BEing Blunt

Hanging By A Thread

Sean B.

Our democracy has been challenged in the past few years. 

We have also seen serious threats to the very promise of democracy. Most of us are aware that in 2021, over 400 bills restricting access to the vote were proposed in 49 states. As we engaged in our first redistricting process in a decade, politicians gerrymandered district lines to keep power within their own hands rather than the hands of their constituents. And one year ago today, our nation experienced an act of unprecedented domestic terrorism aimed at discrediting the results of a fair and free election. 

Our nation is at a crucial turning point, how we proceed will determine whether our democracy survives. Our system of government is fractured, but the will of the people is strong. We don’t have a reputation for backing down and we will not give up now. Quite the opposite. 

This episode is dedicated to the threat that is upon.   We must continue to fight and continue Being Blunt!!!!


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