over Christmas or whatever. You know, storytelling, it's, it's one of the know, best way to have people. Relate with you and yeah, so I'm glad that you brought that up because it's actually something that I'm like trying to clean up is half posts that I have everywhere. Mm.


Yep. So if you don't. Right vibe with typing into your notes app, send yourself a voice memo on WhatsApp and then, or just use your voice memo app, and then send that recording to yourself by WhatsApp, with a note on like, okay. Idea for this and you're right. Extract the stories from your own life to repost purpose into content. And your opinions. So every time you have a thought during the day, That is what you can post about when you have an opinion and you think to yourself. Hmm. That's interesting. I wonder if this is something that we could talk about. Write that down, put it in your notes or. Creative a voice note to yourself and you can use descript to describe, to transcribe it. And then utilize that for your content to. And eventually you'll get into a rhythm of it. So if you're in a position now where you just think there's just no way. There's just no way you will get into a habit because for many years I didn't send my weekly newsletters. But now it's my non-negotiable. I have to send my weekly newsletters. So come that week. I didn't have an idea. I have to think of one. Or I have to find something that I've already written. So it's better if you have something written down somewhere. Same with these podcast episodes. It's I come every week. Something has to. Go out. These are non-negotiable. So is your content creating a non-negotiable for you as well? Maybe it's not even a priority because that could be true for you as well. Maybe you only want to focus on your email list and that's fine. Because if it works for you, And a lot of your sales are coming from your email list. You can just prioritize the one platform. So, like you were saying before about auditing and seeing what's working. So maybe you're pouring all this energy into content creation as not even working. Maybe it's like. Having the hose on during a rain storm. And you feel like. Okay, well, I'm posting all this content and I just feel like I'm. I've got my hose and I'm spraying down the car and I'm washing the car, but it's raining. That just feels like it's not working. So that could potentially be the situation too. And then you may be, need to rethink.




that you're posting.


Yeah. And I, that's just a beautiful segue that I want to talk about of like, yeah, putting in the client journey kind of softwares and systems behind your business so that when content is out, people know how to. Get in contact with you, right? Like this where, and if you did, if you did listen to our previous episode, if you haven't, we highly recommend because we did a bit of a self inquiry on, on life, not just I'm sure there's going to be career or business. And you may have, you know, figured out some gaps and some leaks in it. And so with this one, it's like, if you can visualize it, if you're really calling in X amount or X amount of. Customers or you want to, you know, bring out a couple of products or whatever. Okay, like let's take a client that could come into your What would the journey look like? in the back end And in the, the, you know, the foundation of your look like? And you may have to notice that. There isn't actually a bit of a journey happening. It's sort of a bit of a dead road, right? Like,




this is a really good way, again, during this silly season, a way to actually move the needle forward, even if it doesn't feel like it. Because I think it's not sexy to talk about systems and softwares and people just like kind of roll their eyes because I get it. Like it's. It does, you don't think that it doesn't bring in the revenue, but it really does at the end of the day, and it, it, it can bring in the revenue really, like easily because there is a process that's automated and it doesn't need much more of your attention. because when you do set it up, it feels like you're just doing all of this work, but nothing's working. But I can guarantee you that it and stays as a beautiful story about this. But Yeah. so I guess the best way to look this is, okay, well, I would love for people to get. You know, book in a call with me or buy this product or at least get on my email marketing. to look at the journey set up the right systems for this. And you know, that's, that's probably the one way that you can look into doing it this time of the year.


Yeah. And if you don't have that set up. And you're just posting content to try and grow your followers, but without having a sales system in place to sell to these people, I would really stop posting content right now. I would switch into the mode of, okay, what's that customer journey like, like you're saying, what is that system from getting them from point a. On the road. And like you said, the, not the dead road. Cause that's exactly it. So many people have that. They just have a dead road and they go, why isn't my business making any money? It's like, well, there's no journey for people to go on the road. The road ends. There's nothing for them to do or. There's no. Actions for them to take. There's nothing for them to sign up to like so often, is it that people feel like, well, my business isn't really like making enough money. And I say like, I have a quick look at this stuff and I go. Well, how would someone buy anything from you right now is nothing. You have nothing for sale. Imagine going into a shop and there's no. There's nothing for sale. And then. No wonder you're not making any money. And it seems like so obvious. Right. But sometimes when you're so in your business and you get confused with all the content and all the things that you need to be doing, you actually sort of forget that this process needs to be. Very clean and clear on this road. And you need to understand it too, so that you know where it is, you're sending people and why it is. You're creating all this content and putting all this effort in. To send them because it's pretty hard to actually get people to transition from a follow-up onto a newsletter. Without having anything set up without having your lead magnet set up without having something to entice them. To go. Yes. I want to hear from you and also having an email list is probably one of the best things that I think you could focus on in your business too. So. If you don't have that set up, I would suggest you start really thinking about that first. If you think, if you're just thinking about growing your following.


