Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Trusting the season you're in

June 12, 2024 Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop Season 1 Episode 46
Trusting the season you're in
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Trusting the season you're in
Jun 12, 2024 Season 1 Episode 46
Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

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In this episode of "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t," we delve into the theme of trusting the natural seasons of life and business. 

We discuss the ebb and flow of different seasons, from hustle mode to moments of softness and reflection. Exploring the intersection of spirituality and business, they share personal experiences of navigating these transitions and offer insights into honoring one's current season while trusting in the process. 

Touching on topics like finding balance, embracing change, and resisting the urge to compare yourself to others, we provide valuable reflections and practical tips for you to apply in your own lives. Whether you're in a season of hustle or flow, this episode encourages embracing the journey and trusting in the universe.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

In this episode of "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t," we delve into the theme of trusting the natural seasons of life and business. 

We discuss the ebb and flow of different seasons, from hustle mode to moments of softness and reflection. Exploring the intersection of spirituality and business, they share personal experiences of navigating these transitions and offer insights into honoring one's current season while trusting in the process. 

Touching on topics like finding balance, embracing change, and resisting the urge to compare yourself to others, we provide valuable reflections and practical tips for you to apply in your own lives. Whether you're in a season of hustle or flow, this episode encourages embracing the journey and trusting in the universe.

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


If you cram everything into the week before, you're just doubling up your workload. So is it really a holiday?


I think we just need to be very careful. respectful of our season that we're in, because the more that we're just like shitting on ourselves, it's just, that's such a disempowered state to be in.


Hello. And welcome to episode 46 of trusting the universe and shit. And they, And I are here today to welcome you.


you guys, So good to be back on another episode.


So today we're going to be talking about. Trusting the seasoning ear in. And. Riding the waves of that season. And how this is showing up for us in certain ways and what we're doing about there at all. Not doing about it.


Yeah, because as you guys know, we're all about the feminine energy, the feminine business authority and, and sort of life aspect. And we're definitely Not about, you know, bro marketing or hustle culture. But we want to talk about yeah, the different seasons. And sometimes you do fall in, in a bit of a hustle mode. I'd say, you know, you're more focused on career. You're more focused on growing the business. You're more focused on client work. And then you do have seasons where you might focus on traveling or, I don't know, being in nature or being with family. And so how to know where you're at and how to trust that and honor that is what we want to talk about.


Yep. Yeah. So for me personally, I'll just begin here. I'm in this sort of really strange. Moment where I'm struggling a lot with posting consistently


Mm hmm. Mm


So Instagram is currently my platform of choice. And because I find that most of the people that engage with me are there on Instagram. Right. So. But I got into this period where. I don't know. I just, I feel like now when I post it, just especially if I'm posting carousels, I'm just not really getting the traction that I used to get. And it just became really disheartening because it would take me quite a few hours to make a really good car. So. And, you know, I've put in all this work and I would put it up there and it'd be really good information. And I felt like it was really good. And then. Just like two, three people. Like it. You're like, ah, and you know, I know we're not supposed to be validated by all that external stuff, but it really did feel like I was just talking into the wind. Like, what is this even for? And. Because of the amount of effort that went in, it wasn't really fulfilling me in a way. So I just really pulled back and I haven't really posted on there in a couple of months actually, except for on my stories.


Yeah. And I love that you're opening it up like this because, let's talk about it because I think that so many of us don't want to admit it, like you put in so much effort in these educational, knowledgeable posts and carousels. And then, yeah, there's three people. And you're like, really? And honestly, I'm so glad it's, this isn't about the validation. It isn't about, I mean, it's not a photo of us in a bikini, right? It's not about getting the validation. It is about showing that knowledge, sharing that knowledge, and then hoping that it reaches some People that we can connect with, like, that's truly what it is about. And I feel the same. I have so much resistance lately with it because I too have that. Like we are a service based providers and we just don't. It's getting a bit sort of mundane to be there because there are so much noise. And what's really, I guess, irritating me is people either will blame it on the algorithm or they're like, Oh, your strategy is shit or this and that. But we also aren't for the bro marketing and them, you know, masculine, like gotta post seven days a week sort of energy anyway. So we get told these things and then we're like, okay, but. I don't resonate with that because I never really followed that. And it worked for me up to a period and now it isn't. And so I too feel that too. And I think of course, that's why we're kind of like not ghosting, but we are, but kind of like, Hmm, let's, we'll show up on the podcast. Why not? Because we're actually getting conversations happening there and this is lighting us up in so many ways. Gosh, we are, you know, Interviewing so many beautiful people, and like of course, we are more like, yep, that's my jam than doing a carousel and getting two likes. So, Mm-Hmm.


