Start from Scratch

S2 E9: Texas Scramble Meltdown, Call Outs and Tiger’s new Role

Tristian Griffiths Season 2 Episode 3

We've got a lively discussion from our Texas Scramble game - the golf comp of the year for us. Josh spills the beans on his role as captain, while Liam gives us an honest account of his thoughts on Josh’s performance. We don't shy away from dissecting the good, the bad, and the ugly of our play, so buckle up for some good golf chat.

We're also throwing the spotlight on our golfing ability, especially zoning into the skills of Josh and Liam. Eddie’s ball striking gets a thumbs up from Josh, but it's agreed that his wedge game needs some love. Trist, on the other hand, is applauded for his  great shots, although his consistency could do with a bit of attention. A highlight of the conversation is Liam's eyebrow-raising claim that he averages fewer putts than Josh every round. 

Rounding up, we dive into some peculiar antics on the golf course. Our mate, Sam, has got the talk but does he have the bottle to back it? We pick apart his audacious claims and examine his actual record on the green. Get ready for some intense debate around a potential match between Josh and James Trew in Scotland, as well as a discussion on the AIG Women's Open Championship. 

Speaker 1:

When are you playing James True Scotland? Oh right, okay, so everyone's get it. I need someone to video that. Yeah, it's gonna be behind closed doors. I don't want that. I don't want. It's illegal to video what I'm gonna do to that man Music.

Speaker 1:

Okay, welcome to episode nine of Star From Sketch. So we've got me, liam and Josh. Liam's been on about a four month sabbatical. He's just fresh from Benidorm, actually I don't know where he's been for the other shows, but I know he couldn't make last week for the Texas Scramble preview. We've got the bummer Josh.

Speaker 1:

First thing on the agenda tonight is to touch up on the Texas Scramble. So, as you know, last week was a preview into the biggest event of the year for us. It's me, josh and Eddie and, more often than not, one other person. This year it was YOLO. If you follow us on Twitter, you'll have seen how it went. But now's as good a time as any for you to come in, josh, and I'm just gonna say now, looking at Liam's face, by the way, he's not missed you at all. I'm gonna say that on his bar, I'm not missed him. The episode is gonna be going much smoother and much quicker without him as well. Your ratings have plummeted me. That's why you fucking dragged me back in what needed to provide us a little base.

Speaker 1:

Did you Listen? I don't want to talk about Texas Scramble. No, I'm sure you don't, and I get that as your older brother. I'm actually not gonna give you too much shit for it, but I do think you need to answer for it. I'm gonna say this, though Eddie really wants me to go to town on your golf game and the way you approached it and your mindset, and he basically is unwell so he can't make this episode. But he just wants me to really give you shit, and I'm not gonna, because I don't think it's very good for your morale, but I want you to think it, eddie, can I just? I've obviously been away, missed the build-up, missed the results, missed all the chat about it. Tonight I'm gonna be like any other listener really hearing this for the first time, but my guess is based on just the vibe I'm getting from you.

Speaker 1:

Tristan is he turned up to the Texas Scramble like an absolute renegade and, apart from the tee shot on 18, which I've seen on social media contributed very little? Is that the crux of it? Yeah, I can give you a really brief rundown. Josh said that he was the captain of the team. He was gonna. No, but you told me I was the captain of the team. Yeah, you were giving off this demeanour that you were captain of the team, so I thought I'd give it to him. You also said that you were the reny in a team for the heartburn mate. No, I was the heartburn. It just didn't look like he's still got a heartburn. Yeah, I'm not gonna go there with you because I don't think it's fair. But listen, listen, you give us feedback now.

Speaker 1:

I turned up. I think I turned up too early. You fucking got me there too early for my tee time and there's fucking other nonsense. To be honest, I rocked up and I think I don't know what happened. I think the fact that my first tee shot went poorly and then my first second shot went poorly, but all of yours didn't go too great, so it didn't inspire any confidence in me. I'm not about him, mate. I'm not about him. I'm close. I just want to cut across 65. Yeah, I want to cut across there.

