Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Experiencing a Launch or Spiritual Hangover?

May 22, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 43
Experiencing a Launch or Spiritual Hangover?
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Experiencing a Launch or Spiritual Hangover?
May 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 43
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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Feeling spiritually hungover? Navigating the void after moments of growth, whether it's launching a new project or attending a transformative retreat.

Honour where you are at, offer compassion to yourself, and allowing for integration periods after significant events. We discuss the energetic outputs involved in business, like launches and evergreen strategies, and the value of learning from both successes and perceived failures.

We talk about managing expectations, finding grace in imperfection, and embracing the cyclical nature of growth. From the challenges of perfectionism to the power of pivoting, this conversation offers practical wisdom and encouragement for navigating the intersection of business and spirituality.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

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Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

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Feeling spiritually hungover? Navigating the void after moments of growth, whether it's launching a new project or attending a transformative retreat.

Honour where you are at, offer compassion to yourself, and allowing for integration periods after significant events. We discuss the energetic outputs involved in business, like launches and evergreen strategies, and the value of learning from both successes and perceived failures.

We talk about managing expectations, finding grace in imperfection, and embracing the cyclical nature of growth. From the challenges of perfectionism to the power of pivoting, this conversation offers practical wisdom and encouragement for navigating the intersection of business and spirituality.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


There's nothing to be wasted from a launch, if nobody buys. And that's the biggest fear that people have.


How do you hold yourselves in the energetics of business and going through launches and it may or may not going the way that you want. Hello. everyone. And Welcome to another episode of trusting the universe and shit as always. It's me and Stacey here.


Hello. Welcome to another episode.


We are both, we both had a bit of a purging couple of weeks and I don't even think it's just us. I think collectively there's this huge sort of. spiritual hangover, if you will, happening. And we wanted to talk about that today and also launch hangovers and, business where it goes really up high and there's a lot of energy and then you kind of have a bit of a hangover afterwards. So yeah, we wanted to talk about that, how we deal with it, our personal experiences and yeah.


Yeah. So because the eclipse season just ended and by the time this airs it'll be a few weeks after. So hopefully you've had some time to reflect on that personally. But yeah, eclipse season just ended. The retrograde just ended and you might be feeling like you. I had a really rough go of it over that period. And maybe you think. like I should have just come out the other side, bright sunshine, rainbows immediately. But is this going to be this transitionary period? Isn't that? And that's what going what we're going to be talking about today about. Maybe it doesn't just spring, back into shape for you after you've gone through something really big and you've had a big shift, a big level up, you've gone through a launch. You've had a spiritual purge. You've had a. Physical purge and. Yeah, potentially what we do about it and how we move through it.


And I, I also feel like when it comes to these moments, the best thing that we can do is to just honor where we're at and like kind of just be compassionate because i have no like i woke up this morning and i was like don't go on your phone like there was just this like Download it was like just don't even try to be on Instagram right now because you already are feeling quite Spiritually hungover and a bit like in the void and the last thing you need to see is everyone everyone's highlight everyone's Success stories everyone's this and that and this You don't have to feel ashamed about it. In fact, that's just a way of your body being like, Hey, right now I need you like to just take care of yourselves. And so, yeah, like you said, like if, if you are, this is going to come out a couple of weeks time. So if you have found like that for the last gosh, couple of months, starting this year, just know It's quite normal. I don't know why I feel like there's this collective hangover. I know, as you said, astrology wise. There was Eclipse and all the things, but there was also some huge transit that was happening again. We're not gurus in this area, but we have a lot of friends and people in our lives that talk about this. And yeah, there's just been like, transitions and conjunction, conjunctions and all those big words that's been happening for things that's been apparently like not even after, since like 200 years ago. So we weren't even alive. Some of the ancestors weren't even, they were around, but like, so it's just, yeah. How do we deal with this hangover when we haven't really been experiencing this yet?


It's so funny that you say, yeah, we're not experts, right. We don't know, but we can feel certain things and yeah, that's just a little disclaimer for you there because yeah, we don't really know. I'm not an astrology expert by any means whatsoever, but I do know that sometimes we can sent certain things out, intuition consent, certain things. And so don't deny yourself too. If you're like, I have no idea. About any of this, don't deny your intuition when it comes to you experiencing certain things and you're moving through a certain thing. So. I think the first thing I'm going to talk about is launching overs. Because that's probably the easiest one for me to relate to because it's the most, the one I've experienced the most. So.




