Burning Gotham

Burning Gotham 007: Welcome To Hell Gate

The WallBreakers Season 1 Episode 7


Aaron, Wyndham, Sorina, and Raisa go to John Jacob Astor’s estate, only to find he isn’t receiving. Sorina is angry. Aaron and Wyndham argue about mortgaging their future money on $2 Second National Bank plates.  


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Written By:
Olga Lysenko & James Scully


Eirik Gislason
Alain Laforest
Kacie Laforest
Roland Lane
Nancy Pop
Gustavo Rodriguez
James Scully


The Itinerant Band


Josh Wilcox of Brooklyn Podcasting Studio


Director & Post-Producer:
James Scully


Support Burning Gotham on Patreon

Burning Gotham 007: Welcome To Hell Gate — By Olga Lysenko & James Scully 

C007 — Scene 1: Welcome to Hellgate 

British Female Narrator: 

Jacob Astor, 81 Queen Street, has just imported from London an elegant assortment of Piano Fortes, guitars, violins, German flutes, clarinets, fifes; strings; music books, paper, and every other article in the musical line. He will dispose of all on very low terms, for cash. - The New York Packet May 22nd, 1786. 


Fade in Hone, Astor, Irving laughing 

John Jacob Astor: 

(laughing) That reminds me of a time near the Columbia River. I was out there three days. Snow was everywhere. Suddenly this red-faced injun—a mountain of a man, comes upon me. I stood there not moving. So did he. It felt like years! Suddenly he said, (mocking educated voice) “Would you be willing to trade tobacco for gold?” (Laughing heartily) He spoke English like a school teacher! 


A toast to you Mister Hone. You are beginning to see the light. 

Washington Irving: 

Here! Here! 

SFX of one set of footsteps on wood coming onto mic (3-5 seconds) 

Philip Hone: 

Thank you John, but I really don’t see all— 

John Jacob Astor: 

Nonsense! (Glugs alcohol).
Hans The Butler: (coming onto mic) 

Heir Astor. There’s an Aaron Columbus at the door with an exotic looking woman. SFX 

SFX————— Under Below 


Grandfather Clock ticking (3-5 seconds) 

Hone, Astor, Irving laugh 

SFX of echoing knock at front door some distance away 

SFX of glasses clinking 

Heavy sack being placed on wooden table 

John Jacob Astor: 

(laughing) I almost forgot! Hans The Butler: 

He says you asked him to come here at nine o’clock. He delivers this sack. 


Give the young man this note and send them away. Thank you Hans. 


Hans The Butler: 

Heir Astor wishes to give you zis note. 

SFX of Paper folding 

Aaron Columbus: 

(Reading aloud) “Columbus sailed with no map. Do you like it? Thank you for the gold. Your obedient servant, John Jacob Astor.” (Beat) What does this mean? 

Hans The Butler: 

That Heir Astor shows. He doesn’t tell. (Beat) Heir Astor thanks you for coming and will relay word soon. Guten Nacht. 

SFX of large Wooden door closing 

Sorina Zubov: 

(angry) You men like to play games. Aaron Columbus: 

It’s not a game to me. 

Sorina Zubov: 

Kak mal’chiki (little boys). Aaron Columbus: 

We have to go see Captain Jones. 

SFX of two sets of footsteps on grass 

Writing of paper 

Paper folding (3 seconds) 

One set of male footsteps (we follow the butler) 

Astor + Co’s laughter recedes 

Sound of wooden door being opened 

Sound of light rain 

Sound night owls (7-10 seconds) 

Fade in sound of Raya and Wyndham laughing in a flirtatious way (7-10 seconds) 

Sorina Zubov: 

Do you even have plan? I am here one day— 

Aaron Columbus: 

(Frustrated) Just get in the carriage please. We can talk about it later. Wyndham Bowen: 

What happened? 

Sorina Zubov: 

Wild Utka Chase. 

Aaron Columbus: 

Astor’s playing games. We have to go to see Captain Jones. 

Sorina Zubov: 

Have you ever met him? How many men he have? Do you even have weapon? 

Aaron Columbus: 

I’ll ride up front. Wyndham, Do you have Colt’s gun? 

Wyndham Bowen: 


Sorina Zubov: 


Aaron Columbus: 

Trust me, Wyndham and I are an efficient team. 

Raisa Zubov: 

Good. We like efficient men! Come on sister we have to go. 

Sorina Zubov: 

(Grumbles) You better have plan. 

Aaron Columbus: 

Head south as fast as you can. 


————— Under Below 

Swallow’s Tail Reel—Play first bar and then fade low under dialogue 

SFX of Multiple footsteps climbing on wood 

SFX of Ruffled Fabric 

SFX of Horse Neighs/Winnie 

SFX of Carriage door closing (3-5 seconds) 


Wyndham Bowen: 

This Captain Jones, you ever heard of him? 

Aaron Columbus: 

(As if thinking) Heard of, yes. Know him, no. SFX 

Pause Dialogue — SFX to come through (3 seconds) 

Wyndham Bowen: 

(Agitated) Well?! Do you have a plan or is Sorina right? Aaron Columbus: 

I have to bargain some future revenue. It’s our only collateral. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

How can something be collateral if we don’t have it? How much of the diamond money— 

Aaron Columbus: 

Hopefully no more than ten percent. That still puts us ahead of the curve. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

That’s thirty-thousand dollars! You’ll sell our future money because of Astor? 

Aaron Columbus: 

We have no choice. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

There’s a choice. You just always make the same choice—the one for yourself. 