Speaker 1:

Now, two things I've taken from that. One, you're blaming me because I asked you to be there early. Second, you're actually shaming me for my role in it. I'm gonna touch on that, don't worry about that, okay. So what I want you to do is just talk about yourself. I'm shaming you, eddie and the other, okay, and I actually don't appreciate the fact that Eddie's literally sat there and gone. Yeah, gave you all shit. When he's not mild enough to fucking come up on here and tell it to my face. Anyway, he said nothing to me after that round. Absolutely fast, mate. But yeah, my game Went to the drive-in range Wednesday night shanked about 40 balls out of 50, played in mixed doubles on a Thursday night, was pure flames, and I mean that I was actually.

Speaker 1:

I mean always pure flames when none of us lads are present. You can ask my partner at the time. You should have named me Leamless, but you asked my partner at the time. I was pure flames. They'd never played me before and they were like why does everyone say your shit? You're actually made it go. Hang on a second. I don't know why. I actually do know why you want them to remain nameless. Was this the mixed pairs? Yes, and they completely knew to golf. Not the point? Yeah, it is the point. So the two golfers that I've seen you in inverted commas play. Well, haven't seen more than a handful of people play golf. 36 points, mate. We got Of 17,. So, and I've never played 17 in my life before now, so that proves the form I was in.

Speaker 1:

And then, come Friday, it just it was awful, wasn't it? It was awful. I'm not gonna have to admit that who had the honour on each field to the change? I know the plan was kept to fairly well. I would say. What I would say is and this isn't me giving you half time is I've never seen you play that badly before, but your head was down, your form was down, your swing was all over the place.

Speaker 1:

You found out yourself that you're 10 degrees into out or something like that is it, or out to win, or fucking whatever the fuck it is. Into out, mate. Big draw, yeah, and you would. Just it was, it was. It was. And again, I'm not doing this to wind you up it was so bad, it was golf that I've never actually seen before. No, it wasn't so bad, it was good, it was just really bad. And then, all through the round, I was like you, fuck me, this guy man, honestly. And I was thinking to myself oh well, I'm just gonna enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

For days I'm out here playing golf on a Friday. Love the Texas scramble, love Open Week, get to have a few beers in the club or something afterwards, just sort of take, take what's walked from it. And the highlight really for you was on the 16th tee. You still have two drives to take, so you needed to be taking, we needed to be taking your tee shot of the last three holes. So we knew, yeah, we knew there, and then that it was done. We would have gone away in the end. Josh went on 16, flew the green and bounced left so we'd have been chipping on. I went and I had about what 10 foot to the pin, yeah, 10 foot to the pin. One of us would have probably sunk that putt. I don't know. We putted like dick Wees All Friday. Yeah, okay, so we, we forego that.

Speaker 1:

We thought, well, we won't take the birdie because we've got to take that tee off. 17th tee only Josh with the club in his hand, that ball I don't know if anyone's ever played ball bay. That ball went into the goals bush, near the tree on the right of 18th. Okay, we should hear that it went about 15 foot, maybe if that it was. And then I thought, oh, fuck me, here we go Down 18. Then it is what it is. So we actually birdied 17.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to tell them how we birdied 17, or shall I? Oh, yeah, we did. You could tell them, well, I'll start off here. Hold on, so you've. You've defed the tee shot. No, no, we didn't take mine. We obviously couldn't take it, so we'd have to take it down. Oh, so he didn't. Yeah, he didn't need at this point, how many drives of Josh had? Well, he had two on the stick that we had to. We had to let the birdie go on 16 to take Josh's Tristan, tristan over complicating it All. Right, lee, I'm going to need two tee shots on 16th tee. They took mine on 16. They were going to hopefully take mine on 17.

Speaker 1:

So I fucked it up. Eddie went down 18. Flayed outright on 18. And Trist stiff to four iron pin. I left about 20 foot and he to be fair, he was the only decent part of the group that day. He had had about five, six lip outs and can get from about 20, 25 foot. And yeah, that was an expected three. Yeah, that was good.