Launch hangover. No matter what happens afterwards, you feel some type of way. It could be elation. It could be excitement. It could be. Complete deflation. It could be neutral, but this still always going to be some type of way that you're going to feel afterwards. Even if everything went as planned. Even if everything. Sort of. Nothing really. Outside the norm half and everything kind of went the way that you expected. It would, sometimes you can still really have that. That fueling that hang ovary feeling. And I think the way you said before about things, feeling like a void. It's very much how things will feel for me. I'll I'll feel like I'm in some sort of flirty space and I'm going, Ooh, like, where am I? What's going on? What direction am I heading in?'cause I it's like when you're moving all the way up to a goal, everything is pouring into this certain point and you're going to the certain point you hit the point. But you haven't planned after the point and you go, oh, and you say to yourself, what now? What do I do now? And that's where I find that that gap comes in because you haven't really prepared beyond the hitting the goal. You just get to the goal and then you'll go there and you go, oh, now what do I do?


It's so funny, you're so right, because All we, we kind of over consumed this one thing. And like, like you said, like the launch, the, the project in itself. And then you're right. It's like, what what next? Like, you kind of have this moment of like, oh shit, what do I do? now? Like, I didn't plan for this part. And so what do you find happens to you when you do a launch? Like what kind of feelings come up or hangover comes up for you?


So I worked on this a lot and I've gotten to a place where now I can get to a certain point of neutrality where if nobody buys I'm okay with it, because. There's nothing to be wasted from a launch, if nobody buys. And that's the biggest fear that people have. So I can tell myself, I have gained all this information about whether, what people have clicked on what email open rates have been. What have people engaged with. I have created lots of templates for myself. I've created lots of I don't know, like I've created lots of different pieces that go into that launch so that I can reuse them next time. So I always know. I have lots to work with. And so when it comes to me feeling a certain way, it's because I tell myself going in that I have no expectations of what's going to happen when I finish it. That once. I finished the whole launch and nobody buys. And that's okay. Like I'll tell myself that it's okay if nobody buys, because you've done all of that work to get all of those pieces in place, you've done the sales page. You've got the you've you do a research survey to ask people why they didn't buy. And those can be very, very valuable because you can see, see what you need to tweak for the next time. And you don't have to do a hundred percent of the work next time. Maybe even they got, 40 or 50% of the work. So when it comes to your emotions, I think getting to that point of neutrality can be very helpful because when you're getting there, it's not as deflating. And then when you get really deflated, you can be put off for months, maybe years of something, because it can feel so hard to move through it because the goal that you had. If it didn't get achieved. And you were expecting to feel it and then you don't get that. You can feel like, oh, no, like I didn't. Nobody bought anything. Like what do I do? Like, do I just start again? And you question yourself and you question everything. But if you can tell yourself, this is just all research, this is all a, what if experiment? This is all for me to improve my craft. Then then the emotions can start to regulate in a, in an easier way.


Yeah, I love that. It's so true. It's when you can sort of Not attach yourself too much on the emotional part of business, then it does soften into whatever the experience is. And essentially what we're talking about is just the energetics of business here, right? Like, you know, the resources, you know, sort of the logistics, the systems, all of those things to put together. But yet, how do you hold yourselves in the energetics of business and going through launches and it may or may not going the way that you want it. And I love that you just said that. Well, it wasn't a fail because now you have all of this resources that you can, reuse all of this, information from people research that you can collect and sort of pivot. And I think pivoting is such a powerful tool that a lot of people like. A very fixated and they don't do it. In fact, so many of my clients who are quote unquote have, the success stories pivot all the time. They start a one on one mentorship and then they end up going like, actually what my audience needs is an eight week program. And that happens so often. And I think we consume what people are doing online and business thinking. Gosh, it must just be so easy, and actually what's got happening is they're holding the energetics in their business. They holding that hangover that comes with it, with, with business, and then shifting as they need to in order to, for both sides to feel, excited and, and kind of fulfilled. Because that's, that's the only reason you may feel a type of way. I, I think,


