Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

The benefits of being a beginner

February 28, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 32
The benefits of being a beginner
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
The benefits of being a beginner
Feb 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 32
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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Matthew McConaughey turned down 14.5 million for a role in a rom-com, so he wouldn't be typecast in the same movies forever. Getting pigeonholed can work against you when you're working on your craft.

That's why in this episode we talk about all the ways being a beginner might just be exactly what you need, and why where you are right now might be more perfect than you even realise. 

Squash the idea that you should be "further along by now".  Keep going. Iron out the kinks. Do it because you’re enjoying the process.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

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Matthew McConaughey turned down 14.5 million for a role in a rom-com, so he wouldn't be typecast in the same movies forever. Getting pigeonholed can work against you when you're working on your craft.

That's why in this episode we talk about all the ways being a beginner might just be exactly what you need, and why where you are right now might be more perfect than you even realise. 

Squash the idea that you should be "further along by now".  Keep going. Iron out the kinks. Do it because you’re enjoying the process.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


Matthew McConaughey they offer him 12, 000, 000 and he goes, Alright, let me read that script again. He said, maybe it's a bit more funny now that it's 12, 000, And then he says, okay, but I still say no thank you.


This energy of God, I feel so out of my way because I know that's just a quantum wobble. Every time you're leaping, that happens where you kind of get tested a little bit from all areas. All the fears, all the doubts come through


Hello and welcome to episode 32 of trusting the universe and shit and Ane and I are here today to welcome you


Yes, hello everyone. I hope you guys are well to another episode. This one is a solo one of Stace and I. It's not solo, it's Do it solo. Yeah. Yes.


So today we're going to be talking about the opportunities of being a beginner and finding the freedom in that as opposed to thinking about it in terms of being a bad thing or being something that. you want to wish away, that you want to be further along than you are by now. We want to talk about the real opportunities that there are in being a beginner in anything, in any skill.


Yeah. And just a bit of a, yeah, just giving a bit of a perspective shift, because I know that when you do have a business or you're starting some projects and it's. very scary and very extreme, or you feel kind of an imposter, perhaps. There is a lot of magic that can come from doing something new and taking that leap and being very courageous in a new avenue with life. And I know that a lot of. People that are in business and stuff always say yeah, it gets to be, it gets easier. And this is always a hard time, but it's hard in both stages. I think it's not always going to be sunshine and rainbows. I think there's An opportunity to shift the perspective of, you know what, I do feel quite new with this, but gosh, is there going to be so many things that's going to open up my way if I'm just open to it? So yeah, we just want to chat about that and how much beauty there is to starting fresh and starting something new and being in that newness.


Yeah, being in the newness is so exciting sometimes. So if you look at it through that lens of I'm I'm learning my craft, I'm honing my skills, I'm ironing out the kinks, I'm learning how to improve this thing intrinsically for myself, so it's like an internal development rather than the external goal. sometimes it's like I want to do it for the money. I want to do it for the fame Those are external motivations. I want to do it for the validation. So some of those external validations and motivations can often be very So if we turn it inward and we start to look at, okay, I'm a beginner and I'm starting a new skill, let's just pick a random skill. Let's say, for example, maybe you want to learn a language or something and you're a beginner and you're thinking to yourself, Oh, this is, this is really hard because I'm starting from scratch. I'm learning the alphabet. I'm learning how to do everything from scratch. I wish that I was further along. I wish I was. a year in from now. But the benefits to being new is that you, you're able to be more flexible, you're able to have more fun with it, you're able to actually progress in your skill really quickly. They say the same thing for when you're doing weightlifting. They say if you're a beginner, a very, very beginner, you see huge results really quickly because you're getting really good feedback really quickly, as opposed to when you're really advanced. You're only seeing really, really small incremental adjustments and improvements. But when you're new, you can see these huge improvements. In just a couple of weeks, and you're seeing that feedback and it's helping you to, to get this kind of ball rolling, the wheels are moving, and you're getting that really good feedback, so when you're really advanced in a skill, you're making these tiny, minute changes that maybe are almost imperceptible to you, and then maybe it doesn't make you feel as good because you're like, okay, well I'm not even really moving the needle very much, I feel like I've done nothing, but it's just because you're really, really advanced, so yeah. Yeah, those are some examples that just came to mind for me about being a beginner in different skills. Is there anything that you feel like you, you