Speaker 1:

So we took the birdie there and we thought, oh well, then no one obviously took a club up to the white tee on 18. I decided I haven't done any video in, but I was like I'm going to take a video of this fucking, come rain or shine. It is with this fucking to this day. I don't know how, but he absolutely ripped this. Drive it honestly. Eddie's got a still of how you hit the ball. Yeah, it's not natural, but somehow that ball through perfectly into the fucking middle of the fairway. It launches right down there Along. Mate, it's just you in a nutshell. In a nutshell, imagine I was dead in the middle, next to the just shyly old bunker. Yeah, imagine, the 18th fairway now is an ass. I was right in the crack, right in the middle, next to the wreck, and, mate, I was right there, and then I dove, shanked my wedge, which wasn't great. I was hoping to get a birdie on my own, but they didn't. We didn't even birdie 18 either, wasn't that day? I wasn't birdie 18 though.

Speaker 1:

Do you want my stats? Yeah, so they're not. They don't have a host of stats for you, because I knew for some reason that you would come and direct something towards me, so I broke it down a little bit Because you were shit. Okay, yeah, that's fair enough. So those stats have you worked out how much each, how many shots each player contributed? No, not not every player, but I knew he'd be coming at me. Okay, so I was totally. I was totally 65. Did you? So?

Speaker 1:

Josh is at 65 attempts to make a contribution. Yes, 65. I made four. No, those shots weren't good shots, were they? They're still four out of the 65. Yeah, yeah, so you probably had four. No, and I made a down on 30. Okay, fair enough, right? So here's what I found out that we had 65 shots in total as a group. Yeah, yeah, and we only won, potted those five, 30 holes. Yeah, but we were on the green for every other one. Yeah, so we've taken 31 putts. Yeah, okay, so 65. Take away 31, 34. Yeah, I worked out that I've contributed 10 shots, 10 contributions out of 34. And, as you've pointed out, six of my putts were lipped out, kissed the hole or within one or two revolutions from going in. Yeah, because I was putting them up. So, given that, and the fact that I was 10 out of the 34 and Eddie and your law were something similar, you'll have been left with four or five.

Speaker 1:

So I just want you to tell me if you've got anything to say to me. No, I'm nothing at all. I don't know what. I don't know what. You brought those points up for your argument. You just first. It's not even a thing Like it's like. What is that about? Arguing about how many shots? Listen, mate, the fact is, I'm going to put it out there. You played worse, to your handicap, than I did. No, that's what's the point. Going on, that's ridiculous. That's that's what, liam. You weren't there, mate, so, no, you're just ridiculous. That is ridiculous thing to say. I can, I can tell the way that you played it. I just I can feel, I can feel how you performed. Yeah, well, you weren't there. Mate, take that wet ass haircut out my face as well. Both of you are committing now. Have a go at me. And the fact is, I don't care, it's not going to have a go at you. I could take it, I could take it, I give it, I take it. Yeah, if you've got any.

Speaker 1:

When we got to the clubhouse, you did start to give the team positives and negatives. So do you want to, do you want to quickly summarise what those were for? Oh, yeah, yeah, add these positive words. That guy is the basketball striker I've played with. He strikes an unbelievable ball. I give him that. His negative was I think I said it was his pattern. No, it's his wedges, his wedge game. His wedge game is shocking to someone of that standard.

Speaker 1:

Your positives, trist, were you hit some got. Only I'm you can attest to this Trist hit some good shots. Yeah, well, you're like yeah, that's why he's off five. You know like, yeah, like his eyes when he was hitting them while they were going dead straight out the target. Yeah, that's why he's on. And he would hit some absolutely horrendous shots. I'm like how was he anywhere near five? Do you know what I mean? It doesn't happen often enough. I know that fucking bullshit. Right, that's your positive You're. Those positives are just driving his negatives. Who wants to his I and my positives morale negatives just standard of golf. Yeah, my pattern, even my pattern, was shocking, absolutely shocking.

Speaker 1:

You put are you putting? The putting is the one that didn't you, don't you average 28 puts around, and then you pulled you out to say that that's the tour average. I would give you who averages 28 puts around and you've, you've, you've, you've had the opportunity to prove to Tristian, after putting your cock in the block, saying that you're a better person than me, turned up on on Friday and, as well as you put it, put it like a dick, yeah, it doesn't matter. Three, put it on two, I'll, I will literally give you all the money I've accumulated over my, my working career savings. Yeah, I'll give you them.

Speaker 1:

If you go back and you find me the recording of the episode where I said I average 28. So it's not in a recording, it's all they actually say. It's inadmissible in court. It probably better because I can get it right away. Don't have to go through podcasts. They can get it right away.

