Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Setting up your business jackpot

January 29, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 29
Setting up your business jackpot
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Setting up your business jackpot
Jan 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 29
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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How do we bridge the gap between having a business working for us and us working in the business overtime?

In this episode we give practical tips and softwares to incorporate to start building your business jackpot!

To create passive income and return on investment with your time and money on implementing systems and processes to create longevity.

Sharing a new workshop hosted by Ané called SOP Class. Where we will dive deep into creating effective step by step guide and system task documentation and processes. Say goodbye to avoiding your boring admin work and hello to simple and efficient operational work. 

Softwares we talked about in the episode:
- Many Chat (an automated dm software) >>
- Zapier ( a connecting platfrom to trigger certain action between 2 softwares) >>
- Facebook Ad manager

Join SOP Workshop on 10th Feb 9am:

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

How do we bridge the gap between having a business working for us and us working in the business overtime?

In this episode we give practical tips and softwares to incorporate to start building your business jackpot!

To create passive income and return on investment with your time and money on implementing systems and processes to create longevity.

Sharing a new workshop hosted by Ané called SOP Class. Where we will dive deep into creating effective step by step guide and system task documentation and processes. Say goodbye to avoiding your boring admin work and hello to simple and efficient operational work. 

Softwares we talked about in the episode:
- Many Chat (an automated dm software) >>
- Zapier ( a connecting platfrom to trigger certain action between 2 softwares) >>
- Facebook Ad manager

Join SOP Workshop on 10th Feb 9am:

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


when it comes to like trusting your business, it is putting in these systems and these delegation tasks and things prior so that you can lean back and fully trust


It's like you're setting up your own jackpot machine where the odds are in your favor.


magical things really do end up happening because you have this beautiful masculine foundation set up


the payoff is going to literally pay you back over and over and over,, Hello and welcome to Trusting the Universanship. I am here with Ané of course.


Hello, everyone. Welcome, welcome.


We are happy to have you here and listening today and today we're going to be talking about What do you do when you want to go on holidays in your business or maybe you're, you've got some stuff coming up and you really don't have the time to be in your business every day, but you want the business still to be clicking over and you want to be bringing in leads. How do you navigate that? And what do you do? And here we're going to be talking about some of the things that we do to prepare for that. And yeah, how we continue doing the business during those times.


Yeah. because in a previous episode we talked about oh, it may air before or after this, but it is all about how to make work light. So this is more like a practical, logical, strategical episode, I guess, because we want to give you guys some, you know, as we both are very shh. Strategic with our business as well, give some practical advice and some insight of how you, yeah, can make your business light, especially if you have things coming up or you're going away And how to move the needle forward. So it's going to be really, really insightful episode, I reckon.


Yeah. And also using the systems. To support you and how do we implement those systems and what kind of systems can we use to put some stuff in place so that you're not panicking and checking your email every day and then seeing the business grow without you having to always be the one watching. I mean, you know, we'll always be in our business, but sometimes we need to take a few weeks off. Like, I'm going to be away on in a couple of days. For about 10 days or so, and I want things to be clicking over in the business and I want to make sure that if anybody has any questions about a product they've bought, that they're going to be supported during that time. So, I need to make sure that those things are in place and I need to make sure that things are scheduled ahead of time so that I can take that time off without worrying. Oh, no, like, my business is just falling into the ground and people having really bad customer service experiences with me not being there.


Yeah, yeah, beautifully said and such a good segue because I think when it comes to like trusting your business, it is putting in these systems and these delegation tasks and things prior so that you can lean back and fully trust that, yeah, your clients feel nourished things are still ticking in it and your systems are running smoothly and when you combine those two, it's like, You're such a powerhouse in your business and you're, you know, magical things really do end up happening because you have this beautiful masculine foundation set up, Because yeah, you have to have this like beautiful way of looking at the energetics, but also looking at the systems and strategy behind it. And so at the end of this episode two, I'm going to talk about a workshop that I am hosting later on in, well, actually the start of Feb. But before we do, we will, yeah, we wanted to talk about like. If you're someone in business who, let's say, you have some bundles, or you've done some free work, or you've created a short course or something, and let's just say you've done a launch or two but now you kind of wanted to, you know, sell and sort of the back end, have this really sale, funnel, automotive process, we want to talk about how you can actually do that from a really light and simple way. I know Stacey, you've done this before with, with clients and with yourself. So yeah, what's your sort of tips you'd give in, in doing so?


