Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Frequency Vortexes - Harnessing the Power of Gratitude for Manifestation

June 05, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 45
Frequency Vortexes - Harnessing the Power of Gratitude for Manifestation
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Frequency Vortexes - Harnessing the Power of Gratitude for Manifestation
Jun 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 45
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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In this episode, we dive deep into the power of gratitude and appreciation, exploring how these practices can elevate our lives and align us with abundance. We share personal stories and insights into remaining in a higher frequency even when everything feels hard. 

Gratitude isn't just a trendy topic, but a powerful tool for manifestation and overall well-being. By shifting our focus to the things we often take for granted, we can tap into a deeper sense of appreciation for life's simplest pleasures.

We share practical tips for cultivating gratitude, including daily practices like priming and mirror mornings, and reflect on how technology has made us more disconnected from the magic of everyday miracles.

Join us as we uncover the beauty in life's ordinary moments and discover how gratitude can transform our perception and experience of reality.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

In this episode, we dive deep into the power of gratitude and appreciation, exploring how these practices can elevate our lives and align us with abundance. We share personal stories and insights into remaining in a higher frequency even when everything feels hard. 

Gratitude isn't just a trendy topic, but a powerful tool for manifestation and overall well-being. By shifting our focus to the things we often take for granted, we can tap into a deeper sense of appreciation for life's simplest pleasures.

We share practical tips for cultivating gratitude, including daily practices like priming and mirror mornings, and reflect on how technology has made us more disconnected from the magic of everyday miracles.

Join us as we uncover the beauty in life's ordinary moments and discover how gratitude can transform our perception and experience of reality.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


And then, what baffles me the most is when people are like, energy isn't real. It's like, really? Look at Bluetooth.


they're in that. Frequency of negativity. That's going to emanate around all the people around them, and it's going to create this feedback loop and the feedback loop is going to come right back on to them


Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of trusting the universe and shit as always it is me and Stacy here today


Hello. Nice to have you.


Today I wanted to talk about gratitude and appreciation and also how sometimes we get a little bit of like signs or moments in life and it just reminds you that We are really at our prime time. We're not going to get any younger than this. And yeah, we want to just talk about that and, and, you know, share our stories and our kind of practices that we do to always be in that higher frequency. Even when life feels hard.


Yeah. Yeah. I think that. Sometimes we get those little reminders. Don't wait, because I feel like I need to be reminded. To be grateful for certain things. I need to be. Grateful for things that I've taken for granted. And. I'll do these, these little exercises on myself sometimes just to remind myself. So yeah, we're going to get into a little bit of that and. Like how to remain in the frequency of. The frequency, vibration of gratitude and how that can actually help you. With other parts of your life. You know, manifesting it can help with. You know, feeling abundant, it can help with so many things. And I think, you know, people do talk about gratitude, but it's like, okay, but why, why do I, why do I need to care about it? So, yeah, we're going to dive into that today.


I love it. I can't wait to hear your tools and your practices. And the reason we all started talking about this is because a bit of a story time. This morning I went to the city and You know, if you know, Melbourne, it's very chaotic with all the trams and tram stops and people, and I don't, I don't tend to drive in the city very much cause it's confusing and stressful and all the things. But I drove through the city and there was all of these trams. It was like at least four of them, just all kind of. sporadically parked I'd say and stopped and there was just people everywhere and I just knew that maybe there was a collision or maybe they just all of a sudden didn't work whatever but I was just at the pedestrian waiting for all of these people to constantly cross so while I was doing that this little old lady she was so cute had a little accent I'm assuming she's like she's definitely ethnic I'm not sure from where but she tapped it on my window and she was like You know, asking, wanted to ask me something and I hate to admit this, but I was definitely hesitant. I was like, who's this lady tapping on my window


would have shot myself.




I be like, get away from me. Get ready for my call.


Literally, and mind you, she's like five foot, like, what is this old lady going to do? But literally I was like no, thank you. But obviously I turned down my window a little bit, just slightly. And I'm like, hello, yes. And she was just asking for help. She was like, listen, Not listen, but she was like, excuse me, can you help me? Need to get to the other side of the city, like down the street, but the tram's not working. I've got a really bad knee. I think it was like another two kilometers that she had to walk. And not asking to take me to this exact location. She was just like, I just need. To get on the tram that goes when it ago, so she was so polite and of course for a minute. I, I like was like, okay, doesn't, doesn't look like she's the type that has a knife in her purse


Yeah, assess the danger level.