Speaker 1:

Well, what do you say? What you do have recorded? No, I've got it on the screen. You want to tell me? No, you have the audacity to say that you average. Your putting average is equal to a PGA tall player, 20 handicap golfer. Yeah, I still better than yours, mate, and I deeply, and he believes me as well. So would you go? I think he was just sympathising with you, mate.

Speaker 1:

No, it was bad. It was bad, but I'm still have loads of faith in my, in my game at the moment. A lot of space that's one thing I envy because I've struggled this season a lot and I am losing faith. I don't want to play on the weekend. I could do with a bit of your mindset. To be honest with you. Here's the proof of anybody wants to see my phone they can see my phone to having the exact look that I'm looking at here. Okay, I will.

Speaker 1:

If one of those episodes gone out or to eat is that people could see how much of a fucking liar you are. Right, let me see you and Liam, it's done, you're on the chat. So you and the arm are in this back and forth, back and forth. And I've said to you you said, because I have less putts than him every round, and I've said that is an astounding statement to make. Yeah, liam pointed at that comment and gave him a laugh because he's in agreement with me. So I've said to you so if you're taking how many putts around on average and to your credit, you've said 30, right, yeah. And I've said to you so your profile as a golfer that you average 73 shots without putts in a gross of 103. Yeah, and you scrape into the low 100 on average because you've got below average PGA Tour putting stats. Do you know what your response was. You responded to that exact comment with full stop, as if to say case closed. I've told you before my issue isn't putting is getting to the green. Once I get to the green, I'm fine. It's two per or one per, never three per. Liam's. The opposite Liam does really well to get to the green, just fucked up on them.

Speaker 1:

Can I talk about someone in particular here? Because the guy has startled me and I understand now why he gets on Jack's nerve so much. Yeah, I'm going to call up Sam Fegan here Now after the text of scramble. We all had a few drinks at the clubhouse. I don't know what the fuck he was drinking, but someone gave him about six pints worth of confidence and told him that he could start to pipe up. Right, he has called, he wants to chat, he wants to match him and Jack me and Eddie Denise is scratch as well, off scratch. So me and Eddie basically laughed at him and I said I'm not awesome by any means, but I'm not by you and Jack, yeah, and also I genuinely reckon that if it was Jack and Sam the Eddie, that Eddie would have them by himself.

Speaker 1:

Sam, for some reason, was sat about a meter and a half away and he kept digging in, kept going, kept going, kept going. And I think that he woke up the next day and thought, fuck, what was I talking last night? Because I've spoken a lot of shit in my life and that might be the pinnacle of that, I think. I think Sam, just like the rest of us I'm going to test this are sick and tired of the unhealthy obsession you've got with Eddie and the clear sexual energy infrastructure that has seen you both. But having said that, the guy is an absolute weapon. He really is Like. Honestly, I've never met anyone quite like him. The guy ranks, I'd say, second behind James, true, in terms of people I'd love to smash in the golf course Like he comes out with some outrageous statements Mate, you've got an absolute. Never I've got a neck on you. Thank you To go away from Sam the way you are. Oh, I thought you were actually talking about my neck there. Yeah, well, do you know what? He deserves it? Because, unlike me, he can't back up what he's saying, but he has come down to single fingers. So, fuck, you're going all about. Well, ask him.

Speaker 1:

All right, sam and Jack, the picture for the viewers Jack and Sam have got. They're of the similar handicap. I think there's one or two shots in it, two shots in it. Sam thinks he can smash Jack in single match play every time. Do you know what? Do you know what we found out? The record was between Jack and Sam. What? 11 and 0. Sam Liam's got loads of videos of Jack and Sam's matches on his phone that we should probably try and circulate at some point.

Speaker 1:

But in the most recent one, jack and Sam went head to head scratch and Jack beat Sam on the 17th, two and one. So then Sam piped up on 18 and said well, that's not fair actually, because I should get two shots. So, jack, you said scratch you and you'll take it back. So he went back to the scores and found out that actually they were level All straight going down 18. Jack, I think Jack hit his drive down one of the knee, hooked it and then put his wedge shot to about 30 foot off the green. Sam went down the middle and put his shot on to about 10, 15, 14, 18. Jack made a 30 foot on Sam.

