Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Prada bags and a mansion vs inner fulfilment

March 13, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 34
Prada bags and a mansion vs inner fulfilment
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Prada bags and a mansion vs inner fulfilment
Mar 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 34
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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Do you know the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations? We aim to understand what it truly means to be soul-driven and heart-driven in practical terms.

We often hear buzzwords like "heart-driven" and "soul-driven" but rarely unpack their practical implications.

Living Internally vs. Externally:

  • Living internally entails aligning with intrinsic motivations rather than being swayed by external desires like wealth or fame.

Differentiating Soul and Ego:

  • In this episode, we delve into the concept of living less goal-driven and more heart-driven, inspired by a tarot card pull.
  • Wanting to pursue a passion like acting is distinct from seeking fame; understanding the underlying motivations is crucial.

Embracing the Journey:

  • The journey towards a goal is as significant as achieving the destination.
  • Soul-driven pursuits focus on growth, evolution, and contribution, not just acquiring material possessions.

Passion as a Guiding Force:

  • Energetically, passion draws people in, while purely materialistic motivations can repel.

Balancing Giving and Receiving:

  • Social media's portrayal of instant gratification can obscure the need for a balanced contribution to the world.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

Do you know the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations? We aim to understand what it truly means to be soul-driven and heart-driven in practical terms.

We often hear buzzwords like "heart-driven" and "soul-driven" but rarely unpack their practical implications.

Living Internally vs. Externally:

  • Living internally entails aligning with intrinsic motivations rather than being swayed by external desires like wealth or fame.

Differentiating Soul and Ego:

  • In this episode, we delve into the concept of living less goal-driven and more heart-driven, inspired by a tarot card pull.
  • Wanting to pursue a passion like acting is distinct from seeking fame; understanding the underlying motivations is crucial.

Embracing the Journey:

  • The journey towards a goal is as significant as achieving the destination.
  • Soul-driven pursuits focus on growth, evolution, and contribution, not just acquiring material possessions.

Passion as a Guiding Force:

  • Energetically, passion draws people in, while purely materialistic motivations can repel.

Balancing Giving and Receiving:

  • Social media's portrayal of instant gratification can obscure the need for a balanced contribution to the world.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


we can't just show up in the world without contributing. There needs to be a balance of giving and receiving. It's not just taking, taking, taking, taking, all for you


maybe you gotta pivot and do it first thing in the morning before you do your full time thing. That might be a huge shift to do, but eventually you're kind of telling the universe, Hey, you got to make this work because I am putting my ass on the line here


hello and welcome to another episode of trusting the universe and shit. episode 34. I'm here with Ané of course.


Hello everyone. It's so good to have you here again.


Yes. Thank you so much for tuning in and hanging out with us. I feel like when we jump on, it's like, this is us just hanging out together and we're just like here and you're listening and tuning into the frequency of our voice, even if, you don't really remember everything we're saying, just trust that you'll, it'll It'll go in and it'll absorb and if you do remember specific things from the episodes Those are the things you were meant to remember.


Absolutely. It always lands as it should. Let's get into it. I'm so excited for this one.


Today we are going to be talking a little bit about Living less goal driven and more heart driven because that was the tarot card that I pulled for this episode And that was one of the lines from that but before we actually pull that tarot card We were talking about living Internally, and with our intrinsic motivations as opposed to our external motivations and our extrinsic motivations, which are our external things like wanting money, wanting fame, wanting, you know, these kinds of things that are not driving us internally. They are driving us from a soul driven place. And I know that's a really, it's a really common thing for people to say you know, heart driven, soul driven, but I want to break that down today in a really different way that is going to maybe unpack it a little further because, you know, we always hear this soul driven. What does that even mean? What does that really look like in a practical sense? What does it mean for us to be heart driven? Because we just sort of see it over and over and over again and it just becomes noise. And we're just like heart driven. I don't know. Maybe it's, it's just, it's just a buzzword at some point. You hear it enough.