Yeah, yeah. So I was like, Oh, of course, of course, come through. And she, you know, sat, put a seat belt on and. On the drive there, she was just constantly, you know, thanking me saying, God bless you. And, you know, God gave me you to help me and just these little, little moments. And I was just like, and then she was telling me about her life and how her husband died. Passed away two years ago and how she's trying to find a specialist for her teeth because they, I don't know, something's wrong with them and she doesn't have private health anymore because of her just, you know, old lady conversations telling their whole life story. Kind of what we do on these podcasts. And so it was just like a reminder once I dropped her off. I was like, thank you. Thank you. God source, whatever your truth is to remind me to be present because all of today I was just rushing and thinking of all the things I got to do and have my to do list in my mind and not having a moment to just be thankful or grateful that I get to rush that I get to do these things and that I get to, you know plan for things that's really exciting in life. And yeah, I, I just, it was a really good reminder to be grateful and present.


Yeah, that you have a car that you had the time to do it, that you could speak, that you could hear, that you had ears, that you could hear what she was saying. That you could speak the language that she was speaking that. That you understood her that there's just so many things that could, that you could be grateful for in that situation. And it's so beautiful that you helped her because. For me, I'm kind of like God now with, you know, like scam is, or people out. You know, trying to just do, I don't know. Do dodgy shit. And yeah. And. Like I'll definitely have my guard up, but then yeah, you look at her and ya. Assessing danger level, assessing danger level. It's like, okay, she's little. I can take her.


Literally, literally. Yeah. No, it was good. It was a good reminder. Even after I, like, I dropped her off. I literally was like. Shit, I just should have dropped her off at a freer location But she was one of those type of women that like you could tell that she never used to take shit You know what I mean? Like she's like obviously at an age now where she's a little bit more fragile and but you can tell that she's like no drop Me there and you drop her there. You know what I


Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like if you had have insisted, she would have been like, no, no, no, no, no. My puppy was the same as that, like he would ask for just enough for what he needed and then Nope, nothing further.


so funny


further. Like, that's fine. Like he, my, sorry, my poppy would do this thing. He would have like this little system because there was a ledge for him to get into his back room and that's where he would have his coffee. And so he would have this walking. You know, frame with a little seat. And so he had this whole. It's this thing that would happen. To get his cup of tea. Into the other room without spilling it. And I'm like, I'll just take it. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. I have my system. So what he would do, he would get a bowl.


Mm hmm.


And then, so if he was, have like super anything like that, he would have a bowl underneath and then he would put the soup on top of the other bolt and then he would put a ball for his cup of tea. And then he'd put the cup of tea into the bowl and he would put it on his little walking frame and he would like wheel it over the hump and. You know how to spill a little bit, but it's okay. Cause there's a bowl to


This is a ball. Yeah.


a flight. And then he would. You know, I'm standing right there. Like I can just help you. No, no, no, no. It would be this little T. And yeah, I think this sometimes, you know, it's, it's hard to accept help, but the fact that she, she w she was willing to like, even accept a bit of help is really. It's really sweet because she probably has had a really hard life.


Yeah. Oh my gosh. Like, yeah. I mean, who knows when she immigrated here and then her partner dying two years later. Like, you're so true though. Like, it's so funny. I feel like the Older generation is like that. They, they will ask for help to only an extent, extent though, like then for some reason they feel like it's too much to ask and I it hilarious. Like there's a stubbornness about them. Which is funny, but it's maybe just in the nature. And look, I mean, we all have a bit of pride. Like they also, and I'm sure we'll be doing the same. Like we don't want to admit when we're like 80 that, yeah, God, I need more help than usual. So yeah, good on it for the little lady to really reach out her hand. And. I'm glad that I look somewhat, not, somewhat approachable for her to feel comfortable because I'm sure for her in a moment was like, am I really going to get in a stranger's car? Like,


Yeah, that's brave.




you want a man, so that, that would have been helpful for her as well. So I'm sure she wouldn't have knocked on a man's door.


not. And it's, yeah, it's, it's just. Yeah, the stranger danger is a thing and, you know, my partner and I go for walks around the neighborhood all the time and I tell him often, I'm like, I can't go at 9pm by myself here. Like, no way, no way do that. And he's like, really? Like, and like, fair enough, you know, like for men to not realize that we have that sort of wiring system in our brain


Yeah. That's the privilege that they have because they, that's just something that I'm not aware of. And that's something that they can be really grateful for. But also neither reminder to say, Hey, you know how you do this thing that other people can't do as freely as you? Well, we can't. And it's like, oh, And that's something for people to be grateful for. So it's like sometimes we aren't aware of the things that we need to be grateful for because. We take them for granted.




know, they're just there. We have two arms are like, yeah, I'm just used to having two arms all the time.