Speaker 1:

So when I say he's not got a mentality, he really does not have a mentality and I think the person you should have got Jack on tonight to talk about Sam, because that rival, he's a bit unhealthy I'd say, yeah, I don't know about him. More, honestly, he's become an enemy of the podcast. That's what he's become. And when he gives me an idea of date because I know he won't, but I don't see a date or time or anything. I don't even see a text saying when you want to match nothing, I think he's woken up and thought, shit, I've really spouted some nonsense last night. I should just crawl back into my shell. That's what I think he'll do. I don't think you'll get a day off him. You won't Just like Liam, won't just like I won't get a day off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, you've got about 1000 matches. When you playing James, what would you be for what? Yeah, no match, and the four of my men at the moment as well. It'd be scary, you know. When you playing James to Scotland, oh right, okay. So I've got to. I need someone to video that. Yeah, it's going to be behind closed doors. I don't know, I don't want it's it's illegal to video what I'm going to do to that man. It can't be anywhere near social media, all right, okay. So, yeah, enough of something and let's move on. Do you know? Do you know? Do you know, when I have um, I was excited to all these episodes.

Speaker 1:

The one thing you do, I'm sure the listeners of click as you go all right, okay, you notice that there Go back this time you come into the quiz, you go all the debate, you go all right, okay. Episode one All right, okay, I'm telling you, stop. Yes, you're saying like it's a bad thing. It is a bad thing. We don't need all right and okay. You want me to make a choice? Yeah, it's like saying it's very good, nice, all right. Time for the quiz. Okay, time for the quiz, good, okay. So, although you have been found out against a better standard of guests, I will say you're going to challenge in Bill Mendeley? Yes, but I'm going to choose the next item, all right, just thinking about that.

Speaker 1:

So here's a couple of points. We got a şöyle. Well, kevin, okay, I can give you more time yet and I think we do have 10 minutes. No, but he owes it to you. Right, you fall within your eyes. I'll get off him. I'll get off him, okay, alright, okay. Question one how many to the? I'll give the point to the nearest.

Speaker 1:

How many subscribers does Rick Sheehan's YouTube account have? Seven million? Okay, leo, fifteen million, both those guesses are fucking insane. Seven million, I thought I saw him hit seven million Mark, and then fifteen, seven million news me. Alright, okay, let's have another go. No, no, alright, josh, two million, right, because you want another go. Then you've lost the point. Yeah, he has two million six hundred and thirty thousand subscribers, which is insane. He's only on that much now, is he? How much has that just got you, chibab? I don't know. Really, you're the leader of that, aren't you? Yes, three, and I am one of them.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the AIG Women's Open Championship is on this weekend. What venue held it last year? I'm gonna go with Trune. No, go on. I watched it. I knew it was somewhere up there. You sent the closest possible place to Mior, filled it. Yeah, I was. That's pissed me off, right, so I'm not pissed off. Oh, by the way, do you know what the scores were last week? What Nail Nail between Eddie and Josh? You didn't listen, scumbag. I'll give a point to the nearest again.

Speaker 1:

How much is a green fee at Shadow Creek? Shadow Creek, nevada I'll speak of this Nevada. It's gonna set you back around 320 dollars. 425 dollars. Well, because he's closest to the youngest. The point is actually a green. What's a green for? Is Shadow Creek in Las Vegas, nevada? Yeah, shadow Creek's the most expensive green fee in the world. Why, I don't know why, I didn't actually bother to look. Why have you walked it, have you? Josh? I was thinking he would pay a grand to shoot over 100. Well, it's gonna be a ten-quid shot for you. Yeah, it's fucking well expensive. Get loads of balls for that. So one-one then? All right, okay.

Speaker 1:

Question four you know what I'm gonna get out of it? Yeah, I'm just gonna head it out, mate, don't worry. Question four according to 100golfcoursescom, how many of their top ten courses in the UK and Ireland are in Scotland? 50. In the top ten, pleb, oh, pleb. So the top ten are in Ireland and Scotland. Yeah, six, yeah, I should. Just, you can't. He's just gonna go against me, isn't he? Like you might just say five or something or seven. You get to he's 50. I'm gonna go Nate. Okay, you both, nate, nate. Yeah, it's five, and just for a bonus, not a bonus point.