Yeah. Yeah. And. Everything that you can utilize from what you've gained from the people who said why they didn't buy the people that gave you feedback. Then, like you said, you can pivot, then you can make little tweaks. Maybe they don't need a live eight week course. Maybe they want it all packaged within a DIY. They can, they just want to watch all the videos. And actually that's going to create less work for you in the longterm because. You don't have to show up because sometimes I've had clients say, well, How is it going to be as impactful if I, if I'm not there live. And I said to a client once, will. Is a movie impactful. For you, does that not make you cry? Did you not tell me that that has made you cry before? Because gotten off a movie and. Has that not been impactful for you? So after I told her that she was like, oh yeah, okay. So, yeah, it's not as if it can't be as impactful, if you tweak it the way that you thought you needed to deliver it. So you might want to. Make those tweaks and not be so attached to having to have it a certain way. In order to, I don't know. Charge a certain amount. Maybe you think you can only charge a certain amount if you have it at. As a live course, for example. And, maybe you think you can't charge the same amount, but you've really got to just make it. Into. What it is for those people. So you are being of service to those people, and it's not about you. So, you can remove yourself a little bit from the equation, this is about you helping people being of service to people. Then you can start to say, okay, how can I help these people and not focus so much in, in, on yourself and move yourself through that period of. Of the hangover of what happens when nobody bought and what happens. I'm in this weird space now, what do I do? So, yeah, go and look back at everything. And see what you can learn.


Yeah. I love it. So it's so perfect. And in fact, I've got a bit of a, I guess, scenario with, with me with at the side of the year when I was doing a lot of, well, I did like two masts, a masterclass and a workshop. And, This is my first ever time kind of doing like live teachings. Yeah. And, and it was great. And I loved it. And I was like, okay, as a one, three, you are the same as well. Imagine one of them is the teacher. And so I was like, this is the year that we're going to embody that. And so doing a live workshop and masterclass, it gave me so much hangover afterwards My goodness, and it's not even the work in itself because we know the stuff. It's like the promo. It's like the consistent chatting with people, which I love to do. Obviously we have a podcast. We love to chat, but it's just this like constant energy, energetic output that I didn't notice how much it really took from me until I finished the second one. And I was like, Oh my god, I'm exhausted. Like, I, I said I was going to do this every month but I'm on month three now and I don't know if I can do a third one. And I just, I think there was something in that where A, I had to let go of the expectation that I'm going to do in every, every month of class. And B, Can I use the resources now to read, reuse for other people and, and deliver this to them so that they can, may not be there live, but it's there for them to come back and yeah, use for their business. And I think that's what we mean by, shifting pivoting as well. like once you do have a bit of a, I don't want to say funk, but a bit of a, yeah, like a down, like what's the word, maybe it is a funk afterwards where you just feel really drained. Can you use that to sort of be like, okay, is there something that I can shift in here or reuse or deliver moving forward? Because if I can't do this every month, that's fine. That's so fine. Just shift the expectation a little bit because A, it's great that you're even doing that and you're constantly doing that. So yeah, I feel like for my own experience, I wanted to shake because I feel like sometimes. We can hear our clients do it, but also how do we move through it,


Yeah. And that. Feeling of, I can't do it all again is often comes from like the, I have to do all the parameters, all of the marketing, everything that goes with launching. It's so much comes before the actual product itself. And separating out the marketing and the product itself, the product creating the product itself is a whole. Thing. Right. So you have that, but then you have all the marketing that goes before. So you're gearing up in your, your, all your emotions are going in, you know, gearing up and you're creating and you'll promoting and promoting and promoting. No wonder there is a cliff that you go off the end, once it's done. Oh, he collapsed on the couch and it's. Oh, thank God that's over because it's so much. And it's not that it isn't fun. It's not that it isn't. exciting. It can be very exciting to do, and then you feel this kind of rush, but then sometimes you can feel like for the couple of days afterwards, like, oh, I should get right back into work and you can't, you're trying to force yourself. you're like, no, I've got to keep going. I've got to keep going. I've got to keep going, but there's gotta be a little bit of grace that you have to give yourself off to those moments because you probably packed in more work into the time before. Launching the thing then you did after we didn't need to show up every day producing the same amount of output. Like a robot. every day in, day out, same amount of output. Does it need to be that way? So maybe it's okay. That you plan that into your schedule and you say, okay, I'm going to work really hard for these two weeks. And then I'm going to take a couple of days off.