But I have an uncle. He has one all. So w how hard would it be for you to open a jar with one arm? So I do this thing to myself. Sometimes this is going to sound really weird. But. I'll


weird. Yeah.


I'm preparing food. Try it. It will make you very grateful that you have two odds because it's hard, like trying to open a jar with one arm trying to cut stuff. Cause you just used to having the other hand there. You try and cut some broccoli out with one arm. You try and sit there with a knife and fork. You caught, you caught slicing it's difficult. So yeah, sometimes I have these little practices like that, that help to remind me. To be grateful that I have these things that other people may not have access to.


Yeah. Oh my gosh, I love that. Isn't it funny that sometimes the most mundane, the most simplest things, is actually so easy to tap into gratitude and appreciation? Because We take them for granted, like you said, like we, we just do it. And then we're like, Oh, my life is shit. This isn't going this plan. But it's like, hello, you've got literally two arms that can feed you with no, you know, you've got two ears that you can listen to music with or listen to this podcast or whatever. It's like all of these little things. And I feel like that's. The most easiest and effective way to tap into gratitude every single day is those little things that we take for granted. Like our nervous system, our body is literally supporting us in all aspects. And yet we're like, I'm fat or like, I, I have hairs where I don't want hair or whatever. And it's like, that's so silly. That's so silly. And I think you can tell, I don't know about you, but you can definitely tell when people aren't appreciative of their life and and maybe their figure or how they look or anything because they will constantly speak negatively about themselves or others or judge and it's yucky energy like no one wants to be around that type of person for a long time because as with love fear is also really, you know, what's the word? Affection? No, what's the word I'm trying to say? It's also very like, magnetizing, I want to say. It's not really the word I'm trying to get to, but Me. Like, it's also


I don't know.


Yeah, exactly. One of those. But yeah. You can definitely tell when people aren't in gratitude and it's not really a It's not really a nice place to be in.


Yeah, because they're in that. Frequency of negativity. That's going to emanate around all the people around them, and it's going to create this feedback loop and the feedback loop is going to come right back on to them. And they're going to be like, Oh, all these people were treating me so badly today. So I can know you are emanating that frequency out to people. Maybe you talk to them. In a negative way, maybe you had a standoffish vibe. They could feel that they reflect it back to you because they're like, I'm not dealing with this shit. I deal with hundreds of customers a day, and then you are bringing that NG and don't even bother. So I always find that people that have really negative. Can do that. And they go out into the world and they, and they have this negative experience, but they bringing the negative experience to the world and wondering why is everything so shit. And I think that they're bringing it. And they don't realize that it has to begin. With you with your attitude.


Yeah. Literally, like the saying, as are then so without. It's like, Everything is a reflection of what is happening inside, and we get these nudges from the universe, from God, from Source to be like, hey, listen, this isn't a good place for you to be in, like, change the energy, change the energy, and it's our job to constantly be open to those, to those things. Feedback loops, essentially, and so many, and if you're going to fill it up with constant negativity, constant worry, constant stress, you're not going to be open to receiving those nudges or those signs. And we're not saying, like, gotta be love and light all the time. I mean, right now, Stacey and I, both are, like, constantly stretching our necks


Yeah, well, like, ah,


I mean, to some degrees, it's like, what a blessing that we get to be, like, out on my neck sore, and we can still move it left and right, up and down, you know what I mean? There's people who literally have to move their whole body, their whole backs, to look them.


I just saw a video of a girl she's she, she started off the video by saying, this is the first time I'm leaving my room in a five years. And I was like, oh, Yes, because she's, she'd been bound like. With her physical therapist is finally getting her to walk. Like she hasn't been able to walk. So she hasn't literally left her bedroom in five years.




