Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Unconventional tips for stepping into your lucky girl era

April 30, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 40
Unconventional tips for stepping into your lucky girl era
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Unconventional tips for stepping into your lucky girl era
Apr 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 40
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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What moving through an impossible situation can teach us about money energetics

We talk about how your boundaries are connected to your money mindset and creating your own luck.


  • Stacey and her co-host delve into the concept of pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and being open to unexpected outcomes.
  • They share personal stories to illustrate how shifting mindset and challenging conventional wisdom can lead to surprising results.

Pushing Boundaries:

  • Stacey reflects on recent experiences, highlighting the importance of reframing situations and regulating emotions when faced with obstacles.
  • She recounts a stressful ordeal involving lost passports and bureaucratic hurdles, ultimately leading to a reframing of the situation and a successful resolution.

Reframing and Regulation:

  • Stacey emphasizes the need to regulate emotions and reframe challenging situations, noting the impact on shifting energy and facilitating smoother outcomes.
  • Ané underscores the value of persistence and reframing, drawing parallels to personal and professional challenges.

Integration of Life and Work:

  • The hosts discuss the integration of personal and professional spheres, sharing examples of how friendships and business relationships can intersect positively.
  • They highlight the importance of fluidity and openness in navigating life's complexities, challenging rigid boundaries between different aspects of life.

Challenging the System:

  • Stacey shares strategies for challenging fees and rules imposed by institutions, advocating for assertiveness and boundary-setting.
  • Her co-host reinforces the notion of challenging norms and rules, urging listeners to advocate for themselves and question societal constructs.

Money Mindset and Boundaries:

  • The hosts delve into the intersection of money mindset and boundaries, emphasizing the importance of respecting one's financial resources and setting boundaries with institutions.
  • They encourage listeners to examine their relationships with money and assert themselves when faced with unfair fees or practices.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

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What moving through an impossible situation can teach us about money energetics

We talk about how your boundaries are connected to your money mindset and creating your own luck.


  • Stacey and her co-host delve into the concept of pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and being open to unexpected outcomes.
  • They share personal stories to illustrate how shifting mindset and challenging conventional wisdom can lead to surprising results.

Pushing Boundaries:

  • Stacey reflects on recent experiences, highlighting the importance of reframing situations and regulating emotions when faced with obstacles.
  • She recounts a stressful ordeal involving lost passports and bureaucratic hurdles, ultimately leading to a reframing of the situation and a successful resolution.

Reframing and Regulation:

  • Stacey emphasizes the need to regulate emotions and reframe challenging situations, noting the impact on shifting energy and facilitating smoother outcomes.
  • Ané underscores the value of persistence and reframing, drawing parallels to personal and professional challenges.

Integration of Life and Work:

  • The hosts discuss the integration of personal and professional spheres, sharing examples of how friendships and business relationships can intersect positively.
  • They highlight the importance of fluidity and openness in navigating life's complexities, challenging rigid boundaries between different aspects of life.

Challenging the System:

  • Stacey shares strategies for challenging fees and rules imposed by institutions, advocating for assertiveness and boundary-setting.
  • Her co-host reinforces the notion of challenging norms and rules, urging listeners to advocate for themselves and question societal constructs.

Money Mindset and Boundaries:

  • The hosts delve into the intersection of money mindset and boundaries, emphasizing the importance of respecting one's financial resources and setting boundaries with institutions.
  • They encourage listeners to examine their relationships with money and assert themselves when faced with unfair fees or practices.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


But time and energy, it's all ever flowing, so I feel like sometimes we have to get out of that tunnel vision and just, see what can surprise us.


at what point does a child. Stop trying to walk. Do you ever stop trying to walk? No. You just keep trying to get up.


everyone and welcome to another episode of trusting the universe and shit it is Stacey and I again and today we're going to talk about pushing your luck and you know being open to things just unfolding and and being actually you receiving outcomes that you didn't even think was possible, but it just ended up that way. And we've had some, some personable stories recently that we want to share with you guys. So yeah, stay tuned.


welcome everyone. Yes. It's going to be about sort of pushing those boundaries a little bit, standing up for yourself and maybe. You're faced with an impossible situation and you think there is absolutely no way through. But maybe there is. Maybe there's a way that you haven't seen through, and maybe there's a way you can shift your mindset slightly into. Is there a way through this situation that I hadn't cool. White. Photo yet. So that's what going be talking about today.