Yeah, and I feel like there's so much in missing when it comes to short form content. And that's why I love the podcast because we can go in depth with things because. We can skate over so much with short form content. And I just feel like I can't get to the juice. I can't get to the meat of the matter. When it comes to ten second, 15, second, 92nd reels, whatever. It just feels so difficult for me to put any kind of value into something like that. I feel like it's fine if. It just directs to along the piece of content. And that's generally what I recommend to men, to my clients to do. So, you know, to clip stuff from the longer forms, pieces of content, which we'll do with this podcast, when we get around to it. You know, clipping it from the long form. So generally that's what I recommend, you know, create your long form and then clip from there. But when I started trying to just make short-form content on its own, it was pretty impossible. I was like, how am I supposed to condense an idea into this many seconds? It felt. Completely impossible. It also felt like so much a work like I had to learn. I started, I downloaded Divinci, which is a video editing software. It's free. If anyone wants to learn video editing, you know, of course you can edit inside the apps themselves. But I started learning this new tool and I was like, oh, okay. I already have so much knowledge when it comes to the tools that I use. And I'm thinking to myself, I have to learn one more. Like seriously. So a couple of months ago, what I really did was I switched my focus into my email newsletter and the podcast. And that's sort of become my go-to. Now where I email and I must've made, I haven't emailed for a few weeks. Cause. Got locked out of my software, but that's another story for another day, but the, yeah, I feel like that. Is what feels right for me in the moment.'cause I feel like I've moved so much out of the hustle culture that I was even thinking to myself yesterday. How did I ever. Have time. For full-time clients. And creating all this content that I used to create.


Well, you probably didn't have time for other things like moving your body, eating healthy. I mean, I'm probably wrong at some degree because, you know, but there's, we, there was probably other things that had to fall short. And that's sort of another reason we wanted to talk about the seasons in life, because, and especially in business, because we're going to see so much noise on social media about people that are, you know, You know, doing these huge sort of having all these use scalability happening. And then you're in a period where you're resting and rejuvenating or you're traveling. And then you're just like, there has, there is this little voice that happens like, Oh, I'm not doing enough. Or, Oh, my God, like, is that where I should be? And it's like, those moments is actually disempowering you. So if you can just honor and own like we are, like we're both owning and we're honoring. Okay. You know what? Instagram ain't it for us right now. Email marketing and podcasts is that it's doesn't make us lease like less of a business owner showing up, you know, because we're still prioritizing what is lighting us up. And in fact, that's the most magnetic part that you can be in because you need to do things that feel light and, and expansive and people will feel that. Okay. So why make carousels that, yeah, and maybe that was a reason and a sign that we needed. Okay. This isn't really working. Why? Because it's not lighting us up right now. So let us just accept that and maybe in three months time, we'll get back into that moment. But for now, we're, you know, prioritizing other parts. And so, yeah, I think we just need to be very careful. respectful of our season that we're in, because the more that we're just like shitting on ourselves, it's just, that's such a disempowered state to be in.


I actually did need to hear that for real, because I have been hearing in my head. You know, because I've been preparing to go to Japan in a couple of weeks. I have been hearing in my head, like I should be doing more. I should be cramming before I go. But I remember once I heard somebody say, it's not really a holiday. If you cram everything that you would have done in those three weeks, into the three weeks prior.


Mm hmm.


really a holiday. If you cram everything into the week, the weeks before, because you're just doubling up your workload. So is it really a holiday? Or are you just doing your work and working way more than you would? So. I haven't been doing that, actually cramming it Olin and it's felt really strange. And that's why I've been getting this voice. So you should be doing more. But where's that when we ask ourselves where's that voice really coming from, it's just a patent. It's like, from what we've done in the past, and to break through that pattern, I have to ignore that voice. It's telling me. I should be doing more. It's like, no, you're doing the regular amount. And that's okay. And you don't have to do more just so you can afford the holiday that you can afford to have that time off.


Yeah, and you're right. That's all it is. It's because you're breaking your pattern of like grinding so hard that you can then go on this holiday because you're not doing that. Of course you're like mind and body is kind of feeling a bit quote unquote unsafe because it's you're doing something different for once. And you probably, you know, really wanted this to be the case two years ago and now you're actually embodying that So of course your little brain. is trying to keep you safe. Like, Hey, hello. You need to be burnt out right now. You're like, what do


My little brain.




