Shine at Work®

100 | What We Wish We Knew Earlier In Our Careers

Karen D. Weeks and Dan Carr Season 6 Episode 100

The Shine at Work Podcast has hit 100 episodes!! As a part of our 100th episode special, we are sharing all the things we wish we had known earlier in our careers. Whether there is something you’re struggling with in your career, or you just need a pick-me-up this week, there is some inspiration in this episode for everyone. Plus, we are joined throughout the episode by some of our previous guests and their own words of wisdom that you can implement in your career today! Thank you so much for being a part of the show by tuning in, and we’ll see you in season seven!

Some key takeaways from this episode include:

  • Nobody has all the answers, and everybody is figuring it out as they go! Don’t pretend you know everything. Instead, create trust by being honest about what you do and don’t know, and show tenacity by doing what you can to figure it out.
  • There is no “wrong” career choice, and choosing not to make a career change is still a decision even if it feels passive. Even if you end up in a role that’s totally wrong for you, you will learn valuable things about yourself and what you want.
  • Be the most authentic version of yourself at work. If you portray yourself as an inauthentic version of yourself in a job interview, you will be exhausted trying to keep up with that image instead of just being yourself.

Welcome to the Shine at Work Podcast! On this show, your co-hosts Karen and Dan will shine a light on your job search so you can land a role that lets you flex your strengths and progress your career in an environment you actually look forward to working in each day. From creating a stand-out resume, to confidently negotiating your salary, to finding your footing as a new manager, you can expect to hear actionable advice to help you shine your brightest in your role.

Karen D. Weeks is the CEO and Chief Career Coach of Shine at Work Coaching. She has over twenty years of HR experience, including as CPO at Ordergroove.

Dan Carr is a Shine at Work Career Coach with over a decade of recruiting experience helping high-growth startups expand with top talent.

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