Yeah. And, and just before we get into it, you know, sometimes. We are, wired very negatively. that's kind of what our brain is to help us somehow. keep us safe. So, we're not saying this is a love and light and positive and peace, how to shift your mindset. Because we're still gonna have those thoughts of, damn it, shit, like, I've got this and that. Oh my gosh, all this came up that's fine and sometimes you can be frustrated and that's so fine. We're not saying to disqualify that and we wanted to just share Okay. we can have those thoughts in those moments and as well be open to receiving other endless possibilities that are coming our way. So Sais, did you want to speak about what happened to you recently?


Okay. Yes. So I'm going to Japan in a couple of weeks. And my partner is possible. Was lost. We could not find it anyway. We turned the house over and time's ticking. Right? You don't have that long to do a passport. If you've lost your old passport, you have to go through the whole application process from scratch. So. Okay, we go plan B. Let's just, don't worry about it. We lost it. Just apply for a new one. But there was obstacle after obstacle after obstacle. And when I say they were obstacles, it was every single turn. There was something. The ID needed a signature. The birth certificate was ripped in the corner, so they wouldn't accept it. There was the, the driver's license expired two weeks ago, which we didn't notice. And you need all of these things and to get anything, everybody we called. Was going to be two weeks, another month, another month, and to get a driver's license in the state we're in was we went there at eight in the morning. Just to beg them because you can't get an appointment for a month at these places anymore. And so we, we had to do all this. Trickery kind of to even get in, to talk to somebody. I lied to them and told them I was paying a bill. And then he said, okay, well, we can just pay that down here. And I had to say, well, no, I'm actually paying in cash. So he would actually let me in the building. So. Doing all of this




Just to try to get to talk to someone. And then we get in there. We finally talked to her and she just says, look, it's not going to be another month before you can get to an appointment. And we would have been back in Australia by that point. Anyway. I just started thinking. We can't go. We're not going to be able to get to go. We just do not have the paperwork. It's lost. We just, we can't go. And then my partner says to me, you sound like me. Because I'm usually the very positive one, right




there's a way through this. There's a way through, but even I was defeated and he's like, you sound like me say then. I was like, okay. All right. No, let's do a reframe here. Let's reframe the situation. What can I do was the question I was asking myself, what can I do in this situation? And I started thinking, how have I gotten through really sticky situations, especially when it comes to, to paperwork in the past, what have we done? And I asked him and he's like, Hmm. That's true. We have gotten through some really weird. Situations where we felt like there was no way through. And I was like, we do what we always do. We just, we, we discard all the rules that people have told us of what we have to do and just try. And so we just got everything together that we could, we found this location that was like a rapid location. We go there. The lady is so nice. You puts it all through. She asked her supervisor if it's okay. We get a call or an email or something, and it's done two days later. And it was just the most stressful time to immediately. It was done. Like that it was, it was crazy. And I just, I just went from this feeling of he's not even getting on the holiday at all. To two days later it was done and it was it. I was like, how did we, how did that even happen? How did we get to that point? I didn't know. It was like some soul sort of miracle. And. I think that definitely there are situations where. We. We think to ourselves, there is, there are impossible blocks in my way here. How do I get through? But if you didn't just can get to that point in your head and calm yourself down. I had to stop there. I had to. Ah, okay, let's begin by. Regulating myself here because I'm too stressed. And when you're very stressed, your brain doesn't function properly. It's all scattered. And so we got to that point where I thought. I can need to calm down here. And think my way through and see if there is a way and just keep trying. And then as long as I knew that I could keep trying, then I would get to the point where. I would know in myself that I tried what I could do, and then that's all that I could have done.