well, yeah, I mean, I think for business wise, there are, especially if you're kind of in the nitty gritty with the backend systemization and softwares and things you're always a beginner somehow, because there's always new platforms. There's always new softwares happening. We live in such a technical day and age now. Right. Right. I kind of feel like we're always going to be beginners, but I actually, this is just like, Came through. I actually remember saying to myself as a teenager when, when there was always pressure of what you want to be, I always said, I have to do something that I'm not going to be bored in because I get bored easily. And now full circle moment. Be careful what you wish for because you're never going to be bored learning it. New processes and ways to do things because yeah, there's just always newness in that. And if you, I feel like as you were speaking, I'm like, when you're willing to be courageous and really being kind of, cause let's be real at the start of anything, it's really hard. Right? Like it does feel quite sticky. It's really new. But once you do that. Your capacity to hold and like expand just grows every time. And it makes sense of you saying, it's kind of funny. Cause the analogy of lifting weights, your muscles literally grow, and like, and then that's why you see results. And that's why you're like, Oh gosh, now it like, I want to do this process constantly. It's the same thing with like. Energetically like building or, or building a craft or doing something new. Your capacity to hold more and do more constantly grows. And even though you can make peace with always being beginner, especially what we do as business owners, the opportunities that come your way, there's always doors opening because people can see that you're willing to take that first initiative. You're willing to put yourself in a really weird, like. place of trying to figure a puzzle out that you don't even know what this puzzle is. And people love that because not many people have that courageousness. So if you have that sort of mobility, I guess, to do that, then that's a really, really good strength to have. And it's something to be quite proud of because I think And I feel like the more you do it, the better you want to get yourself in that position. I don't know if you found that too, Stace, at the start of business, you're yeah, your perspective is Oh my God, but everyone's so far along and they just do it so easily. And how did all of these things come up? Like I did. And then now I'm like, Oh no, I kind of love this. This energy of God, I feel so out of my way because I know that that's just a quantum wobble. I remember having a mentor once said, every time you're leaping, there's a bit of a quantum wobble that happens where you kind of get tested a little bit from all areas. And all the fears, all the doubts come through, but just know on the other hand, the next day, the next week, you're like, Oh, finally, I'm in a place where I feel very good of what I've. Being able to craft.


I love that! A quantum wobble! I am going to embody that. I think that's gonna go straight on the merch. Love that so much. Yeah, I, I feel that and A few things come to mind as you were speaking about the newness of being online, think about the algorithms changing all the time we have to keep up so that in, in a sense we are beginners and you were saying before, how was it when I first started my business, I feel like when I started my business, I was able to just jump into things with having no knowledge of things in a really embodied, confident, very naive way. Yeah. And I feel like now I'm very much more cautious with things because I'm very aware of the customer experience. I'm very aware of what can go wrong. I'm very aware of things. So it makes me more cautious. It's kind of like being a kid when you're a kid and you're running around, you have less fear because you're not really aware. You stick your hand in the fire because you don't really know that it's going to burn you yet. And so when you go and you've had a lot of experience, it gives you different benefits, but it also has a, a weakness to it because, so I have this, I have this example. Everyone knows Matthew McConaughey, right? So he, he was always really typecast as a rom com guy. So he was He was always in these rom coms and he was really starting to get really pigeon holed in these roles as an actor. And he was saying he really wanted to stop doing the rom coms. And so he said that they came to him with a script and he read it and it was pretty funny. And he said they offered him 8 million for this script. And then he said to his agent, no thank you. They come back, they offer him 10 million. And he still, he says, no thank you. And then they come back and they offer him 12, 000, 000 and he goes, Alright, let me read that script again. He said, maybe it's a bit more funny now that it's 12, 000, 000. And then he says, okay, but I still say no thank you. Then they come back again, it's now 14, 500, 000. And so he still goes Actually, you know, I could really see myself in this character, but it's still no thank you. But because he had, he really had a choice to make then and there as to whether he was going to continue down this road because he would get stuck in this typecasting of being a rom com actor. And then after that, after he started saying no, he was able to do much more serious roles, get more fulfillment in his career doing these. more complex, more serious roles. So I feel like that is one of the, the, the disadvantages to being really, really adept at something because you can't remove yourself. From this kind of idea that people build up about you, if you're really, really known, well known for a specific thing. It's the same thing with George Lucas. He wanted to be a small European director, but he became so pigeonholed, and he made this movie, I think it was called Red Trials or something, and he, let me just check, hang on. Red Tails, sorry. Which he had funded 58 million dollars of his own money after the studio refused to back it. And it was about American pilots who won a hundred distinguished flying crosses during the Second World War. But this film was really badly received and the studios, to not back someone like, george Lucas, from Star Wars is just It's just wild to me. But, you can, you can become too big for something that you, yeah, you didn't potentially want to pursue for the rest of your life.