Yeah, I feel like we said this word a lot, but embodiment or alignment or all of this is like, yeah, fortunate because it's now just like a buzzword. But there comes to a point where it's like, yeah, what does that mean? And I think, I think you've kind of hit the nail on the head. It's well, the only way for us to really know our soul desires and our soul goals and our soul sort of You know, journey is to sit with ourselves and figure that out. that's probably going to be the constant in our life. Right. And I love that you said that let's sometimes people want sort of the materialistic stuff, you know, they want to be famous, they want to have the riches, they want gold, all these things. And we also want to differentiate that like, yes, Like when you're a kid, so for instance, for me as a child, I loved arts and media and sort of performing arts. So there was a point where I did want to be an actress, but I never, ever, ever said I want to be famous. And I feel like that's that differentiation between the soul and the ego, right? You can be an actress because you actually enjoy the journey of acting and arts and creativity. And in some way, shape or form, I'm not saying I'm famous, but I feel like that expression I really enjoy doing. And now I get to do that in my business. And like, how awesome is that? But I feel like, yeah, when sometimes when we're very egoic and like, yeah, I want the riches. I want famous. But are you really like tuning into the frequency of because this is the highest expression for myself or because, you know, whatever, I can share these resources and be more generous with my, with people in my life. Like what's actually the soul beneath that, that really wants that design. I think that's what we want to dive into a little bit.


Yeah. I think that's a really good example saying that you wanted to be an actor. Cause I actually had that on my cubby house when I was like 10 and I wrote, when I grew up, I want to be a graphic designer, an actor or a dancer. And I, you know, wrote that on there. And I just think that's such a perfect example, because if you think about it, so. Let's break this down. So the difference between wanting to be an actor for different reasons. So maybe we want to be an actor because we want to be adored. We want to be liked. We want to be validated versus I love the craft of storytelling. I love the craft of becoming an embodying a character and explaining being in a full expression of. Like a person and a human. And I love filmmaking and I love bringing a certain, you know, mojo to the movie. Those two separate sides are so different. I feel because yeah, we can definitely wanna become an actor or a movie star. I have no problem with that whatsoever. If, if that's your, if that's what's calling you, that's what's giving you the nudge. Yeah, definitely follow that. But just examine, okay, why do I want this? Do I have this like empty place inside of me where I really wasn't listened to as a child and I really just, I'm desperate to be seen and heard because I wasn't seen and heard when I was small. I was really ignored, so maybe I'm craving that now. I think sometimes I think on a frequency level, the people that I've seen that have been the most successful have been the ones that follow these really intrinsic motivations, the ones that their soul whispers to them, the ones that they, they're so passionate about something and I see them blow up online and I see their businesses do really well and they make, you know, 50, 000 in their first launch because And And they don't even have a huge following, but it's just because they're so, so passionate about something. They're really, really passionate. And I think people can energetically feel that. And there, there is something going on there as opposed to somebody who just really wants the money energetically, people aren't really going to be drawn to that.


Yeah, absolutely. It's a bit of icky energy and it gives off a little bit of, I don't want to say desperation, but it does give a sense of I'm not really here to serve you in the highest form. Right. I'm not here to real, I don't really believe in my product or my services because I'm actually just here to make a buck. We can feel that now. And I think, especially in today's society, you can't fool people much anymore. Which is. Probably a blessing. No, it absolutely is a blessing. And you're right. I think I love that you mentioned about the passion, the passionate side of things. That's really the key. One of the key elements to know if you are doing it from this, from the heart center, or if you're doing it from the identity ego center. And I think, you know, another way to sort of differentiate is like. Okay. Am I really enjoying the journey or do I just want to get to the destination? right. Because if you, if someone's coming to us and being I just want to make millions or I just want to be rich as, or I just want to be famous because I, whatever. That's kind of the destination. What about the journey in between? What about yeah, like the arts, the passion of it, the, the, the trials and tribulations. And that doesn't mean you have to get to that point, but you know, the evolution of your soul growing, The process that you want to be in. So if you are kind of listening to this and being I don't know my soul desires, I think, you know, giving up these two different options, sit with yourself a little bit and see okay, you know what? Yes, I wanted, I want X because of the journey and because of, I know that evolution wise, I'm going to be a better person and I'm going to serve better and all that. If that's the answers are coming through and truly is not, not trying to just. Lay your mind to say that's the answer you know, and you're going to have different sort of obviously ways to think this through, but I think that's a really beautiful way to know if it's a, if it's a soul desire. Whereas, again, if you're just your answer is yeah, because I just don't want to struggle anymore and I just want to have. Prada bags and a mansion, which is the destination. You're going to be like, Hey, good luck trying to get there without trying to fool everyone. You know?