Okay, so. Some of the tips are going to be very practical, so hopefully that's very helpful. So, one thing that you can do at a very low level is to use a program called Zapier. And Zapier is an automation tool, if anybody listening doesn't know. Just type in, it's like zapier. com. Zapier basically connects any app to any other app that you can think of. And it's like an if this then that tool. So you can say, if somebody signs up to this thing, then do this. So, I don't actually use Zapier anymore, but you can get a couple of free Zaps, like maybe five, and test it out and see, see if you like it. So, I use a more robust system now, but yeah, I think you can if you want to do one or two little automations, which is where I recommend you start. Having that lead magnet going into some type of free product that you're giving away for free in return for somebody's email address. As you're building your email list, having some kind of automation set up there for them to be nurtured and then getting the series of emails to that email address. And then sometimes I notice people like, yes, okay, I'm going to create the lead magnet. I'm going to put it up there and then that's all they do. They don't continually drive any traffic to this lead magnet. They're just like, okay, I'm done. People are going to sign up for it. No, they won't. So having also a system to drive people to that lead magnet as well. So whether that's like a really low cost Facebook ads, like maybe it's like 2 a day, even. I start clients on that sometimes when it's just, okay, let's just start with something really, really low cost just to get, even if it's a small trickle of leads coming into the business so that, you know, that's all happening for you while you're away and overnight when you're asleep, those are still being shown to people. and your work is being kind of compounded because that thing that you created one time is going to be helping a lot of people and you're going to be having more impact in that way.


Yeah. Yeah. I love that you mentioned Zapier because it's such a good tool. And when you were speaking, especially it's good when you do have different, like you said, you have now more of an integrated platform that you use, but if you're. You know, early stages or you have different softwares and you need them to communicate with each other, Zapier is like the best, best sort of yeah, communication style to let something happen after that, right? So let's say if you have an email marketing, but you also have like a, a product Where you're selling, sorry, a program where you're selling your product in, then you can use Zapier to link those two so that there can be like automated email sent out after they've you know, bought that product digitally. So if that's on your website or if you use Thrivecart, Thrivecart's awesome for that too to then have your clients feel nurtured in that email listing. So I'm so glad you brought that up and it's really about like trial and error and seeing what is working, what isn't. And, you know, you mentioned about, yeah, getting some sort of ads going or some sort of like, you know, broadening your visibility in social media and another. Software that we can talk about is Many Chats, which is an automated DM you know,


So it's like a chatbot.


Yeah. chatbot sort of thing. I, I'm, that's actually on my list to use this year. I haven't, I know Stacey has and I'm fairly sure that you like it. Tell me if I'm wrong. But I've also, Yeah, but I've also noticed many, many people use it. And it's a great. software that you can use just to like, get interested and intrigued about, okay, how can I have more conversations happening in my brand, in my business digitally when I am away because it. is automated to a certain point. So, Yeah,


Yeah, and ManyChat is actually an integrated or like approved product for Facebook. So Facebook, Instagram, you know, owned by the same people. ManyChat is approved for that. So it. It seamlessly really integrates and it works every time, I've never had a problem with it. So, and it's free, to a point, so, yeah, I've used it and you can create very complicated kind of little, like, chat and answer questions with your users that are doing that without you even looking at it. So, you can, you know when you see Instagram posts where people say, oh, text me this word or comment this emoji and I'll send you the information. That's a chatbot usually doing that, because, and you can also set it up to, to respond to comments on your social media, and you can set up multiple so that it's looking dynamic, so it's not just the same comment reply, and that will help boost your kind of algorithm so that you can, people can see that you're, you know, responding to things, even if you're not physically there. So if you're away and you want things to be happening, That's how I do that, and yeah, sometimes if you're getting more than you can handle, that's a good way to do that, too.