up because like, that's why there is that benefit of being a beginner and kind of always try to embody that beginner stage because then your identity and ego doesn't get so hooked up in a particular topic, not topic, but a particular character. I'm doing quotations because character is not really the word I'm trying to get to, but it wrapped up in an identity. You see on online businesses, you see people that go into like being Yeah. Yeah. Money mentors or whatever. And they so wrapped up into this money mentor stage that they now can't really be beginners in other areas in life, because that's the only way that they have been embodied to get clients and all the things, and then your ego can kind of get in the way, and then you may not even be integral anymore. And it's sort of like this. It's the snowball effect happening, whereas what you said with like Matthew McConaughey really staying in his integral, wanting to do like really other different characters and building his, muscle and other areas of life. It now has opened up so many other opportunities and probably ever will, because it's not his identity and ego is wrapped up in just this one avenue. And I think that's a really cool way if you are in the new stages of business, like, To shift that perspective of God, I'm just, no one's going to blah, blah, blah. I'm just, such an imposter to, there's actually endless opportunities. There's endless ways that I can do what I want to do and have endless expressions of myself. Like you just open your, your, your body and your aura and your energy to receive more. And that's something that. I feel is very magnetic, and like we said, once you've made space and peace with being beginners. Then people actually want to work with people like that because they're like, Oh, well, firstly, they're not wrapped up in ego. And secondly, they, they get to experience this particular project with you from a very fun and light way. So, yeah, I just love those two. Yes. Experiences. Times two. Yes.


Exactly. I mean, that is it. That, that is really it. Because, like you said, it's just this, this expansion. It's, It's infinite possibilities, it's how can I, how can I approach this project in a really light fun way and how can it become a collaborative project rather than, I'm just the expert and I'm telling this person what to do. Maybe it doesn't need to look that way. Maybe it's, you're both exploring the project together. Maybe it's that. And it doesn't have to be, oh, I know what I'm doing. Because you can just work it out as you go. You can work out how to do things. You can figure things out on the run. And that's how I've done everything, basically, in my business. It's, it's, if I want to do something, I'll just work it out. I'll figure it out. I will Google the crap out of that thing and well, I will work it out, and we'll remove the obstacles as they come up.


Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Remove the obstacles as they come up, because especially if you're beginners and you're trying to work out your marketing strategy and you're trying to be like, okay, am I going to have an email sequence and all the things you will work it out as you go. Just keep taking small little actions every day and just see how things will become a compound. And you'll be like, eventually be Oh my God, I'm actually. not even a beginner in this thing anymore, but be okay to be a beginner because that's where, that's where magic really does unfold. What was the time in your life actually Stace, I'd love to know where you felt really like a beginner. And what do you think gave you that sort of what's the word like lightness to be okay with a beginner, if you know what I mean.


Hmm. Good question. Let me think. I, I think probably the, the biggest example that comes to mind for me is when I started my business and I just quit my job with maybe a month's worth of savings and Everyone's like, what are you doing? And I was just like, well, I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to dive in feet first. And I was like 27 at the time, I think. And I just dived in and I was like, I know I just have that. I've always had that belief in myself that I can just do what I want to do, because I always feel like if you're getting the nudge, it means that you're going to be capable of fulfilling that, that thing, because you're getting the nudge that is. probably a spiritual belief. And yeah, so if you can embody that belief, that if I'm feeling the nudge to do something, that means you have the capability to do it. And so you just follow the thread and you just keep following that thread. And yeah, I just like quit my job and I was like, I'm going to just start. Working this out somehow and I'm going to research how I can and I went on and I did like a micro business certificate and then I did that course and then I started getting clients and I started just working it all out and then I found a course online and I did that to learn business and yeah, I still feel like even now I'm learning every day new things. So I think really embodying this like This essence of being like a beginner or being new to something or having that, just that energy of, can I just come at this from that place of I'm, I'm fresh at, I'm going to look at this with fresh eyes. So even when it comes to anything, when it comes to your email newsletter, when it comes to your social media, when it comes to your relationships, how can I bring fresh eyes to this, even if I've been in there for 20 years, How can I bring that energy to it?


Absolutely. And I, I think there's a lot of humane in that to be like, you know what, I'm quite a beginner at this, but at the same time, because I've had that nudge, I'm able to yeah, lead with that, like follow that thread and see where that actually is going to take me because it's probably a lot more than the eyes can see, from a spiritual perspective. And yeah, that's beautiful. I think that that's a really. Humane and, and, and like loving way of looking at it. And I think, from me, one thing where I felt a really big beginner was starting to work in, in team dynamics with clients and their team members, and I was really like, Oh, I really thought I was good at this, but there's a lot to learn here. And that just grounded me once again. And I learned a lot and there was moments of fat, really sticky and hard and triggering for myself. But I knew that again, that quantum wobble that I was meant to. Go through this kind of clean the slate so that I can call in more opportunities like this, and time and time it's, it's, yeah, done just that. So I think when you can shift that perspective, like, yeah, this is new, but actually I know that on the other side of this is huge expansion and huge, like, moments of gratitude and, and prosperity, then you're just kind of. What's the word? I'm trying to like soften that process of being a beginner. So I think that's something that is yeah, it's beneficial to feel.