Yeah, and we can't just show up in the world without contributing. There needs to be a balance, I think. There needs to be a balance of you giving and receiving. It's not just taking, taking, taking, taking, all for you. And I feel like there's been a bit of a trick that's happened in social media where it's perpetuated this idea that you can just have what you want. You can have everything you want. Yes, you can have everything that you want in certain ways, but you can't just take it all without giving something back. There, there is an intrinsic, I think, balance in the universe where things need to be balanced there's a yin and a yang. There's, there's not this, I'm just consuming, consuming, consuming, consuming all day and I'm not creating. You need to be creating the same. amount that you're consuming. You can't just be consuming and that's also I think why people really get stuck in comparison, in stuckness, in not wanting to show up because they can over consume too much beyond what they've created. Because when you're in creation mode Something different is happening in the brain. Something is Your neurons are flexing. You are thinking. You are, like you were saying, your soul is growing. You're expanding. When you're creating. And if you're just consuming all the time, so if you're like 80 20, 80 percent consuming, 20 percent creating, you're not going to feel very good. It's going to feel You're going to start having all that comparison come up. You're going to start having All those bad feelings come up, so have a look at that, see if you can swap it to at least 50 50. I'm probably going to try and be like 80 20, and also what are you consuming? What types of things are you consuming? Are you consuming just stuff that's on social media that's trying to hold your attention on the platform for as long as possible? You know, because it's, it's ultimately a business. They are a business and they just want to keep your attention for as long as possible. So it's not all, it's not quality content. All the time. So just be discerning about what it is that you are consuming.


Absolutely. And I also feel like, yeah, especially if you're very spiritual or you have a little, you know, you, you embody that in energetic side and you, you give yourself, you give that the soul, some time and space, you're going to notice when there's time. Icky energy. And I'm such a believer of muting people. I don't care how rude I look or whatever, muting businesses, muting people, you can hide ads. Now, lately there's been so many ads come through. And until the other day I was like, Oh my God, I could just hide them. Hello. And then it will literally say these ads won't come back up. As you know, so there's, you are in control of the app. And I think sometimes. People view it as like it has control over them, but it really doesn't we're all sovereign beings here and we get to Put an end to things that we don't want to consume because that is just diluting your creativity and then you're feeding this loop of sort of your identity and the fears and the ego, which we're talking about here with oh, well, I want to be famous because then I'm going to be validated because then I'm going to have this and that and that and that's like. That's, that's just going to drain you and it's going to lead you to a really dark, lonely path. Whereas if you stop feeding that, if you start creating and I get making that shift can be quite difficult. I was a couple of years ago, very, very consuming. And I was man, I just, I don't feel authentic. Like, what do I like? What, what do I like to share about what, you know? And then. And then you hear people say ah, it's like self consuming. It's yeah, it's a bit hard to then start creating. So I would just start writing in my notes, things that are dropping through books that I'm reading. And then I'm like, Oh my God, that's a thought. And I just write it down. You don't have to even get to the creative part yet. If we're talking about content yet, but, or if you, you know, things are coming through and you're a painter or a drawer, like just start. doodling, whatever. And eventually it will become something that you can, you know, put out in the world if you desire that. But I just think that that's a really beautiful, subtle, gradual shift that you can get into. And then you'll see how much your soul's actually talking to you. And it's yeah, that's what I really desire. I really actually desire. Publishing self publishing a book. I really actually desire creating, you know, merch and I want, you know and because again, you're in that journey already. It's not the destination. You're no, I desire this because I'm kind of already doing it and I'm loving it and I want to keep doing it. So I think that's a really beautiful way of also realizing what it is that you want.