Beautiful. Yeah. And you know, if If you do have, a product where you've launched, like, we've said before, and you kind of want to sell it on the side, it is really, really awesome if you do have, like, a Facebook page or a community page where you can ask your audience what is helpful, what isn't, and you can always tweak that sort of course or that masterclass, you know. If, let's say you, you, you, ran a masterclass or workshop, but people are like, damn, I really wish there was some sort of workflow or like some workbook that I could have followed. You'd be like, great, awesome. Noted and you can quickly just like put something through and then that's a little mini course. So that's a little mini You know three, you know our training that you can sell it for for a really low cost Getting people in your business to start building that trust with you and be like, oh, she really knows her shit or she really Understands my problems or whatever it may be And yeah, it's just such a great way to get going That conversation and trust going in your business. And again, you can use the tools that we just mentioned to, to build it out and, and sell it on the side without you needing to really do more work. And the emphasis of like, yes, you're going to probably have to tweak and, and be more durable and disciplined with that. building that, that process. But once it's done, gosh, it opens up so much space for you. Like how many times do we, you know, think, oh, it's just too much work. It's too much, but it, you, it, your future self will thank you for it for sure.


I could not stress this enough, what you've just said, about, yes, it's going to take a lot of work to set up. But I imagine it's like you're riding a pushbike up a hill, and it's really hard, and it's like, Oh, I'm going to get up the hill, I'm going to get up the hill. But once you get to the top, you can coast down the other side. So once you get there. Oh, I think that was really difficult, but the payoff is going to literally pay you back over and over and over, especially if you have a digital product. So if you're a service provider, for example, say you're a photographer and you only do one on one shoots with people and you love it, but you really need something else to kind of bolster yourself up. You want to go away for a while and you think I'm not going to have any income coming in while I'm away. This is what we're saying, is to create something, it could be a low ticket offer, could be something where you're just teaching people how to take selfies at home, take better selfies, have better lighting, you know, have a course where you're teaching people that. I'm a huge lover of courses. I take a lot of courses, but yeah, I really believe in the power of leveraging your business. If you can turn your knowledge into a course, and I know it can be so difficult because I've definitely felt that of, I can't like leave my clients behind and cut them out while I build these other things. But you really have to do it for yourself. You have to take that decision one day and say, no, I need to create these products because. Like you said, your future self will thank you for it.


Yeah, absolutely. And start small. Like if that kind of, if that kind of freaks you out to be like, Oh, you know, yeah, I always, I only do one on one or group or like, you know, input like real time work, I guess I use real time, but you know what I mean? And it. freaks you out to sort of create a course start with like. Nourishing your email list by like giving out free value and free content and being like, hey, like, you know, I have this workbook come out, spend, you know, a donation of like 20, 30 bucks, like start just like building that muscle and that like ability to sell something and it doesn't have to be this like 12 week course and huge thing, you know, it can be really, really small and then you build up because it's From experience, I hold myself back so many times because I thought I had to create these huge courses and every time I was met with so much resistance and fear because I just wasn't, I didn't see myself as like a teacher yet, you know, until you just do these small little things and now I'm, you know, and from my personal experience, I am one of my main focuses are workshops and master classes because I want to build and seeing the value of like Being a teacher and educating people and even this podcast, I feel like that shined a lot of light, you know, like we were, we share so much value and insight of our personal life and you know what we have learned. And so just start small and then when you have those small little I guess processes, you can then integrate a lot of softwares and strategy and operations and then you can, you know, and it just ends up unfolding into this big. beautiful thing. So Yes. start small for sure when it comes to these digital products.


