Theatr Iolo

Owl at Home - The Guest

George Williams Season 1 Episode 1

Following the postponement of our tour of Owl at Home, based on the illustrated children's book by Arnold Lobel, we've created a series of short videos with George Williams, the actor and musician who was due to appear in the show in May 2020.

In a new stream of work entitled George at Home, we'll bring to life the Owl at Home stories for you to enjoy together as a family. Twit-twoo!

Owl at Home will be back on the road in 2021
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Text, art, cover and copy of book from Owl at Home by Arnold Lobel ­
Illustrated By: Arnold Lobel COPYRIGHT (C) 1975 BY ARNOLD LOBEL.
Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers


Yn dilyn gohirio Owl at Home, wedi’i seilio ar y llyfr â darluniau i blant gan Arnold Lobel, rydym wedi creu cyfres o fideos byrion gyda George Williams, yr actor a’r cerddor oedd i fod i ymddangos yn y sioe ym mis Mai 2020.

Mewn ffrwd newydd o waith o’r enw George at Home, byddwn yn bywiogi straeon Owl at Home i chi gael blas arnyn nhw gyda’ch gilydd fel teulu. Ia-hŵ!

Bydd Owl at Home yn ei hôl ar daith yn 2021
Ymgofrestrwch i’n e-newyddlen yn i weld rhagor o ddiweddariadau

Testun, celf, clawr a chopi o lyfr o Owl at Home gan Arnold Lobel
Darluniwyd gan: Arnold Lobel HAWLFRAINT (C) 1975 GAN ARNOLD LOBEL.
Defnyddir gyda chaniatâd HarperCollins Publishers