I love so much of what you said, but I think that's a really good example of why do you want to self publish that book? Do you want, again, do you just want to have your name on a book so that you can show your parents and be like, look, I wrote a book. I'm validated or do you really want to become a really good writer? I was, I heard this story that Hemingway, he was in a cafe one day and he sat there for five hours and he was writing and writing and writing. And apparently he looked down at the end of the day and he had written one paragraph. And he went, fuck, I have to write a whole book. I spent five hours writing one paragraph. So writing is so difficult. And if you think differently. You have not been writing enough and So, you know, are you, do you want a book because you want to be of service because you want to show up and share your story because you want to hone that craft of being a writer and crafting a story and yeah, just are you writing every day? Are you writing your emails? It's also a form that you can be taking off writing or Do you just want your name on the front of a book so you can tell people you wrote a book? Just examine that within yourself


Yeah, absolutely. And that's again, that destination versus journey part. And if you are in a beginner of some sort of new creative adventure, whatever, we literally did a podcast, an episode, two episodes ago about being always being a beginner in life. So if you're at that stage, go listen to that episode, because we give you just a little cheerleading moment that you get, you get to do it. And it's. Yeah, we're always it's a little bit of a perspective shift, but in this one, absolutely. Sit with yourself, figure out what your soul really wants, what you really are enjoying. Like I said, yeah, I said I wanted to be an actress. I mean, and it's because of the essence of being actresses, right? You can play in different things. You can storytell, you can express in different ways. You can, you know, have a community and stuff. So that's just. The same what you can do with a business or project or whatever, whatever. So take those elements you think about when you wanted to be as a kid, and then see what, what correlations is that, that I can actually embody now and, and be, because as a kid you won't, you won't get in cons. You weren't consuming a lot of, you know, well now unfortunately, I feel like kids do consume me, but, Mm-Hmm. when we were kids, people always outside, you know, playing. Things and doing things. And I think that's where your soul was really, you know that your soul was really able to come out and tell you what you wanted to do. So,


I feel like that was the case when we were kids. We had more of a freedom to want to be ourselves and we kind of knew what we wanted. I think as children. I think some people have different opinions on this, but I do feel like I kind of knew what I wanted as a kid. Like I was like, yep, I know I want this. I know I want this. I also love how you said this is A cheerleading moment, because I feel like if you listen to this podcast, there are so many cheerleading moments for you here, we're here to be your cheerleaders. We want the best for you with, you know, sometimes a bit of tough love, a little bit of a smack down, because those are the things that are going to get you what you want. And yeah, I just, I love that.


Yeah. Yeah. No, I, yeah, me too. I was, again, I was listening to the podcast the other day about this guy who does like a quiz on different people who have like, have different emotions and some people are like high positivity, low negative emotion. Some are, some people are high, high, both. So high positive emotions, high negative. They end up putting all of these people in kind of like category. So if you're someone who has low on negative emotions, but high positive emotions, you'll end up being the cheerleader because you're kind of the optimistic group. Right. And then you get those that are Low on both. They're actually really good surgeons because I very much more practical and logical. And, you know, if there's an emergency, they're not freaking out like the cheerleader would, because they don't really know how to deal with negative emotions, even though they know as well. But so I was just like, this is kind of like that aspect, you can put yourself in categories of way. Your soul feels really excited and, and like fill it you know, expand it in and you can kind of figure out, okay, this is something that I really want to try out and see if this works. And I think when you test things and when you do new things, you do figure out your soul's desires, right? So