Yeah, and I know that there's gonna be people that's like well how you know, how do I get an email list and all the things because I was like this and I was like there Not not long ago. I mean a year or two ago and I think well free resources is the best way like who doesn't love Free resources free master class or free webinar or whatever to get people in there, you know or Yeah, like that's just one way that you can get people on your email list and again I don't think it sounds sexy or like fun about this, but it is a long term game It is like looking at the evolution of your business and yeah, email marketing is one of the best So, yeah, it's and while we were speaking while you were speaking about I was like I feel like there's going to be two different types of like business owners, right? You got, you got the people that are really good at content. They know what they post. They really good at it. They know how to tell the story. They just like, bam, bam, bam. They're really good at that. But then when it comes systems and the, and that road. They don't like to do it. They, you know, whatever. And then you get the other group of people who are like really good at the backend. They know exactly the client journey, but content feels sticky. Content feels hard. So whichever one you are at, I feel like this month is perfect. The silly season is perfect to like dial into and muscle on either two of those, I think. Yeah, see how next year kind of blossoms for you and see how your, you know, your plant business grows.


That's so true. I do think there is a one or the other. There is either the one that really knows how to make content, because I was in this group program with somebody and she had about 240,000 followers on Instagram or something. She wasn't making any money whatsoever. So she did not know how to, she had a couple of clients, but did not know how to turn all that following into paying customers. So you're right. So for me, I feel like I need to switch next year more into the content creation and take that more seriously, because I feel like I've got a handle on the sales and the systems and everything set up. So I need to shift into content creation because content creation. I only really do now when I have time, which is not really that consistent. So I know that I'm not. doing it very consistently, but I know that I, I need to set up everything first to make sure that it's all well-oiled, it's like a business machine and it's well oiled and it chance for you. And when we're talking about systems, And setting these up. And I were talking yesterday about how it's like having a plant that outgrows its pot and eventually the plant. We'll need to be repotted into a bigger pot. Is the pot that you currently have the, for your business too small. Is it available for you to welcome in say you get 500 new leads right now in your business. Can you, could you handle that quick growth? Is the pot. There enough for you to hold that space for all those people. Because we might say to ourselves, like, I wish I had the money. I wish I had more growth. I wish my business would grow. I wish it had more customers. But if you don't actually have the pot ready for them to come into. They can't, they won't be your business. Won't grow. Won't be able to flourish because it's just, there's no way for those roots to go. There's nowhere for everything to be contained within that. Within that space.


yeah, beautifully said, because we can all agree. And you know, again, there's going to be two different types of people. There's going to be the ones that really good at working on the spiritual side of the business. You know, they know how to visualize and they, they feel the clients and they probably do get a lot of inquiries just manually. But if you want a, a, you know, a business that can kind of work on itself in a way like it has this beautiful, like I said, an oil machine just knows how to run own while you sleep, while you, you know, do your thing. It's time to implement systems. It's time to implement a bit of automations in the backend. And then you get the other girlies. like me who knows the systems, knows the softwares, know how to like do all the actionable steps, but do have to work on the spirituality side of it. Do I have to work on my faith? Unfortunately, like I, I do, I have sometimes a bit talk and doubt, and I know it's very normal and it's very human. But that's just, yeah, that's just where I am in my life and how businesses, and I have to train. the spirituality side for me. So again, there's like these two, and this is something that you can this early season, whether it's, you know, building the systems or building the spirituality side building the content and, you know, whatever. So,




Yeah, Yeah.


