Lady Preacher Podcast

Grace for Getting It Wrong with Rev. Keats Miles Wallace

Rev. Kelsey Beebe

"If we never make the mistake, we never learn from it."
-Rev. Keats Miles Wallace

Many of us struggle with engaging in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts because we are afraid of getting things wrong - that we'll say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, or mess up in some way. We attach our ego to it, thinking that if we get it wrong then we are wrong, or are a bad person. Rev. Keats Miles Wallace (they/them) assures us: the only way to do it is by doing it wrong. Because that's how we learn! In today's episode, hear Keats's encouraging words, offering wisdom and grace for those of us who struggle with perfection and need the reminder that it's okay to not get it right all the time.

About Keats
Rev. Keats Miles-Wallace (they/them) is from South-Central Texas, having grown up on the I-35 corridor north of San Antonio and then settling in Seguin. They attended Texas Lutheran University and attained a Bachelor of Business Administration specializing in Marketing prior to attending Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary for their Master of Divinity. They specialize in preaching, pastoral care, and queer theology. They also serve on the staff of the Southwestern Texas Synod Bishop's Office as the Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity & Communications Coordinator, as well as serving the national church on the On Leave From Call Task Force. Keats and their wife Jessica have studied abroad in England, lived in Berkeley, California and Dublin/Hilliard, Ohio, and now live in Seguin, Texas with their dog and cat.