Couldn't stress that more, starting small, because when I first started my course, my very first course, I don't know, this was like 10 years ago now or something, but it bombed so badly because I was not prepared whatsoever for this. It was very bad and it kept me stunted for such a long time because all the customers had such a bad experience because I wasn't prepared enough because I tried to put everything Every, absolutely everything I've ever learned into this one course, and that was just the worst possible thing I could have done with the level of experience that I had then. And, it was so painful the way it happened, so that, yeah, it kept me stuck for so long, so, like Anae was saying, if you want to just create like a little, like a PDF workbook, one workbook, or something, and then send your 2 a day ads to that workbook. Just be starting at that really small point and then just see where it goes. Treat it as an experiment, like, oh, I'm just going to see if anyone likes this or not, know. And a lot of core coaches also give the advice of, you know, don't sell something until you've tested it in the market and seen if people want it. But the problem with that, I find, is that when people aren't experienced enough to know that they have the skill set to deliver on all those things. That is where I went wrong and it bombed so hard. So, if you can, if you know where your level of experience is, then you can say to yourself, okay, I can or cannot deliver this in time. Most people, if they haven't done it before ever, won't know if they're capable to deliver it in a certain time period. So just be aware of that. So that's why starting small is really helpful too, because you're like, okay, I've created one thing. I'm just going to send people to it and let's see.


Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. It's and we mentioned this in the other episode, you know About playing the game, like making business a bit of a game and a game that you're familiar with. And that actually feels light in your system, right? Like don't play this. Scary game and then you just absolutely like deplete yourself and kind of reassure those fears right that you're not good enough or whatever it is like just play a game and be very compassionate with yourself on it. And I also say this to clients with like softwares like implementing new softwares or systems like it feels. Weird and icky and strange and and you know all of this like it must not be an alignment because it's like scary I'm like, no, it's just it's just new. It's just new your body needs to get used to it Your mind needs to get used to it and it's just another level that you're Stepping into so yeah, so definitely just Yeah, be aware. And again, anytime, just message us about anything about these softwares. We're so happy to just give some sort of, you know, support because we get it. We've, we've tried many, many softwares and some absolutely failed and some absolutely worked really well. But yeah, so.


Yeah, and you have a Facebook group, don't you, that people can join? Yeah,


Actually, I'll leave it in the show notes in here for us. And it's literally a business community hub about all of this. So anytime, what I noticed is I wanted to create a group where anytime you're like, Hey, does anyone use this software before? Was this system before? Like, how did it work for you? Does it apply for this problem? And blah, blah, blah. Like I wanted to kind of open that Dialogue. So yeah, absolutely come join. It's called Business Hub. And it's really cool because we have all types of conversations in there. I definitely need to be more active in it. I'm not gonna lie, but we're getting there. We are getting there. So yeah.


so beautiful. So if anyone wants to go and jump into that group, please go and do that. Like we said, links in the show notes. And so the other thing that I wanted to bring up as well about taking time away from your business, it's often what we do is what we do is we cram all the stuff that we were going to do is say, for example, you're taking a week off, you cram that week off into the week before you go. But That's not a holiday. If you're cramming the week that you're going to do and you do it anyway, it's not technically a holiday for you taking time off, is it? It's like, oh, you've just crammed everything into a smaller space and you're very stressed out and by the time you get to your holiday, you're exhausted. So, what I don't recommend you do is try to crunch all of your work before you go and rely on these automated systems to just keep things ticking along and over as you're awake. So, not just trying to do all of your one on one stuff before you go.