Speaker 1:

But can you tell me what those courses are? Yeah, mulefield Sin Andrews, old Mulefield, sin Andrews, renaissance. No, mulefield Sin Andrews. Yeah, one begins with D, one begins with T and the other is a double word NB, northbarric yeah, that's the Dunbarney. Not Dunbarney, not Troup, troup, no, troup is in Scotland. Yeah, yeah, troup. D, yeah, dunblane, no, nope, it's Dornock, the old Dornock, and the other one is Turnberry. Ah, turnberry. I've never done Dornock before. So no one got the point in that one.

Speaker 1:

What's the score? Josh got the first one, noel got the second one, liam got the first one one and the final? Is this an easy question? No, it's an estimate. So it's all for play for you. Come on, then.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Liam's going to win. Okay, well, does that mean? Does that mean he just owes me two points then? Yeah, probably Estimate, unless you know for sure how many golfers there are on the planet. Oh, good, I'm going to get, yeah, 25 million. Okay, it's got to be more than that. Well, why don't you guess then? Because at this stage, you need to just go 26 million, and if it's more than that, then you win because you're closer than me, which is why I think it's a dumb game. 26 million, fuck off, what is it? Is that your final answers? You know it is. Yeah, liam wins, fuck sake.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to know how much of an estimate it is. Let me give my true estimate. Fucking hell, come on. Because, like he went with 25, and I said it's got to be more than that, I would say it's in the region of 100 million. Okay, josh, I guess 25 million or more on. All right, well, it was incorrect.

Speaker 1:

The statistic I found was 66.6 million, but I'm assuming, without knowing, that that must be members of golf clubs, because you're not going to know anyone who's not a member of a golf club and just plays. So I would say, yeah, it's probably the closest to 100 million. And you and you were offering not a member of a golf club Exactly that's what you said. So I wouldn't be part of the 66 million. Why, hey, are you joking? No, just ignore it. No, it's the genuine truth. Why would you? Why would you not be a golfer? So I'll ask you are you a golfer? You go, yeah, I think you've completely misunderstood what they're saying. You might listen to this back and think I made a mistake. So I'm saying that the statistic they've got is sixty six point six million, but that statistic must have come from members at a golf club, because how would they know about people like me.

Speaker 1:

The debate what's next on the agenda? Okay, jesus, bring Jack back. You guys, just absolutely one. Okay, I look at my parents and I can't believe they gave, they made two absolute weapons in you two, yeah, I've said this before, I'll say it again. I said it to my mother-in-law both I've done. Oh, I didn't stop after me. I Do, you fucking shit. Okay, right, the debate Tiger Woods has joined the PGA tall policy panel.

Speaker 1:

Now that changes. I'm not sure what it changes exactly, because it's not the ins and out, but I know that it now puts the power in the players hands more than it was prior to this. I've heard this evening as well that they had a board meeting, j Monhan's return, and that most of the players, including Rory McIlroy, decided to forego that meeting and didn't actually go. And I don't know what that says about the situation of the PGA tall at the minute. But do we think that it's a good thing or a bad thing for golf that PGA, that Tiger Woods, sorry now sits on that panel? Can you Try and convince anyone, not just me in the world? Yeah, that's how you was being a part of a golf board. It's a bad thing? No, not personally, I can't know Good. So I thought it's you were going. Yeah, I don't know what the question is I make because Tiger Woods, literally, is golf, he's his own board. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, he's his own board, mate. So you say about that? Well, what I would say is, if I had to play devil's advocate, it would be this point We've all loved Tiger Woods for a specific reason, right, as a person.

Speaker 1:

We don't know much about him. So I don't know the shagga, yeah, yeah, I'm just Probably on that point, but I don't know. I'm after. But do we know for sure that he's the right man for the job? You never know. But also, he's not. He's not busy enough either. Maybe someone like Rory would have been a good option, or Ram rock. John Ram just seems to come out and talk sense every single day, but they're busy, they're playing. So I don't know if he's gonna be too much of a focus. Focus, no, I think. No, I don't think it's a matter of busy, I think it's the city with the magnitude.