Yeah. seasons. Absolutely. We are such cyclical beings and I think especially as women in business and we need to honor that so much and you know as we're speaking about like business launches this is the same situation as like if any of our spiritual gurus go to a huge retreat or they go to a Ceremony and it's like whether it's like only three to four hours or it's a three to four day That takes a lot of energetic output again And you've got to give yourself some grace when it comes to afterwards in the integration period and I know we've spoken about that before but there is a bit of a hangover that happens Obviously like anything. I mean if you give too much to anything Where's there's got to be a bit of balance and equilibrium happening and so Yeah. if you guys have ever experienced like a cow ceremony Or a retreat and then you come back and you feel so Like at first you feel really enlightened because all these downloads are coming through and you're like, yes, like, man, I'm just like this enlightened being now. And then you come home to your same routine, same house, same room. And it's a bit of a crash. It's a bit of a like slap in the face, like, oh, everything's still the same, what I mean? And that's that hangover we're talking about. It's sort of like you expect such a different result and energetically, yes, it is different, but physically it just hasn't. Hasn't happened in that timeline yet.


Or maybe you're expecting big shifts because you're like, I've put in all this spiritual work, I've done all work. Like why isn't why my manifestation showing up for me. Why, why hasn't haven't my relationship shifted in a huge way. Like immediately. And we put a bit of pressure there, I think sometimes. And. That. Hangover. I feel like also can come when we come home from travel, you know, when you get home and you just expended all this energy and you've been traveling and you come home and you just collapse.




oh, and people, that's why people, I say I need a holiday for my holiday.


Yep. Yep. Literally.


cause it's the energetic balance, that energetic balance needs to come back to equilibrium and the integration period. I think sometimes we. We neglect the integration period because it's not sexy. And integration period is not really flashy. It's sort of, not really much to look at an integration period, but. It can be so. Needed and necessary to have that period in order for us to. Yeah. There's no better way, way of saying it, but yeah. To integrate. What we have learned and what we've downloaded. And what we have moved through.


Totally. Well, you see this all the time. I mean, we have an abundance of information on our little phones, our little devices at all times of the day and night. And you see this all the time. People read articles upon articles. They listen to podcasts upon podcasts and they don't take the time to, and I'm guilty of this. Of course we all are. I mean, Sometimes you have to obviously know that there is time to integrate and sometimes it's time to do human stuff. But, you see this all the time, people read articles and they're like, have these amazing facts about things. And then Yeah. they might, might remember it for 24 hours or a week. But then, it's just something hasn't clicked within them, that integration period where they haven't really been able to, process and embody that sort of knowledge and therefore they just do the same thing again from the week after, and again, I'm so guilty of this. I'm. have done this many times. Like the 75 hard challenge we've talked about. Like, you know, people are like, yes, I'm going to do the 75 hard challenge. I'm going to be the best person after this week because maybe they think that this is going to be the, the new normal, but it's like, no, you, there's an integration period that needs to happen in order for your little cells and like soul to be that new habits now, you know? Okay.


Yup. Yup. I was thinking about how, you know, when you get sick. It's always at that period where you slowed down enough and your body's like. Okay. Yep. Now now's the time to. To, to allow you to be sick because your body knows. Ah, yes. There's that space. And you don't often leave that space for yourself. And you push and push and push and push. And then the body is like waiting in the wings. And then it happens when you get to the weekend or whatever, or you get home from the holiday and it's like, here you go. And you're like, damn it. I thought I'd gotten around it, but it gets you anyway. So it's going to get you either way.




point, if you don't allow it for yourself. And I just had a quick side story. I remember I had a coach once and she said to me, well, have you ever considered just taking four days off? Your business for yourself. Just, you know, every couple of months. And I was in the most. Just really bad burnout. Period of my business, where I was working these. amount of hours trying to do so much. She said to, she said that to me, it sounded like. I can't do that. Really I can just take four days off. She goes, yeah, you can. And to me, that sounds really crazy now, but at the time it just seemed, wow. I can just do that. I can just take four days off my business. This is like, well, yeah. Isn't that why you have a business, so you can do things like that for yourself, so that can prepare and plans, or maybe when you're planning a launch, you can plan to have the four days off after the launch so that you're not just going straight into deliver the product. you could deliver it in that way. And sometimes we forget that. I just wanted to remind anyone that you can, you forgot.


No, for sure. And actually, it kind of combines with when you were speaking about launches and where we both have had moments of like hangover periods. It's like, I feel like the quicker the normal you can make it by just neutralize it. I'm, I'm going to be off for the next 48 hours after this tremendous amount of work that I did for the last two weeks. The quicker it softens and the quicker you can do it again. If that's what, how you like to work. I know some, we know some people that, Don't like to work launches and I rather do like evergreen or, you know, other sort of ways, then that works for them. But for us, like sometimes we do like the highs and the bit of like a, a period of just. Four days of just calm and chill because that is where inspiration can drop again. That is when we can just, yeah, be human again for a couple of days. So I feel like it really ties in the same sort of energy is what you were speaking about. And maybe back then, like you said. We haven't neutralized the feeling of feeling like burnout or feeling like hangover. And so once we can just neutralize the feeling of like, okay, Yeah. I'm a bit tired the next three days. Cool. Let's make it not mean anything. And then move on.