I like that. I'm going to, I'm going to, no, I like the visual of that because I can imagine as like, Hey, little brain, stop telling me, so telling me these negative shit.


Like a little anime brain with Like a little face on it.


Like little arms and legs and like stick figures with the hands on the end. And I'm like, you stay in your place. You remain positive. Okay.


Oh my God. I actually can see that too. But yeah. I, and so for me, I mean, I guess for me, I am very much more client focused. I'm very much more project focus and the marketing side of things isn't there right now, but we were even talking offline of having clients or people come through without having to market. And even though our brain was like, Oh, we really should market more. We really should show up more. Hello, how expensive and awesome is it that people word of mouth is coming around and people are like, Hey, no, I want to work with You And you don't have to, you know, work, hustle your way through to try and get clients like that is so beautiful and the fact that we, like, are starting to get in that position so I think, yeah, and I'm not making it mean anything like that I'm a bad, you know, marketer or that like this is my weakness part in business. It's just like, Okay. in the season that I am right now, I'm kind of like head down, bum up with like client work, projects and all the things. And then maybe the next season is more visibility, more speaking up more about, yeah, posting and growing that part. And it's all perfect. It's all fine.


Yeah. And it's really hard to balance between the client work and the marketing too, when you're being in the business and working on the business




To switch into marketing mode requires a whole different mindset. You're talking about the problems that they have in your converting people and explaining to them what the service is, rather than just doing the service. So much easier just to provide the service. And when people try and switch into marketing as a whole extra skill, you have to learn. And when you're a business owner is something you do have to learn because how else are you supposed to get on a call? And convince somebody that they want to work with you, that you can solve their problem and confidently tell them. I can solve your problem. And. I think a lot of people are very good technicians in business. Like they know how to do the thing. They know how to make the jewelry. They know how to draw the painting. They know how to you know, play the guitar, but they're not good when it comes to the marketing. Peace. So they stay there. So while yeah, you do need to learn that piece eventually, but you also have to. Acknowledge that sometimes. Yeah. Like if you're in your hustle mode, That's fine. And it is a blessing to have people come word of mouth because they are pre-qualified for one. They already have been told that you're good by someone else. They did your job for you. And then you can focus on doing the work and you're earning so many skills that way too. And you're learning so much in your developing so much in that client relationship for the next line. And. Working on your boundaries and all these things. So. I love being in hustle mode sometimes too, because I feel really like, yeah, I'm getting shit done. And look at it like this huge task lists I have mowed through today. And. I've I've done this and done this and done this and done this. And I'll do that in other areas of my life, like yesterday, I was like doing a lot of decluttering and went to the shops and multiple did multiple errands. But to me that never feels like I'm. Doing much, even though I am, but it doesn't feel the same as when I'm in my business doing that.


and that's the thing. It's like, you really have to question, okay, what is feeling quite expansive and easy to do? What's the easiest and lightest thing that I can do right now in my business that's going to move the needle forward. And I think that was a, what a mentor told me once when business really feeling hard and I'm feeling like I'm just trying to climb up this mountain. That's like never ending. And she's like, stop all that. Yeah. Try and stop mimicking everyone's way and do things that's feeling easy and light at the same time. Feel accomplished and feel like you're moving the needle forward. And there's a few questions that reminded me of this post, a story that someone shared, and it's about asking yourself these powerful questions at this time of the year, you know, when now things are like kind of when the new we're really in the new year now, when there's like all of these new energies and stuff and I want to I wanted to share some questions and then pause this episode if you want and then reflect on them and then answer the next one and we'll put them in the show notes too. But there are some like this that go. Number one, what is bringing you great joy right now? Number two, what kind of lights your spirit up? What do you feel inspired to devote your spring energy towards? Now this is Northern Hemisphere, obviously in the Southern Hemisphere it would be your August slash winter energy towards. Number three is do you feel connected with your central energy? And I think this is a really good one because as a, you know, female in business you need to really start prioritizing what things. Bring you that soft sensual side because we can get so worked up in this very masculine Energy in society, so it's really important like the other day when I was sick. I just randomly baked cookies, and it was so Nice because I just needed to do something that a tastes delicious and be gazillion things I wasn't doing because I was sick Do you, and this is some of the other three questions. It's like, do you connect with that side of your central self? How can you connect more deeply with that. part? What parts of yourself do you feel most confident about? And where do you need to boost your self confidence? And then number five is what intentions do you want to plant for the coming weeks and months? What do you hope to grow in your life? And what do you want to harvest in the fall? So those are just some questions, reflective questions.