There's actually a key in something that you said there. Where does your soul feel excited? That is the key question that you ask yourself. And then. You follow the thread of where that leads. And it doesn't have to be, I'm going to write an entire book. It can just be, I'm going to write one page today. See how that feels. Do I feel more excited? Do I feel more expanded? Do I continue following this? And you follow the little thread, and you keep pulling it, keep pulling it. You don't always have to go all the way to the end. Like, I remember Mel Robbins was talking about this. She was saying, you know, her, one of her clients, once he really wanted to start a cafe. And he was like, I'm really, really excited. I want to start a cafe and a wine bar and, because I just love wine. He loved wine. And she said to him, you know what? Why don't you just start really small? Why don't you just go and get a part time job? In a wine bar and see if you like that because I've worked with a few cafes that have very, very quickly failed because they, what they loved about it was not what the job was. So they loved the idea of. Being with people and having a community, but the actual business processes, like doing their COGS, their cost of goods, with the staffing, the financials, the renting the office, ordering the food, all those types of things, they weren't keen on. So, just start small. If you have that dream, like I have a really big dream, it's good to have big dreams, but you don't have to go immediately to. Let's have the whole cafe and everything running. Let's just start small and do the little thing. Do the, do the little thing and just keep following that excitement.


And I think, yeah, absolutely. And I think, because when you start doing those little things, I feel like that egoic side of like, want to make money, be famous, it kind of dissipates, right? Because now you're not feeding that fear, but you're also feeding this new expansive. experiences, right? And, and like opening yourself and your soul and your heart open for different things that could happen. Because I think once we get so egoic about like a goal or a desire or whatever, we kind of block ourselves from. Magical things happening. Like what you said with those people, it's like, if you like with my Roberts, like if he just wants to work one day a week at this, you know, wine bar or whatever, who knows, maybe someone will come through and be like, Hey, can I hire you to do, you know, create a, I don't know, branding for whatever, or if that's what he wanted to do. Like there's always those opportunities can happen because you're putting yourself in, in places where your soul actually feels. And so I just think that that's a, it's a key component and then you're not feeding that fear of like, have to make money, have to do this and that.


Yeah, and there's no shoulds in there. And what you said about blocking ourselves from magic things happening, this is why I think it's really important just to follow the initial excitement. Because, and in a small way, because you never know, you might get to the cafe, the part time job, and then you meet someone else who is a filmmaker. And then actually, that is what that excitement was telling you to follow. And that is why you were there. So sometimes you don't even know what's going to happen. And sometimes we block ourselves by having too rigid of a dream or a rigid way that things need to look. Maybe the universe is delivering us little key, little ways and pathways to get to us. Get us to a place where It's trying to send us, but if we, yeah, if we try and block that, like you said, we're blocking that from magic things happening, then maybe we're not going to end up where we, where we thought we were and we end up in a hole and we have to pick ourselves up and then start again. So just, yeah, just be open to see where that leads.


Absolutely. Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. Yeah. And I just, yeah. So see where it leads you. And I think that's where I just think that sometimes, like, I, I do have compassion for people that are like, I need to make money. Right. Because we have bills to pay. So I totally get that. And there's an element of that, but anyone we could, most of us can get sort of a part time job just to pay the bills and then. If you're really, really wanting to start a business or a project and stuff, because that's really the projects is something that your sources are in a particular thing, eventually that will shift and end up being like this between like a, let's say 70 to 30 ratio, 70 being like, you know, making money because I need to support, you know, pay my bills and eventually be. 60 to 40, 50 to 50, and then 40 to 50, and then it'll just like end up being more of this project because it's taking off opportunities coming and, you know, the money will then flow and the money will probably end up flowing double the amount that it ever would have with if you had that part time and you stuck with that. Because again, like the more you give, the more comes back to you. And that's just that beautiful. And that's just science, right? Like the more that we're in, well, yeah, you're feeding, you're feeding that energy. It's always going to come back. So just yeah. How sit with that and see what comes through with when, when we say these things, because I know that there's podcast being like, yeah, yeah. Right. Like better said than done, but you know, we've had. Times where we really had to hold the faith, we really had to trust the process and time and time again, we got proven that that is beneficial because you cannot fuck up your soul's journey if you're really open to moving through that thread.