Yeah, yeah, because you don't want to like start your holiday on like full burning out and just like in bed for like three days and your holiday because you've tried to do 20 hours of work in two days. You know what I mean? Like, that's just not. And I know that we both are guilty of that, but we have learned many, many times. It's not sustainable whatsoever in any aspect, whether you have a team or not, it just doesn't work. And the best way, you know, to make sure that you don't fall into that pattern is making sure that you put deadlines in place that is sustainable. It's even way before the actual deadline, if you know what I mean, like have a couple of like some free two days where like, yeah, actually it needs to be done by this date, but if you put a deadline on two days before, I find that that helps me because I do this thing where I think it's only going to take me like three hours and it ends up taking me like 10 hours, and so at least if I started some sort of task and procedure or even system implementation it's It's a lot lighter and easier to like finish it up rather than like thinking I was going to get it done Yeah. And..that's what I wanted shine some light in the SOP workshop is the delegation price process and the deadline task because a lot of the processes we do implement, which takes the time, right? We trial and error and then eventually we get to a sweet spot. We are like, okay, this is the process. But that takes a time to really work out the step-by-step guide and then you break it down. So yeah, that's something that I'm gonna be sharing in the workshop more. Closer to the date, but having deadlines prior is, is gonna, And, time management actually is the thing that's really going to help with making sure you don't cramp it all in.


Yes, yeah, I've definitely been guilty of that, and that's how I know that it's a problem, because I have done it myself. And, like you said, you just have to know, okay? How much time is this going to take but then often what happens is like you said it's going to take longer than you thought So the rule of this is add 40 percent Estimate what you think plus 40 percent because it's always going to take you longer than you think and if you happen to finish earlier You know, there's nothing lost there You can just fill your time with some self care whatever you want to do in that time that you have spare because it's always going to take you longer than you thought it was gonna take. Like oh, this is only gonna take me an hour Is it? I dunno,


Yeah, literally. Yeah, like half an hour of actual work, 10 minutes of eating, another 10 minutes of like making a tea. Yeah, it's definitely only gonna be an hour. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, you know, like, again, bring some curiosity and compassion to yourself. Like, we're not robots here. We have, you know, we're human. We have our moments where we need to just chill as well. So And I wanted to just like shine some light on my SAP workshop because I wanted to really bring this up for anyone who, whether you're an expert or beginner in business. this this applies to everyone. what the main thing is for SOPs and that stands for system operational procedures. Very big corp energy. Don't worry about it. I break it down into a much more simpler defined process, but essentially, which makes sense because if you think of big corporations and businesses, they have huge departments, right? And in those departments, there's. There's tasks, there's procedures, there's systems, there's teams. So, I understand the big wording, but as business owners, what I want to shine light is whether you're Your own, you know, one man show or if you have a team of three or ten people when you put documentations into all the admin boring tasks, delegations It just saves your life and stress so much quicker because I've worked with people in the past that run really cool businesses But the inside of the operations is shambles. They don't even know how Most of the systems work. The team members are kind of just like, you know, trying their best to figure it out. But if you have some documentation to understand the procedures, gosh, you just save so much time and energy and money. Because imagine you're trying to onboard someone for one problem, but then there's actually other problems that's connected to that one problem that you still, that you have to figure out first. So these SOPs are going to shine some light to what. Guides we need to put into our business and then from there on you can figure out if you're, you know, what to delegate eventually, or even for yourself, figure out, oh, okay, actually, to move the needle forward, I have to look at ABC, not X, Y, and Z. Because we do that, right? We think it's this thing, and then you start to document things, you're like, oh no, I gotta, the thing that I forgot about three months ago, that's the thing that I have to work on first. And this comes from my experience too. So, yeah, come join us, it's the 10th of Feb in Australia. And yeah, we're gonna, there's, there's three aspects of this, it's you know, first we identify the processes and the resources like I mentioned, then we're going to roadmap the elements and the structure, and then we're going to document it and revise it and review it, and then we just repeat the process. And I, I promise you once you do it once, the rest comes so easily. It's just that one little way of doing it that always is a bit tricky. But yeah, so it's gonna be really good. I, I called it? a workshop for a reason, because we're actually going to do it together and not like, listen to someone speak for three hours and not implement anything. Yeah, so come along. I'll leave a link in the description in the show notes, sorry to sign up. It's a pay what you can. And yeah, it's going to be really fun.