Ah, and I was in my bedroom. I immediately left my bed dreaming. It's like, wow. I get to leave my bedroom. For pretty freely. And on another note and how we're saying, you know, we've got pain. Yeah. My neck hurts. I have a bit of a headache right now. But what is that pain? That pain is a signal. That's a signal to tell me, Hey. This part of you need some attention.


Mm hmm. Mm


to give that part of the body attention. It's just, it's just a stop sign. It's like, hi. I need attention from you. Because you're ignoring them. You're ignoring it.


Again. Again. Bitch.


yeah. Like, and the body needs those signals. Like we need it to prevent us from getting bad. And your file. So those, those signals are there for a reason and we're just like, oh, so annoying. But yeah.


And we've spoken about this before as well, about like, sometimes we get those signals from the body before a huge thing is going to happen, right? Like, so I know when I'm about to be in burnout or whatever, it manifests as headaches. It manifests as pain in my back. It manifests as fatigue. And so again, that's just my body communicating to me, Hey, listen, you've been really good at like, Working and all the things, let's prioritize nature a little bit. Let's prioritize going to the sauna or you know, giving back to my body, being back to me. Because right now it's all on the head and you know, your feminine is not thriving in this situation right now. And so this isn't, and again, I think it takes time to get to that stage. And it comes back to gratitude. It comes back to taking time to. Build that relationship with your body and your intuition. Because in those moments, that's when the wisdom comes through. And, you know, five, five years ago, when I would hear these things, I'd be like, Oh my God, this is so stupid. But it honestly has improved my life in so many areas because I would, I don't know if you guys have ever dealt with this, but like have patterns constantly repeating and you're like, why am I constantly repeating the same path? Why am I always burning out? It's like, well, actually there were signs, but you just, you know, Well, you didn't choose to ignore it, it's just you didn't even realize there were signs. And so just building that relationship with your body, you'll notice when those signs come up and you'll notice when to shift the pattern.


This is really unconventional, but I just have to show you this quick video, because this is exactly what you're talking about. Like, what am I saying? You know, I was listening to. You know, I had signs, but where we were always like, I didn't see any signs. I didn't see any signs. But they were there. They were there, but we just, maybe we didn't say I saved this to show you. Hang on. Hang on with this. She don't hear half the shit that I tell her, you know? Yeah, because the way you chomp is stupid. If you don't hear. How do you know what. What are you saying?


Oh my god, so true though.


Ah, I just thought that was the perfect example. And maybe I'll put that video in like a clip for the




but. You know, we'll be like, whoa, like, whoa, I need a sign or I need, I need something or I need something to come in and. It'll be there somewhere. There is something, there is something though it will be in the form of pain. It will be in the form of like the burnout. These things are just signals for us. And I think we ignore them a lot.


We do. And isn't it funny, it's just like, Because if you guys watch the video, it looks like these two, like, they'd look like an old married couple, right? But the one's the universe trying to give the signs and so it's just so true like if you've been in a long term relationship It's like you sometimes you're just like shut up like Man, you're really annoying me. Even to like, you know, a friend or a sibling. You're just like, can you just shut up? Like you're talking so much crap. And it's the same to what we do with our bodies. Like how many times we're like, Oh my God, you're just not enough. You're just so annoying. And that doesn't feel good. That doesn't give you


And like you said about like, oh, it's sorry I was talking, I view.


No, you go, you go.


like you were saying, oh, you're too fat. You're growing too much hair. I just, you know, and we're focusing all the, on all the negative things.




Rather than all the things that it, that it can do, it can digest food. Your heart pumps for you. How many times a minute, every day, without you even having to think about it, the blood, the oxygen. The fact that you're breathing. Every minute of every day, without you even having to think about it, everything that you do, the blinking there, your hair is growing. Your cells are shedding renewing. When you sleep, all of this is happening without you having to think about it.




not be grateful for that? If we have nothing else.