I just, I felt myself dropping and that was. That was a really beautiful questions. I really liked the one about where is your center?




That's a good question because. It's like all these little filaments are there and you pull them back into your center. It's like where easiest center. And sometimes I do feel like I've completely lost it and I feel like life isn't real. I feel like I'm floating like a floating brain, especially when I've done too much screen time.


Mm hmm.


And I just feel like this floating brain and the brain. The little dude, the little brain in there. He's floating around and. I don't feel connected to my body is probably what's happening there.




You know, because I've only been working out my mind all day. I haven't existed in my 3d physical body. Because I'm just a floating brain. And like you said before, like what was missing for me back when I was probably in hustle mode, all the things that I probably wasn't doing. You're right. Like I, yeah, I wasn't really. Prioritizing other things as much as I should have. Or I not should have, but you know, to keep that in balance and just thinking, I only need to work on my business and push my business forward. It comes above everything else, but this will lead you in. To a trap.'cause you just keep digging the hole and it goes deeper and deeper and deeper. And the. The time it comes for you to call. Try and climb out and go, okay, hang on. I need to like rebalance my life out. It's going to be very difficult because you have to relearn everything rather than on a day to day basis. Having these kind of rituals that you do to. Having these rituals that you do to. Have the balance on a day to day. Basis. So how do you want your day? To play out every day. You know, because you can say to yourself, I'm just going to hustle for a bit. But that can really, that turned into many, many years to me. And so having done that, looking back in hindsight, I really don't think I needed to hustle as hard as I did. To get, cause I was probably hustling on some of the wrong things.


And this is why it's really good to also honor like the seasons because Those rituals that you do. It's going to shift every couple of months, right? Like if you're in the season of really wanting softness and like presence and just like the slow vibe, then honor that do rituals that honor that, you know, do things that take a long bath, have a, you know, beautiful read of a novel, like things that. Honor that slowness that you're really craving. If you're more in the hustle sort of go getter right now, honor that, you know, move your body, go for a run, go, you know, go for swimming or whatever. It's just something that still prioritizes your body, but. brings in the energy for you, that you, your body's, you know, your soul's really ready to be in. So I think that's sort of really important to create those rituals rituals around the season that you're in. If it's with business and you're really, really wanting to just honor where your clients are and all that. It's like, cool. Let me. Make sure that I am prioritizing my health and wellness because that also is very expansive and prioritize all of the projects and clients that are coming in while I figure out the marketing side of it or the visibility because once you can just honor that everything else kind of starts to fall into place or you notice okay three months later oh wow okay am I really ready to show up again and post things. and talk about this and learn lessons that I've learned and blah blah blah


Yeah. And I would say, where are you feeling resistance? And I'm going to call myself out here because I'm feeling resistance. To learn a new program and to edit videos and to create videos because I haven't done that really before I've posted a lot of carousels and a lot of. You know, V videos to my story, but posting videos that are edited, I haven't done that. And I'm feeling a lot of resistance. And so. I would ask. Where are you feeling? The resistance? What are you resisting and dive right into where you're resisting. And so for me, I've been having a very kind of like living that like soft girl life in a way where lately just quite slow. And I haven't even been at my desk for a couple of days this week. I had a meeting on Tuesday, but. You know, I used to have meetings every day, Vishal and now I don't. And it's, it feels really weird. And. I feel like it's taking a long time to kind of get used to the difference of that than what it was before. And. That starting to feel okay now. And that now I'm really resisting the hustle. Like the opposite of what I used to be. That was, that was my comfort zone, like working 12 hour days. That was my comfort zone. Because it was giving me this feeling like I was chasing this feeling of. Like, oh, I'm getting so much done. It's giving me the fulfillment that I'm looking for, but it was really coming out a bit of a cost of that burnout and the. You know, the. Everything kind of everything else in my life being neglected. So now that I've swung all the other way, I think maybe I need to come back a little bit just into a bit of balance between the two.


