Inside My Canoehead
Non-apocalyptic evidence-based preparedness education for rational people. Grounded in the principles of personal responsibility and the power of community, the podcast presents achievable ideas on how you can chase your dreams and rock and incredible life, wrapped in a blanket of preparedness.
Your host Jeff, AKA Dr. D is a veteran, author, professor of emergency management and an avid backcountry paddler.
Society is not about to collapse, but the 2020s will be spicy. Adopt a prepared life and live large. Preparedness is a lifestyle, not a stockpile.
Inside My Canoehead
Preparedness: It's No Joke
Evacuate in 5 min, go west and oh, your home is likely to burn down. Are you and your family ready for this notice, are you ready to respond, execute your evacuation plans and does everyone know exactly what they are supposed to do?
Preparedness is your ability to navigate significant disruptions that are beyond your control, you weren't responsible for something happening, but you are most certainly responsible for how you choose to respond.
Whether it is a Cyber incident, ID compromise, injury at work, job loss or any number of possibilities, it is your job to make a family preparedness plan.
It's free, only a time investment and I think you and your family are worth it.