Yeah. And that's a perfect way to start if you guys do want to practice these things, is gratitude for the most mundane, smallest things. Because if your life is feeling really, really crappy right now, there's a lot of chaos happening, then having those moments, even just the sun shining, like we've got a beautiful. We've had a beautiful couple of days here in Melbourne and I do priming like every morning like if you know Tony Robbins, then you know, and one of my gratitude, he always asked for three gratitudes and he actually says like do one that is so simple, like do one that is like the sun shining or that you're breathing, you know, and that's a way to just Build that muscle in gratitude and appreciation because it's usually those ones that we take for granted and it's those ones where we quickly criticize or we quickly judge ourselves when that's actually a bad great starting point to tap into gratitude. And in fact, actually, I wanted to mention because I I was doing, like, I was listening to this episode or, I don't know, IG Live or whatever from Gala Darling. If you know her, she's like the tapping EFT queen. And she was, I think this month, she's talking about like body image, confidence, all the things. And she was saying how all it is, is just these boring stories that we tell ourselves. Like, why don't we start telling ourselves these most glamorous stories like we wake up and we're just like damn girl look at your hair and like just start like really loving your body and your you know what you have rather than like once again i have another gray hair once again i've got this or that it's like when you can start reframing those boring stories into really abundant juicy Like stories. Just see how radiant you're gonna be. Like, of course you're gonna start like producing all this radiance.


Yeah, I saw this ticktock trend going around. I think it's called. Mira mornings or miracle mornings where you find a friend and you, you voice note your friend in the present tense. Oh, my God. I'm so happy that you got that house. This is amazing for you. And that's it. Example of priming. So if you don't know what priming is, that's one of the examples. So you're priming your day. You can do this in multiple different ways. It doesn't have to be the mirror morning. It doesn't have to be the sun. It could be something that you've chosen for yourself that helps you to feel that way. And. It reminded me of when you were talking earlier about, okay, well, we've got, you know, headphones, we've got we can hear the music. And, you know, I remember when we used to download music or when I was younger, we would have to get the physical tape and we would have to wait on the radio and the radio would play the song. And for me to record the song, we would have to wait for the song to play. And then we would have to, I'm really showing my age here by the way. But. We would have to press record and wait for the song. And then you would, you would have to like sit there with your finger on the trigger and you would have to wait. And wait and wait, and then you would have to time it perfectly to click it. And sometimes you get a little bit of the host voice in there, but it was fine. It was good enough. And then you would have this one tape. And the same thing would happen with us on Friday nights, who would go to my port force house. And that's my grandma. And we had one. VHS tape with shows on it. That's all we ever had. One that was it. And I knew that off by heart. Every sequence, it was just clips that they've recorded off TV. It was just one tape and now. What do we have? We have a multiple streaming services now. I'm sorry, overwhelmed by the amount of streaming services I have. It is ridiculous. It is so unnecessary and it also feels like there is too much, and it feels like at the same time, this nothing. Sometimes I think. I have. There's nothing to watch. Yes. It's like this litany of choice. It's like the more your choices go up, the harder it is to feel like you can make when they've actually done studies or this in supermarkets where the more choices they give people. The hotter it is for people to make the choice. And this is coming through from my sales training, but the more choices you give people. Yeah, the harder it is for them to make that choice.


And as you were talking about it, it's actually so funny because of course, in those moments where all of that hard work and the stop and starting and yeah, my, I remember like my older, older sisters, they would like burn CDs and stuff and they would give CDs to each other and like all of that hard work and like tedious moments. Of course they were tapped into gratitude more because they knew how much work was going into the weeks of doing all of this in order to get this little present. And now, like you said, we have just ridiculous amount of choices and services and all the things and it makes us so abundant. And yet we are probably the most what's the word? Lacking mindset. Yeah. Unappreciative. Like generation, because of how much is everything is so easy now and convenient. But of course, that's not going to tap us into gratitude because we didn't have to deal with all of that nitty grittiness the whole time.


Yeah, but even though I grew up that way, it doesn't mean I I've. I've totally forget. And I do get frustrated.


Of course,


things don't work sometimes and, you know, Fun fact, that was actually the first business that I ever had, which was to download songs off Limewire. It would take 30 minutes per song. And I would burn them to CDs. And I had this, this like big tower computer, big fat monitor. And I would burn them to CDs. And then, because I was like doing my little drawings and I would kind of copy the artwork. All like draw some kind of drawing on there and people would pay me. Whatever they had, it was like pay as you feel kind of thing. In high school and then I would give them, so they would give me the list of the CD, the songs they wanted. Ah, download them and burn them to a CD and then they would pay me for the CD. And that was like my first step. My first step into entrepreneur. Resume, even though that was illegal. But,


We love a rebel. we've all established that Stacey has the most rebellious shadow ever, you guys, so I'm not surprised at all. I'm not surprised.