Yes. Yep. And you're going to hit that tipping point. Like Anae is saying, it's going to be maybe 80 20, then maybe 70 30, and it's going to eventually hit the tipping point where, yes, it will double eventually. And you can just chip away at it while you have the full time job and in your spare time. When you have a moment, just find that time for yourself, wherever you can find it, and just work on that. Work on that thing that's bringing you that excitement. I think this is so important. I can't even stress the importance of doing this for your fulfillment, for your life. Of not feeling just like complete shit at the end of the day because you've been working on a job or something that's just so soul destroying. So we need to have these things that light us up and bring us excitement, even if we are surviving, even if we do really need to pay our bills, like we all do. And just having that and eventually getting there because I think, like you said, it is going to double eventually because I do believe that we're going to be And the universe will make a path for us to follow those nudges. I think that's why we get those nudges in the first place.


Yes, absolutely. I couldn't agree more. And sometimes you gotta be discerned, right? Like, if you had a full day of work and you're exhausted and you really want to do that creative thing, maybe you gotta pivot and do it first thing in the morning before you do your full time thing. And that, that might be a huge shift to do, but eventually you're kind of you. Telling the universe, Hey, you got to make this work because I am putting my ass on the line here, barely sleeping. I'm like going to bed so early, missing out on all my things, because I really want this creativity to take a massive part of my life as well as like pay my bills. So I'm putting this first and I really want it. And I, yes, again, nine times out of 10, it always ends up coming back even better than you expected. So.


Yeah. Like I have actually, I actually, I have a good example of this, right? So I was creating this online class for the AI art. And to teach people how to do it. And I didn't really have time that week, but I was really, really called to do it. And I was like, you know what, I just, I really have to stretch myself to make this happen. And I worked a lot that week. And then, I, you know, I had some people by the class and everything. And I thought, okay, cool, that was that. I just didn't think anything more of it. And then come Christmas time, I got this. This, this I applied to do this, like, group kind of like, online kind of bundle. And then I ended up with almost like 2000 people signing up for that for free. And I just thought I created that on a total whim, just from something that I really just was called to do in that moment. And I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now it has led to me having a lot of new subscribers. It has. That's, you know, led to lots of people emailing me and just having this, following this whim. I just feel like every time I have done that, when I followed that spark, something really easefully good has come of it. So when we follow those little things, you don't know yet, just follow it, but you don't know what the universe has in store for you to show you that was the, that nudge was there for a reason and something good is going to come of it.


Absolutely. Absolutely. How good? It really does get to be that simple and just following that thread and following that spark because, and that's the thing, right? When we had that guest speaker about, you know, You intuitively you're like, I just have to do this thing. I logically, I've got so much going on. It makes no sense. I'm barely going to sleep or barely whatever. But then you follow that intuitive nudge. And it has, yeah, just brought so many blessings your way. And so if you if your soul, if your soul has nudged you and desire to do a particular thing, go do that dance class, go do a singing class, go it. randomly paint, whatever, you'll eventually notice that, Oh, I actually see the benefits of this and I can really make it a thing. Like I've got a client who has. All of a sudden just being like, yep, gonna write a book. And she's, we're almost at the point where she can self publish it. Then the next nudge was doing a Tantra course. And now all of a sudden, she's like having all of these ideas to like, do this as a service thing. And just like all of this, like unfolding is happening so beautifully and simply and naturally. And I have no doubt in my mind, she's just in a year's time or six months or however long she's going to have. All of this abundance come her way because she followed the threat. She's followed the nudges and. Yeah, right now it's a bit tricky, right? Financial things, whatever. But we kind of need that kind of like, we got to break that ceiling that we got to need that moment of, no, I fully trust my soul's desire and I'm going for it. I fully trust my heart goals that I'm going for it. And yeah, it always comes back. So.


