LSE London Alumni Talks

Investing in the Workforce of Tomorrow [Podcast]

LSE London Alumni Talks

LSEAAL Future of Work Podcast Series

Investing in the Workforce of Tomorrow - HR investment trends in AI and automation with Devyani Vashapayam (HR Tech Partnership)

In this podcast Devyani talks to us about the impact of COVID 19 on underlying trends in the HR space, working life and wider economy, the challenges and opportunities this presents for managers and employees, what future holds in this regard and her thoughts on key services gaps and opportunities in the market. We hope you enjoy the podcast.

1:12-  Devyani introduces herself and HRTech Partnership, which connects corporates to AI based people tech startups.

2:45 - Coronavirus: Is this remote working mindset here to stay?

5:00 - The biggest management challenges with Covid:

  • Phase 1: Software for collaboration, Virtual Assessments, Interviewing, Onboarding
  • Phase 2 (in a couple months): Restructuring, and jobs going away
  • Phase 3: Intentional planning for effective remote work

8:18 Some technologies that will rise post-covid

  • Current crisis has accelerated the need for systems that facilitate collaboration
  • Robotics and automation will also accelerate, with Ocado’s Andover warehouse having 80% robots.

11:15 “Technology is already there, it’s usage and commerciality is going to increase in pretty exponential fashion now

12:20 The longer term impact on jobs: Some reports on Automation say that in 10 years, up to 50% of jobs could be impacted (not accounting for Covid) .

  • 12:45 An Oil & Gas leader expects 1 in 2 jobs in the US to go away, and 30-40% of international jobs to be impacted
  • 13:13 Retail and Hospitality could have a far bigger impact
  • 13:25 The prospect of “Jobless Recovery” may be optimistic, as quite a few jobs may never come back. 

14:05 - Sector specific example - Recruitment 

  • 14:40 Technology is growing in Facial recognition for interviewing and Virtual Assessment Centres

15:00 Middlemen in the recruitment agencies (research firms, agencies) may be hit by cost cutting

16:11 80% of workers were full time 10 years ago. Today this is 50-60%. Some futurists predicted that in 5 to 10 years it could come down to 30%. 

19:40 Important skills for the future of work include Digital, Human, Creativity, and Physical. Also, AI will create new jobs than are destroyed.

20:02 Before Covid, Capita report: Algorithms and AI would create 133m jobs, but displace 75ml jobs resulting in a net gain requiring a different skill set. 

25:05 Performance Management as a gap in the market

  • One of HR Tech's investee companies - Setting regularly deliverables review, development management and team engagement

27:10 Don’t trap yourself by working with historic data! E.g. Performance review once a year.

28:30 Enabling difficult conversations with employees as a another gap in the market.

28:51 Helping managers empathise with users will be an underserved market need in a big data future

30:33 PWC study says the Transportation, Warehouse, Physical lifting, Manufacturing and routine admin sectors will be impacted in 10 years

31:28 Some countries will be more impacted by others, due to the proportion of job types. The UK is in the middle with a good proportion of service industries. 

32:58 Countries might reinstate a social security safety net and increase worker protection again

34:25 What is the workforce of the future and working life going to look like in the post covid economy? 

34:25 Post-Covid, I would expect smaller organisations, a bigger shift to digital skills, employee flexibility, more innovative organisations.

35:30 Which technology to invest in? 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is created by the London School of Economics Alumni Ass