And I love that you actually brought this up because there is that transition period, right? There is that period where you are like, you are, you were fully in that one season, and then. The sea, the literal nature's season changes. And then you're also a little bit in that, you know, transition period. And I too find that too. And it's like, okay, how can we prioritize transitioning into that and like we mentioned, it's calling out the resistance that's there, which I can relate to the video editing. We've been wanting to. You know, edit some of these podcast videos too, and bring that. out to light as well. So that's that resistance that I'm facing as well. And It's sort of like, okay, well, what, what are the rituals that we can include every day to fall into that transition fully into the other season? and I think it is just like giving yourself a couple of hours or, you know, whatever in the morning or evening to, you know, take a break. Take 20 minutes to familiarize yourself with the program or familiarize with some thoughts or notes that you wanted to create a post, but just had too much resistance to do with two months later, earlier, sorry. And now you're like ready to kind of have a look at that. And, you know, these little things can be a priority daily to sort of fall into the next season in life. And I love that you mentioned about how you used to be very masculine and like hustle mode. And then now you're like a lot. And the feminine flow because the pendulum swings and it swings all the time. And I can relate to, I used to be so, so in my feminine and just manifesting and just, you know, Zen life and COVID times. And now I falling more into the masculine and I'm really trying to prioritize more of the feminine. It's just the pendulum always swings, but the quicker you can soften into it and just, you know, Accept it, I think is the only way for us to, yeah, accept it and fall and flow and fall in the flow of it.


got the dot on each side. And it's like, I imagine it's like water and it goes around and it moves and shifts and we find ourselves in a natural dance with it. And we have to dance with it and see where it goes. And I'll also say. What is it about this thing that you're resisting? So for me, I think what I'm resisting is that I, from past experience, I know that once I start a project, I'll learn 110% in on it. So I resist it because I know that as soon as I started off, it's going to require a lot of my time and effort and I resist, I resist it because I go, oh, that's like a bit painful. Like to, to do. Like this huge project and you're going to be. You know, it's going to add this many hours every week to your schedule and, you know, there's that part of me, that's like, oh, do I really want to do that right now? Cause I'm traveling in a couple of weeks as well. So yeah, I think also knowing like we're saying is okay, well maybe that's just the current season. Like let it be, and then maybe after I get back, it's going to shift again.


That's the key words in there is let it be. Let it be that. That's all it needs. And that's the thing. It's just letting it. Just accepting it and letting it be and then see how it softens. Because I too, you know, I was catching up with a friend and she's telling me all of this, like, kind of, sort of the energy that you're in, very soft and all the things. And. I was like, I'm more, more in the like, hustle and bustle right now. And for a while I was like, Oh, this isn't good for me. This isn't good for me. But the more that I'm stressing over it not being good, but then still doing it. Like that is such a fight in my body. Like, it's just like these two, like kind of the yin and yang, like fighting at each other, you know, internally. And that's not gonna help at all. Whereas if I, if I can just accept it, let it be, then I can flow through it and have moments. In the day and space in the day to breathe my feminine in and welcome her back, in because right now I have kind of rejected her for a while and I think also that's why a lot of us So if you're in a situation where you just do get sick or do get moments of, you know, being bedridden because we just haven't accepted those moments that want to come through. So, and, and it's also looking at your schedule, you know, if there's weekends where you don't have much going on, amazing. That's the time where you can let those soft side come through, or if you're very much in the soft and you want to you know, shake the energy a little bit, then maybe you can then prioritize that by doing things. activity wise to shake up that energy. Yeah.


it to flow around. Like you're saying, you know, sometimes you can be in hustle mode and sometimes you're not, and just allow it. And the other thing that I'll do is I'll try and ban the word should from my vocabulary, because that's where you get into trouble. I should be. Dada. I should be, you know, if you're in your hustle mode, oh, I should be doing this. If you're in your soft, girly. And you're like, I should be hustling more. But it puts so much pressure on us because we're like, oh shit. You'll you'll, you're saying that the other is more important than the way you are right now. But what's not, what's so bad about where you are right now. Maybe your body really craved it and really needed it. And you really needed to exist in that season.


I couldn't, I couldn't agree more. So wherever you guys are in your season, know that it is perfect and If you're in a transit, kind of in a transition period, that's so fine to just honor where it is and see what you can do to, you know, move into that gracefully. Cause yeah, there's so much noise online. There's so much, you know, comparisonitis, I call it. Comparisonitis happening and it's not healthy for us. And yeah, you're unique and beautiful as you are, honestly. And it's, Sometimes it's all just about what can I learn in these moments? And then what can I, yeah, allow, like you say.


Yeah. And come back to your center. I love that. And. Yeah, I feel like we'll wrap the episode up there. I hope that you enjoyed this episode. And you can reach And if you're an apple podcast, we would love it. If you'd leave us a review, because we would love to hear from you and see that you're a real person and that you're listening to this. Episode. So please do that and yeah, we'll catch you next time.


Yes, please. It would be awesome to yeah. Get a review from you guys, but as always speak to you guys next time. and maybe with a new guest. So yeah, stay tuned for that.