Speaker 1:

Like, if Tiger Woods came out, went, right, I think golf should be nine holes, I think, most of the golf mill to go. Yeah, yeah, he's right, it should be only nine holes. If John Ram came out and said it, you'd be like Gash and shit, like John Ram's and kind of the same weight as Tiger Woods. What Tiger Woods says goes and at the end, oh show that there's no debate in that. Jay Monahan, he may as well retire if Tiger Woods and policy would Tiger Woods.

Speaker 1:

But Tiger's the only golfer who I would say for the most part he's probably out there a couple of comments here and there, but he's the most impartial when it comes to golf politics. So he's not. He's not gonna go in there and voices opinion because he has an agenda against one or the other, especially all this live golf stuff and whatnot. He's gonna look at it from a genuine what is the best thing for golf. And I know Josh will say well, that's what Rory does, that anyway, and to an extent I agree with you. But he also causes a lot of rift. Yeah, he does. I'm looking to go. Rory's probably at this stage a little bit too outspoken.

Speaker 1:

But Tiger, john Daly's up there. You know, if John Daly said jump, I'd say how are you like? I love that. Blow off the open those two on the policy board to be the boys. John Daly. He'd have like the equivalent of ring girls on every green saying one golfers scored. Who is he? A lot of it class.

Speaker 1:

I remember the quotes not long ago from Ernie Ells where he said something in relation to George J Monahan and said that in his day would never have happened, that the players basically were too strong-willed and that they find difficult to make changes to what they perceived as their talk. And Tiger is of that ilk, isn't he? So, yeah, as you say, josh, you probably could spell the end of J Monahan now. For all we know, in two months he might not be in that position. I think it's a huge statement for golf that Tiger has decided to take that position as well, and he obviously cares about the PGA Tour. Whether that's the investment from PAF working along live or whatever the fuck it looks like no idea, but you know for sure he cares the boys. He wouldn't put himself in that seat. Yeah, I don't think.

Speaker 1:

I think Tiger is deep down more. I don't know if it's because it's his tie to the PGA Tour and what it's done, the platform it gave him to become what he is now, or the fact that he just doesn't like Greg Norman and the idea live, but he's not come out either way. I think he does hate live, more so than he lets out, and that's why he's become what's his role now? Just just a member of the policy board? No, he is an official title is Tiger, which has been named as the sixth player director on the PGA Tour's policy board. The sixth player director? Does that mean that Rory's won? No, rory isn't one of them. No, I don't think so. No, I don't think he's not.

Speaker 1:

We'll see what changes that brings in, isn't it? Because? Guaranteed that'll? I don't even know. They don't even know what's going on with whether they can merge it, do they? No, not yet.

Speaker 1:

No, were you looking for? I've not been keeping tops of it, to be honest with you, even living up in Benidulham. Yeah, yeah, josh, rory Macaroy is one. So that's Patrick Cantley, what? Yeah? Charlie Hoffman, what?

Speaker 1:

Peter Malnatti, webb Simpson, rory Macaroy and Tiger Woods. What do you mean? No wonder. Do you know what actually? Yeah, I'm thinking, wow, do you think it was like being on the school council or something, so you could not be fucked? Do it being a prefect? Yeah, and Cantley would, hands down, would have gone. Yeah, please pick me. Yeah, but that is the Tiger panel. You take Rory and Woods away from there. I probably would prefer live. Imagine that Party tea, Peter Malnatti is he still knocking about? Is he? He's tired or something? Why are you calling party tea? Party ice, yeah, party ice, okay. So it sounds like everyone's in agreement with that debate and everyone's happy that Tiger Woods is now a player director on the PJ Tour, and let's see what comes of that.

Speaker 1:

So we are going to move on to this week. Josh, I hope you've recovered. I know that you have from Texas Scramble, because things don't really stay with you. You don't dwell on them, which is really good, and neither should you really. But fuck me, I'm thinking about it personally. Yeah, there you are. Tell me what you're going to shoot in Champions, and I'm not in there. I'm just going to say how have you qualified? I've got one more comp left. Do you look as good as we can? Do you play it? No, I'm not playing now till the presents bowl mate, which I won last year, so I'm coming back for that. Hopefully that gets me in. Well, let's see if you can defend your title Until next time.

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