Yeah. I imagine some re remember like high school biology, when you would like neutralize acids. I was picturing that as you were talking about neutralizing, so it's like when neutralizing the chemicals in our body, I love that. And I also had another potentially controversial opinion about evergreen. So I think people get this idea that evergreen is going to be less work. They just think, oh, just put the product up for sale. It can just sit there and be sold. But I think energetically for me, that is way worse than having a launch and a period. And it's open, closed cart. Product is open for this amount of time. I've closed the cart. So with evergreen, you need to be promoting that constantly. You need to be. Constantly, still talking about it all the time. People can buy it whenever they want, which can be really good. But at the same time, it's still going to require your input. You can't just leave it there and not talk about it. People aren't going to buy it. So I think potentially evergreen gets this kind of misconception that. It's going to be easier for you energetically. Whereas for me, I much prefer the idea of having it open and then close and then the doors shut on that. And I know that that's my period of. Putting all that effort and energy, and then the closed doors are closed. Cool. I can move on to other things I can move on to delivering it, or I can. Move on to something else. And then if I want to open it again in the future, I can, it also works really well, just from a marketing point of view having people. Get off the fence and make that decision because this is your deadline. It's closing now, and then you have to buy it. And then, then I know it's John.


Yeah, yeah, no, I totally agree. I, I mean, I'm sure you've had some clients as well where I've helped systemize that evergreen sprints and repeat process, but it's sort of, you're right. It's still energetic output regardless of whether or not. You have enough content and resource to just rinse and repeat. You still have to promote, you still have to bring it up, and you still have a bit of a strategy around it. So that way, it's still an energetic output. So I totally agree. Yeah, I just think, like you said, it just depends on Your way of working, you either like that close and open cart launch period or not, or you'd like to always promote then the, yeah, so I, I totally hear what you're saying and you're right, I think people do think, oh, it's just another way that I don't have to do more work, but it may be the same amount of work or more, because you may have a launch period and an evergreen that you think is going to sell itself, but actually it's, two outputs now. So I just think people, yeah, they just have to be, and there's no right or wrong. Like we say, there's literally, you can do whatever you want. But it's both an energetic output. So I couldn't agree more.


Yeah. Yeah. I definitely think that you can do it either way. You can definitely just promote and have a course open all the time. If that works for you.




so just, just see what works for you and test it because there's only one way that you're going to know whether something really works for you is to actually go and do it. So if. You're in that position right now where you're thinking. I want to launch this course, but I'm really scared that people aren't going to buy it. Just launch it anyway, because you're going to learn so much about the launch process just by launching, just by writing the emails, making the sales page, setting up your core software, setting up or whatever it is you sell. You could be selling a physical product, but launching it is going to give you so much information. And you're going to turn around at the end and say to yourself, Thank God. I do that. And nobody bought, because there's so much, I need to go back and fix, because imagine if you did all of that and you weren't prepared to take on like a hundred new students or something. And they come in, it's a mess. They have a bad experience. That would be much more of a nightmare to me, then me launching and nobody buying. And then me learning everything there is to learn about. What it is I'm doing so that they have that smooth, smooth process. And then. I'm because I'm aware that I'm doing that for that knowledge, the hangover portion. Isn't going to be as. Deep or as it's not going to be as much of a struggle.


I do. I do agree. But I also feel like because I'm definitely was one of those girlies that didn't do the launches either because I didn't want it to look like I was a bad business owner. If I send out the wrong email, if I send out the wrong this or that. So. Definitely, if there were times or you'll find times that you do launch and a few by and you said accidentally sent the wrong email, honestly, it's fine. Most of the time they don't care as long as you can just pick up on it or, let them know, oops, my mistake. It's so fun because I, I totally hear you, but I also feel like, yeah, I've definitely been one of those that like, Did not move into where I wanted to go for a whole year because I was just so worried of and that's just Perfectness perfectionist coming out in that moment. You know, I mean, it's just like so


that's what I'm agreeing with. I would rather have like two or three people sign up and may have a little arrows and then that's fine. But imagine if a hundred people signed up and then I'm dealing with all of these, like logging errors and all these things, I haven't worked out. The stress on me so much higher. Than if I just had a few people. So sometimes people they say to themselves like, oh, I wish I had had, like, I want a$50,000 launch. I want a hundred thousand dollar launch. I'm like, yeah. But. You haven't worked out all those little kinks yet. You don't really want it to be that big. Just start just launch it now. Just like just launch it without feeling like. You have it all together. So, yeah.


