Elevate Your Standards with Derrick Lawter

54. Learning From Rejection

Derrick Lawter Season 1

How many opportunities are missed by capable people simply because they are afraid of rejection?

In reality, there is no reason to fear rejection. Rejection is a sign that we are pushing out of our comfort zone and attempting to add new things to our life or career.

The real damage is done when we avoid opportunities out of fear of being rejected. When we fail to even try, we sell ourselves short on what we could have been. 

You must find a way to use rejection as fuel. Find a way to learn from each rejection and use it to push you forward and improve. When you are rejected, it is a sign that you have something to work on. 

It only takes one "Yes" to change your life. You may have to make your way through thousands of rejections, but the payoff at the end is always worth it. Nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished without struggle. 

I challenge you to stop looking at rejection in a negative light. Instead of running away from it, chase it down and use it to fuel your growth.