Elevate Your Standards with Derrick Lawter

62. Stop Negotiating With Yourself

Derrick Lawter

Do you find yourself negotiating promises you made to yourself? Why do you not give yourself the same respect that you would give your boss or a mentor?

For most people, this happens all the time. We make a promise to ourselves, like eating right or working out, and when the time comes, we talk ourselves out of it. We negotiate with ourselves. However, if you made that same promise to a role model that you knew was watching, you would be much more likely to keep it.

In order to make real progress, you need to turn off the negotiator in your head and start treating yourself with the same respect that you would treat your boss or a mentor. When you say you will do something, it needs to get done!!

In today's episode, we talk about the importance of building trust with yourself that your promises will be kept. Once you have developed that relationship with yourself, achieving any goal becomes so much easier!