Yeah. Yeah. Some key points that I love that you said was like, you regulated and you reframed. You reframed. The, yeah, dysregulation and the thoughts and the real heightened moments, which fair enough, because you've been getting all these so called no's and, you know, obstacle over obstacle, so fair enough. But the fact that you were able to, you guys were able to reframe it for a minute, how much that shifted the energy, obviously, it got felt and it got moved really swiftly and easefully is beautiful. And I think it's Yeah, you just try your luck and I think that's what a lot of people will try their luck once or twice, but sometimes you gotta try like 10, 20, 30 times to get, you know, a different situation. So Yeah,


Yeah, hold that within yourself. What if I just try it again? Well, what if you've been knocked down a bunch of times for a job that you really wanted, or you were trying to publish a book or you were trying to, I dunno, you were trying to get something that you really wanted and you keep getting knocked down. At what point? This is something that Tony Robbins says he's like, at what point does a child. Stop trying to walk. Do you ever stop trying to walk? No. You just keep trying to get up. You just try again and you try again and you try again and you try again, and there is never a point where, you know, I'm just going to now. I don't need to walk. I'm not going to do it. I give


Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. I love that. I, gosh, I I can also think a couple of times where I really don't see where there's going to be a solution, you know, even with like projects or client work where you're a bit stuck in a, in a blockage and then you're like, I just, I really don't know, but the best way is sort of like you do reframe it and just, you know, kind of surrender to that and be like, listen, this is, this is the block. This is the problem. Let's just, you know, not leave it, not forget about it, but just be surrendered to it and kind of let go and let guard, you know, and see how that will turn out. And nine times out of 10, it's a solution just randomly comes to you or someone from a past will be like, Hey, have you seen this book? And it ends up linking together. That happened to me over the weekend. I was, you know, having coffee with a beautiful friend and she was telling me about the software and I was Oh, can you tell me more about it? And it just instantly clicked for me to help with my client who was struggling with integrating this particular thing. And I was like, No shit, that's the, that's the solution. And it was just so beautiful because I didn't really have to do anything. In fact, I wasn't just enjoying my weekend, right? And it wasn't, I wasn't in work mode. And I think sometimes we get so caught up. in the doing, doing, doing, and like have to figure it out in that workspace. But time and energy, it's just, It's all ever flowing, so I just feel like sometimes we have to get out of that like tunnel vision and just, yeah, see what can surprise us.


It's so right. When you say you're in that work mode and you think, and you're pushing and pushing and pushing you think I need a solution right? This minute, I need it right now. And how often do you get your ideas when you're in the shower or you're going for a walk or you're at the gym? Because your brain is in a different state. And your brain is to be fluid and flexible and things can come to you in that state and they don't come to you when you're oh, when you're in that state frustration and I'm sorry, mad, or I'm so frustrated and I caught. Get this thing to work.




We we do have at work when we're able to be. Hanging out with our friends. And I like that too. I want to live a life where everything is really integrated. So my friendships and everything. Is integrated in a way where I don't feel like everything is like really compartmentalize. I don't feel like I have to separate everything out and go my business and my friendships are all separate and they're not allowed to crossover. And, but for me, I really liked the idea of integration. Like my partner can be integrated. Into the way that I work my business and it doesn't all need to be completely separate.


That is so, again, synchronicities, that's so wild that you mentioned that. Because I literally, today, was listening to a podcast about the co founders of Stax. They're like a athletic brand, you know, athleisure, I should say. And And they was talking about how, you know, influences was sort of their only way that they were marketing for so long. I mean, they've been doing it for like 10, 20, 10 years or something. So it's a long time to have a business and no shit. They're so successful though, because you know, that overnight success is actually 10 years of work. And they were talking about, Yeah, like for so long we had influences as the marketing, but now they're all our friends. So it's like. They've integrated to be my friends. And so they're like, it doesn't even feel like work anymore because everyone is going out for coffee or going out for like going out for dinner and then also do like promos. And it's just like this beautiful flow state of business and work. And I thought, man, that is so awesome. And how, like, I don't know, I just find that so grounding and like, it's not this like rigid transactional relationship of you do this and I do that, like I just don't like that. It's, it's, yeah, I'm the same as you. It's like we love to have integrated friendships and work and collabs and all the things and of course it gets to be easy and, well, flowful I should say, not really easy because nothing always is easy. But yeah, so it's so funny that you mentioned that. No,