Yeah. And as you were saying yesterday, you can do all the spiritual things. And like you said too, yeah. You probably will be attracting in the people, but you still need to have those things set up. Like you need to have contracts. You need to have. A portal for them to log into. You still need to have the emails go out. All those things. In the 3d world still need to be set up in order for them to be taken care of because there's no point in you doing this all manually. And I think sometimes people don't even realize just how much can be automated now. It's phenomenal, the amount of stuff that we can have go out and just get our customers taken care of. Like, I have lots of different automations set up where they get lots of emails and then there's like little links and then they can sign up to other freebies and. they are being helped to, so they are being helped more by these automations then. Me just sort of, not really having much stuff to give them. To the, they can go in their own little journey and then they can come more and more into your world. As you start to build out all of these things. It doesn't have to be all done at once, but. As you start to build out one thing. So say for example, if you're just beginning, right. You start out with one lead magnet. And if you don't know what a lead magnet is, it's something like an ebook. A webinar, a video series and mini course, something like that to entice people to say, yeah, I want that thing. I'm going to sign up for it. And then you nurture these leads on your email list for a period of time before they decide, Hey, am I actually trust this person and buy something from this person? So at its bare bones, that's where I would begin. If you're a real beginner. Start there, but then once you start to become more advanced, there are many, many, many different things that you can be doing. And that's one of the reasons why I love business too, is I feel like it's this, it's a puzzle that's infinitely complex for me to solve. And it never gets boring because I'm, I love doing puzzles. Right. And I was saying, It's to my partner last night, I was like, business is just like this. Infinitely complex puzzle. Like I was having the best time with my affiliate links and working out all these little bits and pieces, and I'm trying to explain it to him and he's going, like, what. So yeah, if you love that, Then you might love. Working on all these things in business.


yeah, yeah. And it's so good that you said that and gave a little like way of how you can, yeah, automate and, and sort of put us, cause that is a system, right? That lead magnet to the email marketing to maybe potential new other cell whatever. Like that's, that's what I mean by system. You know, and that's just one way of I'm glad that you did that and you gave that to someone because again, I can, I can understand that it can be very overwhelming and, and be very like complex and confusing and then you kind of just like throw in the towel because. Right. If you're someone that loves to train or you, your business is spirituality. Like I can totally understand why this 3d BS feels Like it's just, you just don't want to do it. Like you just want to serve people. And that's your, you know, mission in life, which, so, but again, like if you want to make an impact or you want to have. You want to have so many more people like setting these systems up do help you get to that. So Yeah, I just think So yeah, again, like you just, you start small and then yourself up and you build that muscle and then you get to the next stage. And I love. the analogy of the infinite puzzle because it's so true and it's actually such a good mindset to have. Because I've worked with people in the past and they'll just be like, I don't know why I have a business, blah, blah, blah. And you're just like, well, like. I get it. We all have our moments, but it's kind of, you got to be in there for the long haul and you have to be thinking about it of like, actually, this is going to be a complex thing maybe for the rest of my life. And I'm okay with that. excited about it. And it's just, it makes business lighter that way, you know, so I love that you gave it that analogy.


Yes, I couldn't stress that enough. What you're saying about, you have to be in this for the long haul. You can not just think I'll be in this for one year and then I'll make enough to, I don't know. Deuce. I don't know what, what are you doing? So if you, if you kind of think, yeah, business feels like a nice puzzle for me to, to play around with and figure out, and it's. A lot of things we're doing too is an experiment. So even though people like this is the framework and the blueprint you follow. It doesn't really work like that because your audience, your systems, your processes are going to be different. So it is going to have to be a puzzle that you can figure out. And if you want someone to help you out with that, N a is here to help you out with that. And you can book in to just have a chat and see what it, what it might entail, because you may not know. If you want to figure out some tools that I used to run my online business, I have a bug out kit. Which you can find inside my Instagram buyer. I'm at. Barefoot branding. So go and download that. It's free. I list all the tools that I use to run my business. Actually, you need to maybe need to update that with a couple more things, but essentially most of everything is there.


Yeah. Amazing. leave some links, maybe a booking link for me and a link for you so you can, yeah, have a look and, and see what you're after, but yeah, absolutely. And I think this is like one of the, the best way to kind of evolve with your business is having people in your life that are also on the same sort of road, they want to see you when they want you to. you know, put in the systems and the strategy so that you can grow as well. And I just think that's one of the best ways to see the momentum. yes, there's always help. There's always help around. And yeah, reach


see. Yeah. You'll see a lot of people say that about having people around you that are on the same page as you, or they're on the same level as you. So that's a very, very good advice. If you're thinking to yourself, I didn't really know anybody. You can always hire somebody. So even if it's not us, you can always hire somebody and work with somebody that you connect with, that you feel. That it's right. And then, yeah. Just go and start taking some action and seeing, see what happens.


Yeah. Amazing. Amazing.


Beautiful. Okay. Well, thank you so much for listening today. If you have any questions, send us a message. And we would love to hear from you and Merry Christmas.


Yes. Merry Christmas, even I'm not sure if it was maybe after Christmas or just before, but regardless, I hope you guys enjoy the best time with your family and friends and Yeah.




to you guys next time. Bye.