Coffee With....AlgoMe Consulting

21 – Has the wave of changes passed its peak in the Investment Industry?

AlgoMe Consulting Season 1 Episode 21

Some players in the Investment Management industry claim that we have now reached the bottom of the price war between active and passive funds. Others claim that besides more mergers & acquisitions; the renewed trend towards outsourcing of operations; the ongoing launch of ETF’s and other new products and share classes; the move towards wealth management, we may experience a period of more modest changes in the years to come. Has the wave of fundamental changes that has swept the in the industry in the recent years really passed its peak? Can we substantiate this claim, or are there new structural changes that we should prepare to see?

Emanuele Ravano, Chairman, Uni-Global SICAV Funds, Unigestion
Robin Wigglesworth, Global Finance Correspondent, Financial Times

Chris New, AlgoMe Consulting

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