And what time is it?


9am in Melbourne time. So, yeah, whatever.


as we'll. Put a little trans time translation in the links as well, if you wanna check that. Yeah. I highly recommend you get these systems set up yourself because without that, you don't really have the freedom that you really crave because a lot of people go into business for themselves. To find that freedom and end up finding that they're working way more than they did before for less money. But without these, like you say, beautiful, masculine systems. And for anybody who doesn't know, like, the masculine systems is just like the, the container that holds the water. So the feminine is the water that flows into the container, and the container is just the thing that holds all of the, the way that you can flow around. And, you know, be free, but we do need these systems and structures set up so that we can have these sparks of inspiration and then just go off on a whim and say, hey, you know what? I just want to do this crazy thing and I want to host this, this product, this thing that I just came up with and what you can do is you can just like send it out to your list. Your systems are there. Like you said, you might have ThriveCard set up. You might have a, depends on what you're using, but you have that system set up and then you can send that out to people. And they can immediately buy. So every time you send an email, it's like a jackpot machine. This is, this is the way I feel. It feels like a jackpot machine that just like pays out every time, but it's not, the odds are actually in your favor. It's not the other way around because the numbers just, you start to look at the numbers of the industry standards. And if yours is above industry standard, it's amazing. But even if you're an industry standard, it's like 2 percent of your list will buy something. Every time you send an email, you get 2 percent of people coming back. And you're like, yep, I'm gonna buy something. So, it's like you're putting your little coin in the, in the jackpot machine and then it's just like paying out, paying you back, paying it out. So you put a dollar in and you get a two dollars out. And it's so satisfying. Because you think, there's no way I can just sell a digital product and it can just keep paying me back. And you think to yourself sometimes, I didn't really technically work for that. And that can sometimes trip you up because the psychology around that is what I didn't do. I was taught to work hard for my money. You gotta work hard, you gotta work hard. No, you gotta put your systems in place.


Yep. Facts. I love the jackpot machine analogy. That is so good. It's so good. and you're actually, like you said, you're right, you're actually going to gain so much from it. It's not like just playing the odds and hoping for the best. You are putting in the structure to get something back from it. Whether it's this time or the next time, it doesn't matter. It's building that foundation so that you can do all the things that are fun and creative, right? And you're right, like, when you have, when you have like that, that that dance with the business where you're like, you, you feel so secure and stable and trust in the, in the, the systems and this, you know, structure and then able to just like randomly have this idea and inspiration. You're like, I'm just going to do it and I'm just going to send it out. Oh my God, like that is. just the best thing. And I feel like a lot of us crave that, but we just, we're not at that point yet because we haven't set up the structure yet. So It's, really important. It is. And.




Set up your jackpot machine.


yeah, it's like you're setting up your own jackpot machine where the odds are in your favor. You know that saying from This is so unrelated but you know in the Hunger Games where they're like, may the odds be ever in your favor. I feel like when you create your own little business machine and the odds are in your favor. There are percentages of what's going to come back to you and what you invest in it will come back. So




I just it's wild being able to have that. for yourself. So, you know, if you're listening, please sign up to this workshop and get those systems set up So that you can have that freedom that you really crave.


Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. And again, if you have any questions, reach out to us with our links in the show notes below. And, yeah, I really hope that you guys. enjoyed this episode and liked some of the systems and softwares. Actually, maybe we'll, like, link some links below and then just, you know, have a look at them. Because the, the more you can get used to some of these, like, systems and softwares and platforms, the quicker you'll actually be open to taking action. Because if you just avoid it, like from my experience, I used to avoid it for so long. It just ends up becoming more and more and sticky. So just, yeah, be open to looking at these and then seeing what feels good for your, your business to, to set up.


Yeah, beautiful. Okay, well, thank you so much for listening. Please go and check out some of those links. And yeah, if you have any questions, send us a message. As always, for listening.


Thanks for listening guys. Bye.