Yeah. It didn't feel illegal at the time. It was just like, it was just like, cool. We have two phone lines. Cause I can use the backside to get on the dial up and you know, I would use that, but.


I love that. That's so


But, you know, coming, coming all the way in today, we have Bluetooth. So I haven't, I'm using my Bluetooth. You know, headphones right now. So, but do we have any idea how Bluetooth actually works? I didn't know. Until I was watching this thing and it was saying. Blue trees. Headphones, they connect with light. And the light is in a, in a spectrum that can pass through walls. And, but it's a specific color say it's like pep. All right. So this light will, will. Jump from your headphones to your device and it will jump. Multiple times. And it will turn into each light is a one or a zero. So it will flash between the headphones and I, and the say your iPad, right? And we'll do this, like thousands of times a second. But then people will like, okay, but how, what if somebody else couldn't somebody else just happened to that channel? How does it know that it's connecting to that device? And it was saying, well, it uses a specific channel. But it will jump. Thousands of times a second. To a different channel. And they jump together at the same time. And they were saying, so while somebody could jump in and listen, so it's, it's using this light to jump between the two. But not only that is this jumping thousands of channels. Second in order for you to keep those connected and how frustrated do we get when we like connect? Goddammit. It's doing this infinitely complex. Thing that I actually can't even comprehend it. I'm not even explaining it to the full extent of how complicated it is, because I don't understand it, but, but it's, you know, and how we get frustrated immediately. Or like when people are on the, on a airplane and they're like, this wifi sucks. We never had wifi before. We didn't have wifi for. You know, Forever until, and then we get immediate minute. We get off this wifi sucks.


Yeah. Literally. We're so ungrateful. And then, oh my gosh, yeah, that is just wild. And then, what baffles me the most is when people are like, energy isn't real. It's like, really? Look at Bluetooth. Or like, frequency. That's all woo woo conversation. It's like, really? Well, what's technology? Yeah.


can't see. You know, it's outside of our visible spectrum, but it's it.


Mm hmm, hmm. Oh my god, that, true, I, I didn't even, same, you're right, I had no really idea, I just knew it was like somehow, yeah, the device from




speaker had to be on the same sort of frequency in order to communicate, but that zero and one thing, wild, that's wild, actually.


Yeah. Yeah. So I think that sometimes there'll be. I've really small thing that you can focusing on. If you want to practice. Okay. So let's just pick something on my desk. Let's just say this cup let's just stop there. Okay. So. You know, let's think about the cup. The materials that you use to make the cup, the factory, the people that worked at the factory, the truck drivers that drove the truck to get the cup to the shop. The people who designed the shop, this cup was from Ikea. So, you know, the people that designed. The walkways and the people that were at the store that's served. Me to buy this cup, the cardboard, the people, the tree that came, that was created to make the cardboard, the cup came in the printers that printed the ink that went on the cardboard, the car that I drove there to get the cup. The rubber on the tie is the fuel that was in the car. The, the tests that I did to get by license the You know, the fact that I could walk in and out of the shop with my legs and the list really goes on. And if you look at anything, if you look at a pen, if you look at anything. You start to realize how much actually went into this seemingly. Unimportant thing. Well, this seemingly yeah. It's a cup, whatever. But we really can find gratitude in small things like that.


Yeah, yeah, and you can go as deep as you did, because really what you were doing, you were kind of dissecting the whole process of it and like, not only the ones that touch the cup, but also the companies that able to produce it and have it and, you know, market it and like the list goes on and on and you can go as deep as you want with it. But I guess the moral of the story is that you literally can be grateful for it. and everything. And it's so important to have moments during your day, or at least once a day to tap into that. And the quicker you can do it, the quicker it's going to become a habit, the quicker you'll see blessings in your life, the quicker you'll live a fulfilled life and a loving life, because you have so many things to be grateful for, right? Like it just really goes, yeah. What? As within, so without. So I just, yeah, I really hope that you guys enjoyed this. And if you got any lessons from it, let us know, let us know on our website. Send us an email and yeah,


Yeah. Yeah. If you have any questions, let us know. We'd love to hear from you. And we'll put our website and email in the show notes. So yeah. Thank you so much for listening and I hope this was helpful.


thanks guys. Bye.