Yeah, softening is such a good word for this because we can soften anything if we're ever stuck at any point. How can I soften it and how can I look at it from a different perspective and how can I just start to think, okay, what am I passionate about? What do I want to contribute back to the world? What do I, why do I want to do this? And coming back to what I was saying at the beginning of the episode, rather than it being for fame, for followers, for money, that's all stuff that's coming towards you. How can you reverse that and give it back? So What are you bringing to the world rather than what are you taking from the world? And I feel like once you make that switch and you reverse it back and it's coming out and you're giving and you're being of service I feel like everything changes because if you're just constantly trying to To take things like I see a lot with with clients being like, I really just I really want this many followers. I really want To have the money or I really want to have all these External things. And in my head I'm going, okay, but these are all things you're taking. These are all things that are, that are coming. How can we reverse that


Yeah, that's exactly like generosity goes a long way in all aspects, like not just money, but resources, your time, your energy, like generosity. I always have a mantra is like the more I give the more I get back. And I just think that that's something that we can all flip the script a little bit. And we have compassion. If you really have to make ends meet because we all have bills, we totally get that. But if you can. Call that in, but also know that this is for my highest service. And if I actually are able to serve from a higher state, then God, you're going to be so abundant with all the things that do come in your life. And I think that's where we have to sort of flip the script a little bit. And it's actually funny that you mentioned that because I was listening to a podcast yesterday about. This guy is sitting about like some stats and he was like, the more people, the more you invest with like your money and stuff to how to grow yourself, how to like, mentorship, how to get yourself in like different proximity and things like that. The more statistics says the next year, you'll actually make more money because now you'll, you'll kind of telling God universe or whatever your truth is like that. I am just a vessel of this ongoing flowing, like, wheel. And so the more that I can give back, the more it's going to come back to me. And I just think that that's something that we can, wherever you're on business. And if you're at new stage, like just, if you, if you go at it, if you keep working on it, if you keep like, Getting the resources and, investing your time and money and energy into people, things and places that is actually going to be beneficial for your growth, the more you're going to get back. Like, it's just inevitable. It's going to happen. It, it, the time who knows, but that's an illusion anyways. So so yeah, I just, I just think that's a really important message to say there about that. Cause I think it's true. Yeah.


Yeah. I also think so often do all the things that we, we're experiencing crosses over with what we're thinking about in the perfect moments too. So even if you happen to be listening to this right now, it's probably because you needed that little reminder. The universe was serving you up a reminder about, Hey. There are beautiful opportunities in being a beginner and you're in exactly the space that you're meant to be. You're exactly doing what you're meant to be doing. So, take the pressure off yourself. And just come back at it from this, like, How can I utilize these opportunities? How can I be adaptable? How can I, and the word that I love that you said before was like the mobility. I feel like that is key. Like, how can I be mobile? How can I use this mobility to move through everything? And bring this different perspective to it.


Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. And I think and if you guys are ever feeling sticky, icky about anything about the new place and let us know, let us know what this new, this newness that you're trying to embody, if it's a new skill you're trying to, create, if it's a new business project, whatever, let us know. We'd love to chat. We'd love to hear about it. And yeah, just give you guys some. help, help with anything, because I think, especially when you're, I know when I ever feel like a bit stuck with something, it's just, I really, I benefit getting, not opinions, but just someone that I can sort of like soundboard to and just be like, Hey, this is this, and I feel like me and you do this a lot, like not even recording, but just in general about things and we benefit, like we, It feels like we are actually collaborating


Yeah. Yeah. And I think that was one of the reasons why I just thought, I don't want to do a podcast by myself because I know it's just going to be really difficult. And I feel like, yeah, if I'm doing this with somebody, it's just going to be free flowing and fun. So how can you think that for yourself? How can, If you're stuck, how can you make this feel easier for yourself? Is there a way that you can work with somebody? Is there a way that you can collaborate with somebody? you don't have to just be an Island and work on your own. Also, if you do want to contact us, we do now have an email address. So you can email us at hello at trusting the universe and shit. com and we can. Receive your emails. We also are working on the website so that we're going to start to put some resources potentially up on there and all the episodes and things. So trusting the universe and shit. com that will be the web address if you want to check that out. Thank you so much.