Yeah, it does. And I even think this with small things like, Oh, I'll put off getting my hair cut for a while. And because, you know, I think, Oh, I'll just put it off for a bit longer. And then, you know, I won't have to have as many haircuts during the year. And so the last, but the last time I got a haircut, I went in and there was a new guy in there. He had just closed down all of his salons, but he happened to be helping out. And it was just me and him in the whole studio. And we ended up having this great chat and actually, he was like, Actually, I'd love to become a client. Actually, there's someone else I'd love to refer you to if this is the kind of work you do. And he's like, I'm so glad I met you today. Same thing happened to me at the doctor's office when I was talking to the nurse. And she was like talking to me about wanting to start a business. And I was encouraging her to do that. And she's like, I'm so glad you came in today. And actually the same thing happened to me when I was in Perth recently, I was just talking to this lady who was at this art gallery and I was talking to her about drawing on her iPad and I was explaining to her, like, Oh yeah, like, just, you know, get, get the pencil and get Procreate, it's so much fun and she was like, I'm so glad you came in today because I really had fallen off with it and I really, I really, We need to get back in and I just think there's all these like little magical opportunities throughout our day with our hairdressers and the people that we come across that there's like little magic opportunities in like the serendipitous moments that happen that if we're open to them, that they can happen rather than having our guard up and having having this feeling like, like I need to get to the destination, like you're saying, like I need to get to the destination and we can be, we can be overly focused on that, rather than allowing that magic to come to us.


Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's that difference between the contraction of like the destination and the fixating on the, you know, the goal setting, but really it's. If you're open to the magical things that happen so effortlessly. And I too have had multiple moments like that too. And it's, it's so funny when you mentioned about the hairdressers, not similar in like perhaps getting a client, but I was in the shopping center yesterday before. And I was like, I really want to get my nails done, but like, you know, don't have the time. Like, obviously logic, I'm like, don't have the time. I've got to do this, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, but I've got a wedding and I would love to get it. No shit, someone came up to me, a, a, a beautiful cute little lady, she came up to me, she's like, hi, hi, just, we just opened up a new nail salon, here's 50 percent off voucher. I was like, you can't make that shit up.


No, you can't! You cannot make that stuff up! I tell you! It's just, when, yeah. And because you had the nudge, as well, to go and get it done. And this sounds like, like stuff that shouldn't matter, right? But I do think that you get those nudges for a reason. Even if you feel like they're so inconsequential to your day. I just believe that those nudges are there to help us follow certain pathways.


Yeah. Yeah. So don't get so fixated on the goals or the how to's or how does it need to be? Because when you're doing that more and more, it's like. You know, you're putting the blinders closing down more and more on you and you really go so narrow in this tunnel vision and then like, no wonder you are riddled with the fear riddled with like anxiety or all the things and you know, because same to I was there. That's. It just seems so hard, but it really doesn't have to be. So I really hope that you guys take some of these nudges and insights and sparks that we have discussed because yeah, it's, it's important and it's not spoken about enough, I feel.


Yeah. Yeah. No, I really enjoyed this episode. I hope you took some little golden nuggets. We'd love to hear if you have any specific thoughts or questions or topics that you'd love us to cover. You can now email us at hello at trusting the universe and shit. com. You can also check out our website there as well. And yeah, send us an email if you want to make a suggestion or you have a question. Yeah. And we'd love to hear from you.


Yes, we cannot wait to hear from you guys. And yeah, thank you again for listening. And I hope this one was very, very helpful for you guys. Sending love. Bye.