Elevate Your Standards with Derrick Lawter

55. Find Your Game and Play It

Derrick Lawter Season 1

Do you have a craft you are on the path to mastering?

Many people bounce back and forth between different games their whole life. They often pick something up for a couple of months, then quickly give it up as soon as the going gets hard. At the first sign of resistance, most people quit.

Because of this attitude, very few ever get to experience the rewards of mastering a craft. When you spend the hard work and discipline to master a skill, you begin to live life on your own terms. You can charge what you want, work when you like, and people will praise your work thinking you are some kind of genius.

Whatever path you are on, it is time that you find your game and play it. Stop dabbling and commit to going full speed. It's not good enough just to be another player in the game. You have to want to be the best. 

I challenge you to focus on something that you want to master. Once you have it, commit to becoming the best in the world at it. The only problem? Not everyone can be the best. And someone reading this post has the same game as you. You know what the means?

You need to work harder.

Full Episode available now on all podcast platforms!

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