No, we're not kidding anybody here because. That's life, isn't it. We have those moments where it's easy and easeful flowing, and then we do have those moments of frustration. But those give us nice contrast for knowing when we've had growth, because in a moment when we can switch out of that frustration mode and we think, oh, I can do this a little bit faster than I could. Maybe the. Last time I did it. So then that's why you see the improvement. Did I still get frustrated? Yes. Was I able to switch out of my state quicker than I was before. Yes. So maybe that's the shift that you've had. Oh, I was able to do this. A little bit quicker. It didn't take me three days today. Maybe it took me one day. Maybe it took me 10 minutes. So that's some way that you can measure that whether or not you feel like am I even improving at all? Am I getting better with my emotional regulation. And is my emotional regulation all over the place. Cause I feel like that. Really. Is where everything. Comes from is our emotional regulation. I was thinking about that this morning, about how any time that I'm doing anything with a client or a friend or something. Usually what's coming into play is my emotional regulation. Whether or not I can see the solution through to get to that stage where I'm like, how can I move through this and find a solution? Is generally starting from that place of. All right. Let's get to a point where I'm feeling. Regulated, and then I can think through it. And also like you were talking about this, you know, but just back a little bit to this integration part about working life, almost all of my clients end up becoming really good friends. That's not really a way that it happens where we just sort of don't really become good friends. You. Of course, there are situations where, you know, we don't really talk afterwards. Clients that don't really mesh, but a lot of clients generally drew become good friends, like old guard, are they houses or, you know, Jade, you know, who was one of my clients end up becoming a good friend and, you know, she cares. She, I went to her house and she gave me a beautiful massage and. It just, yeah, it just becomes this kind of, really cool way that you're collaborating and working in these relationships rather than it yet, like said, it was just being transactional.


I love that. And, you know, I think it also comes down to You know, as well, going back full circle about like pushing your luck a little bit. Like, we live in such a rigid, structural, rule based society, which obviously is shifting. I feel like we're going through a huge Awakening. I sound like a spiritual guru, but I don't mean it like that. Like, you know, like we are conscious, our conscious is lifting, which is beautiful. And so I feel like from something that used to be so rule based and rigid, pushing your luck kind of means just like, questioning whether or not that rule quote unquote rule is going to be serving for you for them for the whole outcome you know like you said like there had to be these exact ways to get this document in okay but surely there's other ways too and you guys were open minded enough to challenge that and not to you know from a bad instinct. Like, it was actually just to really try and get the best outcome as quick as possible. And it worked in you guys favor. And I feel like pushing a lot kind of means that. you can't really be in your lucky girl era if you're not testing the luck a little bit, you know?


Yeah. Yeah. If you're not willing to believe that maybe you can be lucky too.


Absolutely, absolutely. Perfectly said, yeah.


There is another example that I have about sort of pushing your luck. And this is when it comes to dealing with fines. So. Like you said when you're talking about, we live in such a society that based on so many rules. Who makes up these rules? I don't know. Somebody, somebody is in a desk somewhere. I'm making these up into my head. I'm like, This isn't real. I just. This isn't real. So I have used this, this technique to get out of so many. Fines bills. I even got out. I got out of like$500 with the bills for my private health insurance. At one point I got out of almost$3,000 worth of fines. Because I just thought to myself, you know what, I'm going to contest these. And I contested it. Cause I didn't know. I had to at least find sitting there. They, they weren't coming to my address. I didn't even know. I just got a new one at my new address one day and I called him up to figure it out and he said, oh yeah. Did you know you have$9,000 worth of fines? Like, no, I don't. And he goes here, you do. I'm like, no, I don't. And I just completely had a freak out as you would. I had it




a full on meltdown. And then. Yeah. I thought to myself, you know what. No. I'm going to definitely fight these because I didn't even know. I don't even know what these are for honestly. And one day after I was, I haven't been able to fight them all just yet, but definitely I've gotten out of 3000 or$4,000 of them so far. And I got. All of these letters have yep. One day stacks and stacks of them saying, yep. You'll find has been removed. And I let her off to let her, I was opening them, opening them. Yep. It's been removed. It's been. Removed it's been removed. And I couldn't believe it. I was like, no way. And the same. If you ever get told invoices, you know, how they make you pay the invoice fee. If you just call them up and you say to them, yeah, I can't I'm. I'm not paying this invoice for you. I'm only paying the toll fee. Nine times out of 10, you would just be able to just pay the$2 whatever it is. So things like that, like say to yourself, Who made these rules up? Maybe I can get, I can get around these somehow by just asking. So you just ask whoever's on the phone. Same same goes with like bank fees. Like, is there anything you can do? That's all you need to say. And generally they'll go. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. I'll waive that for you. Jim fees, bank fees. Lots of fees for different things. You just call someone and you say, is there anything you can do for me?