No, for sure. Totally. Totally. And even that, like, I remember there was when I'm in a few newsletters with, hire and business or coaches or whatever. And I even remember getting newsletter emails where they're like, oops, wrong link. And they're like, resend one. And it's, and again, I'm sure they have plenty of plenty of people on their newsletter. So, I just think that like, let's just, Let's just be graceful with us on our launches and our hangover moments. We're freaking humans. We're not a robot. And it is so fine. None of the times people do not care. And yeah. It's such a normal, like you said, it's a normal evolution in your business to figure out the nitty gritties.


I had a business owner once she was in one of my Facebook business groups. And she was saying help. I sent out an email to her like 3000 subscribers or something with. It was just blank and the link was wrong. And she said she got, I don't know, 20, 30 unsubscribes from that. And everybody. Yeah. And everybody is saying to her, like, Seriously, don't worry about it. Those people weren't going to buy from you anyway. So the people that stuck around and they were all saying they got it too. So don't worry about it. And so if you're, if you've done a really big mistake, like that just don't worry because the people that were. The unsubscribed. Weren't going to buy from you in the first place.


Absolutely. And actually, that's another sort of thing that we can talk about is like cutting energetic calls with business owners or people in your email list in your Instagram that you just know, may give you leaky energy. They actually have no intentions to be here, but they may be judging you or sending bad vibes towards you. And I just think that that's like something that It's not talked about and we should definitely bring it to the table because that happens so much. Like, as we know, any social media thing is again, another energetic output. So of course, it's going to be people that unfortunately aren't very of light and they are sending bad vibes and we have to just like how we protect our, aura and our energy. From, from our human self. We got to do the same with our business, truly. I think that there's something that isn't, Yeah. like I said, spoken about enough.


So I have a client who is currently creating a meditation on pulling back in your energetic tethers. And when she was telling me about this, this is going to be a freebie that she's going to put out. So I'll put the link in the show notes when she's done. But when she said that, I thought, oh yes, because it's not always just the cord cutting. It's the little filaments that we need to pull back in every day, these energetic little filaments that we need to pull back into our energy every day. So that because of what has been going out is creating this, this entanglement. And money spending money on certain things can be creating these entanglements too. So we have to be very wary where energy is going and where our money is going. So, yeah, that's just my little, little piece about that. So if you want that to meditation, I'll link it. When she's finished recording it in the show notes. If you want to learn how to pull those tethers back in.


Also, if this is something that you want, I mean, just send us an email as well, because Yeah. maybe it gets released, I don't know, a little bit later, and we forget about it, I don't know, so let's definitely just email us on our website so that we are reminded, because, you know.


Yes. Yes. Email is hello. and yeah, we'll get your email there. We would love to hear from you.


If you are experiencing this, you were experiencing this for the last, like this whole year and it's like, end of April or whenever this comes out it's okay. Like give yourself grace. We are not supposed to be in the summer season, in the season of constantly, bringing things out, having all of these new things happening in our lives, like it's okay. to have a bit of a hangover period and just see what you can do in this moment, in this time that will give you a bit of more ease into the next season that you wanna step into. So that's just what I wanna kind of finish it on.


You've given such a compassionate viewing today on everything, which I love. And I definitely need that because sometimes the mentoring that I give to my clients is not always, it's a bit can be very like from, And it's not always like. Like come across as the most compassionate. So I love that. I love how compassionate that was. So I hope you all feel really supported from that. And if you're going through a similar purge a similar hangover, a spiritual hangover or a hangover from anything. Send us a message. We'd love to hear how that came about for you and how it's making you feel. And yeah.


Yeah. Absolutely. And listen, I'm not always like this. Let's just be clear. I mean, I, I do have a Virgo son after all. So we are the most inner critic as possible. But yeah, no, I just, why, why stress? Why stress? It's all good. We move forward. I mean, I feel. like next week I'm probably going to be like, Oh, Stacey. And then you'll be the compassionate one. Let's be real.


No, I love it. I love it.


Thanks for listening. And yeah, speak to you soon. Bye.