Aaron Columbus: 

Damnit Wyndham, you think I’ve spent today doing anything for myself? Go read that bible you love so dearly. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

At least the bible offers me hope! (Beat) Or a plan. Unlike the people of this damned city. 

Aaron Columbus: 

(Annoyed) Did you read scripture before you nearly started an election riot last month? (Beat) A riot which cost our savings to clean up. 

Fade in light rain 

Fade in Galloping horses (5 seconds) 

Wyndham Bowen: 

(agitated) What was I to do, allow the low class, uneducated, filthy—oh apologies Aaron— voting white citizens of our great City hang me because Astor wanted to test us? He knew what he was doing by having me wrangle voters. 

Aaron Columbus: 

You were drunk and you killed the son of a doctor! You can’t go around shooting white men without knowing who they are just because they use a slur. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

All you whites look the same to me when you’re drunk and filled with hate. 

Aaron Columbus: 

(Taken aback) Well, (beat) your mistake cost us fifteen thousand dollars to clean up, and if word gets south there’ll be blackbirders looking for you. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

I don’t care about bounty hunters. (Beat) And come to think of it, have I taken a drink since!? Aaron Columbus: 

No you haven’t. (Pause—sighs) You know I side with you— 

Wyndham Bowen: 

Then side with me brother! Rich whites use me because I’m educated. Poor whites hate me because I’m black. Freemen don’t respect me because I’ve never been in chains. I’m not British, French, or American. I’m so sick of hearing you say, (Mocking) “It’s 1835,” as if Halley’s Comet will somehow alter our society! 

Aaron Columbus: 

When are you going to stop using the color of your skin as an excuse? I’m a bastard son and I’ve found my way. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

You’ve found your way because Godmother delivers you to society functions like a boy in a blue bonnet. What money have we made on our own? We always need someone’s help. I’m sick of it. 

Aaron Columbus: 

Do you know anyone who doesn’t need the help of someone? Wyndham Bowen: 

Tell that to the father you can’t stand. At least mine had honor. 

Aaron Columbus: 

Oh be realistic! 

Wyndham Bowen: 


Swallow’s Tail Reel—End 

I am realistic every time I look in the mirror. (Beat) You try to pacify me because you know I’m right. Well I damned sure don’t believe any meaningful change is coming for me. 

Aaron Columbus: 

(Agitated) Do you enjoy being out in the rain? You complained all day and stayed warm and dry while I’ve been running around this godforsaken city because you can’t avoid conflict. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

(Overcome with Emotion) Is that what my father said to you while he died saving your life!? 

Aaron Columbus: 

(Pause - as if suddenly remembering something) No. (Beat) Your father asked me to take care of you and to make sure you kept up with your bible study. (Beat) Two things I have admittedly struggled at. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

(Surprised to hear something he didn’t know) Well (Beat) Damn. You never told me that. Aaron Columbus: 

(Calming down) I’m sorry. I was a child too, remember. Wyndham Bowen: 

(Calming down) I remember. 

Aaron Columbus: 

Wyndham, we’re brothers. I will always be here for you. I just need you to act more cautiously. Help me out. Any blood you or the Countesses spill is on my hands too. I’ve no choice but to be the proxy for everyone. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

My skin is black and you’re the bastard son of a damned treasoner. That’s just your desire for acceptance talking. 

Aaron Columbus: 

Perhaps we’ll never be accepted, each for our own reasons, but money always helps. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

Of that we’re in agreement. 


Pause Dialogue — SFX to come through (3-5 seconds) 

What do we know about Captain Jones? 

Aaron Columbus: 

(Clears throat) He’s middle-aged. Looks much older. Was a British privateer, but rumor is he comes from Yellow Hook. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

Kings County? 

Aaron Columbus: 

Yah, by Fort Hamilton. He runs a trade shop near Dover Street. A cannonball took his foot off in 1812. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

Any idea what he has? 

Aaron Columbus: 

Second National Bank plates. 

Wyndham Bowen: 


Aaron Columbus: 

So I’ve been told. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

Does he know you’re coming? 

Aaron Columbus: 

I’m sure he knows. 

Wyndham Bowen: 

Setup? How many men’s he got? 

Aaron Columbus: 

He’s got a brawny nephew. Rose from The Fat Man’s Ale House keeps him warm. The Captain might be dead drunk. I’ll take Sorina. 

Fade Out all SFX 5 seconds later 

End of Scene 


C007 — Closing Credits 

Announcer: Gabriel Berezin 

You’ve just heard Burning Gotham Chapter Seven: “Welcome To Hell Gate.” Burning Gotham is written by Olga Lysenko and James Scully. 

Featured in the cast were: 

Eirik Gislason Alain Laforest Roland Lane
 Anna Pirogov Nancy Pop Gustavo Rodriguez Matthew Roper and 

James Scully
 Next time on Burning Gotham: Fire, Water, Song, and Dance. Insert Clip From Next Chapter 

Subscribe to Burning Gotham wherever you get your podcasts and at BurningGotham.com. Burning Gotham is directed and post-produced by James Scully. Josh Wilcox of Brooklyn Podcasting Studio is the engineer. This is Gabriel Berezin speaking. 

Now here’s James Scully. 

James Scully 

Thank you!
 Support Burning Gotham for as little as $2 per month at Patreon.com/BurningGotham. Tonight’s music 

comes courtesy of The Itinerant Band. Please find out more at Itinerantband.com.
 New Burning Gotham chapters drop on Sundays and Tuesdays, and episodes of Beyond Burning 

Gotham on the show’s real history drop on Fridays. All this content is available in the same feed. 

So, this is James Scully saying, We make an efficient team. I’ll catch you on the flip side. Thank you very much.