Yeah, absolutely. I, oh my gosh, I love that and I think, because as you were speaking about like, you know, challenging your luck, perhaps they are doing the same. Every company or business or whatever, you know, especially big, big corp companies, they, pushing their luck too. Why not try and put a fee here and there and you know put things in to try and push their luck. So absolutely challenge it And I love that you brought this up because I don't think so many people are getting burnt by all of these fees that are really not actually applicable to them. And I, I just, it's such a good challenge and you're such a rebel. I love it. You're like, wait on, this makes no sense. I want to talk to the manager, please. Like that is, I love it though. Not like in a

Scarlett 2i4 USB:



Karen, yeah, not like in a carrot way. more just like a, I, I want to see the paperwork and the, you know, legal rights in here, but I love it. Of course, play the system. I say that all the time to friends and stuff. Obviously there's a line, I'm not saying do criminal work and illegal stuff, hello, but do play the system because nine times, nine times out of ten, they are doing that the same to you.


Oh, that's so true. They are. Well, they're just trying to squeeze you for extra money. And, you know how I said, I was going to Japan in a couple of weeks. I was watching these videos last night of girl. He lives there. And she said, when you move into a partner into an apartment in Japan and you're a foreigner, you have to pay. I fee to get your keys, which is about$400 Australian, you have to pay. Yeah. You have to pay a cleaning fee, which is another couple of hundred dollars. So you have to have to pay to clean the apartment, which should have been cleaned by whoever left. You also have to pay, to give a gift to the landlord, which is$400. So it ends up costing maybe$7,000 just to move into a place. And it's very competitive very difficult. So. You know, culturally, this is going to be different as well, depending on where you live. So, but always challenge whatever it is they say, because if we keep normalizing things like that, like you shouldn't have to pay for keys to your own apartment that should just come with the cost of the apartment. And landlords sound to me, like they're really trying to just extort people for more money because they can and they go, I'm going to go and do it. So it's up to us to come back at that and to challenge these things because it's not. About being stingy and, oh, I'll just pay the fee because sometimes people shouldn't have to pay for things that aren't really providing them any value in, you know, landlords and people who are just like, earning capital are you know, extorting people for.


Yeah, absolutely. I couldn't agree more. It's, it's literally, it's nothing to do about, because I'm sure people may listen and be like, oh, that's a bit stingy, or it's a lot of work to do to just get a couple dollars off. It's like, no, we're actually holding on to our rights and we're holding on to our boundaries and we're being actually money smart. If we talk about money mindset here, we're actually being quite money smart about this because Everything is energy. Money is energy. So the more that you're willing to just like give things for free and oh, Yeah. I'll just do that that that you're kind of telling money that I don't care about you. I don't really have a love, love or respect for you. You know, like if we're going to go down that route about money mindset, we might as well. But I just think that it's the same thing. It's like imagine if you had a You know, partner, and you're just like, oh, just go do that or just go sleep in that, you know, horrible bed or whatever they make it


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


It's the same situation. Be more mindful of it. And honestly, see how much money respects you back and love you back. I just think that, Yeah. it's not it's not spoken about enough. And again, it's not trying to be stingy, you guys, it's just being Thoughtful and mindful of where our monies are going and if that is applicable, you know.


Yes. If that relationship that you have with money was a person. How would that relationship look. Ah, you just, like you said, or you just, yeah, whatever. Just go and do whatever and be anywhere and have no boundaries. And, you know, I'm not, I didn't really care about you that much. You, you do a lot for me, but I don't really care about you in return and you can just run all over town and. I'm not really going to pay that much attention and yeah, I just, you know, you just worked for me. I don't work for you. So that relationship that you have with money is a really good one to look at because we all sort of talking about that because all of this relates back to that money mindset, the mindset you have with your boundaries, it's all got a bit of a crossover. Because if you're willing to just give everything away and not really worry about it. I think. Like you said money is an energy. It's not just something that we can. We just treat really badly and just expect it to do all this for us in return. You know, you wouldn't do that to your friends. You won't just treat them really badly and expect them to perform back for you for no reason. It's gotta be an exchange.


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Again, it's integration. Like we're just integrating another part of a life and business and pleasure and all the things. And it actually also reminded me of, I think last year, end of last year, I was noticing how much my like phone bill was going up. And again, I don't mind if I need to pay more if that, if I'm using it, but I wasn't using like 70 percent of the data, like there was just a ridiculous amount of data. And I was like, wait a minute, like that doesn't make sense. And I, honestly, I not challenged it, but I was like, is there a plan? And I kind of felt like they, cause they do this, right? Like sneaky phone places do this or like banks or anything. They try to push you to the next like stage or level, even though they haven't really asked for permission. And I get it. There's, we're in a bit of a. like an economy right now that's a little bit, you know, tricky. But yeah, I asked them about it and I was like, listen, can I go on a lower plan? And obviously I had to push to get to that, but I have, and it's, I'm actually using about 90 percent of my, you know, plan on that. So it's little things like this that really make a big difference.


Yes. I love that. And they do that during the, they put all these sneaky little things in there because. Like my phone plan. I don't use hardly any of it as well. And they weren't there. Like, that's the lowest plan you can go on because they want to charge you that amount, that$40 or whatever it is just for the data that you don't even use. Because they don't want to charge you less because my partner is on the low, a lower plan, but that plan was from years ago. And they've just continued it, even though it's the same provider. But then I'm like, can I have that plan? They're like, no, that's not available. I'm like, why? He has it. Even though it's on the same bill, it's on the bill, but it's, I kind of have it. like, know you can do it. It's right there. I can see And they're like, no, no, that's not available. Sorry.


And this is where we're talking about like challenge the rules because if a rule was a rule it would apply to everyone but apparently it's not applied, it's applied to some and not the other. Like that doesn't, that's not a rule, that's not. That doesn't make sense. So Yeah. Challenge your luck, you guys. I promise you, you mates, save so much money and, and be, and this is another practice on boundaries, and not people pleasing, and not just, you know, saying Yes. be a yes man to everything. Like, this isn't about, again, being stingy. It's nothing at all about that. It's about boundaries, and, you know. Be mindful of where your energy is being spent.


Yes, because it is a little bit about the people pleasing does come into this as well. Like you said, because that's you just say, oh yeah, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. Yeah. I'll pay, I'll pay the$400. That's totally fine. I don't even mind. I, you know, yeah. I don't even need it, but I'll, I'll pay for it. Whereas when you're standing up for yourself. You're showing up for yourself and you're saying, this is what I will accept, and this is what I want. And I think that's really important for us to, to fight for what we need. We know when we go to see the doctors to advocate for ourselves, and this is all very much. In a similar mindset. Everything we've talked about, about standing up for yourself, pushing your luck, challenging the rules, because you're really asking yourself what is okay for me and what isn't. And not just accepting anything that comes into your life because you don't want to challenge it.


beautifully said. Exactly, and yeah, oh, put that on a t shirt. There's so much in that, I was like, I don't even know what, but like you just, I just love everything that you said and that makes so much sense. Again, this is also showing the universe what you are willing to accept and what you aren't, like, what you're saying, you know, it's sort of, Painting your reality. So you may as well be the creator of it and put your, you know, say no when it's a definite no in your body and say yes when it is and challenge the in between and push your luck. Why not?


Beautiful. That's a perfect place to wrap up this episode. I think. Oh, I'm feeling inspired. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling inspired and I'm going to do this more. I think I'm going to do this And even though it takes a little bit of effort. Yes. But. You got to put effort into yourself and the things that exist in your life. I think that you are worth the effort.


Yeah, absolutely. And when we talk about self love, As we all know, it's not just like bubble baths and you know, doing your hair. It's actually sitting down, looking at your finances, you know, calling that bank that you really have been dreading to do, calling the fine people, whatever, and push your luck, challenge them, see what comes up. You never know. You never know. So I love this too. I'm so inspired as well to just like put my middle finger up for everyone and say, I have no rules apply




to me.




See where I go. If I'm in prison, you guys know why.


We'll bail you out. Don't worry.


Thanks. Thanks guys for listening. It was so awesome. And Yes. check out our website. It's in the show notes. Trusting the Universe and shit. And yeah, let us know. Let us know if you've gotten out of any fines. Any finance troubles, debts, and, or just any sort of unexpected turns. Thanks. That worked out for the best. Let us know, we'd love to know.


Yes, we would love to hear. And thank you so much for listening. And we'll see you on the next episode.

